The billboard (Sept 1910)

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SEPTEMBER 24,1910. -rtie Billboard 21 HERE AND THERE By Oinr WEASIOK. a Knozvllle, Tcnn., Sept. IT.—The Appalichltn Bsposltlon U going to be the real tbfng «oatb tills year. The Hone Sbow, held all lait week io tbe Stadium, brought aeveral excellent entries from all oTer tbe country. Big Otto la bere with bla irlld nnlmal ez- falblt and tt la truly a mlnlatnrs elrcoa. Hbe aboir la gWlog excellent aatlafaetlon and to get ting aome good money. Haaeppa, tlie "Oood- KIgbt" borK, baa a awell frame-np and ia pror- IDK a big attraction. Capt. W. D. Ament baa bto Iiondon Oboat' Show and hia Plantation Sbow bere and ia do- log A-1. There are numerooa conceaalona aeatterad all OTer tbe grounda, bealdea tboae, looted on tbe big Midway Jungle. Col. Zack Mulball'a Wild Weat la tbe feature amusement attraction of tbe entire expoaltlon and la prOTing a wonderful drawing card. WlUlam C. Murray, better known aa "Bed, la bere In the Intereata of tbe U. S. Tent and Awning Company, of Chicago, wlileb flrm baa the contract to leaae all canvaa, etc., for tbs exposition. Mr'. Murray baa just delivered and •et up to Big otto a new TO-foot round top with four 30-foot middle pieces, besldea ten lengtba of reserred aeata and twenty lengtha of binea. Be has alao erected forty lengths of reserved and fifty lengths of blues, besides all (he canopies for the Stadium where tbe Borae Sliow la held, and is now putting op another cosaignment of atulf that baa jnat arrlred for the Pain llreworka people,- He bas a working crew of twenty canvaa and sest men and four chandelier men. Mr. Tom Nortb, one of Tbe Billboard's most efflclent correspondents, was bere to cover tbe opening of the exposition and was greeted by many old friends along the Midway Jnngle. Col. Hnltaall'a abow bas received soma flat- tering offers for profitable engagements to fol- low the exposition, but It bas not been given oat officially as yet which he will accept. The Hagenbeck-Wallace Sbow la billed to play KnoxTille September 10, and tbe Blng . ling Family shows here October 13. ADDITIONAL ROUTES. (Received too late tor clant!Iciitl]ii.t Brundage, S. W., Amusement Co.: florton, Kans., 19-24. Campbell Bros.' Shows: Bardwell, Ky.. '21: Mayfield 22: Pulton 23; Milan, Tcnn. 21; Greenfleld 26. Campbell United Shows. H. W. Campb<!ll. mgr. Hoile, Ark., 19-24. Coulter & Coulter Shows: Novluj^r, Mu. 22 Green City, 23; Milan 24; Gait 25-26; Lntedo 27; Trenton 28. Cole & Rogers Show, B. R. Jones, mgr.: Holden- vlUe. Okls.. 21; Mcl/>nd 22; Kingfisher 23 Henneasey 24; Mtnco 26: Geary 27. Downle's Doir and Ponv Show: Reston, M^n.. Can.. 21; Souris 22; Treheme 23: Carmen 24. OoUmar Broa.' Shows: Meade. Kans.. 21: Lib- eral 32: Gnyman. Okla.. 23: Tncamcarl, K. Hex., 24: Shattnck. Okla., 26: Waynoka 2T: Kiowa. Kans., 28; Cherokee 20; Fairvlew SO: Clinton Oct. 1. BaKenbeck-Wallaee Shows: Chattanoosa. Tenn.. 21; Dalton. Oa., 32; CartervHle 23; Marlstta 24; Atlanta 26; Atbens 27: Blberton SS: Greenwood. S. C 29; Newberry 30; Colnmnla Oct. 1. Jones', Johnny J.: Exposition Shows: Hontlog- ton. W. Vs.. 19-24. Mar^Uml Amusement Co.: Gastonia, N. O., 19-24. Ulller Bros.' Shows; Excelsior Springs. Mo., ?9- 24: Bolivar 26-Oct. 1. People's Amusement Co.. Johnson & Stevens. mgts.: Independence, la.. 10-24. Bobinaon's. John. Shows: Hickory. N. C. 21: Salisbury 22: Charlotte 23; Rock Hill. 8. C, 24: Spartanbnrg 36: areenvllle 27: Anderson . 