The billboard (Sept 1910)

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46 Ttie BillboaFd SEPTEMBER 17, 1910. Film Synopses (Coatinaed from page 27.) RELEASE DATES—INDEPENDENT. Umday—Imp, Eclair, TThaolioiiser. Tnesday—^Lax, Nestor, Xew Xork Alotion PIctnre, ■Powers. Wedaesdaf—Actop&ODe, Ambrosio, Columbia. Thursday—CapitoL Centanr, Imp, Thanhonaer. Friday—Lax. Nestor, New 7ork MbUoa.EIetiire. ■Pantasraptu Satnrdaf—Great Nortbem, Italia. -IMDEPH HPEHT. MBr«TKS. ★BASEBAILL, THAT'S AUi —^(Corned;; released Sept. S; lengtji, 930 feet). Baseball. That's All Is a Etorr treating of basebkll and the re^lar fan. The fas gets an after- Dooa off, feigning toothache, and starts out to the game. There he repeatedlT- becomes encaged In argnments orer tbe retaUTe merits of the different players, nntn he becomes « pest&Eeroos that he is somewhat rooghly bandied. CHAUFION. A WILD GOdSB CHASS—(Comedy; re-, leased Sept. MtH; tanstb. 900 ft.). Kdl Brlnfclej' and. Tom Downer ar» lorers, tat father win hear DfSne of their pleas tor his Cwsaent to their marrlagel Father be- lieves tbat Xell sboold many BUI Mason, - vhocn he prefers, even tbongh Nul -protestB that does sot lore Urn. With this dtn- ation confronting them, the lOTOS' hit upon a •cheme to drive aU who are In opposition to their marriage from the place. Tbls they sac- ceed In doii^, sending five people npon a wild- goose cbase. By the time the chase Is ended, the parson has rMted the young coople and FILM RELEASESi HOTIOH FICTXIBE FAIEHTB 00. BI06BAFH. MOTUKB—(Orama: re- leased Sept. 6; length, 1.000 feet). Wm Allen, a eoun- tey lad, who is nnhappy at borne, owing to tbe fact that he Is a stndloas little chap, and prefers his books to farm work, which Incurs the displeasure and enmity oC his stepfather, a roogh and snrly farmer to whom book learning does not appeal. Will mna away from home and, although his mother keeps a light in the window, hoping to guide her boy ; homc^ .'he . .never .retnrns. Twenty years later, ' «teit flie bi9^ Is a'soceessfnl lawyer, he goes back to the farm, (Rdy to find that his mother has gone away, whither, bo one knows. Ttae mother. In the meantime, snppwts herself by ■hop-keeping. While sh<qi^ng In a d^Mrtment store, ahe Is imjaatly .accused of altapUftlng. The only person who believes In her Innocence Is a saleaxirl who la discharged for her pre- snm-^tloB In daring to correct her superiors, fine girt. In her efforts to hel- the friendless old lady, enlists-the aid of Will. WQl's dear statement to the judge, together with Uay'a . testlmooy, frees: the mother. When her cooa- ■d approaches to offer eongratnlatloos, mutual leeoenitloQ results. THE DOCTOK'SCABRIAGB—CDrama: released Sept. S; lens^ 1.000 feet). The Doctor's Car- riage is a dramatic stor^. telling bow a Osj child's plea brooght light to flie eyes. of her sightless sister and life liapplnesa:: to a, great physician. DIP. -(CiTl'-I«emmIe) —<Comedy: release Sept. IS: lenga.