The billboard (Sept 1910)

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42 7tie Billboard SEPTEMBER 17, 1910. ROUTES - STOCK COKPAHIES (Continued from pags 39.) Baker Stock Co.. Geo. Ij. Baker, mgr.: Spo- kane, Wanb.. Sept. 4. Indef. Baker Stock Co.. Geo. L. Baker, mgr.: Seat- tle. Wash., Sept. 11, fndef. Belasca Ac Stone Stock CO., BelaKO & Stone, mgrs.: Los Angele*. CaL. Indef. Bijoa Stock Co., Kllmt & Gazzolo, mgra-: Cbl- cago. IIL, July 3, indef. Bljoo Stock Co.: Fawtncket, B. I.i Ang. 8, In- def. . , risbop. Chester, Stock Co.: Mnunontb. ni.. Indef. Bls&op'g Players, W. H. Bishop, mgr.: Oak- land, Cal.. iodef. Brissac-Hallet Playeia: San Jose. CaL, Indef. Bunting, Emma, Associate Players: Atlanta, Ga., Indef. Barbank Stock Co.. Oliver Horosco, mgr.: 1.0S .^Dgeles, C^].. Indef. Balley-Lockwood Stock Co.: lola. Kana., 5-17. Barrle, Edwin. Stock Co.: HnteUnson. Kana., 12-17, Burgess Stock Co., Wm. C. Buckley, mgr.: flntcbtnson, Kans., 12-17. Calumet Stock Co., John T. Conners, mgr.: So. Chicago, lU.. Sept. 4. Indef. ComeB's Players: Bntte, Mont., Aug, 14, In- ■ 'def. ■ V. Craig John, Stork Cb.: Boston, Mass:, Ang. 29, indef. Crescent Stock Co., Percy Williams, mgr;: Brooklyn. N. X.. Sept. 5, indef. Chaimcey-Kieffer Stock Co.. Fred Channcey, mgr.: Hazleton, Fa., -12-17; Carbondale, 19- ^ 24.. , Catter Stock Co..: Allen. O;: :\nate, mgr.: Zanea- nne. O.. 12-17. Cliase-Uster Co. r Audubon. la., 12-17^ Cash. Bnrlelgb, Stock Co.: Lawrence, Kana.,- 5-17. Chamjrtaln, Cbas. K., Stock Co.: Oneonta, N. X., Davis, Harry, Stock Co.: Pittsbnrg. Pa.. Sept. 5, Indef. Dominion Stock Co.:' Winnipeg. Man., Can., Aug. 29, iDdef, . ■■ ! Se Boame, Tnraian, Associate Players,-F. W. Hays, mgr.: Tulsa, Okli.. 12-24. Desmoxid, Ethel, Stock Co., Desmond & Johnson, mgrs.: Wooster, C, 12-17. DiKotby Stock Co., M. A. Beld, mgr.: Hastings, Neb., 6-17. Empire Stock Co., T. F. Murray, mgr.: Spring- field, Mass.. Sept. 5. Indef. Eckhardt Co., Oliver J. Eckbardt, mgr.: Bran- don, Man., Can., 12-17. Earle Stock Co., L. A. Barle, mgr.: Morgan- town, W. Ta., 12-17; New Castle, Pa.. 10-24. Forbes Stock Co.: Brooklyn, K. X., Sept. 3.'n- ■ aef. • French Stock Co.: Montreal, Can.; Ang. 15, n- def. Gerton Stock Co.: Los Angeles, Cal., June 26, indef. GiMon'B Associate Players, Jack Gordon, mgr.: SprlngHeld, Mo., 5-17. , Graham StoiA Co., Oscar Graham, mgr.: Excel- sior Springs, Mo.. 5-17. Great western Stock Co.. Frank R. Dare, mgr.: Hot Springs, Ark., 28-Sej»t. 17. Grayce, Helen, Co., N. Appell, mgr.: Angnsta, Me.. 12-17. Hall's Plaj-era: Detroit. Mich.. Indef. HavUn Stock Co.. Wm. - Garen, mgr.: St. Loais. Mo., Aag. 8. Indef. Holden Stock Co., H. M. Holden, mgr.: Cleve- land. O., Indef. Haliday Stock Co., Harold Stent, mgr.: Brad- dock. Pa.. 12-17; Homestead 19-24. Ballday's, Howard, Sto<^ Co.. Chas: E. Whit- ney. New Castle, Pa., 12-lT. Haliday's Flayers, Palmer Kellog, mgr.: Sten- benvlllc, 0., 12-17; E.