28: Seneca 20: TOccoa, Ga„ 30; Gatneavllle Oct. 1. V: S. Carnival Co.: Altamont, III.. 10-24. Wiedemann Bros.' American Shows; Cotton Plant. Ark.. 21: Wbeatly 22; Raxen 23; Wideners 24; ByIialIa. Mlsa.i 26: New Albany 27; Ripley 28; Pontotac 29; Honaton SO: Ok- olona Oct. 1. Tonng Buffalo's Wild West: SnlllTan. III.. 21; Mattnon 22; Effingham 23; Newton 24. LA SALLE PRETTY S0N08 IN SHOW. Chicago, Sept. w (Speelal to The Bnibeatd). —The Songs In Tbe Sweettat Olrl In Paris show at the LaSalle Opera Honse, may advisedlr be described aa pretty. The play In Its entlraty la alao worthy of Poy'a funny phrase, "a pretty thing." In It Alexander Carr carries first bon- ors. snd worthy of special notice are Trlxla Prfganxa. Zoe Bamett, John B. Yoong. Alice Torke, Katberine Rowe Palmer and GalUard. The mDBle of this sbow ii pnblMied hr Ohai. K. HaiTla. Tbe prodnetlon- does credit to Harry Askln. CHILD AC TORS BARRED. St. I,ouis, Mo., Sept IT.—Lou Wagner, who conducts a moTlng.pfctnre sbow at 4124 Bas- ton avenue, was fined f2S and costs by Judge Wilson A. Taylor, In the Court of Criminal Correction, for violating the child labor law, by employing children under 14 yean old aa per- form en at bla theatre, which la conducted In a tant. The rase was the first of Its kind on record and waa brought before tbe court on complaint of the state factory inspector. W. W. WlUlama, far the pnrpoae of teating tbe applicability oribe child labor law to tbe pmployment of children In moving-picture sbows tar varlona devices which he considered technical evaatona or the law. in this case the plan was to otter caah prlsca to amateur performers who took part In a competitive performance. Acconllng to the testimony of Inspector WU- liama, who was the chief witness of a girt 8 yeara oM, waa one of the porformera at Wagncr'a auow on the night of August 8, and waa award- *» a Pfisc Of (2, Wagner's attorney claimed the awtrdlna prise to competitors did not constitute a vlolstlon of the law, aa there waa no contract between the partiea. Judge Taylor decided that tbe offering of priaea waa S.iH"?""«" *<• evade the law, Wagner waa PJMed on condition that be dispense in future with auch conteata. and ordered to report to the Court October 29. as to whether he bad kept bis agreement. The fine will become effec- tive if Wagner vtoiatea hia parole in two yeara. In an Interview Inspector Will lams stated that he was sgalnst tbe practice of usUig children at tbeae abowa, and tliat be would file com- plainta in a number of other caaea unless the practice waa discontinued. THE CHOCOLATE SOLDIER POL LOWS NAZI MOV A. Chicago, Sept. IT (Special to Tbe Btllboardi. —We are told by tbe mimeograph man In tbe employ of the Shuberta that The Chocolate Sol- dier will open at tbe Oarrick Tlieatre on Snn- day, Sept. 25, following in Mme. Masimova, For the engagement of The Chocolate Soldier an orchestra of fifty pieces will be employed. The muaic of tbla piece has already attained a popular vogue In Chicago and the play In Ita entirety la generally anticipated irith maeb ln< tercet and pleasure. LITTLE MAGNET ILL. New York, Sept. 19 (Special to The Bin- board),—Lottie GUson, Tbe Uttle