The billboard (Sept 1910)

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SEPTEMBER 17, 1910. Xlue Dlllboard 41 S layen of toogh basB-wood, and 2 layers of bard Tul- canlzed flbre weld- ed toffptber under bydraullc preasnre Into one compact, tmsty masa-amaab- pioof Ilgtater than ated and tonsher than rawblde. G & S NEVERBREAK THINKS MAKE GOOD ^ ^ aa ■ IKS' viglsr'^^H ' p— " IN THE GREAT KNOCKABOUT ACT. PLAYING TO 15,000 PROFESSIONALS DAILY S-PLY VENECR a A^ S NEVERBREAK TRUNKS SELL FOR 32ln. 34ln. 36in. 38ln. 40ln. $15,$16,$17,$18an(l$19 AT AL.I. TRUNK DEALERS. WHEN BUYING TRUNKS, INSIST UPON BEING SHOWN THE "G A. S" NEV- ERBREAK TRADE-MARK, SO THAT YOU IMAY BE SURE OF GETTING THE BEST. Send OS, to-day, tbe name of yoor tmnk dealer, and -we will mall. to yon free of ciiarge, an lllastrated catalome aiid' price list, togettaer with a very handy, nnlqne ceUnloId Meverbreak date memo. O * B METERBSEAX XBtntSB wlU stand the acTerest knacks of Bard Boad Work. Bnllt to meet the demands of the theatrical profession in eTery respect. We make tbem exceptionally strong, but not- withstanding their great strength, they are light weight. G & 8 HgV KW'BH'RAiy T&IIKKB are abso- lately gnaranteed by Tbe Traveler's Caanalty Co., of Newark, N. J., and each tmnk con- tains a certlflcate, which Is registered at tbe company's borne office. O ft B NEVXRBSEAK X&UMKS are built by manufacturers who make every sort of trunk In existence. Q It a HEVEBBKEAK XRinXS ue Ur ranged with a top tray that awlnga Into the cover. UBGEBI EXCLPSIVE XBV2)X rAOTOST JM THE wosxn. La GOLDSMITH & SON, 44 Ghorry StNewark, N. pi. 1 BASnNOS—Popnlatlon S.OOO. Opera Hoom; cap. 9X1. it. B. Dick, mgr. 1 LAKB BBMTON—Popolatlon 1.000. Opera Hooaa|^ap. 800. L. W. Nornhneyer. mgr. IXiAKB H.; cap. -PoQlatlm S.BOO. Iiaka City O'. .9Mi._ T._ B. Banlaeli, mgr. 1 UTOBnBU>—Fopniatlon 8,000. Op«a Benas: eap. aoo. H. I. PeteTWn, mgr. 1 UTXIiB FAIXS—Ponnlatloii 7.000. KUo; Hankato; cap. 400. Lodweg it Bmr, ngn. 1 MABHHATJ.—PopnUti<m 3,B00. Opera Hooae; cap. 8S0. A. O. ddttendea. mgr. 1 auSKATO—Popnlatloii IB.OOO. _ cap. 1,200. - 0. H. Orlebel, mgr. . 8 ^qne; eip. 8TB. Mattto L^Moe, mgr. 8 WoBdeHaad: tap. 400. B. B. BUUngiler. ■ mgr. 1 HAraRrON-^opbUtloB 1.100. --i.- — . Opera Bfloae; . cap£_JiO0i. Otto Schweer. mgr. 1 BONTBVniBO — Popalattan 8,3001. Opm , «iS"Si^J?«>v"*; Severena, mgr. 1 NKW UUI-^nlatlan 8,000. TBner; cap. 800. P. W. Johnson, mgr. 1 NEW PBAOCB—Porailation, 1,700. ODera Hooae; cap. 400. J. F. Baita, -mgr. X NOBTHnEt4l>—Poptaatlon 8,000. Andlto- Tlnm: cap. 880. A. K. Wan. mgr. 1 OWATONKA— MetropoUtan; W. P. Qage. J Andltorlnm; P. V. Smenb. mgr. ' ^^F*iS'-i'''B2Jl'*'» Tlbbetta"; cap. 800. O. B. Tlbbetta, mgr. 1 BOCOESTEB—Popnlatlon 10,000. UetropoU- 1 RED WINO—Population 10,000. AnSltortnm: « a.?Jb.