Billboard advertising (Sept 1910)

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SEPTEMBER 17, 1910. TlmeBillboard 61 (b« kejr to Iwlp f«t the ear oa tbe track, It It •bould he m luUuckir ai to rua oS and aot a crowbar bandjr. Tb« IMU aajri that ba baa a flue uDP, with doublv-baek-aetloB tbm loeka, to kewp bU "|>tiioka" In during Batuidajr and eundar Digbls. Now, all be Dceda to make tb« oBce completa l> a good looklna Amerleaa clrl with tbe Yankee (wUt in bvr talk, and tben you will not need to laki! a trip to tbe United Statea to bear (be American lansuaie apoken. Ooea you good CO so down tbere to alt for a few momenta, and you can >ay that you liave bad a trip hom* and come back witb aome of tbe new and espreiatTe pbriaea tbat ttaey are noted for. By tbe way. tbey bare got a good-looking Anatratlan girl that take* down all the Amert- eanlama tbat aiv let fly around tberc aod, wblla abe la not an Amerlemn. ahe la a deuced flne- looklnv •peclmen of tbe genlua Australlanala, and atie baa aucb a bewitching amile tbat tbat alone will attract you to tbe boly of boUea, or tbe Inner eanclum of tbe J. D. WUlIama Amoae- Dent Company, Umtunl.- Al 8|H-ncvr'a Lycenm. there are (be uaual two performances dally, aince tbe death of King Edward. Tbey are abewlng aeenea In and about Sydney, taken by itaair expert (one <a tbe very beat). And Ida work win atand aloogalde lbs Tcry beat work ut any dim maker I hare jerer aeca up to lb* preaeat. , - Tbeni la on* tUog that I am nmdy caaelneed «f. that la. Mr. Spencer makea a big gad (atal mistake In enttlng oat tlie titles ot Mma as tbey sre seen at other hooaes, and wbaa they come on tbe screen you bear tba •zpraalwi: "Ob. I aaw tbat al So and So'a." Tlirn, acsln. It Is not as If be bad a good. •trong-Tcriced man to aaaouoca tbe nanw of the Aim. but It detracu from the aubject, and per- bsiM s orw name Is glren tbe Olm, tben tbe re- marks come ttist "I saw tlist lUm at sncb and •ach a place, but tbat was not tbe title tbat I •aw oa (be din." 1 see by bis Inte l liew a In one of th» trade pa- ners tbai be bss a One alwdia la Sydney- Wbea be ronea bark to the city I wUI get Urn ta take me over tl. aa I waa aot aware that be tosd s stodlo^ I know that be as* sn op-io-dsie pisat for tbe making of inaltlrea and Ibt derrlapoient at argatlTf* mad aoine of tbe eae«t of cameras and a good bit of money anak la that ptsai. bat ttwe stadia I hare yet to see. Mr. Ernest II. Ilisgtnt. their expert. w<Rild be a grrsl anjolslttoa to any plant In tbe Called HIate*. sod be Is Tery anilona to get to (be Stales, to put In a few year* In tbe boalneas orer tb«». Any letters addrrsscd to blm at tbe Lyceam llall be will get all right. Mr. Speiwvr'a Iradlag dims this week are OUrer TVtat. From Shadow to Snnsblne. The Cateer of St- Stmi^. The Two Brothera. and •ceaes In and atK<ot this cliy; The area* Vlc- tortstt Railway Aerideoi. Mr, Biggins was a fkaneacer no that Dl fsied train, bat be CKaped uaborl. Mr. Illgglns. who waa oa tbla trala. bad all hi» aptwratas wJib btm aod be at once CO] iMar and made s faUtiroI record of tbe grwKW trmn.. which will < ad tbe railway d«|MMa«ni of Victoria lata a beary bill for damages, as ib« clalaa already pat ta are orrr rear bat»ATmA In oombvr. Tae MUbap to Codjr's Aet^Haae. and others go to Biake op a pleasing •ad a aatisfrlsg pr<«ram. Mr. Speaeer'a aew tbesire U gradnally taking ,*a ftHs|.e aad wtlj et>oo form a most prominent Ubdmark OB the slope tit the Mil la Otorge einwt. This will w» |»e ready too t am «n- rareted) sail] Christmas, when a most elaborate (•rogram wiU be pat oa for the