Magnet, and once a Broadway fsTorlte, waa lemoved Mon- day night. September 12. from a barely fur- niahed room at No. 268 West Thlrty-nlntb Street, to tbe New York Hospital. She was ssid, to be In a dying condition and becauae of lack of fnnda waa hurried to Bellevue. Tbe sur- geons diagnose her ailmenta as gastritis and neuritis. They say she will never leave the hospital alive. Miaa Oilson, who Is only thirty-nine yeara old, carried New York by atorm when ahe flrat began to trip to tbe centre of the stsge and, with a "Now all together, boys," encouraged ber aodlences to }oin In tbe chorus of her songs. She was the first singer to sdopt this method Of popnlarlxlng a song. She dropped from sight, as actresea will do. not to reappesr un- til a tew weeks ago. wben she accepted an en gagement at a Fort George mnslc ball. CLEVELAND'S INDOOR CIRCUS. Cleveland. O.. Sept: 10.—^Manager Morris, of the Orpbenm Theatre. amKniBces for the week Of September 26 an oBerlng never before at- tempted on a fkmlly eteele TandevUte stage. A Begular Big Time Indoor Circus, staged and under the mreet management of "Doc" Keene. whose past aeUcTementa as a produclax down are too wtdl-known in the circus woild to need further eommmt.. "Doe" la perhaps best known for haying originated tbe Happy Hodigan Trav- esty Is Clowndom while wlm Bamnm'a CIrcns some yeara ago. The venture Is particularly unique and daring In Its conception as the theatre has s seating capacity of less than 800. Ten big acts and a loater of seventy performers and animala have been engaged. There will t>e clowns galore, a clown band, a dally parade and a side show. A number of performers who have been ont during the paat aeason with leading circuses who aiv breaking lumps home, or who win close be- fore the-26th. wlU lend tbeir talent, and the show promises to oiler a most notable collec- tion of saw dust ring celebrities. The theatre will look Jnat like the great white tops. Tbe front will be a mass of can- vas and tbe entrance will be made through the traditional roped lane. The box-office will give place to a big red ticket wagon in front of the bouse and tbe entire event promises to be one which will make the vandeviUe world sit up and take notice. Furtlier details with a roater of perfmaoen w&l be tnmished later. WOODS' SHOWS OPEN IN BAY- ONNE. Bayonne, N. J., Sept. IT.—The Bayonne Op- era Bouae, which has been hitherto a white elephant to the managers who have run It In the past4 Is at Isst a paying proposition. R. Victor liclghton, who Is managing this bouse for Al. B, Woods, baa at last succeeded in making It yield returns. Mr. Woods Is this seaaon trying out all his new shows at this house, as Bsyonne Is easily accessible from New York. The premiere performance of Sew York, was given here on the 15th. On Septem- iMsr 29th. tnie Pet of the Petticoats, with Dal- laa Welford, Mile Dasle, Charles Morrison and an all star cast will have its opening at this honae. and wUl go Immediately to New York tor a ran. WANTED—SLIDE AND BARITONE For Cole tc Rogers' Sbows. Join quick. Ixing season. Bonte In Billboard. WANTED Gornet & Tuba Plarsr Also single performers. It yon expect an answer to your letter, state your salary and be able to buy a ticket to Join on. If yon booae, don't waste your time am money writing. Address, MOB. OVERLAND