— feet). Two THE KEW BCTIjEB club men meet and de- dde to go out opon a round-up of tlie Klalto. One of the pair becomef pretty weB beaten bj the beverages imbibed In the course of the coarse o£ the evening, bat the other, stni In pnaic^nlnn of his senses, decides to take his all- in comrade home in a cab. on the coacbman's seat Josney home. At a point in the route, a yonng lady, assuming that he Is a coachman, hails hlnr. and he, foreseeing an adventure, stops the oacb and abe enters. He takes her home and B SO Struck with the beauty and grace of the Care, tliat he deiddes to apply Car the . pdsltlon of butler in her home, which he does.: snccess- taOy. The young lady gives a dinner to smne oc Ills dub membeis and he is dtunfoonded 'to seO'some of his boon companions arrive at the bouse and fall to recoenize him. He appeals to ttem to acknowledge that be is <Hie of them, tat.they pretend to be shocked at his aSrontry, and when the poor adventurer Is almost beside hSSBMtit, a few of bis. fdends decide to discard the Jest and titer Intnidaee him to the girl of hla dreams, to wliom be explains tlie reason . lor his having applied tor 'be menial positiim. . He . tells her <tf his love and. Inaanmcb as a bold.heart deserves the fair, who Shan lay be does not deserve her! SLinDBr-^Drama; release Sept. 22; length, — <ee£>. -. The love for the gildings and trimmings ^vr liCa Indncea the wife of a poor laborer to . tatdan h craelf with Mie added expense of bills te. ceodB baagIit.:aiv.tlie Installment plan. One idayv tta .habaiid' ietiimi lnine and, brooght to :a&^iiBideasant.frame of mind from contemplation aCfUs unhappy lot and the: Inmy of his wife's mbaanagement. : be decides to return an the kniA-kna^B-..that-'-bls wife-'s : vanitT has sug- gested, u After a heated discussion, they both ' their:, own ways, the wife taking along the lle:::lMiii!y igirl. Tbe: fansband goes far away ' ithe^- Kortli and. by dint of penevemiee and ' and :«txifevthat Is.a patt'oC .It; he a AntiDie. ;!:Be jeaoas for. hi*: wife and and: advcxtiM*: In emmtleaa ^waya far to retnm: to liim. - At last lila dan^ter. lAo has . become a ecneett aliiger. - Teadi one of the adTsttlsemeiits, . seta In tondi with her mother, and they return to him to foegiTe and fstget. He perches himself and coumiences the . Feet U*—A Flash of Light (drama) M8 U—Aa tbe Bella Baag Oat (drama) im a Ber tooa Sixteen (eooady) OS as—The Can to Arms (draau) M4 as—Unexpected Help (drama) M8 Augnat— Vact^ 1—An Arcadian Uaid (Drama) ..i 98* 4—Her Father's Pride (Drama) S96 5— Tbe Houae With C l oaed Shtittan (Dm- 1I.T-A Saliitair laeaaoB (drama).......... BSD 12—The Sorowa of the Unfalthfd (Drama) B94 tS—wnfDl Peggy (Drama) ..: 991 Zt^^-The Modem.Siodlgal (drama)........ 902 September— Feet 1—The Affair of an Bgg^(comedy)........ 295 1—^Uuggsy Becomes a Hero (comedy);... 603 5—A Summer Idyl (dramai.991 a—tlftlo AneeU of TavV Mnma>....... 