The billboard (Sept 1910)

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SEPTEMBER 17, 1910. nrtie Billboard 55 Oklahoma City—1. O. O. P. Grand LodKe ot OkUlioma. Oct. 18-21. J. A. Culbwsruotli- Tie. Okta. OkUbonia Clt>—Sebekih Aiumlilr. Oct. lB-21. D. t>. iktklDi. StlUwater. Okla. ■MwnM—Oklabomi PoalUy Sbow. Dee. 12-lT. B. W. Ulteb. 1008 E. Main it., Sbtwniie. Okla. ■Ullwater—Rebakali State AaaembiT ot Okla taoma. Oct. 10. Ida C. Back, EI Bcdo, Okla. Btniwatei^GraBd|tr T. O. O. F. of Ok'a bnina. Oct. 10-21. J. A. Carlberc, QatbrU Okla. Btlllnrater—Grand Encampment I. O. O. 9, O :, lT-18. vH. A. Herwis, Quttaile, Okla. Tkhleqnab—UkUbuiua Statn AntI Uutav Tbtpt Aaaa. Oct. 80. Wm. H. A. Hanlaon, Box 146. Obaeotah. Okla. OBEOOH raadUton—Pendleton PoaIti7 Kioir. Dec. 13- la. Bdsar -P. ATerlli; PeodletoB. On. Pirtland—Ongan Stat* BoRteoItiml Boeletj, Kar. so-Dee. S. Flank W. Powar, Partlaml, Ore. Fortland-rOresiMi Retail Haidwara and Imple- ' Bent Dealers' Ann. Jan. 24-2T, 1911. B. J. Altnow. Woodbnni. Ore. FEMirSYI.TAltIA AUantowii—Onad Eocaiuiiuieut ot Peuurlra »la. I. O. O. F. Oct. ir-SO. Uiher A. Ball, Odd Fallows T>oipIei_ PbUadelphla. Pa. AUmtowa—rcdentad Hnmau Sodatles ot Penn ■rIeanU. Oet. 6-T. Thoa. S. Carllala. 80 b. ISth at.. PbUadelpUa. Pa. Altooni—-Flremen'a Ab«b. of Pa. Oct. 4-6. W W. Wonder. Beading, Pa. ^tftoona—PennarlwUa Oimfereiic* of Oharltlee and OoReetloiia. Mot. Ift-IT. 1338 Beal Ba- taU TYnat Bide-. PbUadelpbla, Pa. Altoona—Blalr Coanty Ponltry Aian. Jan. 0- 14, 1911. B. W. XingUng. 1013 Tarentr- aecond aTe., Altoona, Pa. Blrdsburo—K. of tbe G. B. Oct. 8. Jobn Salnaa. 14T W. Olner at.. Beading. Pa. Obntcr—Stat* Conneil ot PcnnarlTanla Order of Independent Amerirane. s<^pt. 20. Wm- A. Pike, Broad and Arrh ats.. PbUadelpbla. Pa. Baatoa—Eaiton Pooltry Aasn. Sbow. Dec U' IT. S. W. Oodler. Eaaton. Pa. Brie—State CouncU of Pa.; Jr. O. n. A. U. Sept. 20. Geo. S. VOtd. Bos 766, PbUadelphU, Pa. ■tankllB—121st Bvict. Pa. - Volimteer Infantry. Oct. IB. it. T. Borland. Fredonla.' Pa. Harrisbarg—PennaylTaala Federation ot Uqnor Dealers. Jan. 24, 1911. Capt. Jai. B. llor- phr, est N. STtb at.. PbUadelpUa, Pa. Utlta—Lancaster Ooanty Poultn, Pigeon and Vet StoA Aaan. Dee. 2T-S1. Jaaea H. Bnit- Igu. UUIs. Pa. PhUadelpbla—A. and I. O. KnlgtaU of Malta. Oct. 18-20. Frank Orar, Broad and Ardi ata., PbUadelpbla. Pa. Htl almi F— M edical Bode^ of the State n( PennarlTanla. Oct, g-t. Gjma Leo Btrr Ma, 114 R. Main at. AUicw. Pa. nttabon—Sbepberda of Betklebem. Oct. 11-1S JJm A. Wrekoir, 2,800 Federal at.. Camdra M. J. nttabi inn—Lntber I<eagtie ot America. Oiaa. Fair, SSS 8. Laogblln at.. Oct. 25- . Fair, Sfi 8. Laogblln at.. Pttta- iHirc. Pa. .PItteburg—U. S. Land and Irrigation Bzpoal- tloo. Not. IB-Dec. 4. Bobt. P. Croa. Boom 40T, lis Adama at.. Chicago, HI. ■aedlOK—Beformed CboTeh In O. 8.. Baatem .Brnod. Oct. 19-2S. Bct. J. B. StMn. S30 Maclay at., Barrlilmrg, Pa. ■erantoB—Supreme Caatle Knighta ot th* OoMen ^■le. Oct. 11. A. C. Ivtd*. ai4 M. Br •t, PbUadelpbla, Pa. ■ertataa—8tit4 IMcntlOB of - PcmiiTlTMilt Wo- sea. Middle of October. Mra. Hatrtaon Bon- der. Ooniwan. Lebanon CeoBty. Pa. Bcr anton —Board of Trade ladnatrial Bzpoaltlon. Oct —. (ten dara). Mark K, Edgar, Board of Trade nidc. Smintan. Pa. Scranton—Woman's Christian Temperance Union. Oct. 14-18. Mrs. B. O. Scott. 