The billboard (Sept 1910)

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SEPTEMBER 17, 1910. Xtie Bill board 21 NEWPO R^ QN SKATES Denizens of the Society Capital Interest Themselves in a Pad of Waltzing on Skates—Ex- Champion Skater Passes Away. FITZGERALD'S LETTER. Cbleago, III., Sept. 10.—Newport, B. I., has ■ometblng new tor the ncietj folks, nameir, roller akatlns. . Jotan' Hardy, a profaialonal ■kater o( New York, is teaeblng the women to wait! on roller skates. Mrs. Caalmir d* Dham, Mrs. Lorillard Spencer, Jr., Hn. Uuk L. Bristol, Mrs. Cbas. Belknap, Mrs, Henry Symaa r«br, 'ilrs. 'Hermann Oelrlcbs. < lira. P. W. HoorlKan, Miss ,; JOIla Bocers, Ulsa « Aogiut Hunter, tin. Beciamld 'TasdeAUt. Ifn. ' Vtank T. BTsns and Mrs. Joba - B. DreKl are soma Of tba ones lote[e>ted In the new pastime. BX-CHAHPION 8KATBB IS DEAD. Huch J. UcCormick, ez-champlon speed skat- er of the world, died Angnit 28 tn St. Looli, Uo., after a long illness. UcCormlek drat ap- peared on the ice as a skater In 1883 and after deteatlns many Canadian skaters, went to Mew York, where n« liroke several skating records. In leOO, at Minneapolis, he defeated Axd Paulsen, then champion speed skater of the world. In 1882 be went to Norway to race Btrold Hagen and was defeated. Nothlnc was beard of him after that. He was well known la Canada and has many friends at St, Jobs, K. B. EDGBWATBB: OPBMS BBPT. IS. : Uanager F. K. Beuon, \0t tbe Edgewater Bink, is arranglnc (or tile opening of ttie Nortb Side rink on Sept, IS, and the opening nlgbt will b« made popniar with aereral new stunts to amuse the patrons. LONG TRIP ON ROLLERS. Uax Brody and Abe LeTlne, of Paterion, N. 7., and each about alxteen years old, are mak- ino a aensatlonal eroaa-conntry Joomey—Mew Xork to San Francisco, on skates. The project SPOK ANE, W ASH. All. Thaetras Open and Doing Excel- lent Business. The theatrical season la now In full awing. The Auditorium was the; lint to open Ita doom September 3. with Walker Whiteside In The Melting Pot. the first time seen bei«. The star recelTcd numerous curtain calls and waa ■opponcd by a well-balanced company. The Spokane Theatre opened the aeason on Sep- {fh*!",.*. wKh The Baker Stock Company U My Wife, with FranUyn Underwood and Fran- ces SloEson in the leading parts. An excellent company supported them, lodging from the .applause on the opening.' the company will be a farprite. The oiwning prodnction surpaaaea anything seen here - in stock. A long list of royalty plays will be _prodnced this aeasoa, etnong them many New xork successes. The Orpheum Theatre so far this season has done an enormous business. Headltners for week o( 4 were Rock-Fulton and Maurice Frae- ttan Company.-. . The Washington Theatre is filled to capsie- '^•tevejw performance. Headllner for week of 4, Dan'l J. SnlllTan Co., In Ckptaln Bany. Arlzo&a Joe plays a return engagement at Paatages' week of 4. Jumping from San Fran- cueo here. The act played to one of the record weeks wben last here. .1 -"S Smith, of the act. Three Peaches, who played at the Orpbeum week of Augnit 28.'re• £f'»ed word of the death of bla eight months old baby In OeuTer. Jeim W.^Coosldinei arrlTcd bere Isst week, SBd bsa left with Bany Oicen on a bnutlng tnp. .... George Baker, of Portland, was a visitor here i» StBeBi. the opening of the sto<k company at the Spokane, week or Sept. 4. is an original one and baa created much com' ment. At this' writing the boys are making tracks tbroagb Utah, meetUig witb all sorts •t adrenturea. If ther make the Jotuney within one bunored days, a purse of <jSOO will be theirs. J<Au Jay Toong, one of the moat widely- known skate, makers in the coontry, is spon- soring the trip. He wanted a thoroogh test of the skatea he manufactures, and aome one su—-vsted the method described. Mr. Xonng selected the boys mentioned—who are protnl- nem r Identllled witb the skating ileld—Max Brody only recently set the world's record in a three-mile race. , i Mr. Young baa equipped the boys witb Colt terolrers, wblcb may come In bands when they cross the great American desert. Skaters are watcUng tbe outcome witb great Interest, as It is tbe first attempt of tbe kind ever conceited. John Jay Young Im generally acclaimed one of Kew York's most progressive and enthusi- astic skate makers. He has eonlpped the boys wltd ordinary stock rollers, tbe auto road Aate being, of course, used for rough work. In dlir^nt cities where they give exhibitions the Hy-Orade rink and racing models are worn. A big reception awalta the boys in San Fran- cisco by the varlooa akatlng dolii. ROLLER SKATING POPULAR IN F RANC E. Paris, France, Sept. 1.