*£uJ!r' Seott, mgr. I SAUK OBtPMH—PoimUtlon 9.000. Ormnd O. . can, 000. D. devdand. mmv. ^^m^Oi^b"iL Dot?*' °- I 8Clii,wlTEB^:^«ipaIatloii 'aSky. Aitlltor- . •x^l'SL,'^ ^LaOQ. a. C. Babartaon. mgr. * 2,600. Opera Hooae; cap. ■JWO. J. A. CMk, mgr. 1 WHEATON—jpopolatlon iTtsO. Opera Hoase: 1 WA&SBA—Popnl>Uon^w5.^^sehy O. H.: cap. 400. a O. HlracSyTiiST^ • WniUlAB—Popolatlon 4.S0O. . Will—- " cap. l,aO0L : U C. r. Boribinaaab aaa MISSISSIPPI. 1 ABMOBY—PopoUtlon S.000. Opera BoBBei „ e«l>:_6S0. B. D. Boberta, mgr. 2 BBOOKBATBN—Popolatlon 0,100. Beock'g . „.?«P- TM- Chaa. Beock, mgr. 8 BBOOKBAVBN—New Star; Edward De- uroote, mgr. 1IBIUXI—PcvnlatlOB 9,000. Dokatea; cap. --.'iSSSiv Ahbley. mgr. • OAKTOH — Popalatbn »,900. Theatariua; . ^"^f fc JS**- <»»• Mgrthi, mgr. 1 nLABKSDAU — A»nlatlon 7,000. New Olarkadala; cap. 800. W. S. Wlngtleld. t OnSunCB—Vopolatlin 10,000. Cotomboa; . ^JSSLSP- '•»• Newby, Jr., mgr. 1 OOINMTH—Popnlatlon 8,000. Ooctnth O. B.; . ^& *4wln Bast. aagr. I Omt^^^opolatloa l.IOOi. BaSert; cap. 800. ■. B. DunlsD. mgr. 1 DCB^' mgr. athn 3,600. WUka'a O. 1 OB^NTliLB-ioDSwtton "^000. Oraadt latlen 28,000. Aodlto- . »iS?!t SIP- l-OOO- M. ti. Blxlar, mgr. 1 BOIiLt «nuiNW-P«naatl4a 1600. Opm .JgooM: can. SOO. Ibi. Jamea I«aa. mgr. 1 It^-«op«latli» 1,800. Park Fai%Iga; ear. 800. Puk Amawment Co., mgii. 1 'M^pv-,^gtiaMoa 81,888. Ombny; caff. . it's- ^ Hanhan, mmr. . BOO- B. r. Johnacn, mgr. 1 McCOMP rt ij o Jatloo 8.500. New Opera % m.¥S!SSi 9P> A- Hackett, mgr. 1 UAOON—Population 6,000. New Lycenm: , „*Jfi:,«». 8. J. relhelman. mgr. 1 BtMlNOUA—PopnlaUOB 8,000. Olympla O. , .^.jcap. 600. Sam Wolfe, mgr. 1 HBIUIH^-P^^a^oa 86.000. Opera Booaa; 1 NA^H^-PonnlattoDulSSb.'^kar Graaa: .cap. 1,800. B. I. Nemn, mir. , « e«P- aoo. M.^. dootaan. mgr. I OXPOto—Population 8.000. Opera Hooae; 1 n.SS;.I*e M. Bossell, Bifr. 1 Pn«BK8—Popnlatlon 1,200. Plekena BaU; . _J!!E: Bnford, mgr. 1 POBT OraaoN—Population 8.600. Backett'a; 1 ■/Sfc.J*'' ^ Backett, mgr. * "^^W-r^alatloii 9,000.7>pen Booae; «v>. 000. I, t. Blgbtowar, mgr. 1 SBNATOBIA—PtmOatlan 2,&oa Opera Booae; cap. TOO. Ik B. McConnMk, mgr. a TDPBLO—Open Booae; a. W. Armatnog, 1 VkSsBOBO— Popolatlon 28,000. Walant J Btieet; «LI!:_lt4p0. Hi 2&000. Street: cap. 1,400. Heoiy llucr, mgr. WATBB TAU<BX-^mnlaaaB i;00O. Opera Bonaa; cap. 400. wm. t, Kug, ni0. 1 TAXOO Onnr-^walatlOB SiOOO; Zaio»; capaettjr 1.000. D. Wolvetataln. mgr. MISSOURI. Armory; cap. 1 ADBOBA—PopnlaUon 0,000. 