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SEPTEMBER 24, 1910. The Billboard 11 E N tT==:! N E WSl BRIE F1 SAN FR ANCIS CO, CAL. The Graumans Deny Printed Reoorts That They Have Sold Out. Ltat week was Admlnion Day Week, ud was Indeed a gala week 21w eftr waa erawded to oTerflowlos, and tlie wcatber ilmplr iDbllme. ETei7 style ot amnaement played to capacity, and saTe extra pertonnaDces to ■ceommodate tbe crowds. Batnnm and Bailer's bl( circus was In town, and reaped the benefit ot the big celebration by packuHg tbem tn. Tbe entire bnslnew pprtloa Ot tbe clt7 wu bedecked in camlnl colon, erergieem and electrical dls- ■days. The big daylight and al^t parades, wltb tbeir attractlTe Boats and norettlea. were all oD« conld wUta, and well worth mUet o( travel to witness. None will OTer regret their visit to Sao Fraoelaco on this memorial oceaalon, the (Iztletb annlTersar7 of California as * itate, and the thoosands of atrangen will go forth and forever boost for San Franelaoo. and pro- claim to the world that thia Is the only and cor- rect location for the Panama-Faclfle Bzpoaltlon, to take place In 191B. September S. the ilrat of the carnival daya. was simply Ideal, and the streets were packed wltb people In holiday attire. The first attrac- tion was the big parade of tbe B^mnm & Bailey Clrcns, which msde a splendid showing from tbe mounted police st tbe bead to the steam calliope. Most favorable commenta were beard all along tbe line of march, and one woold hardly believe -the aboir would look so good and clean after Ita long season. Barney and Haynea opened at the Amer- ican Theatre week September lU. « ^ • Carl Wollner, a recent aniTSl n«m Ana- tralla, a alnglng character comedian and wUe- tier, makea his first American bow at. tbe Amer- ican Theatre September 18. . ■ _ .„ , , W. P. Beeae, the SoIUvan and Conaldlne local booking managw. now: aenda five acta weeklj to the Xheatic. Joac^ Saa Joae. Charlea F. Oall. resident repraaentattve for the Shnbert Brothers, who haa .been confined to hla bed owU« to nineas, lOr the Mat ntae werte, is DOW about again, aomewbat Ilffiter In weight, bnt sUn In the nag. V (Continued on page 58.) , NEW ORLEANS, LA. Temple of Muale Will Open in Novem- ber, With French Openi Company. ' Sapt. Samuel Uarahall, of Andnbon Park, an- nounces that moving pletnrea will be shown ev- eiy evening In the park as a tree attraction, hereafter. Manager lUIea I^ayoHe, of the Frmcb Opera Bouse, announces that his Temple of Music wlU open Nov. 22, with a flrst-claaa French Opera Troupe direct from Bnrope. Souie of the op- eras to be pteaented this season are ThaliL I* Chemlnean, TAttaqne dn Uonlln, Mile. Trom- pette, and many other new ones. Mr. George Denegte has been appointed prealdent of the French Opera House Association. HanagCT 'nlea LayoUe wlU arrive here from Parla October 28, and will be followed by Us opera eempany. No- vember 12. _ M. Paul Casenenve's Initial week at the Tn- lane In Don Gaeaar de Bazan, was a big ane- eess. : Mr. Bdgar Porreat la manager of Mr. Gaxenenve'a prodnetlons. Mr. Csxenenve's en- gagement has been ao snecessfnl here that he win stay a third week and preaent A Bogne's Honor, tbe play written by Mr. Geo. D. Baker, tbe author of Oratutark. The l>Iay la written about New Orleans when It waa tn French poa- semlon. _ Hiss Ida St. Leon, in Polly of the CIrena, «m follow Mr. Panl Caaenenve at tbe Tnlane. His engagement will terminate Sept. 24. Oranstark was the excellent attraetton at the Crescent week of Sept. 11. and capacity busi- ness was tbe rule. Tbe race horse play, WUd- flre, will follow QranaUrk at tbe Crescent. Tim Murphy, In Mr. Opp, la the second offer- ing of the seaaon at tbe Daophlne. The big musical play. The Queen of the Honlln : Bonge, Is the lint mnaieal attraetlea at the new Shu- bert home In tbis d^. It opened a week's engagement September 18. (Continued on psge 68.) SPOKANE, WASH. Revivale of Several Recent Suoceeaea Promiaad by the Baker Stock Co. The Baker Stock Company did a big busi- ness on their opening week at tbe Spokane The- atre. My Wife was the offering, with Frank- Ijrn Underwood