o|>ralng perforai- •at«. Beiier la be bora Jorky thab rich any ds.t foe. If enr tBonal nan KnmUed oolo Hcite* la this world. Mr. Spencer baa d«ae il- I here sees marb Of Mr. Speneer'a ameeomits (a li» Amerlsrs t>apers. bat I baee not so far •era a ttoe of tus dolac* In tbe Kagltah trade {>s|w». end thai I sm rslber sarpHaed at. aa be I* • rtmntm sdrerllver la I be Load on trade pspwm. In the aiastr line, we biT* here at ihe preaeat ilfi."" arest Bosllitt BeiKl. "Tbe Bessie* «• <h nsra." and tbey are atltng the large City .Ball lit will seat d.OiW pmplei. What 1 bare tried my be«| to do for tlw Isst aix year*, r BM M fsr oarreeded la doing, aad tbat t* to get waae tt ih* crack Amerleaa baada. aa<I Mprrtallr da 1 w««| to «>• j, i>b{U|i Seuaa'a Itsad eeaae vrrr here, which Ibnc coold do n^t mmmrr bere. waich 1. wiaier la the Catted m»fr*. imt let Mr. Sooaa Ibtak All tMtler •rer. and kla name U that well kaowa. aad bis e"mi-~lt!»» sleo th.t im- aeed bare no rear on tbe nssnrlsl port of tbe rentare. Neat month «» will beglfl to get summer weather ben aad IbM will conttao. ap to aaxt April, thea the *w< •raslber WUI b* eb n*. aad that wooM cat •w Ire wlih aa Aaiertrsa. ^^r we do aol eten got a f»wK here in tbe wlater. Will Mr. J. P. S?**. "«»d»y think tbi. natter orer and coa- •Idert VIMJAM n. n. LANX. NASHVILLE, TENN. ICoalliHHPd rtom page ia> J*^* S?'^- J?*'—" the mioa Theatre to J«rk«m«Hle. na-, was In the city on t.abor f*^m TlJiljr* «*• w. Of- .-ilF- "'.tf^ nice, manaaer of the Aodl- "^S* ba*?. a »ery bleh elax, mo of at. •raetloa* for the tmalng aeaeo;!. Mr. nice In- r»rm* me^tbat bo Inteada to glee Naabrlile Ihe ■•'gjret. class of sltrsrlloBs e»er eeea al hts Aadttorlom. A cordial iToeptloa tra* glren tbe Inlltal per- Adreotawa of IVIly. at tbe WJon Theatre, oa Lolnr Day. At tbe Orand a good tilll waa olfrred last «rek. headed by OUdya X'aare. the girl with the mirror drraal Mr. aad Mm. Murray Fer. aiisoo In Ihetr ISIO trarestr. The Mocotlon rieod. took well! Onrrton and Henry. ■ team of elerer dancers, raptured the crowd: Bob T. Cnit. comedian, waa a bla riot: hia atalf waa new and made a hl« bit. The Orand waa •a»ed to rapacity huslneaa on lAbor Pay at watlneo and night performances. The Fifth Arenoe bad an attracllre Mil last week._|oclodln« the following acts: Mardock •■>d WstM>n m a black face act: Tbe Kaw- Kasian Troupe, of eeren iwople: tbe Rnaalaa rtsncltig of these people Is atrang* In ■ way, .tmt la neeeriheless Tery Interesting: C P. Jtor- lon. In feats of legerdemain, ta aDolber good oi-i: Rmeraon and T«Clear, In a eong ind dance ■•■I, went well: llereelle and Adama braught the performanro to a close with a beart-tbrab •ketch, which «•• Hoe and twrit well with the audience. Capaelly bnalnei* mled at bath *ne mallneei dad sight pertdrmghce m Ihbor .,^e Kllte Motloa-Ptetnre Theatr* played to Mr hualnet* tw ttbor Dtf. The Dixie Theatre packed them la on Labor Day to oTerBowlng. The opening bill for tbe Vcndome, which will open Its eeaaon for 1910-11. on Beptemlwr 19, baa been changed from The Speadthrltt to Tbe Climax. With tbe middle of September there enters the dramatic world a Tenneaaee girl of rare Eromtae, Mlaa I'eggy Caatleman. Stae la widely nowo and belored throughout tlw South, where her people are decidedly F. F. V'a. She bears ber paternal grandmotber'a name. alM>nt whose girlbood and marriage there cling rem- iniscences, hlatorlc and poetic, and Interwoven' with tbe itormy days ot Tenneasee'a pioneer bistery. Mlaa Caetlemao Is tbe daagbter of a gallant olBcer of tbe Ex-C^Onfederacy, and a Blece of Tenneaiee'g honored cblef