-Uverpool 19-24. Haliday's Comedians, AI. Trent, mgr.: Home- stead. Pa., 12-17; Washington 19-24. Haliday Musical Novelty Co.. Geo. V. Ballday, mgr.:. Washington, Pa.. 12-17; StenbenTllIe, O.. 19-24. Hickman-Bessey Stock Co.. Harry G. Lihoa, mgr.: Taylorville, 111., 12-17: Decatur 19-34. Hlllmaa's Ideal Stock Co., No. 1, Lucy M. ^yes, mgr.: Alma. Neb., 12-17; Nelson 19- Hlmmeleln. John A., Stock Co.: Sandusky, O.. 1217: Lima 19-24. HImmelein. John A., Associate Players: Mout- pelier. 0., 12-17; Elkhart, Ind.. 19-24. Hutchison. Louise, Stock Co., Jack Hntchlsos, ' mgr.: Sedalla, Ma. 5-17. Hwvey^^tock Co., T. S. Garslde, mgr.: Dnbiitine, HarTN-Stock Co.; H. D. Orr, mgr.: Kalamazoo. MldL. indef. . . aan. Helen. Stock Co., 6. S. Flinders, mgr.: Ottawa, Eans.. 5-17. Ingersoll Stock Co.: Salt Lake City. Utah, Sept. 4, indef. Keith Stock Co., James E. Moore, mgr.: Port- land. Me.. April 19. Indef. - Keith Stock Co.. Cato S. Keith, mgr.: Richmond, ■.Ind.. 12-17; Upper Sandusky. C, 19-24. Kplly, Sherman. Stock Co.: Newton, la., 12-17: . Marengo 19-24. Keene. Lorraine. Associate Players. H. L. Laa- rence. mgr.: Kearney, Neb., 5-17. Kemble & Sinclair's Lyceum Comedy Co.: Bldg- . way. Pa.. 12-17. .Lawrence Players. D. S. Lawrence, mgr.: Se- attle^ Wash.. July 25, indef. -LewIs-OUvec Stodc CO.: Channte, Kana., S-17. Leonard, Wm. R., Flayers: Sloox City, la., Indef. Lindsay-Morrison Stock Co.: Lynn, Mass., Ang. 29, indef. Lyric Stock Co., L. M. Gorman, mgr.: Un- coln. Neb., Ang. 29. indef. Lytell-Vanghn Players: LoDlsrllle, Ky., Sept. 5-Oct. 22. Lee Siock Co., Lee Mosea, mgr.: Union Star, Mo., 14-17. Long Stock Co., Frank E. Long, mgr.: Mar- sballtown, la., 12-17; Mason City 19-24. . Lewis Stock Co.. W. F. Lewis, mgr.: Geneva, Neb., 12-17; Nelson 19-24. La Forte, Mae, Stock Co., Joe McEnroe, mgr.: Bdcyrns, O., 12-17. Le Roy Stock Co.: Warsaw. O., 12-17. liycenm Stock Co.: Grand Idand, Neb.. 5-17. Motris-Tbnrston Stuck CO.: Bay City. Mich., Sept. 4, indef. Maher, Phil. Co.; Leslie B. Smith, mgr.: vTorfc, Pa., 12-17; Lansford 19-24. Morray-Mackey Co., John J. Hniray, mgr.: PalnesvUle, O., Ang. 22-indef. Murray-Mackey Co. (Eastern). Ed. R. Moore, mgr.: BeUealre, D, 12-17: E. Livcxpool 19-24. Maitland, Gertmde, Co., Jefferson Hall, mgr.: Terre-Haute, Ind., 12-17; YIncebaes 19-24. Morey Stock Co. (Le Comte & Flesher's). F. A. Murpny, mgr.: Clay Center, Kans., 12-17; Ottawa 19-24. Middle States Stock Co., Jos. H. Beimer, mgr.: .Wabash, Ind.. 12-17. Majestic Stock Co.: Nebraska City, Neb., 8-17. Moore'stock Cou: (AIrdome) Ottawa. Kans.,' 5- ■ITw'" MetRVoUtan Stock Co.: Fremont, Neb., 5:17. Nelson, Marie, Players, Rodney Banons, mgr.: Chicago. lU., Sept. 5, Indef. New Criterion Stock Co., KUmt & Gaziolo, mgrs.: Chicago, DL. Ang. 14, Indef. North Bros.' Stock Co.: Tbpeka, Kan., indef. Nlckerson Bros.' Stock Co.. Cbas. A. Morrell, mgr.: Independence,, Kana., 0-17. Orpnenm Stock Co.. Grant Laferty, mgr.: Plill- adelphla. Sept. 13, Indef. Paige. Mabel, Stock Co., Cbas. W. Ritchie, mgr.: Jackaooville. Fit., Ang. 29, Indef. Partello Stock Co., W. A. Partello, mgr.: Cal- gary, Alta., Can., Indef. Paycen Stock-Co., E. S. Lawrence, mgr.: To- ledo, O.. Aug. 28, Indef. Payton's Bijou Stock Co.. Corse Paytoo. mgr.: Brooklyn, N. T., Sept. 6, indef. Payton's Lee'Avenae Stock Co.. Corse Payton, mgr.: Brooklyn, N. Y., Aug. 29, Indef. Payton Stock Co., Corec Payton, mgr.: Hobo- ken. N. J., Aug. 29, indef. PemcU-Gypzene Co., C. D. PeiQcU, mgr.: Tampa, Fla.. Indef. Princess Stock Co., 'Victor H. Sehalfer, mgr.: Davenport, la.. Indef. Princess Stock Co.: Des Moines, la., Ang. 28, Indef. Pringle, Delia, Co., C. K. Van Anker, mgr.: Boise, Ida., Ang. 22, Indef. Plckerts, Fonr, Co^: Tarboro N. C. 12-14. - People's Stodc Co., Jack Hntchison, mgr.: Fort Scoll, Kans. 5-17. Price's Players: Oldtown. Me., 12-17; Angnsta, 19-24. Bnssell &' Drew Stock Co.: Seattle. Wash., Aug. 28, Indef. BIhaldo's Players, Swaney & BinaUOk mgrs.: Spring Green Wis., 12-17.. Reeves', Dorothy. Stock Co.. OUtfora Beeves, mgr.: Xork, Neb., 5-17. Seattle Theatre Stock Co.: Seattle, Wash., April 24, Indef. Stone Stock Co.: Flint. Mich., Aug. 29, indef. Shannon Bros.' Stock Co.. Harry Staaimon, mgr.: Eaton, O.. 12-17- Awora. Ind.. 19-21. Spenec Theatre Co.. Barry Sohns, mgr.: Em- poria. Kana^, 5-17; Canton 19-21; Elllnwood 22-24. Sights' Theatre Co., J. W. Sights, mgr.: Morn- ing Snn, la., 12-17: BlandlnsvUle, Ul., 19-24. Stron*-^ ^win. Co.. Walter Savidge, mgr.; Scrib- ner. Neb., 12-17; Gordon 19-24. Stahl Stock Co.: Jefferson City, Mo., 5-17. Starkey's Players: Greenville, Ala., 12-17. S'tockford Stock Co., U. T. Gould, mgr.: Decker- vine, Mich., 12-17. Taylor Stock Co., H. W. Taylor,mgr.t .Bntler, Pa., 12-17; Dn Bols 19-24. Thome, Mabel.