and Frances Slosson In the leadins roles. The stsging of the plsy was a >>Ie feature. Merely Manr Ann next, fol- lowed by The Boae of tbe Rancho. John Mason la Tbe Witching Bonr. appeared r«r four nights, opening on the IT m towr niKtats, followed by Tlola Allen 23-24. The Orphenm offered an excellent bill for WFck of September 11. Al. Stevens Oo- were 'n(*atlllners In Famons Scenes from Famous Flays, and Jessie Shirley and (Ximpaiiy,_ia the playlet, The Cheat, I« Uoyd. J. Roberts, character entertainers: Mayen-Wanen-Lyon. •ntetch; Tbe Josepb Adeliman FamllT, mnslesi: Ti>e Six Abdallah ActDbati and Tan Brotb- era. musical comedy, made np the bill. ,,At the Waahlngton Theatre for week of Sept. 11. The Carl Pantaer Trio, acrobats; John snd iiertha Gleason and Fred Honllhan. mnaleal and dance: Nat Sprlngwell and Company, "ketch: Celeste, wire artist: Harry Bloom, nmnologne; PIstet and Coshlng, sketch, were offered. At Fantages', Daphne Pollard In Tbe Doll fl'op: Mli» Cammllle's Dog Clrcna; Crawford- Mi'Pker. song and dance, and Haale, dancer; An»n Shaw, coin manipulator, were the fea- tmes week of It. Bnaiaiin has been g«od at •II the TandsvUIe houses. Billy Van will .be hea.UIer nt the Washing- ton thIa week. The Two Blll'a. Show was here the'.Blh, and turned people away at two performaaces. Boy Selbert, the treasurer for the Baker Stock (^>mpany, la here to take up his new duties at the Spokane Tlieatre. Jack Armory, who was a tevorlte with the Jessie Shirley Stock Company, wa* here the latter part ot last week, to Join Miss Shirley in her new sfcetc.h. Alias Trtxie Ktx, written by Gordon Davla; a .local boy, bad Its opening here by the George D. MacQuarrler Co. It made , a big hit OB the Ooaat on the Pantagea Clrcnlt. : B. AZXISON. COLUMBUS, O. State Fair Doee Not Draw aa Well aa in Previoua Seaaona. While the State Fair failed to draw tbe enormoua crowds usually present during thla event, the different theatres were well patron- ised. Aa noted In my last letter, the street car strike has been very disastrona to every line of business, and none of the managers were very optimistic aa to what bnslnesa would be done until the atrike waa definitely aettled one way or another. It now looks aa If the worst la over, and that It will not be long until all lines of trade. Including the show business, wU have resumed their normal condition.' Tbe Great Sontbem was dark laat week, bnt opened tbe 19th, with Adolf PhUllp'a Com- pany In Teresa, Be Mine, to be followed by Frederic Tbompaon'a Tbe Spendthrift. 24-28. Tbe Colonial, the Shnbert honse, bad last week F. 8. Chapman's Pasalon Plar pietnref, aaslated fay local singing talent, to fair and- lencea at popular prices. Opening the ISth, at the CoIonUI, we got onr lint glimpse ot Whltney'i Choetdate Sid- dler. At tbe High Street, for the first half ot the' week, A Wlnnlag Utas. headed If' Max Bloom, bid for patronage at popular prices. Tbe latter bait of the week wm be dark. W. F. Mana'a ihdw. Mn. WottUagtm'i Career, played to fair bnalnesa ' laat week. It la Andenon ft Zlegler's Intention to. biMdc and play at this home the best attraethms ob- tainable, and get away. If they poastbly can. from what Mr. Harper, the local manager, term* "rtiot gnn <fljen." ' (Continued on page BS.) NASHV ILLE, TENN. Second Week at Orphoum Theatre . Batter Than the Opening Week. The third weeks' attraction at the Bljon The- atre since it opened Its theatrical season of 1910- toil was the mnstcal oddity Morning, Koon and Night. This musical play during Its entire week's nra did a tnm-away business, and each matinee as wdl as the aighfa ahow displayed the S. B. O. sign. ' Tbe Fifth Avenne Theatre opened another suc- cessful week'a ma ot vaudeville. On the .bill were: Nannie Feueberg, a very clever lltUe actress. In a sketch. The Shop Utter; The St. Julians. Dlax and Eodqnleia, In a Spanish sing- ing and dancing act; Wright and Davis, a Olever team of elnget* and dancers and Carlton and Hayes. The Bice Bnrean. which Is under the manage- ment of Mr. DeLoDg Klce will give the people ot Naahvllle a hl^-grade lovenm eonne at a price which will