The billboard (Sept 1910)

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58 Tne Blllboarcl SEPTEMBER 17, 1910. lAXEBT nCPaOTES PORTABLE AFSICAK OIFS. 'Xhe season's greatest attraction. See him SPLASH. A mint on fair grounds. • Write only. MEXICAN ARMADILLO CURIO CO., Boom 200, 56 Fifth Ave.. Chicago. WANTED—Shows, Riding Devices, and Conces- sions of all kinds for Pickens Connty Fair, Oct. 19-20-2L Big crowds with money to spend. Work on percentage. B. B. GOODWIN, Privi- lege Manager, Pickens, S. C. NOTICE—BEVERAGE DISPENSERS We have a substitute for sugar, for use In any kind of Jnice. lemonade,' etc. Will send sample and directions for 13c In stamps or equivalent of 100 lbs. of SBKar, for $1.33. Address COFITEY & VINSON, Elida. N. Mex. ICE CREAH COMES that are delicious and pure, will stand Inspection of the pure food law. $8 per 1,000. Address J. H. UNDSEY & SOS, Sacandaga Park, N.. Y. FAULKNER CO. FAIR CONWAY. ARK. The Fair with a big night show; Oct. 4-T, 1910. If money is what you 'Want, get a concession or a show Cotton is very high and this year's crop Is the finest ever made In this county. Grand opportunity for the live ones. Short jnmps to three other fairs. Write W. N. OWISX, Mgr. Faulkner Co. Fair, Conway, Aik. Danl3ury Fair DONT FORGET ir—OCTOBER 3-8 Th« Largttst Exhibition In Now Enatantl. : For ^Me^ amly-to N. T^BULKLEY 8up^ Booths & Stands, Danbury« Conn. High Net Diver and Balloonist AT LIBERTY All apparatus the very best. Work guaranteed. 14 years' experience. Address CHAS. E. COLE, 67 Madison St., Adrian, Mich. BALLOONIST AT LIBERTY Guarantee satisfaction. THB _ BAIfLOON COv Go anywhere. TermB very reasonable; money deposit for appearance if re- quired; plenty good references. Address PBOF. CHABLES SWABTZ. Mgr.. Aeronant, perm, address, Hamboldt, Tenn. CONVENTIONS (Contlnned from page S5.) RInton—West Va. Tfeadwn^ Asm. Kot. 34. Mrs. Helen J. Jolmion. Kimball, W. Va. Montgomery—State Council O. U. A. U. Oct. 18. J. Alfred Taylor, Box 32. FayetteTUle. W. Va. _ , Parkeraburg—West Virginia Board of Trade. Not. IB-ie. R, B. Maglor, Wheeling, W. V«. Wheeling—West Virginia Coal Mining Insti- tnt». Dec. 1. Edward B. Day, 108 Smith- Held it.. PltUbDTK P>. WlBtXMItlUI DclaTUi—Sontbent WIwanslB PoiUbT Assn. Jan. 23-27. J. U. Blaektotd. 219 N. 8th St.. DelaTan, Wis. Fond dn Lac —tjrand Encampment of. Wiaconsin. 1. O. O. F. Oct. 11-12. W. H. MasiOD, Woai dn Lac. Wis. Mliwanke»—WIsconslB Hardwara lumbermen's Assn. Sept. 20. A. B. Beeb*, McMillan. Wla. Milwaukee—Grand Chapter O. B* S. Oct. — Helen M. Laflln. 466 JelTarson at., Milwaukee. Wis. Milwaukee—Order Hntnal Proteetlon. Oct. —. e. i^ei-Vecchio. 11S6, No. ISS I<aaaUe at.. CUcago. IIU Milwaukee—Wisconsin Cheese Makers' Aasn. Oct. 21-22. N. S. Baer, 23 Welt Doty it.. Madison. Wis. Milwaukee—Wisconsin Retail Imnlement and Vahlele Dealers' Assn. Dec. 13-lS. Geo. . Bwen. 601 Superior at.. Antlito. Wis. Milwaukee—Wisconsin Betatl Hardware Asm. Jan. 31-Peb. 2. C. A. Peek. Berlin. Wla. Oconomowoc—Qconomowoc. Fonltcy Sliow..'