—In response to popniar French demand, several roller skating rinks have been opened in the cities of LUIe and Tourcoing. •; Tbey have proved successful from a financial atandpolnt, and as a result a com- pany has been formed in Ulle to erect a large rink on the Hue Natlonale to cost 200,000 franca ($38,600). A rink is also to be constrneted in Bonbaiz by private enterprise, and will cost alwut half that anm. Boiler skates of American manufacture are being naed in all the rinks. Carl Walker, biotber of Manager Walker, of the Pantaees', and who was bis assistant, has been promoted to manager of the Pantages house in Portland. Jessie Shirley; who had her tryont In her new act, Tbe Cheat, at the Orphenm, has re- ceived her bookings to oiien on the Orphenm Circuit. Natatorlum Park closed Its sesson on I<sbor Day. The management claim they have bad a very prosperous aeason, and will add many new attractions next year. The Two BUIaVffiiows were hen Labo r Day. and gave two perfiimwnces. K. "AZSIiSON. ■ John Meany, who has managed the Elite The- atre, Bristol, Tenn., for the Jast two sessons, kM gone to Bock HIU, S. C, to manage the Alidoma at ttuf place. 1 Skating Rink Band Organs fimiidi better munc than a baiKl to date byv aiul cut out the heavy expense of murieians. Th^ are designed and bu3t by na (the world's largest monufiictareiB) espeeialfy for tiie link buamess, and lepresent a military brass band of 10 to 30 ineces. The miisic, on cheap, inteichangeatile paper mutne rolls, te and indodious^ in the correct swing time and includes everything new and up-tohdate. ZUT XiEBJISS 'Weekly or montbly paymenta. the aame a« yon would pay oat to mnstelaaa. After a few weeks your mnaie coats yon practically Dothlnr and yon bavo mosle whenever yon want It. FKEB: Om- big. new SS-page eatdog of Antomatle Mualcal Inatmnunta for ail amnaement purposes. We supply the U. S. OavemmeBt with mnsleal Inatnmienta—a guarantee tliat quality and prle* are Tight. THE RUDOLPH WURLITZER CO. NHW YORK CINCINNATI 2S*2TW.S2d UT to m ntortll St. OH I O A O Ol 2IM * 208 Wabaah Aveu * BUY—ROLLER SKATES—SEU All ma kes; also r ink floor powder. AXEBIOAB BIHK SUPPLY 00,, Sandusky, 0. ROLLER RINK FOR SALE Good location, good business. Population city 15,000. Beason for selling, want to go West for wife's beslth. Address F. ic U. CAMP- BEUi, 416 N. 2nd Ave., Alpena, Mich. ORGANS Bought, sold, exchanged and repaired. SOHH XimiO k BOH, 17t Park Bow, Vew YoA Only Skating Bink in town. Can lie converted into theatre. For rent, aale or exchange (or clear land, Olilcago property or what. Coliseum Building, Fond da Iiac, Wis.; 60x180 fMt. Valne, $30,000; inc. $13,fi00. F. h. MIIXBB., TO t-n Salle Street. Chicago. Henley Roller Skates latest Model, Bsll-Beartng Bink Skatea. Used tn majority of all Btnka. Nickel-plated Steel. Ball-Beaxing Cinb Skatea, wttlTFIbre. Sted Combi- nation Alwnlnnm or Boxwood KoUers. Henley Racing Skates TTsed and endorsed by speed skaters everywhere, and are also desirable . for indlvldnal use, where the finest and most " complete skate In tbe market is desired. POLO GOODS and OUTFITS Send for Skate Catalogue, FBBE. Ofllclal Polo Guide lOe. If f* tlCMIEV KICHMOND Professional Roller Skaters' — A SSOCIATIO N —^ Ofsanlaed to give greater prominence to kona-flde Prefeaalonial Ska t ar e th es e wiM> liava a tbdabad act to M(Or Uaoagers seeking BrMMtlon gkatera and to pnnoto roUar ffc^ tfig la general. . , \r ~ Addreea SECY EABLE BBZVOIOS, 14M Broadway, B. Y. City, ear* Tb* BlUteaid. All the Stars of the Skating Wc^ld ABE lEBXBZBB 07 XBE OBSABIZAXIOB. ' H. A. SIMMONS jnent of the art of Patlnage—Superior Artlstle Trick and Figure JtUt Skating—Marv^ons Skating on toy wagons. The only real iinaJBSiQIIB pwCnmer. MAoatea wlU ktndir wilto earlr for bo oking . AddKM. 78 Braad Street. H. Y. aty. Greatest IIv! Skatlng-^AstonisI rAMOX BKATWa WURUTZER BRASS BAND 0RGAN,$600 Cost Sl,300. used four months, good as new. Just the thing for skating rink or ballyhoo for picture house. J. J. RUBENS. Fox ThMtra, Ayronii I TS nr TBSt BBtJiWOA TO, TBOi TUUK SO. The BEST RINK SKATE WE believe it. THOUSANDS OF OTHERS know it:! Qixler a sample pair and be CONVINCED. Write for firee catalogue. We cany a complete line of rink supplies. We supply parts for otl^ makes of skates. CHICAGO ROLLER SKATE CO.» 1123 Washiniitoii Blvd., CHICAGO, ILL.^