The billboard (Sept 1910)

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SEPTEMBER 17, 1910. Tlie Billboard 63 POST CARDS FOR MACHINES. Duairk 8p«iHiUr Oo., 503 TSmnle Dldg., 8t. Couli, Mo. ■zhlblt Supply Co., S8S Dearborn it.. Clilcaco. PRINTERS. Of notorial Poitan, Bis Typo Stand*, Straamara. £to. AektrnwDB-Quliley uuao. Co., Kanni Cltr, Uo, Amarlcan Sbow I'rtnt Co., Milwaukee, Wl*. Oonaldaon .^ttao Co., Newport. Ky. Graat W. t>rt«. Co., S13 Elm at., St. I,oula, Mo. PRINTERS M Thaattloat I«'.kethaadi, Oontraotl aad Frofframa. Otaurcb niDtlag Co., 410 Elm at., OtncUuMtl, O. ROLL TICKETS. NaUooal Bolt Ticket Co.. Bfaamoklii, Pa. Bogrtl Ticket Co., BbimoklD. P«. RO^ECAKE MOLDS. X. T. Olete, 187 Michigan at., Ibledo. 6. ROUGE. it. Stem Coametle Go., 120 W. Slat at., N. 7. 0. "8AY80" CONE BAKERS. 1. T. iiletc. 12T Ulehlsan ct., Toledo. 0. SCENIC PAINTERS. ' And Oaalar* In Booneijr, Etc, magmt Cox, 1B28 Van Buren at., Chlcaco. 111. Traaela O. Dwjer, 251 E. ]4tb at., N. y. c. SDkeboU Art Co., 63QS N. 27tb at.. Omaha, Neb. John Berfurtb, 218!< Boone at., Cincinnati, O. The Uyera Co.. Inc., 144 N. 3d at., SteubenTlUe. Ohio. acbeU'a Scenic Studio, 839 Sycainora st;. Colom- boa, O.: SMmao A Landla Co., 417 S. Clinton, Ghlcafo. Toomey A VoUand Scenic Co.. 2312 Market at., St. Loula, Mo. Howard Tuttle, 1202 Center sL, UUwankee, Wla. SECOND-HAND SHOW GOODS. Dixie rUm Excban-e, Owensboni, Ky. SELF-PLAYING PIANOS. Barry-Wood Piano Player Co., Ransaa City, Mo. I,yon A HealT. 205 Wabaab aye.. Chicago, 111. Bodolph Warlltzer Co.. Cincinnati and Chlcaso. U. S. Mnaic Co., 2930 W. Lake at.. Chicago. SHOOTING GALLERIES. Diamond Norelty Co., Sebenectady. K. Z. B. B. Blpple, 809 Vine at.. Philadelphia. Pa. a. Hollman tc Son, S42 Jackaoo Bird., Ch'COi. W. r. Hansels Co., Coney laUnd, N. X. O. W. Parker, Abilene. Kamiaa. A. J. Smltb, 324T W. Van Bnxen'ati^' Chlenrat J. J. McCflloagb, Sheridan's Walk. Coney Ja- land. M. Y. Wm.-Wnrffleln. '20S K. Sa St., Phtladelplda, Pa. SHOW PRINTERS. CaUonn Show' Print Co., iiSS Aaylnm St.. Sart- ted. Conn. BuBcy Show Print, Mberty * iMtm sta., Cin- cinnati, O. SIDE SHOW PAINTINGS. B. Bock. 728 Bine Island are.. Chicago, m. Da Moulin Bros. A Co., GreenvUle, 111. ■nkeboll Art Co., 6305 N. 27th at.. Omaha, Neb. 5- i * l*** Boadwa.T. Brooklyn. V. 8. Tent and Awn. Co., 22-28 N. Desplalne* •t., Chicago. SIDE SHOW SUPPLIES. Wm. Melson, S CogaweU Place. NorttK Cambridge. . Men. ^ SKATES; Amartcan Roller Rink Simply Co.. Sandnaky, O. Ohleaco Roller Skate Co., 1123 Washington Blya.j, Chicago. lU. . IL O.: Henley. Richmond. . Ind. .. Zhe ^amnel WInalow Skate Ca, Worcester, Haas. SLOT MACHINES. Xaanfaeturen of and Dealers in. Diamond Norelty Co., Schenectady. N. I. A. J. Flaher A Co., 434 Sd ave., .Plttaburc. Pa. {ffon A Healy, 205 Wabash ave., Chleazo, hi. Mttla Worelty Co.. Chicago, 01. g-B-Moalc Co., 2930 W.Xakc at., Chicago. SndOljh Wnrlltzer Co., Cincinnati and Chicago. SLOT MACHINE SUBSTITUTE. Sletaa Co., 1022 Main at., Anderson, Ind. SLOT MACHINE SUPPLIES. ■Albit Shpply -Co.. S58 Dearborn at., Chicago. SNAKE DEALERS. W. O'Oell Learn, San Antonio, Tex. "matrons Snake Co., San Antonio. Tex. »5J»naTlu« Snake Farm, Box 276 Brownsrllle, VtX. SONG Books. Wln._Wj;.Delaney. ilT Park Bow, N, T. City. W. B. Bubbs, aM WlUlam at.; New Tork City. SONG SLIDES. For ninatrsted Bonn. okjcsgo FUm Sxcbange. 