juatlce. But not upon family prestige, or upon beauty, or charm of person does she lay ber elalma to blatrionic recognltioo, bat becanae she la re- markably gifted. As an Imperwnator of classic and emotional n>ln, abe la known all orer the South aad Southwest, and even Into Mexico. She U booked wItb the Academy of Mnalc play- ers'for ber lint tntroductlon to Met» York tnan- agera. W. R. ABNOU). I The lottery Mao, at tbe Savoy Theatre, did a very satisfactory second week's business. Wil- ton Lackaye, In The Battle, opened September The American Travesty Stars, the new musical comedy company at tbe Ainerlcao Theatre, pre- sented Tbe Royal Nabob for tbeir Initial ap- pearance, and Manager C. T. Wlppern deserves considerable praise as the producer. Among the prinelpals are Jeanette Fletcher. Kate Carl- son, Oeorge Best. Billy Oaslow, Eddie O'Brien and Hngh Metcalf. The Top of the World Dancers, In Kris Kringle'B Dream. Is about the biggest thing seen In vaudeville tor some time. It la a big hit at the Orpheum. aod baa all of twenty peo- ple In tbe cast. It la a real lively musical , comedy containing all the best things In tbe orlgiou producton. ' HDBB COHEN. KANSAS CITY. MO. (Conllnncd from page 10.) The Show Olrl, at tbe Olllis Tbeatre tbe week of Sept. 4, proved one of the cleanest, most entertaining moslcal atiowa we have seeu for some time. It waa new here but drew well, and pleased large GlUls aadlences. Miss Hilda Ttiomaa. aa Ttie Show Olrl. waa very cbarmlag aad a very able comedienne. Mr. "Oon" Hecker Is the manager of The Show Olrl. and altbongh this la bia first ven- ture as a trsveling mansser. he la well known lo us through bis able and extenalve service at the WtUl* Wood Tbeatre In tbe duties ot treasarer. We are all delighted to elve Mr. He«k.-r lite "alad bsiul.** sod wUh him well. Edmund Hayes In Ttie Wise Guy is asain With «» at the Century Tbectre the tieek of .September 11. The Century - la doing a great Ma boslnesa. Tbe How>»y Btirlesqoers are lb* Ktow at tbs liavety Tliostrc the w»ek of Sepi. 11. Forest Park closed the season SeptAnber II. Manager 3. H. KoOer reports a most ex- cellent aeaaon. and promises many renovations and improvements for 1911. Electric Park la now gettinsr resdv and put- ting on her gils dress for the aecood annnal Mlmourl Valley Fair, which Is to be held there for two sreeka. commencing September and running through the nrst week In Oc- tober. There are to be many new features this vesr. in sddltlon to the many attractions shown here last aeaaon. The Kansas City. Ken- nel aub have arranged for their second annual lienfb show In cDonectlm' with this fair In Oc- tober. Mr. M. G. Helm, owner and propri- etor of Electric Park, is Ireaanrrr of tbe Mis- souri Valley Pair Anoclatlon. aod is devoting his time, energy snd money to the sneress ot this fair. WltUAM W. SnELLBX. SAN FRANCISCO. CAL. (Coatlnoed from page 11. > Tbe ViB Km Theatre will be a thing of the past tiefore anoiber week passes. Angnst 31. the entire contents which included tile Chairs, draperies, stage equipments, etc., was sold at auction and brought fair figures, as almost everybody in ibe tliestrical boslnesa waa ca hand leofclac for banralDs. Beginning ii«pteaber I. tbe bonding will be demolished and carted away. It was too bad tbat soch a nice tbeatre bad to be torn down. Tbe house was built on leawd gmund aod opened March Henry W. Savage's prrseautlon of Madame Botterfly. Tbe last theatrical per- formance was Tbe Thief with Eflle ShaBDOB and Herbert Kelcey. Allan Shaw. "King of Kolns." arrtved her* from Aasiralla. where be played the