The billboard (Sept 1910)

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SEPTEMBER 17. 19ia Xtie Billboard 47 U-Oto CUl of Um Blool (dnmal. IT—nmnttr.otJIkU (dfUBal. 1»-irm to fmt (dnaa). 24—A Qlpv Benaae* (Dnnui SO—Tto Caa«dlan MoonahtaMia (Dnma) .. July—^-■ W—t lb—Bownaty f«r BuMUbnae* (dnaa).. MO 21—Joha Snbam'a OoM <dnuoaa>.......... SOS AvfUt— ~ PMt. 1—Ttre* Haarta <Dnuna) VTO 4—Ah Btac and Uw QMaiata (Dnma) .. MO •—Tito Haart «C a Sloax (Dramm) MO 11—A Okiaca «r Heart (Oonadf) ITO IB—<Tba IHatrlet Atiaraar'a Momph (^fr ABAS) ■»•>>■>**■*•••■«•••••■•■■•■•■• U—Tb* Onek Farm (adneatlimal) 32B 1»—BMttr at tiM Slura (eomadr) 9M 33—Cowboy OblTalty (Orama) 9S0 38—The AnateUatle Ottp (Comedy) BOO 3S—The Dream. Pffli (Comedy) 480 30—a%e Btnofer E)KE (diama) MO September— ' Feet i—Ths Man Who Died (eonady) ..... MO > S—The Bcallac Fatth (Drama) 900 ' B—MatUda'a ^bmlBg Waya (Comedy).. MO 13—The Orecnhorn asd the Olrl ((Tomedy) OSO IS—Mn. KtTlDKton'e Pride (Drama) 500 U—Rewnrcefai Bobert (Comedy) 4B0 PATHE-FBEBES. filly— Feet. >e Jllatakea IdoDUty (drama) aM 18—Awtal frapboay (eolatcd tiiek) 4M 30—Uaaoa TbUM) TSS M—CatehlBc Iiehatacs (edaeattomd) »« tt-JXta Ocmbafm Bwaathaart aad flia Baa- dlt (dtaaa) Mt »—lloia a( Bett7> FiaBka'(anMAv) «38 M—Pete Baa ■ Oead XIaaa fCaicA.. 4T8 M—OettlBC Evea With a Xawymr (Drama) OTO K—BtMknff 0t tto IM Is raliad (Unea .ttOBftl)' 800 ar—Oetaettrara Draam (Oamady) an R-OB tto. atUoplaB nmUK (Oohwaa Semite) '•« .«•...•.......**.•...... S8T aB.^ammj Oata Rla Biatar Harried (Com- edy) 8W ao—uacUoatitt (Catered Drama) lOM ABcaat— Feet. I—Betty aa an Ecrand Oltl ((Jeaady) .. Bit, 1—HootlBc Bate la Sumatra (Celond Bd- QcaileBalV' •.'••.*.•••.•*.......••.••.... STl 5— Cader Both flaiB (Dranui) BSD B—The Barrel Jamper (Actahatle) 144 •—Mo lian'a Lead (mama) B» •—No Beat for the Weaty (<^tad Com- t^ ^ Lateat ahahlon m Sklrta (Comedy) TIS a—Fiftieth ■ AaalTeiaaiy o( Zokehama (GoIcNd Beeale) 3tt 1 P i e u Mea at a IWrt (Ootead Drama).. Tia . a Jt w l ali Vrv* BaaaU (Bdneatlend) BOT la—Her Phetnaraph (Comedy) as nm TMecauoadp. ...m la-nw Bed ffiri aad the OhBd (Dnma).. — 18—Ollwr Twiat (Dmaa) IB—Max Haa to (JIuBBa (comedy) 4ia I»-Baek to Ufa attar low Xeara (com- IT—A (AeyaBBa Bra*a (drama) 8S8 !»—A Bbort-UTt« THomph (oonadr) .... T9« la—no Brlka (aei«bat]e) IBT ao-nw Shepherd'* Doc (drama) BM 80—A School IB Itum emaea (eataaa ^CCB'C) aa«aoa*a*oaa*>««»**aaa*aaaaaa*«aa S8S 33—A VlacaleaUtlaB (Comedy) BB4 33— Batter MaUiiK la Normandy (Colored edDcatlonal) «M 34—Tnmble* a FoUeemta (Comedy) 810 34—Seenee In Norway (Bceslc) ....i VM 38—The liOTer** Well (Drama) 888 3T—The CMsUwar'a Betom (Drama) .... 