- Stock Co., F. T. Parker, mgr.: Junction City, Kana., 5-17. Vance Players: ^>orth Bay, Ont., Can., 12-17. Wittoinger Bros.' Co.: Wausau, Wis., indef. Wolfe Stock Co.: Wichita. Kan., Ang. 29, In- : def,' ■ . Woodward Stock Co., O. D. Woodward, mgr.: Omaha, Neb.. Ang. 27. Indef; . "Whytc Dramatic Co.:" Lakeside '.Park, : Joplln. Mo., 5-17. ■ . Wolford Stock Co., E. L. Panl, mgr.: Harting- ton. Neb., 12-17: Stanton 19-24.' Wood Sisters Co.: Marlon. 111., 19-24. Ye Colonial Stock (^.: Atchison. Kans., 5-17. DRAMATIC & MUSICAL Arcadians, The, Chas. Frohman, mgr.: N. T. C, Ang. 1-indef. Arbnckle, Madyn. In Welcome to Onr City, Jos. ' Brooks, mgr.: N. 1. O., Sept. 12-indef. At Snmrlse, Frank Miller, mgr.: Oxford, Mich., 14; Fontiacil5; Howell 16: Mason 17. Across the Great Divide (Wm. L. Tucker's), Geo. W. Lyon, mgr.: Crandon, Wis., 14; Rhinelander 15; Prentice 16; Ladysmlth 17. Anglin, Margaret, in The Awakening of Helena Richie, Lonls Nethersole, mgr.:.. St. Panl, Minn,. 12-24: Minneapolis 15-17; Baa Claire, Wis.;. 19; Winona, Minn.. 29;. La Crosse, Wis., 21; MadUon 22; Bockford, III., 23: JoUct 24. Am I a Chinaman? Marshalltown, la., 13-14; Cornell 15; Des Moines 16-17. Adventures of Polly, Blancy-Spooner Am. Co., Inc., mgrs.: Chattanooga, Tenn., 12-17; Knox- vilie 10-24. At the Mercy of Tiberius, Olascr Sc Stair, mgrs.: Pittsbnrg, Pa., 12-17; Toronto 19-24. As the Sun Went Down, Arthur C. Alston, mgr.: Grand Rapids, Mich., 11-14; Toledo, O., 15-17; Chicago, 111., 18-24. At the Old Cross-Roads, Arthnr (3. Alston, mgr.: EvansvlUe; Ind., 12-14; B. St. Louis, lU., 15- 17; Kansas City, Mo., ltl-24. . Allen, Viola, In The White Sister, Llebler & Co.. mgrs.: St. Paul, Minn., 12-14; Winnipeg, Can., 19-22. Arcadians, The, Chas. Frohman,. mgr.: Boston, Mass., Sept, 12.1ndef. Aviator,. TIw, Cohan & Harris, mgrs.: Boston, Mass., 5-17. Abom English'Grand Opera Co., Milton & Sar- gent Aborn, mgrs.: Buffalo, N. Y., 12-17. Abom Comic Opera Co., Milton tc Sargent Aborn,' mgrs.: (Olympic Park) Newark; N. J., May 31-Oct. 1. Arsene Lnnln, Cbas. Flohman, mgr.: Newark. N. J.. 12-17. „ Alma, Where Do You Live? Bochester, N. Y., 19-24. Baby- Mine (Eastern), Wm. A. Brady, mgr.: N. Y. C, Aug. 23-Inaef. ^ _ Bobby Bnrnlt, Henry B. Harris, mgr.: N. X. C., Ang. 22-Indef. _ _ Brass Bottle, Chas. Frohman, mgr.: N. Y. C., Ang 11-Indef. Bachelor's H<meymoon (Centr.a>. Gilaon & Brad- field, mgrs.: Port Arthur, Can., 14-15; Vort WllUam 16-17. _.' ' ■ . Bachelor's Honeymoon (Southern), GUsoa tt Bradfleld, m^rs.: Haion, S. D., 14; Blunt 15; Highmore 16; Carthage 17; MltctaeU 19; Alex- : andrla 20; Kimball 21; Parkston 22; Spring- field 23; Oewles 24. Bohemian Olrl MUton ft Sargent Abom, mgrs.: Bnflalo, N. Y., 12-17; Boston, Mass.; 19- ■■Oct.