Hanr RIckaid eirrplt. . Max mil Is srbrdaled to enea at the Prin- r*". '^'^r. The Girl Reblad the Oonater. September 25, for ■ two week*' stay. He will be suRouaded by a new comttany. Nat Mag- oer wit) 1>e maaairer of the cotopanr. A story Is going around that Clarence W. kolb has eagaged a partner by the name of Olll. aad will hereafter travel onder the firm asme of Kolb sod Olll. Tbe Central Tbeatre reopen* Sunday. Sep- tember «. with the Harry Bema>\l Musical Com- edy Company and a few vaudeville acta. Ttie admission will be ten centa. BevanI Grand Opera Gompaiqr opent at Prln- c»«a Tlieatte for a arasoa ot six weeks, bectaalng Septemlier s. Popidar prices. St cents to »l.o5 will prevail. Al Jolson. who for the |>ast two vreeks has been tbe big bit of the Orpheum bill, tells tbe writer tbat be baa refused more Orpbeum book- togs al an advanced salary, and iostead will bead bia own minstrel company and play from Clitcago to the PaclBc coast.* Tt»e Royal Hnngarlan Qroalen Troo|>e. Jean- ette Dnpree.^ FVm Melrose are .Wie newcMners St the rortola Cafe. Winn Dniiigtaa and The Moscrop Sister* and Mclatyre and Franklin Sis-, ter* are booked to antear at this house this nxmtb. J, Til* Anerlcsa Circuit Jt theatKM. with Tony I^helskl as manager, have secured Ihe People's Theatre, itacrauento. The bbuse reopened with eight vsnderlUe acts September 11. The Caaltio Mnstval Oomrdy Company have finished their Bin* w*eka' season at the New Ort^henm Theatre. Roaolalo. aad are homeward LOS ANGELES, CAL. (Continued from page 11.) Several changes are to take place In the Burbank Stock Company within tbe next two weeks. Mlaa Louise Royce, tbe character wo- man, is to leave the company, - and will be succeeded by Miss Florence Oberle. Miss Royce baa made many friends, and has been especially noted for her handsome gowns, whenever she had a part tbat gave opportunity for them. Miss Oberle Is not a stranger to Los Angeles audi- ences, having played under tbe Morosco man- sgement at hotb the Burbank and Majestic the- atres. Miss Myrtle Vane will also retire from the Bnrbank Company, after a short bnt very successful season as second woman. She will be succeeded by Miss Grace Travers, seen re- cently at the Majestic in the Virginia Harned Company. Miss Travers la & tieantifal yonng woman with marked ability, and wBI be a strons addition to the popular Burbank Com- pany. Baraom & Bailey-s Advertising: Car No. 1 was In Loa Angeles week of August 29. billing the clrcoi, which U to appear here September HO-iil, for four performances. This Is the first circus of the season, and. no doubt, will draw capacity each show. The Majestic Theatre opened tor the season of 1910-11 week of September 5. with The Lot- tery Man. A long list ot first-class attractions Is booked tor tbe Majestic, and a good season Is expected. Following Tbe Servant In tbe House, week of September 5. the Belaaco Stock Company oOtered tbe William Collier Oomedy. The Man from Mexico, which will be followed by Such a Little Queen. Week of Angnst 29. the Orpheum bill con- sisted of Annette Kellermann. Four Fords, danc- ers: Rvan-Richfleld Co.. in Mag Haggerty's Visit: Josie Hather. comedienne: CUltord and Burke, blackface comedians; Four Cllftons. ath- letes, and Harry Atkinson. Australian Orpheus. On Tuesday. August 30. Miss Kellermann gave a lecture to ladles onl.v. and hundreds were turned away. EDGESE D'ISGOMAB. Merry-<3o-Round Orj^ans. Write for cata- logues and prices. North Tonawanda Xnsi* oat Instmnent Works, N. Tonawanda. K. 7. The Three Twin* will come to the Columbia Theatre. 