The billboard (Sept 1910)

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18 Tliie Billboard SEPTEMBER 24, 1910. WHEELER RE TIRES Owner and Manager of AI. F. Wheeler's Show An- nounces His Intention of Quitting the Game After the Present Season Closes AL p. Wheeler, owner and manager of the Al. F. Whe«ler*s Shows, has annotmced his In- tentioos of retiring from the circus field at the close of the present season. Mrl Wheeler has accumulated a eang fortune In the show bnsiness, and intends ~ to. spend the balance of his days in lookinj? after his real estate and other interests at Oxford. Pa. The Kevr Model has been among: the most snccessfol wagon shows In the conntry. REPLIES TO GARY. Editor The Bniboard, Clnclimatl, OUo, Dear Sir: Toot article under Circus Gossip In a re- cent Issne of Tbe Billboard, relative to "a most pecnllar advertising rate by an EUgln news- paper," has reference to us. Naiorally it seemed- to yon lifee tbe nndens for a nice little ■toiy, and if tbe facts were correct as given yon by Mr. Caxy it is worthy of pnblicatloD. Inasmuch as there bas been a mis-statement of the real facts of the case we feel that wp are entitled to onr side of tbe story, and in asking Usher. Is having a death struggle with the paT roll on Saturday a small amioont and. plenty of tickets will suffice. Mr. Cary tells us Tody Hamilton Is. out of the .business because he was too liberal with the press. We believe Tody Samllton was eiven more publicity for tbe money be spent with newspapers for circuses than any press agent ever ahead of a show, and he pat clrcases be- fore the. people in.a way that Is lastins. When Mr. Hamlltim came In to our office a few years ago, ahead of the Bainum. & Bailer Show, we asked him $50 for ISO indies display. He said if we would make It 200 Indies be would pay $60; and we did. We'bave been paid $80 In' late years, but times seem to be changing. Theatrical com- panies seem to have a far greater opinion of newspaper worth. We have been paid as tilgh as $35 for additional advertising for one-night attractions at the local theatre, and were not asked to tise feature cnts or give extra news mention. We don't bold any club over a circus; If they don't nse onr papers, neither do we en- deavor to effect a combine with other publica- tions In our field for the pnrpose of getting a stiff r^te. :.We pnt tbe price at what we think BIG OTTO SHOW After the blow-down at Pittsburg, Pa., Labor Day. consideration at your hands we would like to have yon print what we have to say. We all know the press agent's business. A good, dever mixer nsaally Is engaged to do the contracting. £,ong years at the business makes blm an adept in getting much and spending lit- tle. He walks into joxjr o3ce with a smile and tbe glaA band and almost declares himself your best friend before the acquaintance has extended five minutes. He will tell yon how he .h<>bnoba with the rich in Florida in tbe winter and' of his side interests in amusement enter- prises sciittered all over the country, and before yon can fairly grasp It alt comes: "What la yonr rate?" We believe In the policy of giving a good show a goad boost, ud we considered Miller Bros.' Bancb 101 a good oae. We ask only what we consider onr services worth to a 'large attraction, and we have never heard of an ob- jection being made by circuses that have con- tracted with us to tbe pnblldty we have given them. The Elgin Daily News has been under one management for nearly thirty years. It his a following and prestige In tbb community that Is valuable, and we are truly of the opinion that its good will and recommendations to Its 80,000 readers in this field is worth at least 41,000 to .any large attraction In additional pat- ronage. We did "tell Mr. Cary what be wonld receive for $80, namely: 200 Inches of display adver- tising In The Elgin Daily News and The Elgin Weekly Advocate. 