1,100. N. B. Feaiman. mgr. 1 Mlnor'B: cap. 1,000. Ii. Ulnar,- mgr. t BBIHANT—Popolatlon 3,000. Andltorlom; eap. 460. O. M. Selgmthaler, mgr. I BBVIBB—Popolatian 2,000. Ponestera; cap. 848. Ooamoa Paker, mgr. 1 BONNB TBBBEl-Popnlaaon 6,600. loreenm; eap. 616. W. J. Conway, mgr. 1 BUTLaa-^PopoIatlon 6,000. Open Booae; cap. 1,000. J. O. nimUe, mn. 1 BOUVAB—PopoUtlon 2,700. Nllea O. H.; eap. TS(>. Ij. C. Nilea, mgr. t BOOMVlUA—Popolatlam B^So. Btephena O. U.: can. 1,100. A. B. atephena, mgr. 1 OAlIPBBUr—Popolatlon 8,000i ^Anatariom; cap. 400. O. O. Hazralsoo. mgr. 1 CANTON—Popdatlon ajOOO. Miller Star; cap. 600. W. U iMkwood, mgr. t OAPB QIBAEDBAD—P<m(aatlai 14,000. Op- en Booae: cap. 800. S. F. Sehfoebert. mgr. 1 OAiBOOti-^opnUttOB 1.200. Onoifs O. U.; cap. 360. Qrant-a>avls Oompany, mgr. t OABBOLLTON-^opnUtton BMO. WUcoX- nm: cap. 1,000. / W. B. Bntdlaoo. Jr.. I Oi^^UOIt—P«piaatlan ']5.0aik Gira^ 1,000. Aichte Btegham, mgr. t OBABIiESTOM—Popnistlaa SJHW. I«ebes eap. 800. a. P. I,oebe, mgr._ 1 CmiiUOOTHE—PopoUUoa 9,000. LoeBa Orairi: cap. TOO. Wm. Bylenherg, mgr. 1 <a.ABBNCB—PopnUtlon 2,000. Botledge; eap. 400. B. P. BoUedge, mgr. 2 CUNTON—Popolatlon 8,000. Open Booae; cap. 1,060. Garter & Oerhardt, mgta. I COLOMiBIA—PepoIatloB 12,600). OoInmbU: cap. 1,060. B. B. HaU. :n^r. 8 Star; cap. 000. Tletor jFWUaoo. aagra. S "U;'> cap. 400. Yletw ft CumMl. mgrs. 1 OOBDEB — Papulation 1.000. Tbeatocinm: cap. SOOi a. M. Beynolda, mgr. 1 DB aOTO—Population 7,00a JeHenoo; cap. 1,100. I,e«i Beiriek. mgr. 1 DBABB0BN--pM^attarlJSqa_(4cn Bsnae: 1 im&ON—Popalattan VnWBt cap. 800. Oaw tt Newland. mgrt. 1 OAUJIXIN—Populatkm S,000i. Axliella: cap. 600. W. 8. Townaend, mgr. t QWDBN OITT—P^olatloo 1,000. Opera BoBWt cut. SBO. W. T. Uoirla, mgr. I nAggta ftw^iTiia Pmnrtstlnii 3M0. Wlrfa Nerw O. B.: cw. 000. P. H. Wit. mgr. 1 BUNTSVIIiLE—Population 3,100. Semiue'e; np. 6Ba O. B. Semple, mgr. I HAimiBAI^-FnpoIaUaii 26,000. Park; cap. 1.100. J. B. Pnce, ingr. 1 BOliDBN—PopnlaUon 8,000. _ Opera Booiw; cspw BOO. Jeaa Ftowets. mgr. 1 BUUB-VopoiaUoa 1,000. Opera Boose; cap. 450. E. C. Dickinson, mgr. I JAMBSPOBT—Population 1,200. IjangfeUow; cap. 400. B. D. UelODC, mgr. _ ^ I IBPraBSOM OBCT—Popnlntkm 12,000. Open Hooae; np. 1,200, Joe Goldman, mn. t JOPUN—Popolatton 46,000. dob Xheatre; «ap. 1,600. U P. Ballara, mgr. 8 Urrle; eap. 1,100. C. B. Hodklna, mgr. 1 JOPUN—Bhobert; B. TbomtoD, mgr. , KAHOKA—Popolatlon 2,100. Uontgomeir O. H.: cap. TOO. Henry SnUth. mgr. t KIBKSVfUA-^opuIaUon 11,400. Harring- ton; cap. 1,100. H. 3. Swaney. mgr. 1 LAkABr--PopoIatlon 4,000. Opera Boose; cap. 800. W. I. MlUer. Jr.. mgr. 8 IWoo; cap. SOOi B. ■W^JWagnw, mgr. I LA PLATA-^opnlatton 1,4001 Bcetman; eap. BOO. D. B. Beeaman, mff. I UntANON—PopolaUcn MOO. • H,: capi 80O. 8am mmr,_m8r. UXnKltON--PapDUttoD - Hacker, O. atreCg; r—PMmUttoD 0,000, rap. 8001 B. T. Hacker, mgr. S Piteceas; cap. 400. CamiMI * Wardnar, 8 Star; cap. 235. Wyaong * Qafla, mgr. 1 UNNBDS-^opnlatloal^^. Op«a Boose; 1 U^BTO^-^jpnUaSn^^Nf^' AoOItortnm; 1 If ASoBLINB-^S>opaIatIca^,W^' New i^terr cap. 760. W. A. Cater, nur. _ t ICAtSTILLB— Popidatlon 1,200. New Oon- dllf; cap. 800. B. !