EXrOSITION SHOW. BU- lings.. Okla. FOB BA£E—Somersaidt and Trick Dogs and Dovea, Picture Machines, Films, Crank Piano. two-l«| " ~ " " Films, two-legged Kangaroo iMgi wilt exchange for ns, Oymnaslnm Gooda, Fenny Machines. PROP. HARSY SMITH, Grata, Pa. WANTED. TOmrO aOXJOXSO MAM to learn comedy falls with amall Shetland pony; prefer one who taaa had experience with a similar act or male, but this Job Is eaay to learn. Alao want good intelltgent yoQUB white man who can clean potdea thoroughly and handle props; both muat be polite and generally nsefni. No drank- ards or cigarette fienda wanted, but good salary and pleasant treatment to right parties. Tell all first letter, state white or colored, give age, weight, abd Im ready to Join. Address, SCnBPP W)0, PONY. MONKBY CIRCUS. Wat- dorf Hotel, Chicago, Ills. WAMTBS—Grind Shows and (^nceaalona to play the Faira of Arkanaaa tbla fall, then tbe road. We have our own car. GEO. 0. DAVIS, Arfenta, Arkanaaa. FOB SALE—One Tent, 30x60; poles and atakes; two length Clrcua Blues. T tier; 146 Folding Chairs. Sell all or part. Want Edlaon Ex. Ma<'el Machine. ELBCTBIO THEATRE CO,, Beebert, W, Va. lOHM H.SPARKS' SHOW WANTS BILLPOSTERS. LITHOGRAPH AND BANNER MAN. AiUress Birt Ritteiford. Eipira, Miss. FOR BAI£—Hand power Ocean Wave Swing, Mnaenm of Anatomy, smsll band power Merry- Go-Bound (for kids). Tents, 30x50 and 40x60, Flying Lady Outfit, Ven. FIgnrea. etc. All bar- gains. W. B. J. SHAW, victoria. Mo. FOB BAIX—T3 foot Combination Car. A-1 con- dition; Bix wheel tmcka; will go on any train; obaervatlon end; car all fnmlsbed: 30 toot pos- sum belly; 27 toot baggage end; large ttflding doors in baggage end. Car stored at Princeton, Ind. ' *l,O0O caah takes It If sold at once. Ad- dress W. A. HABRIN6T0N, Princeton, Ind. AVIATION PR I N T INQ l-SheeU in Full Colors 24-Slieets in Five fkion Only a limited quantity to be sold. Prices reasonable. Samples on application. METROPOLtT/lNRRINTINfiGO. 121 W. 39tli St.. NEW YORK CITY FOB. BAXE, DOS ACT—Tliree dogs; only bort- zontal bar and trapeze pertormlng dog In tbe world. Original acts by other two dogs. First $175 takes the act. Send for liat. -GEORGE SAUNDERS. WebbervUle, Mich. MERRY-GO-ROUND For aale, fTOO, in good c(mditicm; good reasons for selling, or will book with carnival going South. McEIwee Bros., JsAson, Mich. Wanted--CarniYal Co. and other -Free Attractlona for Oct. 6. T and 8. Free space, free license and free electricl^. Also long end of percentage. Address MB. CEOH. Secy.. Moctb Vetnon, Ind. WANTED-WORKING WORLD AND OTHER DEVICES If yOD have any nOTel. electrically-operated shows nsing not more flian 12x16 apace, write me full partlenlars. ELUOTT, 161 V. Higli Bfareet, OOLTmBm, 0. PERFORHEKS. PRIVILEGE MEN Those playingweek stands can make 300% profit handiiiig our vENBIHa CASUS (RalBe^. Agents Ibaking from $100 to $300 weekly. On e racket can work In any town in tbe V. S. THE SHARP FOBHTAIN Pm CO.. 4S9 Sixth Avenue. N. Y. City. Send for catalogue and price list of our various propositions. CHARLES HORWITZ The aekn wledied foremost anttaor ot One-Act Plays, Sketches Lyrics, etc. Hia record speaka for itself. Bis bits are international. Over 150 Horwlta ancceasea now playlns TandaTtUs. Order joae new material at once. Get in Use. CHARLES BORWTIZ. Knlekerboeker TlMttM Building, 14oe Boadway (Room S16>. 