40O lines of pare reading notices, and as many feature cuts as he would GiTe to have ns use. No complimentary tickets were asked for. . We wonld be pretty sure to Slve this amount of advertising or more even. Bbonid we accept what Mr. Caiy had In mind airmng US, and that's why vre set the price. Ws bdieve it a. fact that in nine-tenths of the nevapapers a circus receives many times more for the same amount of money than tbe local marchant Is given. ., Ifa piiff Cram beginning to end, all carefully written and^ mme times greatly exaggerated. We nse-It. : The first agent has bis. Along eome» a-second agent abont two weeks ahead of -tte ;diair.<7 > He nas more of It for the city editor. - ThatTs supposed to be news stuff, with a few ents thrown In. Possibly a tbird one shows np. The day of the show the last man. He will write tbe story of the long and beauti- fol parade If joa wish, telling yon he wants It on the front page. JUI flila for'.what the press agent himsdf consideES It wortli. If the pnb- it is worth for a 50c-$1.00 attraction, and we believe we earn the money. With kindest regards, we are. Very truly, U)WBIE Jfc BLACK, PDBS.. Per D. A. McKcnzte, AdvertlslDg DqiBitment, News-Advocate. A CORRECTION. New 7ork City, Sept. 9, 1010. The Bmboard Pnb. Co., Cincinnati. O. Gentlem^:—wish you wonld correct the statement made In the "Good Book" recently, that a glratre was bom no where else In cap- tivity In America, except at the Cincinnati Zoological Gardens. Yon are decidedly wrong, for the baby giraffe at present with tbe Bamnm & Bailey Show was bom last January at tbe B. & B. wlnteiquarters at Bridgeport, Conn., and Is the only giraffe ever bom In America or any other country, by artificial. Impregnation, that is, by the use of tbe impregnator. I have since Impregnated two giraffes uid an ielephant and one of the giraffes is now heavy with a calf. Sincerely hoping yon wllt correct tbis state- ment, I am. Very truly yotirs, DB. GEO. WEBSTER, V. S., (Formerly T. S., Bamnm & Bailey Show.) THE GRAN CIRCO 8HIPP. The season of the Gran CIrco Sbipp will open In December and the route will include the' Im- portant coast towns of the Gulf of Mexico and the Carlblwan Sea, together with a tour of Pan- ama and the Canal Zone. With the list of performers and musicians already engaged, this company promises to be even stronger than In former years, and with the excellent new equipment.-and addition ^ of sev- eral line horses, It will be; by far. tbe flnest exhibition that has ever made a tour of tbe tropical countries. Gran CIrco Sbipn will sail from New Orleans on one of the united Fmit Company's new mnion-doUar steamships which are tbe finest that ply tbe waters of tbe sontbem seas. The advance brigade, nnder tbe direction of Roy Feltna, will sail two weeks ataead of the com- pany. This department will be equipped witb an elegant line of special pictorial printing and MURRAY & COMRAIMY (in«=ori>orate:d > 70 foot round top, with SO toot middle, 10 foot wall, OH ounce drill all tbrongb: osMI tw« months. Price. $170.00. . 35x60, hip roof ends, B foot wall, OK oosee drill; nsed one niontli. Price, S8B.0O. 30x60, lound and gable end*, 10 foot wall; need two montba; 6)i onaca drill all tbrongb. A bargains Price. $70.00. ■ 30x60, square ends. S foot wall; used-one mootb; 6K onnee drill. Price, $80.00. 