998 12—A Mohawk's Way (Drama) .......... 991 15—In Ufe'a C<TcIe (Drama) 4... 997 19—A Summer Xtagedy.': (Comedy) ...... 98T 22—^Iie Oath and the Han (Drams)....... 997 BDIBOK UANDFACT0BIN8 COMPANT. 1 Feet (Weatetn Dianu) 983 Fwt U—Old loves and tbe Rew (drama) 1000 as—A Xtantler Hero (drama) 4isn 21—t<asy Kartner Brawn feetnedy) ISBO 98—?es WoWbigtroi (drama).............. aae 39—An VtexpeetaC Bewlaid (drama).;.... T50 2S—Bmnsiloai t* on ATlatK (eamadr).... S50 Ancnst— t ' Faet. 3—With Bridges Burned (Drama) : lOflO f—Tile Uotha and tbe Slame (Oomedy).. S7S 5— ne Lady and flie Bjirgiar (Drama) .. 9S0 12—The Attack on the (Drama) ....1000 IS—U. S. Snbmarine "Salman" (lastmetlve) IB—The TTaurcc (Drama)! 994 IS—Wban We Were In pur Teens (Oom- •dr) .. 4TB IS—Aa Old Steir irtOi a %ew Bndlas (Oom- ESSAN. Inly— IS-TkaUed to the HDU . 20—The TUef (Drama) .i 092; 23—The Oeapeiado (Westdm Comedy) ....1000 2T—A Fair BzAange ((^Miiedy) .......... 63S 3r—A Personal Hatter (C^edy) 844 80—Broncho Billy's Bediemptlan (Western Drama) .. ............L... 950 Angnst— { Feet. 8—Hnlcaliy'i Bald ((Jomedy) 344 8—^A (Allege Chicken (Comedy) 448 6— ^Dnder Western sues (Western Drama) 1000 W—TJp to Date Servants (jComedy) 8ZT to—speeding Seals at Catailna. Uund (Bduea- tloaal) I.... . .. 170 IS—The Girl on Triple X (Western Drama) 950 17—The Count that Coimtedl((3omedy) 876 20—Ttae Dumb : Half-Btcjed'a Defenae (Drama) .. .. v...:...''J.............looo 34—Tkke He Out' to the 1 Ban Game (Comedy) .v.^ L.....,;..... 090 37—The' Defputy'a Love (Drama) 1000 SI—Yon Stole My Parse (Coiiiedy) 475 U—Who's Who! (Comedy) . .\ 825 September— \_ , _ qj^j""™' .... 987 ) ...... 940 '(drima)" 854 and tbe iBandi eptembei 8—The Millionaire (drama) .... 7—A Dog on Business (comi 10—An Didlan Girl's Awak< ' 14—Whist (comedy) . 14—He Met the Champlim 545 ledri;.... 4.15 (Oomedy) 233 inft) 750 653 416 ania)....1000 Up Some 17-^Hank and I>ank Joy- , 17-^The 'Pony Express Blder (w 21—A Close Shave (Comedy) . 21—A Flirty AflUctlon (Comedy: 24r-Tlie Toufa Bemembrance (L 28—Hank and Lank, Xhey Dude ((Jomedy) 28—Curing a Masher (Comedy) (JAUUOiNT. (George Klelne) luly— . Feet 16—Ttae 3^ Whirl (trick eamejdy) 812 IS—Tto Faniire of Sueceaa (drains) MB e Pdncesa and the IMilxMe (oca- Odys: colored) ..........••••••••*• 080 e Foxy Lawyer (comedy)j......... 430 a8-4be BeantUia IblffuetTbaidtsaiis).. 410 20—An Answer** Dream' (myatacir drama) 815 as-HOUng Woodea Shosa (Uoatilil)... 385 mt—ttba Fgcbtdden Hovel (eoaatty)....... 440 Anritt Vest 3—An Andent Ifartner (Oimedy)'' 431 S—The Ace of Hearta (Comedy D)rama) .. fiOe S—Tba jLjOcd'a Player (Anegotlaul) ....470 S—Tanerlire. the Oem of the i Ouiaxlas ^CtaTdogne) .. .. .'. BOS »-^letnreaane Waters of Italy (Seenle) 4ir 9—nie Water Con: (Comedy) .1 488 It-attaodwa Allre (Dnma) ..J 880 IS-IDittts «C Haeir la ChaiuBglz Tato (Seaale) I......... lOB IS—The Brtrmigemant (Drama) .t.... -<B7 IS—Access Boaalan Mand dtoazf)888 in TiKWIng a Hanatn (Odond Mattll^.. 