2S48 Mnmr HllL ATUBERTY PI AN 1ST A ateady. reliable man wishes a poeltiaii as Orchestra leader In a vaudeville theatre. Plenty of experience and good references. Addraaa, wpv.vfwv.Tg oare BlUboard, daclnnati. O. WANTED AT ONCE. Piano Player, lady or gent; good Sketch Team, man and wife preferred: no children; good medicine allow people preferred. Salary low but sure. Fnllman car abow. Tents, summer; bouses, winter. Want show maken. not show breakers. Would like close price on larii;e twKKage car and elepluuits for next aeaaon. HOYIiANO BROS., Dorrance, Kana., Sept, 2T to Oct. 4. ■ MinneHi Bros. Want Young, good-looking Juvenile Man, wardrabs, appearance, ability; good experienced Character Man to play aome general business for permanent stock. Two bills a week. Most Join at once. State lowest salary. Pay own. Muat a^ photo and programs. People In all llnea wrlta or wire. Troy, O., week Sept. 19; lAraln. C week Sept. 26. FOR SA£E—16 One Wooden Animals, suitable for Merry-Go-Ronnd or Cuonsel; also FMeraa Jack. Will sell cheap or trade for M. P. OntHt. Films, Band Organ. Tents. Electric Piano, oe what have you? C. J. MUBPHY, Elyria, Ohio. ....WANTED FOR.-. Wortham & AOen United Shows Shows and Concessions. Another big one on the streets. Galesbnrs, Hia., week Sept. .^t Tba MerchanU Carnival and Elks' Fair. Curtiss Airship fUgtat, Bands and Parades. Want twajnrM Acts; Girl Sbow to Join quick, at Peru, Ul.. this week, Sept. ». Can ma m&pendent Shm for Wichita, Kansas. L_ -—WANTED-— For BUFFALO BILL and PAWNEE BILL SHOWS, Gomhined Two Colored Comet Flayers. Ijong acaaan South. Wiiei I per route in BUIboard. Address BISMARK FERRIS. WANTED FOR THE LONE STAR SHOWS Cotored Performers For Plantation Colored Musicians, Slater Team for vandevUle show; also Comedian. Can place a tew mora good Shows and Concessions, first-class Door Talker. WUl fnmlah topa for good ahows. $1,200 Organ for sale, $200; (Irst-claaa condition. Weaiey Croocli. write. Sbam never cloaes. A borne for tbe winter. Bere are some of the big ones; San AngelOt; Tez., Bis Fklr. on tbe streets. Oct. Cueto, Tex., Big Fain week of 10-16; Ckuuales. Xes., Bis Coanty Fair <hi the atreeta. Ad- dreas JVtSt KASPBB, Manager. Cameron. Tex., week Sept. lO-M; Brownwood, lez.. mek Sept. 26-Oct. 1. ■ LAST GALL FOR LEE COUNTY FAIR JONESVILtE e VA,. Octob er 5fe to 8th. Can use One or Two M ore Shows, and One More Riding Device All Concessions come on; no exeluslvea. Good Ijincb Man and Rettesbmcnt Msn write. Wire, write or pbone. or come on. We'll take eaxe ot yon. Free Attractlona booked. On t.. A N. raU- way. Everybody prosperooa. The biggeat Oonntjr FUr m Old TIrglala. Fbur other fairs to Virginia to toUow. Address-all commmileatloBa to W. U. FOCLABD. IM Perln BoUdIng, GlB- clnnatl. Ohios WANTED FCIR NORTH VERNON, IND., MERCHANTS AND FARMERS ANNITAL CORN CARNIVAL AND FREE STREET FAIR OCTOBER etti. Ttta and Stii. WITH THREE WEEKS TO FOIXOW: AII< FBEB ON 8TRBI9TS. One or two mote good Show* that will not conflict. Want to bear from Jack Shields, Doe WItlte. Stlre's ten-ln-one. and FHed- maa, noveltj; man. An conccasloas $10. Come on. Mo ezdnslves except Cmifettt and Mavdttsa. »m use one more Riding Device. Address all eammonlcatlona to W. U. POIXARD. M PeHs BnUdlng. Cincinnati. Oblo. N. B.—Senaatlonat Smlthson. please write.