18x00, gable ends, 8 toot wall; red and white; need toree weeks. Price, $89.00. e40-e4S Meridian Street. CHICAGO. SEND AT OWCE for Our Big Llat of SECOND-HAND TEHTSt S ISJ A. K E ONE REGAL PYTHON, Aotual Weight, 16S Lbs, Twenty-seven Foot Long, Price, $3S0 I Come Quick. WILLIAM BARTELS CO., - 160 Greenwich St., New York 30 ;[iRS HEPJTJIIOI BiCH Of KE«1 It-IT GOSS' SHOW CANVAS \^^^ BLACK TENTS CIRCUS FLAGS Waterproof Covers SEM EOS NEfr CJT.IOC W SfCOtD H^^D USI The J. C. GOSS CO. "\,V,'V," Phone Canal 3661. aubliihed UBS. Thomson & Vandiveer HAMUFACTUBEBS OF CIRCUS TENTS TENTS FOR KENT. 816 East' Pearl 8b, CINCINNATI, O. TENTS SHOW TENTS. BLACK TENTS, CANDY TOPS, MEBBT^GO-ROUND COTBB3 and cTerytblng In canTas. Send for catalogue. mmm m%.m t awninc es. 109-11 BonSi .Kun Street. St. Xonla. Ko. XHE nSEST SHOW FAINTINGB AT LOWEST PBICES. Tell ns wbat ;au need and we will send LOWEST est imate and Ulnstrated catalog. EHKEBOIX ABT CO., Omaha, Hebr, SideShowPaintiiigs SIEGMUND BOCK 723 Blu* Island Ave., Chicago, Ills. 6R0UP OF FOUR LEOPARDS AND ONE PANTHER Ifrsiiied to work together; also Uons, joonf Fknthen, BlntsTDng, Oaaaowarlea. Jlonkagre and otlier animals and birds. 20 Poiar Bears for Ang. a nd Bapt deUtery. Ordcti taken nnr. WeSZ a IftcnrBWaga, IXpt. B, Taidlar, Bneks Oa,, Fa. —FOR SALE- RAILROAD SHOW PROPERTY Two 04-ft. Fnllman sleepers. In good condition, one 60-ft. baggage car, tbree OO^ft. fiats, one tableau band wagon, carred and In good condi- tion, tbree baggage wagons, one pole wagon, all in A-1 condition, for sale cbeap fon casta. Can be seen any time on tracks and at quarters, Alexandria, La. Address M. L. CLARK A SONS, as per ronte, or Alexandria, FOB SAZE, WTLD AtmCAZM—Wtta Cat, two Coyotes, Ant Bear, Pounm, Badger, I^alrle Dog, small Hairless Dog, Troope Performing BlDg Dores, all In exhibition cagem: a Tent, almost new, size 10x30, wltb poles and (takes. H. BIVENBURO, Box 87, West Boylaton, Miai. FOR SALE—^Tralnsd PoroMplna Eight months old. Work for a^ one. A show that gets tbe money. DICK WILSON, Chilli- cottae. Mo. T E NT S OF EVERY DESCRIPTION Now is the time we need the work and can give quick action and close price. QUALITY THE BEST THE COLOMBUS TENT t AWNING GO. COLUMBUS, OHIO WE HAVE FOB T.HftBT:, CABS, GO ft. long, for shipping scenery, automobiles, advance, baggage, privilege, stock and merry-go-ronsds. Deilrabls for show and circus companies. Beasonablo rates. THE ABKS PALACE HOBSE CAB CO.. Boom 614, 193 Xidiigaa Avenue, ChioagOi TENTS 80x160, 80x120, 50x80, 30x60, SOxSO, 20x50, black, 300 camping tents and 2.000 ft. of 10-ft. side wall. B. It BEBB MFG. CO., 1007 W. Xadiion St. (Old Ko. 280), Chicago. Long Dis- tance Phone, Konioe 2M8. WILLIAM BARTELS CO. Dealers in Wild Animali. 160 Ozeenwich Street. Hew Toik Oltr. THE BUCKEYE TENT and AWNING CO. l\l-::\'^rtl\ COLUMBUS, OHIO IMPROVED ACETYLENE For Teota, Circnaea. Parka, ate. PORTARLE LI6HTS FOR ALL PURPOSES THEBOLTE&WEYERCO. ■ E. MIohlaan Straat, CHICAM, • ILUNOIS THE ALEXANDER HILBUKN CO. 607 W. Lombud St.. Baltinum^ Hd. BRILLIANT.-. PRIMOUGHIS For CSrcuaea, all kinda ol Tent and Outdoor Sliow% Concewon and Stieet MaB. Write for OBtdogue. WINDHORST A. CO. 104-eN.13tli8t, ST. LOUIS, MO. SCENERY AND SHOW PAINTINGS JOEH BZBIVKXB, UN SHOW PAINTINGS E. J. HAYDEN A C(V io«.io BiMtwv. majocxun, w. r. i ■■ARB, RNAKRS, LROPARDR MONKBVR. RAROONR, Moaatar Bnaksa aaa Wild A^writefmr dss or lptlen. Oam,BaaaMn,«lo. PDnrAn WILD AHIMiUnilOKa, MiWwdltB|«e> n, Bnaalo, n. T. M I ■ ^1 p%jr SHOW l»lliNTCNS I^C ^ PI ^ Y BLOCK. TYPE. UNO CInolnnatl.Ohio Thaatrloal-Clroua Pliotoaraphara. CIRCUR A JUQQLINa APPARATUtii OIdIw, Batoni and NoTeltle*. Stamp for eat** logne. ZDWABD VAX WTCOC. Olaalautti. O.