881 20—Baying a Mother-in-Law (Fniea) 874 23— Nel^tbors (drama) Jl......... 486 ^-^Vma UtaeTaUon (faice) .X... B06 27—Vhe Tow (biblical drama)...!. 868 27—^In the Fyreneea (scenic traveHogtie)... 122 80—me Sbeidierd and the Maid (tdrama).. 706 80—Ancient Caatles of Austria (s^eenle)... 289 September— . ' Feet . 8—l&irequlted Love (Trsgedy)..!.....,... 084 3—Callno Takes New Lodgings dComedy) 427 S—The Wsy of The Transgressorf Is Hard (Tragedy) .L. 053 10—Robert, tbe Devil (Mystery jblay).... 998 13—An Easy Winner (Farce-drama)...... 463 IS—A Powerful Voice (ComedyvT^ 17—^Poems in Pictures (AlIegorI< 17—A Dummy In Disguise (ComL_ 30—Tactics of (^Id (Fairy-olramiI) ...... 886 20—Sunset (SeeDie) ........... I,. 102 24—Tbe Beserved Shot (Drama) .. .. : 741 ai—OTe Times are .Oat of Joint. (iOomedy) 392 27—^ Sunken Submarine (Drania) SM 27—TOO Much Water ((Xmiedy) Ti........ 8SI am aj ..... . wn> nS........ 486 riSU Idyll) 881 .... S81 KAUK-OOHPANT. 97—A Dai 38—Pure Angnst— of Dixie (drama),., (dtaou) - -^Mle (dnms) Lagend of Sear (drama).... Boetowed Babr (oomedy) net Met 9.msr tsasc tkrlbrtt. B. t. FILM BROKERAGE CO. 124 E. Uth Sttvat, Naiw VerH Cl^ Importers and Exporters of Poreign and Someatio Filma of Every Make, and Desorlptlon. IfaohlnBi, AooesMziea, Song Slides and Announcement . SH d s s. — SEND FOB U8TS Keep Your ^ On Us ZHTEBKATIOVAL PIUI TKADEBB, Inoorpo- rated. 147 «th Ave., Hew Tork 01^, Oeimaa Savings Bank Building. Largest dealera in the ^mgd^in seoond-hand ftlms. Importers and Ex- SLIDES ANNOUNCEMENT SLIDES SI6.OO Ptor Hundrwd. SEND FOR LISTS. 600 Set s SlldM. $2.00 Psr Sot MANHATTAN SLIDE CO. 124 E. 14th St., New York City NOTES FOR M. P. OPERATORS A Tolnme of valuable Information. Eliminates 80 per cent, of your trouble. Practical Infor- manon that will positively get the desired re- sults on the screen, Hl^ly recommended by experienced operatiHa. O0U> lONEFOB BE- onntEBs ASD pntsx aid to tke maha- GEB JS EMEBSEHOZ. 20 cents In stamps or sUver now. First edition almost ezbaosted. Next edition win cost 50c each. J. W. BDICK- BBOOD. Dept. B, 131 W. 24tli St., N. Y. C. TEXAS .-. EXHIBITORS ...ATTENTION... First-class film service with posters, TODgs, TecordB. UNIQUE FILM SERVICE 1013 Toxas Ave., Houston, Texas FOR SALE MOVING PljSTURE THEATRE Oidy theatre In country, mining, of 2,500 pop. Interior fully decorated, 180 opera seats, Inalne floor, new Power Mo., 6 machine, ^sstn screen and well equipped thraughont Oonld be ar- ranged for vaudevUle and would nay big. Will sell for actual cost, vis. about 8750. A good opening in a good town. If Interested, Inves- tigate at once, t must leave for Callfondn soon. Address JOS: N. BICHABO, Box 112; Asstunption, HI. Reproduction of Uie JOHNSON-lEFFRIES —FIGHT", in movlngplctnres, slightly used, at f 150 to t200. Will send 0. O. D. with priv- ilege of examination, upon receipt of deposit to cover express charges. OHIOAOO FILH