enable all to take advantage of the attractions presented at the Auditorium. The first nnniber will be the Htnshaw Orsnd Opera Company; tlie opening date win be Oct. 20. Among tbe other attractions are the Or- Shean Male Qnartette, of Chicago; Gertrude Iredan Bunt, the Lyric Entertainers of Bos- ton, and the Barmeny Concert Company. (Ooatlnned oa page 88.) ST. JOSEPH, MO. Grew Stock Company Cloaca Season at Leeal 'Airdomo. Other News. The Circus Girl, presented by the Wm. Grew Stock Co., on Sepbnnber 11. closed the most successful sesson In the history of the Air- dome. The large crowd present were apprecia- tive and evidenced the popularity attained by the company daring the aummer'a run. Mr. Grew eagand as leading man at the College Theatre. Chicago, departed for that city the paat week. The remainder of the company will go on the road under the management of Jack Wilaoa. Mabel Barrlson and Harry Conor In Lulu's Busbanda, were a pleasing attraction at the TooUe Sept. 11-12. Tbe Fonrth Eatate will open the regular aeason at this honse on the 24th. An excellent class of attnettons have been booked for both the Tootle and I«cenintli«ataea for the coming seaaon by Manager O. u^ FhlBey and bis assistant, B. Tan Honten, Beverly the flnt half, and Hie Monlln Ronge ExtraTagansa (Or the last half held the boards at the £ycenm week of the 12th. Bnalnesa has been excellent ilnce the opening of the honse. and bida fair to anrpaaa last year'a successful sesson. A good season for the Alrdome at Des Moines. Is., was the report of Wm. Vance on hla re- turn to the city the paat week. Hie smiles will !t patrona ' — ~ " " ~ After a vlalt of aeveral weeka with oarents again greet padrone at the box ofllce ot the lor- ceum the coming year. in this dty. Booths and Rootbe left Sept. 9. for St. Xonis, to fill an engagement over the Weber Circuit. Bill and bnslneas at the Pantsges conttnne up to the standard. The headUners for tbe week of Sept. 12 were The Three Melvia Brothers. Manager Beaumont has secured the services of T.. R. Burton aa lllnstrated song singer. He has made a decided hit since the opentag. (Conttnncd on page BO.) MINNEAPOLIS, MINN. Unique Theatre to Increase Seating Capacity. Stock Co. Changes. Now that the theatrical sessmi Is la full swing la the .Mill City, and the vsrkras amnse- ment parks are closing, the theatres are boaatlng of a patronage that blda fair to eclipse that of any preceding season. Mlaneapolltana have taken to the Idea of patronising tbe Inxnilons and handsomely appointed new -8am Shn- bert Theatre, which fact Is demonstrated by tbe exceptional sale of seats attendant upon ev- ery performance since Its opening. I,nla's Hus- bands, with Mabel Barrlson and Harry Conor. Is the offering from tbe 18th. to the 21st, inclu- sive. Success seems tn be allotted to the reop- ened Princess Theatre on the Eaet Side, which Is being backed by Harry and Charles 8. Green. The patronage has been all that could he de- sired, according to tbe atatement of Mark H. Green, the resident manager. The Princess plsys continuous vaudeville, and baa Inatltnted two additional matinees, such performances bebig now given on Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday and Sunday afternoons. (Continued on page SO.) VANC OUVE R, B. a . Theatrical Attractions in the Far Western Country Meritorious. The dramatic seaaon of 1910-11 was ush- ered In at the Vancouver Opera Bonse on Labor Day, with The Burgomaster ss the attraction. The usual holiday crowd was tn attendance. Tbe performance was repeated Tneaday, Sept. 6. Xbe show wag good. Walker Whiteside In The Meltbig Bot^. Sept. 0-10, pleased a large and fasblanalHe aud- ience at both performances. Oldng Some was the sttracHon at the Van- couver Opiem Honse Sept. 12-13. Buffalo BUI showed here on September 12-13. The O>tton .King was produced by Walter Sanford'a Players at the Empreaa nieatre week of Sept. S. The play was well received and large andlencea were preaent at each perform- ance. For the week ot Sept. 12, The Myate- rlous Burglar will be presented at this popolar theatre. The Aeroplaae Glil was the headllner at