48 Jackson Blvd.. Chi- cago; Omaha; Denrer; Salt t.ake City; San •ranclaco. ^^Uira, O. T„ Film Exchange, 1041-6 lACust St. St. lAUls, Uo,; Lontarllle, Ky.; New Or- B.W' Pilm Service, 300 Jdonadnock Block, , Chicago, III. uammic rilm Smrlce, 19« Lake at., Chicago; ■ranarliie. Ind.; Mempbia, Tenn.; Omaha, Sliv ?•'! Mlnnaanolla. Minn.; Portland. Ore.; Montreal; Qtw.. Oan.; Wlnnl- , feg, Man., Can. "Si* Shore iPllm A Snpply Co.. 81« Soperior at., . OlOTeland, o. »~ • K»L.9<' v!,"J'-i* 'Jn'o" Souare. New Tork City, ''•jeltjr Slide Co.. 281 R. (od at.- N. T. aty, UMa, B28 Market at., Phlladelpbla, Pa. SPECIAL SLIDES IPor AU P iuytt B—a »h» Brayton Mff. Co., 77-T9 ». Clark at.. Ch'go. SPECTACLES AND EYE-GLASSES. tow-Priesd. ngee Btoa., 83 nowery. New rork Oily. SPIRIT GUM. U. ■tela CMMette Co., ISO W. Stat st, N. T. O. STAGE HARDWARE. R. Otancey, 34T Sallna St., Syracnae, N. T. •TAQB LIGHTING APPLIANCES. J*'4.**t?'.'!J" Rle«Srle Co.. 880 W, Both, N. », a . a. Ballberg, 80 R. aad at.. New York dly. STEREOSCOPIC VIEWS. muonal Btereogratm Co., 200 6Tth A Ohteafo. STREET MEN'S SUPPLIES. tat 7slr Followers. Coe, Tooge Co., 004 Lucaa ave.. St. Louis, Uo. Berk Broa., B20 Broudwav New York City. B. U. Davis Soap Co,, 310 (Jnlon Park Place, Chicago, Goldberg Jewelry Co.. Ill W. 6tb at., Kanaas City, Mo. OordoD A MorrlaoD, lOB-201 B. Uadlaon, Cb'gs. Ooldamlth Toy Imp. Co.^ 122 B.' 4th, Cincinnati. Holiday Novelty Mfg. Co.. 37 Great Jones at.. New York City. . . ■ :. Levin Bros.. Tetre Baote, Ind. Newman Mfg. Co., 841 Woodland ave., Cleve- land, O. STUDIOS. N. Y. Studios, 1004 Times BIdg.. New York City. Shryock-Todd Co.. 824 N. 8tb at.. St. Loula, Mo. N. Shore Co., 220 Madison at.. Chicago. U U Xonng Co., 88 Corabin, Boston. Mass. Singer Bioa.,: 82 Bowery. New York City. Wratem Bargain Rouae, 272 E. Madlaon. Ch'go. Slack Mfg. Co., 120 Franklin at., Chicago, ni. Harry Wclatmnm. 238 Msdison at.. Chlcsgo, III. Yost A Co.. 900 Filbert at, Philadelphia. Pa. TALKING PICTURE MACHINES. Oaamont Co., Cougma ave., Flaablng, L. I., N. y. TATTOOING SUPPLIES. Edw. B. Brown, 115 Main at., Antora, ni. TENTS. Baker A Loekwood, 7tb A Wyandotte Sta., Kan- aas City, Mo. Columbus Tent and Awn. Co., Cidnmbns, O. Carnle-Goodte Co., 307 Delaware at., Kanaas City, Mo. Dougherty Bros.' Tent Co.. 109 S. Main at.. St. Loula, Mo. J.- O. Ocas A Co.. Detroit. Mich. D. If. Kerr Mfg. Co.. 1007 W. Msdison St., Ch'go. W. H. Loabbaagb, Covington. Ky. Murray A Co., Inc.. 040 Meridian at, Chicago. Thorn ion A Vandlveer, 810 B. Pearl. Cincinnati. V. e. Tent and Awn. Co., 22-28 N. Desplaines St.. CtLlcago. THEATRE FRONTS AND CEILINGS. Kanneberr BooUng and Celling Co.. Canton, O^ THEATRICAL COSTUMES AND WIGS. Wm. Beck A Sons Co., 10-12 GaifleM Place, Ctn* dnnatl, O. A. Foeger; B21 Ifalnnt at.. St. Lools. iSo. THEATRICAL LUMBER. John Gillespie Lumber Co., Lumber A Seward ■ta.. CtiiCBSO. ni. THEATRICAL PROPERTIES. Blegman: A WcU, 18 Wooater St., New Yock City. TICKET CHOPPERS. H. T. Bright, Ettrswn BIdg., Caerelsnd. O. TICKET PRINTERS. Arens neket Co.^ 300 Deaibom St.. Chicago. Calvert Printing Co., Ksnsss Ctty^ Mo, NatloosI Ticket Co.. Shamokln, Pa. Reea Printing Co... 10th A Harney sta., Omaha. Trlmonnt Pr^s. 87 Albany St.. Boston, Mass. Weldon, WiUiama A Lick. Fort Smith. Ark. Weldon, Williams A Uck. San Francisco, Cal. TIGHTS. Slegman A Well. TS Wooster at.. M. T. City. TOY BALLOONS. Francis Frlcke, Bnrley, Wash. Nasella Bros., 32 Atlantic ave., Boston, Mass. Oco. A. Patnrel, 41 Warren at.. New York City. Shryock-Todd Co.. 824 N. Sth St.. St. Louis, Mo. Singer Bros., hS Bowery, New York Ctty. Western Bargain House. 