8SS 3T—Bow Jack Woo HU Btlde (Comedy). ^ SS4 n—Uementoot tha Faat (drama)......... 636 38—Rtdk WUI be Kida (comedy) 381 SI—Adrertlalac tor a Wife (comedy) 91B September— i - - . Feet s—aoTCd from Rola (dtama) 082 a—Deer Bnntiac In Oelcbea Islands (acen- Ic) ••••..••....•.••••••.%...*••... 302 8—Maggie Rnnlthan Geta a Job (comedy) 930 B—Who le tbe Boaa (Comedy) 216 8—Zoological' Oardena In Antwerp (col- _ ore. Seisnle) T41 7— The Oambler'a WUe (Drama) 9T5 8— Uiey at Boarding Sebool (Comedy).. S28 ,8—The Belctan Army (ICdncaUanal)...... 413 10—The Appeal of The Prairie (ilrama). . 9W 12—A Oood Glne JOomedy) 449 12—Bantlag Uie Panther (Oilored Scenic) 468 11—The Two Siiten (Drama) 9T5 16—Caconaelooa > Herolam (Film d'Art)... 9S1 IT—The VaBarles ot Lot* -(Comedy) 9B0 SBLIff. «aly_ _ _ i»—Thr liMrnlx (dnuaa) .........JOM n—Masrppe (drama) ...1000 »—A Had Doc Bean (comaay)..«; WO tt-A:6l«« WalUas Oaia (aoMdr) aio 3K—The Overtnya'Btiataaaa (draiaa) aognat— 11—Loat. la tk* aoota (aiaiu).... 1000 la—Willi* (camadr-draais) ..... 18—Bamaa Heart* (drama _ M—Dora name (*aau)i .;.............. SOO iB-Th* <lBaiaB BaidaM (Oiaaa) ..lOQO 3»-Jik* imigtaBt (dnoM) tteptemher-^ ; ~ ' ■■■ ■ ■ 1—Tbe Bo*d to BkhBoaa (dtaanO - - 1—The Boad to Blehmond (Drama) lOW 5-*«d By Little Handa {Dramai...... MO .8—Ilm tbe Baacbman (Drama) 1000 !t~S;l"'«_ (Drama) 1000 IB—The Schoolmaater at Uarlpoaa (Dra- ma) ....^.....w..............lOM ^ KOnON. Aomiit— 1*-Bt* Mer Family (Drama) the Sqnlre waa Oaptorad (Oemedy) IB—Bomptlona Take* Up AatoaobUlar (Comedy) Feet S~If*J'''' ^ (Drama) aa-^ Talofa Tladleaaim (Omaedy).... aa-B*em Tyranny to Ub*iC> (Dnma).... Ctcptembe^-* >—The Han Who I<eemed (drama) f-The Big Scoop (drama) •—Alice** Adrontnr* in Wonderland (fairy la—The Great.Secret (comedy) *ol^ VITAOIUPH. la-Vwo Btthlaad Lad* (Comedy) *>-^a^Ty Jooaa and Captain Braax (Com' «S:^S$^* Saa'a Cabla. Part 1 (Drama) BBS S~^!*J!^*a Oabia, Part n lOW a^^«Bd* Vrn'o Oabia. Part III. aaaaat ■ f—An nniatr Oaa* (Drama) Feel. iS—Hm. Bazriagtoa'a Booae Par^ (Drama) 15- ^'TlMi ^!0m of tlM Balanco (Drama) ,. tB*j>elataa (draaaa) ....••......••«....... IB—Back to Matnro (drama) a&—^der the Old Apple Tteo (draiaa).... M—Tbe Ttee* Cherry _Flt8 (Araau) i 26—The Ken Batai*' Qob (eogwdy) »—Boae Learea. (drama) .......i ao—Jean and the Oallce Don (*aau)..... September— a—A Life for a Life (drama)... 8—The Wrong Box (comedy) «—Chew-Chew I.and (fsliy atocy) 6—A Bongh Weather Coortahlp (comedy) 9—How Ua Won Him (drama) 18—The Three of Them (drama) 18—The Sepoy'a Wife (drama)..... 16— Two Waif* and a Stray (Drama) .... W—A LonaUe at Large (Comedy) 20-^ean, the Match-Maker (Comedy) 23— ^A Modem Knight Errant <Drama).... 