the Orphenm last week, and made a hit. Othen on the bill were WlU Lacey; Cora Slmpaon. Walter Idw and Co., In a dramatle aketch, en- titled On the Threshold, and DeBoy and Harvey and TOm OlUen. Tbe entire bill was excel- lent. At the Pantsges* Tim McMahon'a Southern Bevoe was the feature of this week'a bill. An- other act that made good was Geo. D. McQoar- rle and Co. in a comedy playlat. entitled Alias Trlxle Klx. Plquo, The Two Baby Dolls and &Ilnti and Palmer eoopleted one of flie best bllla seen at this popwar theatre for a long while. Mr. McQnarrle was formerly leading man at the Empress Theatre, and la very popular In this city. He was presented with a large floral wreath on Ms first appearance at the Pantages. John L. SnlUvan and Jake KUraln were the headllners at Pantages* week of Sept. 12. The Burlesqne Company, at the Grand The- atre, ia playing . to . excellent business. The moving picture theatres are all doing good Mare Klaw.. ot Klaw A Brlaager. wm vtalt this city ahortly. The result of bis visit will he awaited with great Intereat by tbe the- atre-going people of thla dty. Tbe National Theatre will open on Monday, September 19. wia pepolar price TandevOle. TORO NTO, ONT. Attractive Offerings at Local Houses Last We ek Dr ew Well. At the Princess Theatre. My Man, with a atar cast, commenced a week'a engagement, and opened well Sept. 12. The Lottery Man, with Scott, pleased a large audience when It opened Sept. 12. Tbe Grand bad a fine attractloa In Tbomaa B. Shea, who appeared Sept. 12, In A Self- Made Man. Thla talented artist was seen In some of his old successes the balance of the week. At Shea's Odion, the Queen of Swimmers wss a big feature week of 12. Fads and Follies, at the Gaiety, did well last week, and The Brigadiers made merry at the Star, commencing 12. Manager Peter F. Griflin bad a fine bill to offer bis large clientele at the Majestic. Tbe Yonge Street did well with popular van- devllle. The famons Grenadier Band of England drew an immense audience to the Maasay Hall 12. - Seaiboro Beaeh closed for the season oa the 10th. JOSEPH antSON. WINNIPEG, CAN. Symphony Orchestra Propeaed by a Number of Wtnnipog'a Elite. Viola Allen, with Jamea O'Neill, In nie White Slater, vraa the attractloa at the Winnipeg .The- atre for three days; commendag September 12. Fallowing her for the balance oC the week waa The Goddess of Uberiy, with Jos. -Howard In tbe title rale. Manager Walker has retmrned from New Tork after completing the whole of tbe seasoB*s bookings for this theatre. Through a typographical error In last week's issue ot The Billboard. September 3. it was stated that the capital of the Colonial Amnaemeat Co. waa •10;000. whera 4t Ohonld hay* read «100,00a I Tbe Begeneratlon was the blU put on by th* Dominion Stock Company for week ot Sept. 12, and la the hands ot aneh a capable com- pany waa played to capacity booses. The bill for week of Bept. IS la Going Some. At the Btjon for week of September 12. the following artists were included In the bill: Bsm- Iskl Piano Quarto, Margaret WUUama and CO., The Branacombes, The Four Dancing Belles and Dan Bobie. In an Interview with Mr. Panl L. Marquand, president of the 'Starland, Ltd.. Mr. Marimand stated that wbllB on his trip of Inspection of his various ttaeatrea he found the moving picture boslaeia In Western Canada Increasing In popu- larity aad exceeding all expectations. The com- pany are opening new booaea all tbe time, and have recently opened two more, one at Prince Albert. Sask., and Lethbridge. Alhert,a. each with a aeatlng capacity of 400. The company has made plana for enlarging tteir hooaes at Calgary and Edmoitan, which will bring the seating capacity up to TSO. (Oeattanwd en page 00.) NEW JE RSEY GOSSIP. Palisade Park Still Open. Hudson Theatre Ope na Wit h yaudoville. The Bndson Theatre, at DBloa Bin, N. X. baa thrown <men Its doors to Keith ft Proctor vandevOIe twice daily at popolar pricea. Man- ager Pceble'a clever line of pea talk, pnbllahad In the Hudson Thestn News, warrants hla pa- trona nothing bnt A-1 acts of the hlgheat atandard. The bill for week ot Sept. 12 op- ened