-l. I Boy Fom W«U Street, Harry Clay Blaney. mgr.: Brooklyn, N. Y., 12-17. Beverly 'Eastern). Delamater & Norrls, Inc., mgrs.: En. Joseph. Mo.. 11-14; Braokfleld 15; KlrksvUle 16; AltOD, IIL, 17; St. Lools, Ho., , 10-24. • ■■ Brewster's Millions, Al. i>ich, mgr.: Brooklyn, N. Y . 12-17; Jersey Clbr, N. J., 19-24, Beyond Pardon, John B. Pierce Am. .Co., mgrs.: -Kingston. N. Y.. 14;' EUenvUIe 15; Walton 16; Delhi 17; Oxford IS; Sheitaime SO: Barl- TlBe 21; Hamilton 22; be JohnsvUIe 23; Her- 'klmer 24.". • Buster Brown, Buster Brown Am. Co., mgra.: Akron, O., 19-21. Bnrke, Billie, In Mrs. Dot, Chas. Frohman, mgr.: Omaha, Neb.^ 16-17, Bright Eyes, Jos. M.Caltes, mgr.: Brooklyn, N. Y., 12-17. Koe Monse, The Shuberts, mgrs.: Minneapolis, •Minn., 12-14. .Botrery Detective (Western), R. Shields, mgr.: Sangatuck. Mich., 14; Lawton 13; Decatur 16; . Bellevne 17. . Bowery Detective (Eastern), H. Hllbany, mgr.: Ludington, Mich., 14; Manistee 15; Frankfort 16; Traverse City 17. Carle, Richard, In Jumping Jupiter, Frazee & Lederer, mgrs. Chicago, III., Aug. 4-lndef. Chocolate Soldier, F. C. Whitney, mgr.: Xjondon, Eng., Sept. 10-Indef. CkHnmuters. The, Henry B. Harris, mgr.: N. Y. C. Aug. 15-indef. Cioimtry Boy. Henry B. Harris, mgr.: N. Y. C. Aug. 29-lndef. Curtis, Allen, Musical ComeAj Co.: Salt Lake, U., indef. Crosman, Henrietta, in Anti-M£trImony, Maurice Campliell. mgr.: Denver, Golcw, 12-17. Concert, The, David Belasco, mgr.: Pittsbnrg, 'Pa., 19-24. Craven, Ruth, in A Daughter of Jndea, Harry L. Beck, mgr.: Chehalls, Wash., 14; Kelso 15; Kalama 16;. Salem, Ore., 17; Engene 19. ' County Sheriff, Chas. H. Brooke, mgr.: Farming- ton, Me., 14; Rumford 15; Gorbam; N. H., .16; Berlin 17. Coimtiss, Catherine, in The Awakening (tf Helena Richie, Stair & Havlin, mgrs.: BrooUyn, N. Y., 12-17. ■ ■ ■ ■ :':';aiv Con & Co.. Henry W. Savage, mgr.: Baltimore, -Md., 12-17; N. Y. O., 19-Tnder. Cat and the Fiddle, Chas. A. Scllon, mgr.: Chi. caso. 111., 11-24. Cow and the Moon, Chas. A. Sellon, mgr.: James- town, N. D., 14; Bismarck 15; Mandan 16; Dickinson '17-Glenuive. Mont., 18 Miles City 19; Billings 20; Livingston 21; Bozeman 23; Helena 23; Great'Falis 24-25. Checkers. Stair & Havlln, - mgrs.: Sprlnglleld. Mass., 12-17: Providence. R. I.. 10-24. Cowboy and the Thief, Rowland' & 'Clifford Am. Co., props,: Des MQines, la;, 11-14; Oskaloosa '15; Otnmwa 16; Qnlncy, 111., 17; St Louis, Mo., 18-24. City, The, The Shuberts, mgrs.: Cincinnati, O., 12-17. Clifford,. Billy, Bob Le Boy, mgr.: Omaha, Neb., 11-14; Lincoln .16; Hastings 16; N; Platte, 17, CUmtx, The. Jos.: M. Weber, mgr.: Boston; MasB.,'IM17. " ■- Cast Aside: Kansas City, Mo.; 12-17. Dollar Mark, Wm. A. Brady,mgr.: Chicago, BL, Aug. 27-Indef. OOUar Prlneess,* Chas, Frohman; mgr.: CUesgo, .