24— Benondatlon (Drama) 2T—Ber Adopted Parents (Drama) ... 30—A Home Melody (Drama) OTT BOO 8M 8T0 OTO Feet 085 985 000 4M 990 ass 997 1000 987 988 SOT CKBAN-ECLIPSE. (George Klelne) <Bly— Feet w—Throogh the Bncmy'a Line (drama)... 8S0 »-Pekln the WalM Cltr (tear) jT—Ttw.Art Lom^ BtnitaBF (draam).... BW JT—Hesleaa DoaaatB (tnmlaBa*)....'.... sao tugnat . Fact.. - _ . . _ - 830 S—Witch Of Oaraba*** (Unad) . B—Camel and Bon* Baeias Ik (^pleal) a» 10—The SUeat Wltaaaa (Dram 1 B40 Ifr-Oa Um Baaka ot tto Xiydar Saa, Bal- laad (TkaTakVBO) BTB IT—The Binl Seteaadeia (C*nM«T> CIS IT—Pan*. Vlewad (torn ta* BlOai Towar (8c4b1c) .............................. W 24—Bacape of the Boyallsta (drama).. OTO 24—ShtobnUden ' of Tonloa, .Btance (In- dnatrial) 2M 81—Baying a Sear (comedy) 4M 81—A Cndae in the Hedltcrraaeaa itrarel. ogne) .............v.......... 420 September— Feet T—Ingratltode (Drama) 749 T—UlUtary Kite Flying at Bhetmea (Top- ical) ....288 14—The Artlaan (Drama) 457 14—The Tramps ((Jomedy) S28 SI—A Corslcan VcndetU (Military Drama) BM 21—Scenes In tlm Oelotlal Kmtfge : ,(lraT- msEPEnsxT. mp. iCmA Lacmmle) (Bly— Feet lb—Snmmertlma (Oomedy) 90S 31—The Mlatak* (Drama) 9M ingnst—^ Feet. 1—Irony ot B^to (Drama).............. 8M 4— ^Tankeeanna (Drama) 882 a—Oae* Dp« a Tim* (Oomady)..^....... 8M II—Tha Hoodoo Alarm Olaek (Oaaady)...^ BM SB—Tb* Widow (Comedy) .. .. .. .. .. Beprtember— 1—Tha Bl^t Olrl (Comedy) .. .. .. . 8—Ton Sared My Life (comedy)........ 8—A Slater'* Sacrlflee (drama) 13—The Two Danghtera (Drama) 18—The New Botler (Comedy)- .......^ . Vi Debt 1 (Drama) ...<*......^..4....... - -P0WEB8.- V::' : Mir— • 18—A. Gam* oC Heart* (eomedy<.dnaa)^... 28—Oohea and Harplur (drama).....^.... 38—Onr Booaemaid (farce)............... 26—The MIsaInc Bridegroom (diaam) S8-A UtUe Confederate (Orama) 88—The Tlxen ((Ximedy) Angoat . 1—Ber PriTata SeeretaiT (Drama) ...... IS—Winning a Boabamd (Drama) 15— HadaoM Oalro (Oomedy) ........ 16— Ae Sewing GlH (Drama) a... TBANBOUSKB. Inly— Taol 18—The Olria ot the Ghetto (Dnma), 1000 2»—The Playwrlghf* Lot* (Dtama) ...MO 26—Dnde Tom'* (Mia (Drama) 1000 38—The Mermaid ((Tsewdy) .....±........1000 Angnat— ■ ' laet a—Jenk'a Day Off (comedy) .......1000 5— Tb* Baatoratloa (drama).............1000 a—ISw Mad Bermlt (drama) ............lOOB IS—Lena Rlren (drama); .....•■........^1000 10—me Girl Beportar (drama)..........1088 IB-tea Stoop* to Ccaqoar (eom*dy) ......low 28—A Dainty Politician (Drama) ........ SO—An Assisted Blopement (conMdy)...±lpOn September— " , , : ■ ■ .