with Font Cutlng Cimphelli, aerobati, who never fall to pleaae their andlencea; Johnny Stanley and Buby Morton, comedians; Stanley's acta aa water boy serving water to the pa- tnma of the honse. and Intermpts Us stage partner with a fast line of comedy, wit snd humor; Bowena Stewart and Oladya Mnrray. aketch. enUtlisd B'way Love, Is not so good, and the' act receives very little applause; A Might with the Poets, with Clinton Uoyds and the PoeU* Quartet; act tonches tbe hearts of bookloven, and should find a top line In first- daaa vandevllle bouaes: The Mew Leader, by Aaron BofTman, a sort. of dnaa «ehearaal on Monday- morning at a vaodevllle boose; Sam Mann acts as musical director In front of the stage, and bands out buahela of comedy to the andlencea. Sharkey. Oeialer and Lewla. alng- mg comedlana, with a new line of aonga. which captures the audience, concluding with the Budaongraph pictures. The Bndson has been remodeled, thus making the bonae one of the fineat In the state. Bmtl Katsenateln. musical director, and Johnny B. Starck. treaaorer, have been retained In their respective positions. Palisade Amnsement Park, tbe million dollar park operated by Joe and NIchoIaa Schenck, two well-known vaudevtUe agents aflHIated with Harcna Loew, of New Tork, haa made a land mark for Mew Jersey. It Is expected tbat before next season several well-known conees- slott people, both of Dreamland and Ccmtj la- land, will aak for apace for next seaaon. aa the park has proven a blue ribbon winner this year. The park wlU keep open until the cold wave sets In. The firm ot Gale and Madlaoa, promotera of moving pictures. Ulnatrated aonga and amateor acts, wUI be under the petsoosl direction here- i£*J? '•J'S"*_*» .5*'- Madlaon has left with the New xork Camtval Company, accent- ing a poaltlon rcQonamUMy. J. P. BABBBTT. ST. LOUIS , MO. Prineeas and Colonial Theatres Open With ai Blaze ef Glory. This week la St. Lonls Is of modi Import- ance theatrically, owing to the fact that we have aie opening of tiro of our new theatres, namely The Princess aad the New Colonial. Both ot these honsee are uptown theaties. and tbe lint ventures of Importance la thla dtree- tlon. Almost tbe llrst day's sale of sests fOr the Princess fonnd the honse all bat sold out for tbe week, and lodging from the demand for seata. it' vroald tend to Show that Manager Dan Flahell had selected the proper locstlon for hla theatre. Tbe opening waa perhapa the most elsborate ot any held In thla city. Tbe opening of the Prlaccas was alao the fint In- vasion of Wflllsm Morris In tbe winter vaude- ville field In this city. The bonse was Jammed to Ita Umit on opening night. A most besutlfnl picture It presented with an American Beauty rose pinned to eadi seat. This waa not all, for each lady that attended was presented with a box of chocolates on her entrance to the psr- quet seats. Tbe handsome latertor ot this the- stre Is the seme of skUI and deriga through- out. The New Colonial Theatre was alae opened on September 12. The inangnration was a most elaborate affair. Mr. Barry Overton, Its manager, waa responsible fbr the snrcess that marked thla event. Like the Princess, this house Is devoted to vandevllle. booked by the United Booking Ofllces of America. It la a handaooe bnlldlng In architecture, and has beantlfol retiring rooms lined wltb mlrrora, and Its iraBs, doon and ceilings are Inlaid with Ftench beveled glass. The honse was packed on the opening night at both performances, and another promising ventare In tbe amusement line, seems to have started In this city. At the other bouaea the business continues to keep above the average, and It looks as thoogh thla city at least Is on the way to the most siirresstul seasin thestrlcally la ita history.: - . . The New BUon Theatre win open here to tbe public on September 24, and will have a : cnrlo ball, arcade, vaudeville and motion ple- tmcs all for the one price of admission. One of tbe best sets seen tn this Mr ot ita . kind. Is that of the Famona Vanla, wtre walk* . era. at the Columbia Theatre last week. They were the hit of the bUI. i (CoatlBned oa page OS.)