. Dec. 14-19. Cbas BebRiMl. Jr., Oeoi i ei n wroc, Wis. Wansan—Wisconsin A. s. of B. ^ Oct^': SS-3S- M. Wes. Tnbm. Madison, Wis. WTOMDIO " Ijcramle—Grand X<odg»~ and . Grand Sncanpment I. O. O. F. Oct. U-13. Hush Hynda, iMtm- mle. Wyo. OAHASA Port William. Out.—Tradea and Iiahor Gongreaa of Canada. Sept. 12-17. P. M. Draper, Box 515. Ottawa, Ont., Can. - Gnelph. Ont.—^American I>lee«ter Dr sa d ara' Aaan.' 1>ee. —. Al 3. Temple, Oamerott. HI. Kentville, K. S ^Hlgh Conrt irf N. S...I. O. r. Sept. —. E. I. Hiseler. Halifax. N. S. Can. London, Ont.^—Ontario Vegetable Grower s* A san. Dates not settled (Sept.>. J. Lorkle Wilson, Parllamrat BIdg.. Toronto. Ont., Can. Toronto, Out.—nmon of Canadian Munieipalltlek. Sept. — . .W. D. Ugbtbali. Quebec Bank BIdg., Montreal. Can. VancouTer — Canadian Mannfartnma' Aasn. Sept. 20-22. a. M. Mnrray. 1410 Ttaders' Bank Bldg., Toronto. Ont., Can. PASAXA Panama.—American Institute of Hliillis Engin- eers. Oct. 2S-N0T. 25.: B. W.-BaymsBd. 29 W. aatb at. New Tnrk Clty.% BALLOONS NEW AMD SECOND HAND Write for Price list J. UNDER, M^r. S60 Walnat St.. Kansas City. Ho. BALLOONS Large stock for RUSH FAIB OB- DEBS. ASCENSIONS furnished by OUT most BET.IABLH CUSTOMERS. Send for cat alog. Writ e or wi r e you r orders. THE HOSTSWESIEBN BAIXOOK CO., 210S Clybonme Ave., Chicago, Illinois. ^ AGENTS WANTED of ths World Wood Hudia, ■ - $4 Xnifa ShtrpsMft, S4 SAKFCB 10 Ota. ALBERT L. ALLEN. 118 «th A»o.. . Pltteburg. Pa . Minute Pietnre Mea READ THIS chance: TO DOUBLE TOtra INCOICE. The greatest Inducement ever oITered. Fositlvely a $25 machine for only $14. Takes seven different styles of pictures in- clnding the 2%iS% stu- dio size. Write for cat- alogue. MECHANICS' MFG. CO., 904 St Paul St., Rochester. N. X. ATTENTION Iforelty Dealers, Fair Workers and Streetflien Xtowest prices on Jewelry, whips, canes, knives, roblier balls, mblier . balloons, confetti, shell goods, bead necklaces, glass noTelttes for glass blowers and novelties of all Idnds for pick-outs, shooting galleries, etc Our line is the largest In the country and oar .prices tbe lowest'. L. ROSIN & SONSi S E. BK&SI. STREET, . UINCINNAXI, OHIO. Phone Main, 4732-Y. Dec 8-9. CAUFOBNIA Santa Ana—Grand Encampment I. O. 0. F. Oct. 4-8. Wm. H. Barnes, L O. O. F. Hall, San Franciscn, Cal. COLORADO Colorado Springs—Pike's Peak Poultry Dec. 12-17. H. H. Chase, Colorado Springs, Colo. comiECTicnT West Haven—West Haven Poultry Assn. Nor. 29-Dec 2. W. J. Maher, West Haven, Conii. DELAWARE Dover—Delaware Corn Growers' A. £. Grantham, Newark, DeL IOWA Donnellson—Southeast Iowa Poidtry and Pet Stock Assn. Dec. 6-9. H. G. Kirchner, Don- nellson, Iowa. Emporia—Kansas State Music Teachers': Assn; Dec. 28-30. Theodore Lindberg. aire Wichita College of Mnsic, Wichita, Kansas. Olathe—Kansas State Grange.