-■Feet 3—A Ffeab Start (dtama).;.............. ■ 6— Mother (Dnuna) - ...1000 0—The Doctor** (Carriage (Drama) 1000 ■ MHLIKS.' |gly_ Feet 31—A Peatal Snbstltnts (Drama) Sm 38—Th* Wamaa in the Case (Orama) --MO AngQiftM : FaM. IB—Her WlaalBg Wear, (comedy) "J 38—The Beauace ot Oiiae Banu (drama) BBO September— Feet 1—Won in the Fifty (Drama) 800 8—BaaebaU. Tbat'a All (Comedy)........ 9S0 OHAMPIOM. I 'Inl**^ 'Fiat »>—A Bomaaea at aa AbtU (drHU)......IOM Angnat— Feet. S—The Spitflr* (I»r*ma) MO 24—Tha Sheriff and HIa Son (Drama) .... 9M 31—The CowlMy and the Eaatemer (Dtama) 900 September— - Feet T—aia Indian Brid* (Drama) ....800 14— A Wild OMW Ohaa* (Ooondy).. SOO .■■ ■-i.DBIBIIDBB.-'■" Angnat—. Feat. 11— brttaa Bgrnw** Saertae* (Draaw).... IB—Shanghalaa (drama) ................ If It la FILMS yon want to bny, set IB toocb with OS. Almoat 1.000 a vi- IK> i*el* to aeleet tnm. BB to BM per t**U tWd for llatl. OBnuao numtSi ITS ». QT*«n Btraot. - « CM»*b*. nt for Sale--M. P. Theatre Bars two and caat ma both; mnat aeU one. A Bood chaaM tor 88818 «M to pat la vaadatlU*. Addna* TAUDBXTI TBaATWt. Tlalta, Okla. FOB SALS—Fight Pictures JefCrlea-Fltzslmmons Contest, fall eight ronnda; Championship Base- ball Game, 'Frisco Esrtbqnake and Fire; Edison Ontat, calclnm and electric; 5,000 ft. other films. $100 takes outfit. Write or wire BILLS' DEI.ANEY, Boute 1, Saginaw, W. S., Mich. FOB BALE—Three Edison two-pin machines, all complete, 380 each; two Edison one-pin ma- chines, all complete, 810O each; Films for sale; flrst-clasa condition. IT to B18 per reeL MATES SILVEBMAN, 106 4th Ave., Plttsbnrg, Pa. ORXHO FIL.M CO. Be-derdops, deans, testoiie*. tint*. toaw_8Bd cOIot* old or new films. Makes film title*. Work done at yonr own eacbange. if deabced. Hoeh. atetter** pioeeaae*. ' OBCTO VlUf CO., 3151 W. DlTialoa Street,- Chicago. Moving Picture Operator Wanted who has good maelilne, Dlma. etc. Will gire salarr or percentage for serricea and use ot outfit. One to tbiee weeks stsnds. Splendid proposition. Write qnick or wire. H. H. W., Jackson Botel, Chicago. WABTED—Plantate for Moving Picture Show; must be A-1 for -Pictures: state sll In Brat letter. Address MB, A. BELT, Dixie Theatre, Grafton. W. Va. FOR SAI.E Lubin Picture Machine, with ADen adjustable lens, electric burner and rbeoatat, 150.00. A. FBT, care The Billboard, (^Indmutl, O. Ed. Ex. Head Lens, |35; Ed. Mch. and Oal. Light Outfit. $5S: others, $25 up; N. P(de SUdcs, 88; Girl From Montana film, 1,000 ft., 820; entirely new M. P. Ut^t, better than csL, costs Be per hoor. $20. with bntner; dis. tfe*. F. L, SMITH, Amaterdam. N. Z. . $54.00 ^ TheBecoidof fhe 6liEiU4G0PE And we can prove It Any one M« operate It. UakM 6 flnlahcd bottoa pbotoKrapha a mla> nta Price ot Cam - era-Scope, with BupoUes for mak- tng 300 pletnre* (enough to p*F fat tt* complete oot- at). — B35.M Extra button*. U per hundred: extra a^ fl.60 per Bo tndepen- jt and make money for joor- seU. Write to^. W. & Momi«««d. IM Kalden Sa». New Tork. H. T. BIO BABOAnr—Complete entilt; Ed. M; P. Machine, Model B Gas Ontflt, Screen. 