ZZOHAKOZ, 46 7aeksoB Bonlevsrd, OUoago, We wsnt to buy second-band M. P. Machines, What have you to oSerl We alio sell thorn. What do you noedt <;HI0A00 FIUfEBB, 178 M. Oreen Street. • •. Obloago, HI. FOR SALE-ONE SYNCHROSCOPE with SIX snbleels, flim and records to match. Ml make machlaea bousbt and sold, Qas Ma- chines bpilght and. sold. BIscit Tents, 180 Voiding Chain for aaie. BESTntiM BRItVlOB cheap. DIXIE FlIAt EXCIIANOB. Owenaboro^ Ky"'^ Wantod to Purchase Third Beel of Paihe band-colored PtliloB Play, Uost 'be in good eondlUoo and pilea nisensbls. Addtfss OXESOXHX OXTT lUdt OOIUMOB, Wow Orleans, Xa. BABOAiir nr nuts and somo suobs— loo reels Wia. cituant conitlllon, »7 iwr r«el anil up: no sets Song Blldes. perft'ct conaKlon, II.T8 nSr set. with mujlc, Ht'Ud lioatal for llaU. Oood F"..,."'!'"* .f»™<"li<»l at lowest privoa In llie South. Supplies, llargalRs In new and Kpoond" P. O. BOX 300, New Oriesm, Xs. vovno noxvsE XAORini, in,«o AM^Lanps, 12; BbDoiiUts. lai Uas OaiwMloM, Hank and Lank Are Hero! Beginning this week; tbe first of the Bank and I<ank series. RalMM of Sitardi}, Sepienbar 17 Hank and Lank- Joy Riding LENaTH, APPROX. Z33-FEET These tn'o are tbe funniest ebmedlana ever In motion pictures. Do not miss any Issue of tbe Hank and Xank series. REL^EMJBED WITH "The Pony Express Rldef LENGTH, APPROX. 750 FEET An excellent Western dramatic subject With many thrills and an appealing heart Interest Reiean of Wedaetdaj, Sopbabor 14 "WHIST" I.EN(STH, APPROX. S46 FEET and -HEMETTHEGHMIPIOr LENGTH. APPROX. 455 FEET Two little noveltle» with real humor In them. " Bead the Eaaanay GUIDE for the de* scriptions of the above pictarea. ESSANAY FILM MF6. CO. 43S N. Clark St.; CHICAOO. ILL. LONDON, f SsriosrSt,*. BERLIN. M ».a. J . a a u fflMMnCi Us ANNOUNCEMENT SUDES |i^(HANGEl'-! GET THE BEST ■•nil} tiBOHiiNiiieii aad IdnrtniaK Slidu are considered the best on the market. Piles 85c each, colored. Write for catalogns. irOTELTT SLIDE (MMPAVT. es Fifth Avenne, • Vaw Tork OUy. COMPENSARC That's the device tkat eaves Moflas Fie- tute men two-tblids on their sisettis llsht bUls, and yet gtvca better Ugkt. Did 700 see ow ad last wsckl Well, don't look it up—inat write (or ear Boo klet 15 018 FORT WATNE ELECTRIC WORKS Deseitaaeat 0, rOlT WAYNE. INDIANA. lU mm PICTURE mcmiEs fniEonneeiii. tuvct, imsttma. QM.M.SteUmis» lOsiMsliiStrsat. KANSAS eirr. mo. LarseUaaet ■akoB Ssodik BirpiRS IB SS£i88S:°f»£' BdiMB Unlveraal, Bdlsoa Bahlbitlon. flB: Siollograph, f31B style, now, tar *1«B: jSow Htsudsni, ktlM; otneograpb, MS: Power Cam- fMnrnph. iloor aitlh Oenlury Marwl. f85, Patbe I'aaalOM P ay rilui,_ObvrammagaB mSH, Spot tJshlB. Dlsaolvtng Steieonlteon, Pose and 8n- iifBtlne Slides, all ««^— — —*— MaeblntMi wautwl. HAI Iwn, I'hiladelphit. P». JIte. Uotlos Fletiws lACB * 00., nt- MWS-IWIlos Tjitili »«t wUbTd »•« ml unt Uedet B. Oat ittmerj rsda Wttm,- teed. a CMll U Mte ■oi« StidM. «l.M ■ lure sele, ehtaB.~iStKiet ai«wlm«.