-m.. Sept: IZ-Indet:' - <. DMsaler, Marie, In TUIIe's Nightmare, tmw Fields, mgr.: N, Y. C, Aug. iflndef. Drew, John, In Smith. Cau. Frohman, mgr.: N. Y. 0., Sept, 5-Indef. Dodge, Sanford, B. S, Ford, mgr.: Laramie, 'Wyo., 14; Bock Sk>rlngs 18; Green River 19; Evanston 21, Daniel Boono On the Trail (Bobt H. Harris' Eastern), Ben B. Howe, mgr.: Berkley Springs, W. Vs., 14: Hinton. 16^.0taarleston lU; Sutton 17: RIchwood' l9; Weston 20; Mononga 21; Clarksbnrg 22; SblDnston 23; Fairmont 24. . _ _ Daniel Boone On the Trail (Bobert B. Barrls' - Central), Chaa. A. Teaff, mgr.: Muscatine, la., 14; MoUne, 111., 16; Bock Island 17: Pe- ru 18; Streator 10; Amtioy 20; Freeport 22; Dubouue, la., 24. Daniel Boone On the Trail (Bobert B. Harris' .Western), S. A. Mitchell, mgr.: 8t Peter, Minn., 15; Mapleton 18: Heron Lake 17; Win- dom 10-21; St James 23-24.' Daniels, Frank, In The Belle of Brittany, The Shuberts, mgrs.: Boston, UasK; S-17. Dodson, J. E., 'In The House Next Door, Cohan & HarrU, mgrs.: N. Y. C, 19-24. Bast Lynne; Cbas. L. Newton, mgr.: Graham, Tex., 14: Jacksboro 16v Ryan, Okla., 16; Waurlka 17; Lawton 18; Walter 10; Hastings 20; Comanche 21; Dnncan 22; v Hsrtow 23; Minco 24. . . Xdcson; Robert, In Where the Trail Dlvldea, Henry B. Harris, mgr.: Rochester; ;.N; Y.. 12- 17;. Worcester, 'Mass.. 10-20;, Bprlagflcld 21- 22; Hartford, Coim., 22-24. ' •. BU and Jane (Southern), Harry Green, mgr.: Arenzvllle. IIL, i*; Chapln IS; Pittaaeld 16; Hannibal, Mo., 17; Ferry : 19; Bowling Greca 20.' Ell and Jane (Coast), S. >.W. WaldraB. mgr.: . Wyndemere, N. D„ 14; FarmlngtoB 15: Cakes 16; Heels, S. D., 17; Aberdeen 19; Ipswieb ■•■..■20. . Figman. May. In Maty Jane's Fa, John Cort, mgr:. Boston, Mass., Sept. S-lndet. FoiUes of 1910, F. Zlegteld, Jr., mgr.: Chicago, . UL. Sept 6-Oct 8. Flirting Princess, with Hany Bulger, Hort H. Singer, mgr.: Milwaukee, >^Wis., lI.lT; BacIna 18; Belolt 19: Clinton, la.,'20; Waterioo 21; Slooic ClQr 22-24. : _ Fergnaon. Blale. . in . A Matter of Mouer, Hnuy B. Barrla, mgr.: Boston, Mass., 5-17; Phils., Pa. 19-OeL 1. Flake, Mrs.. In Bepertolre. Harrison Orey Flake, ' mgr.: Cleveland, O., 12-17; Otncinnatlvl9-24. Fairbanks, Donglas, In Tbe Cab, : Wm;' A. Bra- dy, mgr.: Aaantle City, N.. J.. 15-17. Fortune Hunter. Colxan & Harris, mgrs-: N. Y. C Indef. . SV)rtnne Bimter, Cohan & Barrla mgrs. : Milwau- kee Wla. 12-17. ranrth Estate. Uebler & Co., m(rs.: UUwsnkc*, 171s. 12-17. Fawcett Geo.