2 reela Film, 2 seto Bong Slides: all In fine eondltlan. for 885. Send 810 den., ship C. O. O. exam. CAiNTON EX.. Canton, Ohio. WANTED-AERUl ACTS For Ctrelevllle, Ohio, Anmial Pnmpkin week of October 2-8; enclose contract and billlnB with letter. CSBAS. F. LOWE, Secretary. WANTED—CARNIVAL COIMPANY or Shows and Free Attractions for KIrUIn Street Fair, Sept. 27 to Oct. 1. Address B. E. BOW- BBS, Chairman, KIrklin, Ind. WANTED CARNIVAL COMPANY For fiiat week in October, 2nd to 8th. Write qmds. Address JOHN F. PC»T, Sei^ Alauaement CSom., Washington, Pa. SCENERY Special attention given to Tandevillo aeta (it every description; first-class work at Iowe*t'pa*r aible prices; properties, electrleai and meduui> leal effects. Uluslons, spectacular and open-air prodnetions.' SIDE SHOW PAINTINGS SpadaDy p r ep at a d . AaaHB* Drop*, ete., that d* not fade; Set Plecea, Wings, etc., tbst take apart. If yon want Mseand-hand stuff or Junk, don't write. COBBOULD ft XUHE; ' VBItaa XlMstre, Brooklyn.H. T. FOR RENT TO CONCESSIONS Spaces ot all kinds In Arcade, 1006 Market St., PbOadelpUa, Pa. Open 9 A. H. to 11 F. M. Big (:i6wd% ; r. NICHtHUKIN. lOM UarkM St. The Chilton County Fair Open Oct. 4-8. Privilege* to let for' Shows, Attractions, etc.. on commission. Write H. D. FOSHEE. Secy., Clanton, Ala. WANTED FOR CASH—Moving Plcturs Maelilnca, Films, Tents, Chairs, etc. Moving pletnre snp- 5lies of all kinds bought and sold. WX. £• 'AXKE, S B. ISth St., St. Xonls. His. SIX REEXS OF FUJI, one BUpment. wltb aad Blldea. • $13i00 TWELVE KEELS, two shlpneDts. with ■f^ns and slides. • - $lS.OO You pay express both ways. WABNINO—Toa can't set sold ddUn for 30c, and yoa caa't tst good films for less money. BOB SAIB—Second-hand madiinea, B3S.00 and np. AU -~— nslng alternating cnrrent, write as. LIBERTY FILM RENTING GO. lOSIFOinm AVENUE, pmsBiimo. PA. MOVING PICTURE MACHINES EXCHANGED TOir WISH TO OBX A BSW MAC3BINB, W£ WILL HATTB AKCE FOB YOUB OLD OBE. ; WBITE FOB FABTIUULABS THE HOST T.TBWB*T. AIXOW. ERKER BROS. OPTICAL GO., 604 OLIVE STREET, ST. LOUIS, MO. THE HOTIHA PICTintS XHEUBS SOVKtT HOUSE OF XBB WEST. PROCLAMATION! TO THE EXHIBITORS Swansoii-Crawford Film Co. GREATEST EXCHANGES OF THE WEST. ; Now CoBapoacd of SWANSON ST. LOUIS HLM CO. 0. T.CRAWFORD FILM EXCHANGE WESTERN FILM EXCHANGE WAGNER FHM& AMUSEMENT CO. THINK IT OVEKt COUE OFF THE ANXIOUS SEAT! GET THE SERVICE THAriX KEEP YOU SMILING I SWANSON-CRAWFORD FILM CO. CCNTURV BUILDINO, ST. LOUIS, MOk