>. CoadlS. mgr. _ 1 IIBUPBIS—Popolatlon 9.600. Klnaey O. B.: 1 HoSnTUN QBOTB— PopoSSoB 9.000. Cand- ler*! 0. H.: cap, BOO. N. 8. Oasdler, mgr. I UAOON—Popolatlon 7,000; IdcaB;. eap. 800. B. B. Logan, mgr. I l(AinLANI>—PopoIatloD 1,000. Opera Boose; rap. 600; P. L. Bolvart, mgr. t UBZIOO—Popolatlon &p00. Opera Hooae; cap. 1,000. A. B. Watanoan, Ur. 1 Atxdome: rap. 9.000. A. B. Watomaa, WEBER FAMILY World's Greatest Original ACROBATS ANDEQUILIBRIStS You will have to hand it to us Care The Billboard, Cincinnati or Chicago 1 IfOBBELX—Popolatlon 16,000; BeOcnn; c^ t lOII. P. BaiUaraa^ oyEf- 1 llONBXI'--PWoUtIon MiXk WUaon; cap. • i 400L aeck^Ooke, mgr. I NBOSHO—Popnladon 0,000. Meoaho; rap. OOOl. PbUUpa * SUtlnga. mgn. 1 NOTUiaBB—PmoUtloii 4,000. Baxter**: ci»i £ 1081. v. OL HlBer, mgr. t OCABK-^Fvgfltttaa 1.0M. Qob; ea9. SOO. 1 PAmYB A Populs^on 8,000. Open Booae; icap, TOO; Soa^ Broa., mgra. , t PBBST—Popolatlcn 1,000; Oombtauitlan O. B .: cap . ■WO. O. W. BoItaB, mgr. _ t ttAiXra CITT—Popolattan IMO. Ptatto . Ctty O. B.: eap. 400. Qor Oolemaa. mgr. I FLAXTSBUBO—^PopDIation XtOO. O. B.; cap. 409. nooveea * TtimbliL mgra. I PLBABANT BBJr-««pdIatlat tfiOO. Kelloc: rap. 660. O. TL Bowe, mgr. I POPLAB BUnV-^anoIattal ILOOO. Pn- . taoial O. a.; rapadtr 900. W. B. Bay*, mgr. 1 POBXAOEVILLB—-Population 1,900. Uyera O. Bu. e>P> WO- B. Heyar*. mgr. I BIOR aiU/-PopDlattaD 4,100. t>pm Booae; cap. 000. Hnrmaa 1 BICB1(0N1>—Popniatlan 6,000. Andltoclam: can^^SSS. O. B. Hamilton, mgr. I arTciHABLKH-Popolatlon 11,000. Grand Op- era Booae: cap. 700. J. P. Morton, mgr. 1 SBDAIXA—Popolatlon 19,000; SedalU; rap. LMO. a. r. HaU, mgr._ _ _ _ 1 Wood'a; rap. 1,200. H. W. Wood, mgr. S larle; cap. 600. P. L. Boxle, mgr. 1 SdIbCA— Pop^tlon 2,000. Opera Bouse; csp. aoo. W. H. HlteheU, mj^ , I SBSWODB—Population 1,600. Whlte'a CltT BaB: rap. 400. 8. U White, mgr. 1 8BKLBINA—Popolatlon 2,000. Opera Boose; can. 800. W. ». tXpton. mgr._ t SBBLBXTILUi—Papulation 1,200. 81 Tiller rap. 6S0. fteem«r * at*wL_i_^-, 1 StKESTON—Popolatlon 3,600; Kcndair*; rap. 660. P. Seodall, mgr. I SPBINOFIBLD-^opulatlon 60,000. The Ua- Jestlc: cap. 450. H. W. Oaidner, mgr. 1 STKWABTSVIIiI.E—PopoIatloB 900. Open ; Boose: csp. 400. Benry Jk Clark, mgn. ; 1 STDBOEON—Pivolation 1,100. Opera Booa*; rap. 600. O. B. Soiamen, (To he contloDed aezt iMrti.)