*, in The Great John Ganton: De- troit Mich., 12-17; MUwaokee, Wis.. 18-24. Girl of My Dteama, Jos. M. Gattes,rmcr.: Chi- cago, 111.. Aug. e-lndef. Girl and the Drummer, :W.'i A. 3 Chicago, IIL. Sept 4-lnde£.~ Girl In Waiting, with Lanrette Taylor, <3oban & Harris, mgrs.: Chlcseo, IU„ Sept 4-1ndef. Gentleman From Mlsslsslppli with Tbos. A. Wise, Wm. A. Brady, mgr.: Boston, Maas., 19-Oct 1. Girl and the Banger, F. P. Prescott, mgr.: Adrian, Mo., 14; Merwin 15; Amsterdam 16; Amoret 17. Goddeas of Liberty, with Jos. X. Howard, Mort H. Singer, mgr.: Grand Forks, N. D., 14; Winnipeg,. Can., 15-17; MUes CUT, Mont, 21; Billings 22; Livingston 2S; Boceman 24. Graostark (Eastern); ' Bakor Ic . Oaatle, mgrs.: Yoonntown, 0., 12-14; Akron. IS-IT; Lorala l»:^biBslIloa 20; St Maus 21; Kimtoa 32; Marlon. Ind.. 23; Bootli Bend 24. ; , Oranstark (Soathera), Baker k Castla. mcn.: New: Orleans, Xia.. 11-17; Gnlfport Miss., 19; Scranton 20: Hattiesburg 21; Meridian 22; Demopolis, Ala., 23; Selma 24. Girl From U. .:S. A. . (Bastem). Barry Scott, mgr.: Marlon, Ind.. 14: Kokomo 15; Logans- port 16; Crawfordavllle 17; Frankfort 19; Lebanon 20; Noblesvllle 21; New Castle 22; Portland'23- Anderson 24. Girl From U. S. A. (Central). Barry Scott, mgr.: Carthage. III.. .14: Burlington, la., 15; Wyoming, 111., 16; Prlncetoa 17: Aurora 18; Mendota 19; Freeport'20; Belolt Wis., 21; Woodstock, in., 22;''Beivldere 23; ElgiB ■.■■-24.^ ■.■'■■••■ • Olrl From U. S. A. (Soothem), Harry Scott, Findlay, UL, 14: Nokomis M; BdwardsTlll* 17; ColllDsvlIle 18; EIBngham 19r Centralla 20; Harrlsbnrg 21; Bcnron .22: Spsrta 23: - Cooltersvllle 24. Girl From Bcctor's, A. H.'Woods, mgr.: Jsek- aon, Mich., 14; La:Croase;:WU., 16; Winona, Minn., 16: Mankato 17. ' Girl From Sector's. A. H. Woods, mgr.: Coshoc- ton, o... 14: E; Liverpool 15; Akron 1<; Youngstown 17; Brooklyn. N. Y., 19-24. Girl In the Taxi. A. H. Woods, mgr.: MUwao- kee, Wis., 12-17. Girl In the Taxi, A. B. WOods, mgr;: OtUwa; '•'.Can., '.12-17.. . ■'....■•. •.•• ■•••;,'. Olrl In ttie TaxL A. H. Woods, mgr.: Phila., Au"-. '20-indef. Olaser, Vanghan, In The Man Between. -W. B. OaijjK^gr.: Buffalo, N. Y., 12-17; Toledo, Oet"Rlch^nIck Walllngford/Cohan * Harris, ^mm.; Wnb., D, C, 12-17, ?fil'?!; - ' ™ N. T. a. • 12-17. > ■:.:■'.:.'..'• ■■•-'.'.■... ■ • mgr.: C EDDY ECKELS -PRESENTS- CHRISTENSEN and SPILLARD *nrhe Czar of Ragtime and the Boy with the Silver Voice** * "ENTERTAINERS De LUX" Chicago Next Week. Watch for Them! They can be Greeted by Mail. - - - - Care Billboard, Chicago.