- Dec. 13-15. A. L. Hnnte, 536 E. Park St., Olatbe, Kans. White Cloud—Conrsing Assn. Sept. 28-29. Roy ..£. Lynds, White dond, Kans. - irABBiiuiniaiiTTa Boston—National llotor Boat and Engine Show. Jan. 28-Feb.. 4, mi; : Chester I. Campbell, 5 Fark Square, Boston,' Mass. Boston—Bosbm Auto Show. March 4-11. Chester I. CampbeU, 5 Park Square; Boston, Mass. Boston—^National Flower Show. March 27-AprIl 1, 1911. Chester I. Campbell, 5 Park Square, Boston, Mass. BoEton—Industrial and Educational Exposition, Oct. -2-28, 1911. Chester I. Campbell, 5 Park Sqnai^ Boston, Mass. KICBI6AS' Reading—Hillsdale Coimty Poultry Aasn. Dee. 12-lSL Harry Adams. Beading, Mlcb. NEBRASKA Omaha—Westers Land Pndncta Exhibit. Jan. 18-28. W. O. Paisley, care The Bee, Omaha, Neb. NEW JEBSEr ' Atlantic City—25th Regiment N. J. V. Dee. 13. James V. Trenchard, Bridgeton, N. J. Z«akewood—New Jersey Sanitary Assn. Dec. 2-3. Joa. E. Exton, 75 Beech St., Arllagtcni, M. 3. NEW.XOBS New York—Assn. of American Portland Cement Manufacturers. Dec. 12-14. Percy H. Wilson, 1329 Idnd Title BIdg., PhUadelphla, Pa. PEHNSZLYABIA Apollo—Eiki Valley Poultry and Pet Stock Assn. Dec 8-10. A, S. GntllTle, ApoUo, Pa. Butler—Penn^lvania State Grange P. of H. Dec. 13-10, }. T. Allman, Thompaontowii, Pa. Beading—Beading Poultry and Pigeon Aasn. Dec, e-lO. C. H. Glase. 1331 Park ave., ~ " Pa. Austin—M. W. of A. . Sept. 27. 3. B. penter, 219 E. Sixth St., Austin, Texaa, Car- CANES and PENNANTS FROM FACTORY TO RETAILER Wc manufacture the most extensive line in the country. I£ you wish to enjoy a sensation of looming big profit, get in touch with us and our low prices. Do it now, before you get mired in the rut of poor stuff and poor sellers of other makers. Catalog free. Samples submitted. Quick action. COSMO MFB. CO.. 311-312 W. Michigan Street. CHICAGO. lU CONK BUXCaOUNBS RK SHUVBMl FOSnL-MISS A.a. SMITH 3Z«7 VAN BUREN ST. CHICAGO MANUFACTURES oriWDSBa^SBVICBS Sand fof a*w Catalog «Kowin^ - fox* 1911. • CHEWING GUM USERS WE ARE THE.MANUFACTURERS OF THE • OWL PEPSIN CHEWING GUM Now bdng used by a majority of those following Fairs, Carnivals, etc., for Pick-Out^ Paddle Wheds, etc Write for i»ioes. BALTIMORE CHEWING GUM CO., BALTIMORE, MD. ASSORTED COLORS MR. FAIR MAN How About The Fabs This Fall? One customer at a canuTal sold ^! he had—TEN GROSS PINAFOURS first two days, and writes he could have sold uiirty gross more that week if he had had them. A display stand free with your first: gross. THE PiNAFOUR TOT MFG. CO., CANTON, OHIO- Grandest Attraction Ever Produced Open to book Expositions, Food Shows, Ipdoor Fairs, Etc., northern territory; or ANY NIGHT-ATTENDED EXPOSITION, FAIR, HOME-COMING, or Outdoor Amuse- ment Gatherings, central and southern territory. NOW READY to negotiate for later time for either attraction. Nothing too big or too high- elass for these attractions. WRITE FOR FURTHER PARTICULARS 6E0. U ROSE, Manager, ^^i^SSi^, GIncinnati, Ohio. THB B1TYER8' DIRECTORY TBSUUB YOU WHO AND VmWXO,