11 scorrd one of tbe biggest hits here last season at tbe Garrick Ttieatr*. Frank .Milton and the DeLomt-Staters made an emphatic hit at the Chutes Theatre, where also the Three Sister* Macarte, those clever wire walkers, singers snd dancers also proved to be Ihe most dainty act of Its kind. We must mention Tbe Doralna, comedy acroballc trampo- line performers, who have a teal novelty. The Mayvllles. In their lllllpntlan act. sur- tnunded by fine setting*, was a real and agree- able surprise to the National Theatre audience*, where they received aeveral cnrtain ealla at every ai>i>ear*nce. lAaelle, a ring performer, first appearance here, baa a beaatltnl lot of awaratus and swell drops. Seven act* are now booked weekUp at the prospeious Portola Theatre. The Oraumans now annoance that their new theatre, nearing completion, on Market street. Will ponlllrply open Octobdr 1, M a- 10 hnd 20 cent vsmlevllle bonse. Mile. Rngenle F>aaKere I* now working at one of Ihe dance caff* here •« an enlertalBer. OMAHA, NEB. (Continued from page 11.) ' to further the interests of tbe bonse managers and exchange ideas on theatrical matters. Tbe Show Girl, with Hilda Thomas and a large and capable supporting company, was the Knig attraction 2Sth and week. Tbe piece con- tains some tuneful and catch; ihasic, with pretty acenlc effects and a well-costumed chorus. Tbe warm weather prevented an attendance which an attraction of this kind deserves. The Benuty Trust was the opening attraction at tbe Gayety Ausust 2S and week. The pro- dnctlon. while well oostumed and with plenty of attractive scenery. Is very much lacking In other respects. Rice and Cady are very clever and would get some laughs It they had the ma- terial. Many of tue audience W4Hidered how tbey came to use the name Beauty Tmst, vrlth a'Chorus below the average ot good looks (or a show of the kind. Business was fair. Manager Johnson, of .he Gayety. has added two rows of seats in the balcony to accommo- date the Increased business of bis house. The siecond week's' offering at tbe Orpheum, week of Au^r- 2S. proved even better than the opening bill, anu drew crowded.houses. This city Is well billed for the lOl Ranch, which appears here the 22d. H. J. BOOT. This is our 75<«ent Half-Tone, or a 3x4 for 91$ cash with order. KnoxYille Engraving Go. SIS Bate Stmt* HiOniUEg TEIK $125.00 MADE Is tbe record In one day with my inisiUe Futin Writers" "Hagle Wands." "New Magie Obu* Tubs'* or "eipsy Queen." Invisible readings In most langnagea. llinstrated ctrenlaxs and sample readings free. Aieats wanted to sell mv new book "Under tvblch Bign Wars Tou Bom'* to Deikartment and Stationery Storea. fiaas* pie book and terma. 10 oenta (pr^H^l S. BOWER. milWMB«w«t Broofclyit, H, V. Our SpMtalty This Ymp Is *h* American DoUar Flag Of Taffeta; nm-fiut and rain-proof; 4x7 feet. Sewed staia, aewed stripea, 8 ft. pole trith ball, 16 feet manilla rop^ ^vanized iron pote holtier, all oompletei Amtriean Flag Mfg. Goapany Easten, Pm. NORMAN W.MERRILL "THAT YALE FRESHMAN" In ■ little talking, a little singing, and tea- tvrtag dramatic elocatlon. Perm, addresa. The Billboard. Musical Bells J.CDEAGAN 3800-10 N. tSark St., CHICAGO. Innctbr and Mtr. to tbv^piofeaalon. Write ton oar new illustrated cat-' Bloc. Netir hlti. Al «*ya reliable. MAGICAL GOODS AND SUPPLIES TOST ft COMPANY. 900 FObeit StiMl^ (EltabUAcd 1890). - PUtadBtpUa. AMIew.Enlatgad. ninstiated Cataloia*. TRICKS and ILLUSIONS Send stamps for catalog 10. BAIXOM. JAMSBN * LeBOX CO.. Largest Mhs. o{ THcka Bad n* iBslons In tbe World. 14S I.aSaIl»'St.; aaOgsmWA..:' W. Uadtson St., CbtCBCD. •"■..-^