6842 Thonaa BoDlsTard. Pltttbing, Pa. SallersTlUe—North PennaylTanla Pealtiy Aaan. Dee. 14-IT. B. D. Both. Ftaneoola. Pa. WnilamBBort—West Branch Poaltrj and Kennel ClQb Show. Dee. 12-17. Jaa. T. Bnatoa, 422 Lontsa St., TnUIamsnort. Pa. Womeladorf—Womelsdoct Fonltrr. : PIgaaa and Pet Stock A*«n. Kon SO-Dee. S. a- D. I«lab«rh. RTKland, l>a. T ee k - P enmrlTanla GermaB Society. Cel. — Prof. Oeo. T. Bttlngcr. ABentawa. Pa. SHODB IBLUrD Kewport-^Istrtet Lodge B. I.. No. S. V. O. Sept. 4. Cart B. Saadberg. MI Weatmlnater ■t., Pmldence, B. I. rfotlaane*—I, a O. T. Onnd Bneimpmnit. Oct. 18. Mia. C a. AldHek. SBO Oharlastoa ,^ATe., Prartdeoce, S. I. , ■ . PnrTldeae*^tltnHe DtcMr WatMnrajra Aaaa. Bmit. —. AddiaoB B. Bntk. 818 OfOMf Bldg,, Hdladelphla. Pa. PioTldance—B. I. Babekah AnamMF. Oct. IS. Oora A. Aldrlch, 090 ObalkstaM a?*., FmtI- _dence, B. I. WigkeaaU—Jr. O. U. A. U. Oct. U. Aithnr -jr. Batioi. 288 BaekUa at, Prartdcnee, R. i. Wniianiaport-^aaoclatloB of Dlreetoia ot tbe Poor and ObaHtlea of PennsylTanla. Oct. Il- ls. L. O. ODlborn, Somerset, Pa. wooooekat—Woman's Obrlatlaa Tnaperaaee , DaloBOfR.I. Oct. B-e. Miss Mary B. 01- asF. SIB Bntler BIdg,. Ptorldenca. B. I. OdBmbIa—4laatb Carolina Aasn. of Postmasters. _Oct. 11-12. A. L. KInic. Georgetown. S. C. •soigetown—Mary Ann Ania Chapter. Last of Not. or llrst week la Dee. Mrs. Aogoat Kobn. Onlambla. M. O. BpartanbDrv—Spartanlrarg Poultry and Pet Stock Aasn. Jan. 10-12. I81I. C. W. Anderson, Spartanburg, B. O. aOVm DAKOTA Bwon—Sonth Dakota Bdoeatlonal Asan. Not. _ 1-a. J. Fred Olaodar, Plenv. S. D. Btdfleld—Sonth Dakota Indspendent Tsltpbooe Assn. Jan. 11-12, 1911. - B, R. Back, Bud- eon, a. D. Btsax Falls—Betall Implement Dealers' Asaa. _Dae. 84. >. a BirtoB. TamUUMt, 8. O. fl^u Fana—Mooz Valley Poultry^saa. Dee. b a. Oranger. Blonx •Falls, A O. xmncBin OhattaaoBca—Aaan. of American Oemstsnr S«»- •rlatendsnts. Sept. 28-80. Frsnk Bnrich, •04 Union Trust BIdg., Ostrait. Mich. Otatlaaeoga—Boelsty of ihs Anag ot th* ttam- beriand. Oct. 12-18. Oka*. B7BttTam, Chat- tanooga,' Tsan. ' Obattannoga—National Leagoa of Poatmaaters. Oct. 12-14. Cbas. 0. Toung, Oakwood, III. Ohaltaaoogs—SoQthara Bdneatloaal Aaaa; Dae. „aT-9a. B. B. nisTlT. (Shattansoita. Tmuu Wguhto-m-state Ponittr sftow. sapt. sr Oct. 4. a U Bakar. Mswhia. Vsaa. NaHbville—Grand Lodge I. O. O. F. of Tennis »>e. Oct. 10. J. B. Hartwell. IIB SeTaatb ars., N. Nasbrtlle, Teao. NssbTllle—Brotberbood of St. Andrew. Sept. 2.s-Oet. 2. Herbert Carleton. Box 2806. Bos ton, Mass. .MsbTllIe—Rebekah AasembiT, I. O. O. r. ' Oct. 18. MIsa Tbereaa A. Kramer. 