272 E. Madison, Ch'go. TRUNKS. Belber Knnk A Bag Co., 152 Colombia ave., PhUadelphla. Pa. B. B. A B. Trunk Co., 447 Wood at., Plttaburg. TURNSTILES. Begistering and Oain-Cbntiolled Turnstiles. H. T. Bright, Strawn Bldg., dereland. 6. UNIFORMS. De Woalln Bros. A Co.. 1036 S. Fourth st. GreeBvUIe, lU. Western Uniform Co., 214 S. Clark St., Chicago. VAUDEVILLE AGENCIES., Paclfle Coast Amusement Co.. American* Bank BIdg., Seattle, Wash. Ted Spatkk* Theatrical Bxchange. Century BIdg.. Kansas Ctty, UOk WATCHES. N. Shore Co.. 220 Madison St.. Chicago. DL Singer Bros.. 83 Bowexy, New liork City, WIGS. lUke-Vp and XMcot Maaka. Percy Ewing Supply House, Decatur, lU. WILD ANIMAL DEALERS. Putnam's Pet and Wild Animal Store, 480 . Waehlngton at., BaHalo, N. Y. Loula Rube. 248 Grand at?. New York City. WIRE WORKERS' SUPPLIES. T. O. Mott, 4IS Dearborn at.. Chicago, IIL WANTED—CARNIVAL CO. with 10 diows ormote for Cfinton: District: Fair Cllntana Iowa, weak of Stspt. I9tli Write J. B. AHRENS, Secretary. WANTEDj : Attractions: Per County Pair, Oct. 18-33 Inclaatve. W. W. nOMURRLIN, Mgr.. Tallapooaa, Oa. The Polhlil Amusement Company can placo Shows and Ooneeealoaa at nil tlmea, Pemanent address, UattMwna,' New Toek. READ! CONCESSION MEN AND FAIR WORKERS WEST AUBAMU ABRIGULTURAL AND INDUSTRIAL FAIR ' Tuscaloosa, Maiiaaa. October 24 to 29. EvH Coijnties. Concessions of all kinds for sale. The best field in the South.' The Fair with th« Spenders. E. L. CLARKSON, S»cr«tery, TmscmIoo— a Alatoma. BALLOaNIST AT LIBERTY Now Booking for Fairs and Oat- door Gatherings Was a Big Hit tabor Day at Union City, Pa. For particulars address AERONAUT HENRY J> PHELPS, care of LaVardo's VaudeviUe Exchange, ' Lyric Theatre BIdg., Grand Rapids, Mich. STATE FAIR OF OKLAHOMA At OKLAHOMA CITY, U. S. A. September 27 to Oeteber 9,1910—Tbiiteen Days and Nights Bigger and better than ever. All Paid and Special At- tractions engaged. $275,000 in permanent improvements. Strobel Airship, Horse Show, Ten Special Attractions, Eleven Days' Racing. THE BREAT LIVE STQCK,iGiUCUaOiUll AND INDUSTRIAL EXPOSmON OF imtANOMA — r- —Write for Spae* to I. S. MAHAN, Secretary, Oklahoma City, U. S. A. T H E li O N D O N MUSIC H ALL Is the reeogalxed (agsn of VaodeTllte AnlaU thronehoot the world. AmeileiM T liMng in IiJo> don irill and a ftiendlr welcome at M Leicester Street, W. C. NEW TOBK OSVICS, SO W. Twenty-firth Street; THephone. 177S UadlMm Square. ' The Leading Journal of the Moving Picture business in Europe. Hat the largest circulation and is the best Advertisiii^ Medium,bar none. Subscription, $2.00 ■ Year. SampI* Copy NiailMl Frae. 8S Shaftesbury Avenue. - LONDON. W.V ENGLAND. The Biosraipe ryO TOtt make Show Cards, Signs, Banners, Scenery, Stendls, Trade Haria.Etdiin0^IUuBtmtions.Adv«rtiangI)evicefl.StenoptiflOB^ Advertiang Slides, Electric Signs? I Signs? If ao^ypu ivill get a wfaote lot of .us^ infoimatkm eveqr-month <mt of SqRU of the Times, tiie trade p^per in the w«H^ Ab illiistrated test book for agn men and agmts. $1.00 a year. AddnM, SIGNS OF THE TIMES, 416-418 Elm St, CINCINNATI