The billboard (Sept 1910)

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20 Xtie Billboard SEPTEMBER 17, 1910. WANTED-THIS SEASON AND NEXT, FOR ROBINSON'S FAMOUS SHOWS,CIRCU$ AND TRAI NED WILD ANIMALS. BEST EQUIPPED T WENH CAR SHOW IN THE COUNTRY. Circus Performers, male and female; Riders; Sensational Acts of all descriptions; Steward capable of handUng well equipped cook house; Boss Property Man; Tiainmaster; Head Porter; Contracting and Special Agents; Car Managers and BiUposters;- M of all de- scriptions; Good Ring Stock Man; four, six and eight Horse Drivers; Grooms; Candy Butchers; Seatmen; Canvasmen and Ughtmen. Wauited for Side Show:—Bagpiper; Tattooed Man; Strong Musical Act; Impaleing Act; and good Door Talkers. Address as follows: Agents, Billposters and Car Managers, Gfeo. W. Aiken, General Agent; Performers, Ghas. S. Sweeney, Equestrian Director; Musicians, Woody Van, Band Leader; Candy Butchers, E. M. Burke; Animal Men, Cmis. Zeitz; lightmen, Omar Kaidir; and all others to ROBINSON'S FAM0U3 SHOWS. -PERMANENT ADDRESS- Care ERIE PRINTING COMPANY. Erie, Pa. Route:—Sept. 15, Lebanon, Mo.; Sept. 16, Ozark, Mo.; Sept. 17, Greenfield, Mo.; Sept. 19, Lamar, Mo.; Sept. 20, Giraid, Kans.; Sept. 21, Richhill, Mo.; Sept. 22, Faola. Kans.; Sept. 23, Olatbe, Eans. The KING of all Roller Skating Rink Organs AT U BERT Y ELECT RIC THE ATRE Have no top or front. Also Musicians—^two Comets, Slide Trom- bone and Drummer; all doubling orchestra. Violin, Comet and Piano. Address CHAS. LEWIS, 1810 Olive Street, St, Louis, Mo. CAN JOIN ON WIRE. WANTED-LARGE ATTRACTIONS, SIDE SHOWS AND PRIVILEG E MEN OF A LL KINDS. THE COLORED STATE FAIR ASSOCIATION 200 EAST BROAD STREET, RICHMOND. VA. 1^ to 29th, 1910, Inclusive. Dsf and light. Franunent speakers from all over the country will be present. Ex.-Pres. Hoosevelt, Governor Mami, Register U. S. Treasury W. T. Vernon, Booker T. Washington, Henry Lincoln Johnson. Hoiss Racing Daily. Fireworks Every Night. ATTENDANCE, 2S0,000 to 300,000 Apply to GILES B. JACKSON, Director General. COMEDIAN, SOUBRETTE, HEAVY MAN WANTED FOR THE BURROWS a. LESLIE BIG SHOW Week stands under canvas. If you haven't wardrobe and experience do not answer. South all winter. Can place piano player who doubles stage or band; also few musicians willing to ina ke salary reasonable for winter. Pay OTO hotels. Address (mail only) BURROWS & LESLIE, Cairo, III. Wanted for John Robinson's Ten Big Shows SNAKE CHARMER WITH SNAKES Also otber Side Sbow Ifeatnres and Calliope Flarer. Addieas Ali; - COKIiON, as ton. K. C Sept. 14; Hi^ Point; Statearllle, Morganton, AaberlUe,nation, Cbartotte. roote: BmllDs- SallilniT;, Dramatic and Specialty People Wanted—Band Actors, Musicians, Candy Butchers, etc. State venr low- est, xtc.i first letter. Long pleasant season south. Address Cotton Blossom Floating Theatre, Vidalia, La. No Rewind To Paper Music FRANK B. SEAY H'EAVICS' ' MARGARET SPOONER SEAY HEAVIES AND CHARACTERS B^tlt cspeilenced; gooH vardnbe; 1-pIece only; Joint; wire tlekets. ^AKK SEAT, LaHaipe, HI. Send for Catidog and Prices Best SKatIno RlnK Music In the World. NORTH TONAWANDA MUSICAL INSTRUMENT WORKS North Tonawanda, N. Y., U. S. A. THE WONDERFUL FERROTYPE SLEEVE MACHINES Are the