780 Elgbtb are.. S., MasbTllIe. Tenn. VsMiTlUe—Sontbem Medical Aaaa. Nor. 8-10. Oscar Dowliag. Bhrercport. La. Abilene—Departneat Cooaell P. M. I. O. O. 8^. of Texas. Oct. 10-11. B. E. Traylor, Corsl- caoa. Tex Abilene—Texas State Teacbera' Assa. Dee. 27- 29. T. D. Bnioka, Bllisboro, Texaa. Auatlo—Texas Oungres* of Mutliers and Parent ' Tracber AasoclulToos. Ort. 12-14. Mra. J. K. Porier, pres.. Park Botel. Dsllaa. Tex. Beanmoat—Southeaat Texaa Pooltiy Assn. Not. 21-26. J. L. McKlBley, 1228 Bsrriaon St.. Beaumont, Tex. DallHB—American Assn. of Psiaenser Agents. Oct. 10-11. Gordon 0. Noble. 800 Cbeatnol St.. PblladelpbU. Pa. ' ' Dallas—National Wholesale DmffRiats* Aasn. Not. 14-18. J. B. Toms, 81 Folton St.. New York Cltj. Fnrt Wortb—^American Ballwaj Bridse and Bnlldlns Asan. Oct. 18. C. A. Llefaty. sen, C. A N. W. B. Y., Chicago, III. Honstoo—Profenslonal Pbotograpbera' Aaaa. of Texaa. Oct. 1820. F. M. Boyd. QaiaesTlUa. Tex, Saa Antonio—Trans-MIutsslppl Commerdsl Con greaa. Not. 21-23. Artbnr r. FTanda, Bos -356. DenTer. C<d. Waeo—Grand Lodge of Texaa A. F. A A. H. Dee. 6. Jobn Wataon. Masonic Tsmpis, Wseo. Texas. Waco—Daogbtera of tbe Ametleaa Baeolntlan. Not. —^. Mlas Harriett Spalding. BSl Boas ST*., Dallaa. Trsas. Waco—Texas Womaa's Chrtotlaa Taiapennc* Cnlon. Sept. 26«l. MIsa Fred Aw Bailey. 9B01 St. Bmauuel, Bouston, Tcz. VXAB . Canyon—Grand BaeanpoMnt ~1- O. O. . Mar. 22. W. J. Maaca^ Bos 1028, Salt Lak* aw, Utah. Park*f*lnrr-W. Ta. But* Madieal Aaaa. Oct. B-T. A. >. Bntt, OaTto. W. Ta. TERMOBX Cabot—Grand Lodce of Vt., t. O. 6. T. Oct. 13-13. B. M. Camplidl. Lyadonrille, vt. Bntlaad—Termoat Sunday-school Assn. Oct. II- ISL . B. A. DartSak Bartlagtoa. Tt. VIBOIBIA Alexandria—Protected Some Ctrele. flapt. 19. Walter L. Taylor, 2187 L. at, N. W.. Wasb- Inctoa. O. C- Brattleboro—Va. State Bortlenltnral Society. First week In November. H. B. Cammlag*. Rnrllacton. Va. Bristol—Kalghts of Maeeabaea of tb* World. Oct. 11. C. W. MoRli, Sll S, dth at, Blcb- mead. Ta. MartlasTille—Stat* CoaneD Jr. O. O. A. M. (Jet. 18-19. Tbos. B. iTCy. Box 115. Peters: burg. Va. Norfolk—Va. A M. C. Retail Implemeat, Vehl ele A Machinery Dealers' Asan. Not. 16.17. R- L. Sp^n<-*r. 1302 Main st.mcbnODd. Va. BlAmoad—Ttrginit State Assn. of Sradnate Narses. Jan. —, 1911. MIsa A. OnIl*7. 210 Oaxey at.. Blebmond. Va. Slchmond—Ballway Slsnal Aasn. Oet. 11-13. 0, 0. B0Nllb«f. BatUShMD. Fl. BeUlagbam—^BeUlagbam PooItiy Aaaa. Dee. 28-Jan. I. Uoyd BUdebraad, SlIO D St. Belltnxham. Wash. Olympla—Weatem Waahtastoo Woaua's Chrls- tlaa Temperanc* Dnioa. MvJt aooet. 4. Mar. Msrgaret Munaa, 482 Arcad* BIdg,, Seattle, Wash. Spokane—Dry Farmlna Cowtresa. Oet S-6L Jno. O. Bonn. 214 Batoa BIdg.. Spokaa*. Waah. Gipokaa*—Dry FaraslBc BzpoaltlaB. Oet S-9. W. B. (Ha. aapt. ^4 Bnttoa BIdg., fl^fcaa*. Waah. Spokane—Coontrr Ute Oonferenre. Not. 14-19. Spokane—Pacific Northwest Btrdwar* and Im- Element Assn. Jan. 18-20. E. W. Breaaea. pofcane. Wash. Taroma—Waabingtoo Educational Asan. Dee. 27-29. O, a Whitney, Brjaat School, Taeo- ma. Waah. WZ8T VntSIHIA Obarltltoii-^Blks* Stat* OsnmtlOB Sspt IS- ■19. ■ ■ - KNIVES, CANES, NOVELTIES AIX TH£ LATEST KOVKLTIEB OITT. SO UVmiit a OF ALL EtMOS. Balloons. Whips. Kquawkers, Sbell I'oraes, Glass Lamps, Comic Buttous, Confetti, Dusters, Slappers, Tinsel I'en- nants, L<-atber Goods. Mirrors, Sbell Necklaces. Initial Tins, Watches. l>rize Jewelry, Blowouts, Jap Canes. Robber Balls Glass Norelties. Ribbon. Rosettes. Fountain I'ens. 5-cent Sbow Son- Tenlra, Tricks, Puzsles. Largest Novelty Soprly Boose in Oblo. Thousands of satisfied ens- toman. Order* shipped same day as n>ct!lTed. 1910 Catalogue FREE. NEWMAN MFO, CO,. 641-647 Woodland Avenne, CLETELANr:. OHIO. Corner's Orangeade Is tbe original and best. Beware of substitutes. $30.OO profit on every ponud. Guaranteed under tbe V. S. Goremment Pure Food Laws, Serial No. 9346. Tbe best and most noimlar ar:uti for Parks, Fairs, Enteriainments. etc. One pound makes 40 gallous; price, $2.33. Send 10 ccota for sampi* gallon. Write for prices In larse quantities. THE CORNER CO., 303 Maryland Street, BITXXALO, MEW YORK. BUY DIRECT from MANUFACTURERS and IMPORTERS — O. D- A. - M. Sept ai-ZZ. Brent ShriTer, New MSmasTiUe, W. Va. Cbarlestoa—West Tlnlala Ana. of Fostmu- teta of tbe First. Seeood and Third Classes. Oet. —. T. H HafTman. Keyser. W. Va. Charleston—^West Virginia State Grang* Pa- trons of Husbandry. Jan. —, 1911, H. T. Brown. Buffalo, N. T. Fairmont—Grand Lodne, A. O. O. W. Sapt XI- 23. L. S. WIgal. Wheeling, W. Ta. (Continued'on page 5S.) Toy Whips, Canes, Feimants, Gas Ballooiui, Knives, CSanes for Cane .Boaid. Send for 1910 Catalogue. NASELLA iSROS.. 32 Atlantic Av*.. BOSTON, M/kSS. (BIG MONEY IN OUR I SOAP >^°" AGENTS I Get our prices on soap and toHet articles. They will interest yea. Onr advertlslnc ■ assorted packages vltb valuable premlams bare tbe flasb and valoe tbat get tbe money. ■ KrerybodT uses them. MAKE GREAT SOUVENIRS FOB SHOWS, CARNIVALS. ETC, ■ Money setters for canvassers and fakers. One youns man cleared $1,008.53 In 6 months ■ straight on a houHe to bouse canvass. Are yon dolnfc as welt? If not, send postal today. ■ We will teach yoa how. £, M. DAVIS SOAP CO., 303 TTnlon F&rk Court, Chicago. AGENTS—-STREETMEN DEMONSTRATORS NEVER BEFORE ON THE MARKET TXCB QUmEXT ZBX PEXTdLS. robber flnjs lied. Big 25c seller. THE QUEEN PrtT AP.D FOR Non-leakable. Guaranteed to giro satisfaction. Bed or_ black iJr^ e proflts. Sample by mall, ZSc. COIOCESOIAI, NOVELTISB OOXPAHT, 64 Wabash ATsnne, CHICAOO, nx. The Monroe Fair Association wishes to contract tor enoush Side Shows and Coieesslona to'(III two sides of the amnsement atreat tluongb Fair Grounds, one thousand feet long. Our country Is blessed irttb msgnificant crofMi moaej wOI he plentltnl. Outlook for fair tlie brlgliteat In ita talstorF. glenoid oppoctaaltiaa to do good bnslneaa. Datca tar fair, October gS.a8«r28-S9. 