BIGGEST MONEY-MAKERS on the Market To-day SUCCESS from the first day tliey were pnt on the market. - - - -• - • - and r and haye been — — _ They are In the lead of any tin-type photo macnlne, and baTS: been, piarcd to be so by men who use them. Those who operate onr maeUnea cam w high as $100 a day at camlvals, fairs, circuses, etc. Our latest Model No. 4 Won- derfnl Ferrotype Machine makes three sizes ot pictures as follows: on platea 2V&x3%, and and 48-Ii button plates. It Is also reveraible for taUns croups, automobiles, carriages, houses, etc. NO OABK ROOM REQUIBBDl NO PBBVIOUS EXPERIENCE NECESSARY! FnU Instructions accompany ench machine, and they are so simple that you can leam the bmdness In 30 seconds. $30.00 wiU buy a No. 4 COMPurTB OtTTKlT, with enonsh supplies to make 600 pictures, (200 ot each size). Our No. 1 Wonderful Ferrotype Ma- chine takes the picture of one person as well as a group on l%j2^ plate. I>rice, $15.00; No. 2, $17.S0; No. 3, $20.00. Supplies for all kinda ot tin-type machines at lowest price s. $5.00 dep osi t req uired on all o rders, balance. C, O. D. Send for our free catalogue. HEW TOBK FEKROXYPE COKPAHT, Sept.' A., INK. Selancey Street, New York, H. T., tT. S. A. . ■■- : : F. S. Wolcott's Mods! Shows Wimt Two Good Door talkers, M. P. Operator, who can Lecture. WILL BUY Films- James Boys, Moonshiners. WANT Five Good Plantation'Performers. Will Place any part or a Complete Colored Band of 6 to 8 pieces for Plant. Show only. Vlite lowest at once. Will ftamlsh tlekets to right parties. Must join at onde. Can pikee BIsh Striker, Ice Cream Cones, Candy Stand, Jap Bowling Alley, Palmist, Knife Back, and otber Clean Cencesslons. No peekaboo stories need answer. Grandpa Shields eome home. Week Sept. 12, iMdngton, N. C; week Sept. 19, Gastonia. Address F. S. WOIXiOTT. Manager. WE'RE NOW HERE, WE'RE GOING, AND WE'RE ON OUR WAY The Wortham and Allen Shows, United -Play the- PEERLESS PROPHETS'CARNIVAL, Wichita, Kas. Oetobar I7th to 22nd WANT three more good shows, two sensational free acts, for a long season south. This show has been out sixteen weeks and played eleven weeks on the streets in the principal cities of IlUnois and Missouri and stul have the good ones to follow.. Want shows to join at once. ROLL TICKETS 'THE BIG TICKET AT THE SMALL PRICE" Your own special ticket, any printins, any oolors, aeotustely numbered, trrmrr roll ■ -^fCESFOR THE BIG ROLL ticket: guaranteed. SPECIAL PI 6.000—S1.26 20,000—S4.60 60,000—< 7.60 10,000— 2.60 26,000— 6.60 100,000—10.00 Prompt ahipment. Cash with th e order. COUPON HCKETS. 6,000-42.60 liS. STOCK nCEETS—SIX CENTS. Get the samples. NATIONAL TICKET CO.. Shsmokin, Psnn. Wanted for Sibson Amu SHOWS and FBIVIUaEB for Trenton, Ohio, Home Coming sod CarroIIton, Kentncky, Btnat Ftlr, week S^t. 26. Both wet towns and on the streets same week. Trenton, Ohio, Is a snhnib of Mlddletown and Hamilton. 80,000 population to draw from; on traction line. Camfllton, Ky., Is only wet town between Cincinnati and XoulsTllle. Long season <8outb) to follow. Also want Vaudeville and Plantation People. Address JAS. H. GIBSON, Trenton, Ohio. fFlte Smith Greater Shows, Defiance, 0. THIS WEEK, CAN PLACE Postal Card Gallery, Piano Player. Free Acts WIRE