1910i. Addreaa HOMBOB KAIIt ASSOCIATION, B. D. Apgar, President: E. W. Anderson, Secretaiy, UONBOB. LA. 50TH GREAT STATE FAIR AND "HOMErCOMING JUBILEE" RALEIGH. N. C, Oct. 17-22,1910 Beat fair for Ooncesslons, Oood Bhom, and Attraotions generally, in the South. Attandaaca baa Increased foui-told In the last five years. No gambling permitted. Good shows, gainsa of skill, and other sames where aometblna of reasonable value la glrea for each fa* chsrged. wlU ba admitted here. Write for apace. I0& E. POOUB. Seeretaiy. WANTED - - BIG CARNIVAL COMPANY -BY THE- TRI-GOUNTY IAW, SIKESm MISSOURI Seitmi^her 28, 29, 30. October 1 Contracted with PAIN PXSO. CO. for bis display llteworka each nisht. Baea aaraial big open air acta and feature acta for midway. Grounda lifted with electric lights and <pea each night until 12:00 p, m. Will make midway a big feature of Fair especiaUy at night, benrsioa tralna held each night until 12M) p. m. Ooneeasians ot all kinds tor sale. A. A. WKB,T, Blktstaa. Hsw The BEST and ONLY Tii8 BEST Tope, natfOrm, and other Shows and Conees- slong will be at tbe Goorgta State Fair. Macon. Why don't you write for prlci-st Will sell a few lunch stands for $100 cash. W'> will hare WrlRht Bros.' Aeroplane and 101 Ranch Wild West Show for 4 days escb. Pain's Flre- workH 6 days. The dates are Oct. 2« to Not. !(. HAHRV C. ROBKRT, Secj. * Oenl. Mgr.. Macon, Ga. . • IVANTED FOR THE BIG ROCKVILLE FAIR Midway Show*. Fakirs, and Privilege People of all kinds. Thia fair la KrowlUK BIOOER AKP BBTTBB every year. Address F. J. COOI.KV. Secretary, RookvlUe, Conn. WANTED-600D SKOWS ON PERCENTAGE BASIS Marlon County Fstr, Oesis, Its.. Nov. I2-2» mvlleitre for sale. XtAVXD 8. WSXIAJIB, Baa. Ooala, Fla. POUGHKEEPSIE, N. Y., FAIR SEPTEMBER 27-28-29-30 Av«ras« Attendance 30.000 W* Exp^t 60.000 This Year BIG AEROPLANE RACE MEET CURTISS, BALDWIN AND HAMILTON ENGAOED WANTED—ALL KINDS OF SHOWS, CONCESSIONS, Etc. On percentage or flat rental. Address, at once, WM. T. WARD, Foughkeepsie, or HENRY MEYERHOFF, Supt. of PrivUegeis, 1402 Broadway, New York CSty. SHOWS AND PRIVILEGES WANTED LOOK THESE OVER SCOTTDALE, PA.—Firemen's,'on the streets, week Sept. 12. ARNOLD, PA.—Firemen's, on the streets, week Sept. 19. MONESSEN, PA.—Moose, 1200 strong, week Sept. 26. VANDERGRIFT.PA.—Same location as last year,weelcOet.3. The above are the real «ream ot the Pittsburg district, being pl^ed at the lij^ time. We are with the big pay days at each stand. Address J. FRANK HATCH SHOWS, ■« per eboye.- THK BIUJBOARD IS AMERICA'S ItEABINO AND MOST WEDEIiY rmrrrATEa> ^kkkkimV amoxexeest sovbsasu scascBxenos, ttM A VFJtR; « MONTHS. SS.OO: S MONTHS, $1.00. PATABCB OT ADVAlTOie. NO EXTRA CHARGOB TO FOREIGN' SDBSCRIBBRS.