The billboard (Sept 1910)

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26 Ttk& Billboard SEPTEMBER 24, 1910. FILM SYNOPSES The Latest Contributions of the Film Manufacturers Reveal Subjects Covering the Drama, the Comedy/ the Educational and the Scenic Elem^ RELEASE DATES-PATENTS CO. Handar—Blogrmpb, Ixibln, Fatbe, SeSlg. if^SiMj—SBsaDMr. EeUpw—Klelne, Pattae. B^lfl^W—Blow. Ganmont—Klelne. Fatbe. : TltasxspiL ■ _■ . . : : ■osioir ncsuBE SAxans coHPAHT. BB!nmCIA. X I O N— ' (Drama: leleaaed Sept. 2«: lenstb, 999 feet). A yoons sU. DC Iire- piaacliaUe character, adapts tlie stage as a protesdon. She talis In lore with. Jack, wmot r^jHltSr md eminently artetocratle father. TbriteS« ^ to^^e ^1 and demands STt Se^Te up Us son. He also snraeste that ^ ^Sa^ t& hoy ot Ms love for her by aa- SiS^^^enneas when he and his SOQ Olll Se toresT^ iack. aU ttis tfine imaware of his nreetheartrs sacrifice, OTerheais the tatlira con- the IncMmt with a friend. Umm VrmHiiS-r the imth, tie determines to marry her ta^e an opporidon. tat the girl refoaea nntU t^^msent of the-father Is glren. ThU, how- to readily obtained, since the father has Vrirn*-^' of the noble character of the woman. HEB ADOPTED PARENTS—(Drama; r^ lease Sept. 2T: length. 988 feet).^ 'Her Adopted Parents is the story of a lore and memoir ot a daashtw for her parents that led her to adopt anoU cooi^e and make their Uvea and lier own haooy and blesiaed. , „ Jr'HOltB MEfLODZ—mraoa; release Sept. aO: length, 907 feet). A. Home Melody U a drama In wbleli the mnsle of a home meled:r xeatores a mother** reason, detbraied by a Shock. BERTIE'S ELOPEHENT—(Comedy; rdeased Scot. 19: length. — feet). Bertie and Gladya SS ta h^eTbSt father wUl not listen to Brad's Dlea fa tne band ot Gladya. So they decide to elone. Tbere U a Uxely chase, but the yomg pe<^eaiststiip the Irate fsther. and hare bew mamed wten be anlrcs on aa aoeiK. Of comae, an is for^Ten. - KG HEDICINS--(Comedy: rdessed Sept. 19: ICBStb. — fteet). Big Xedldne to a comedy des- .:Sed~to show to i^at extent one's ima g ln i tlnn can control oWs deitlnr. THE SERGEANT—(Drama: released Sept. 22; length. 1.000 feet). R<*ert Adams, a arageant. lalnloTe with the daughter of (JoL Weatley. The girl to accost omed to morning rides orec the trails, accompaided by Adams , and fflie morning, having dismoonted their hoises and proceeded <m foot, they are alarmed npon tteir retnm to Ond their boraes atOIen. leaving them many miles tram the post. COL Westley sent oat a searching party, and upon Ita retnm ■with the absentees the sergeant to ptoced nndCT ar- rest. How a lapse of a month oecnrs. ^ There to a thrilling battle between the Indi a ns and the whites, from whom the Colonel and hto dangh- ter are cut alt by the radSklnsL It to at ttato time that ^ ■<""«. onir a SilratSi: Aows his henism by reacnlng the Oound and bto dangb- ter from the savages, thoogh Adams Mrnnelf to severely wounded. Hto promotion to first llea- taiant soon fidlows and with the consent of the Colonel to tiie msrrlsge with the lady of hto choice enda the stoiy. The OtiB SWOBOIT HOCE—(Drama; release Sept. 25; length. 1,000 feet). The Ole Swlm- mln* Hole teaches the moral that happiness to worth more than all the money In the world. A KBNTnCKX PlONBiJB-—(Drama; release Bept. 29; length. 1,000 feet). John Wlnalow. an early pioneer of Kentacky. had prepared hto ' little cabin m tlie shaded hlltolds. near the Ohio, and to Martha Samdas. the gill .whom he-had bopes woold one day beooau the mtoliess of the cabin, be sends a golde wltai ft message for her to ifgfm the time when she wtmld be- came hto wife. In a few weeks, Martha, ae- coopanled by her mother, arrives. Martha to the admlratiim of the settlement. Btockhawk, mn. Indian near the Wlnalow farm, to profnse In Us entreaties for the friendship of Martha— tokou of love were offered and his sqnaw Jealoas, and more so when BlaA Hawk saved .Ksrtba's life when she was in danger from an appnachlng bear. Thto only saved hto purpose of carrying ha oft. Whislow. hardened to his country suzronndlngs. knew no fesr, and sought : the Tti,Ti*¥i camp. Tt*** sQnaw and Martha made good ttieir escape. The camp, on discovering their sbsenee, was thrown Into a furious rsge, ^. and vowed vengeance. The pitched battle be- tween the ploneeia aaid the raging Tndlans to Bm^t with all the atiAbom bravery that char- acterised the early settleis. sad tbe complete mat of the Indians and the reeaptnre of Martha ' competes tlie stocx. BDKON. FR OM THE ABCnCS TO THE TROPICS—^(Scenic; re- leased Sept. 16; length, 490 feet). A trl-. over the Cen- tral Railroad ot Pern, tbe most remarkable ot all rail- ways, Which Toate starts at sea level at Caltoo and nma | to the blghest point reached by any railway In the world. BDMPTIOnS AS A PIEEMAN—(Comedy: re- leased Sept. 16; length, COS feet). BnmpUoos' eltorto as chief ot the volunteer tire department afford - matextol for a most langhable stoty. Like In tbe pievloas pictures In which he has appeared Bnmpttoos to continually In a mesa of tronuft—A'~nnd of trouble that causes tbe speetatar to abed -tears ot Unghter. ASt miBBLFISS LOVE—(iDrama; released Sept. 20: length. 1,000 feet). Thto picture, while telling a most Interesting story ot bow true love wins, notwithstanding all obataeles, at the same tiine gives the spectator an Idea ot the marvelOtaa poBsftllities In the western part of Canada tor those who have brain and brawn. X TKR <V OSANBBBST SAUCS—(Comedy; released Sept. S3;: length, 495 feet). This plc- tme laresents'the htotory of a supposed blood- curdUng crime, showing an* the harrowing de- tails, as well as bow It was dlscovaed by a more than tirave yonng man who had been read- ing more blood-and-thunder noveto than were good for Um. ALMOST A HEBO—(Comedy; tdaased Sept. 23; length. 485 feet). Almost a Bero to a abort comedy which carries the specta t or tiehlnd the scenes In the moving pictnre Imalnea, and shows wlut accidents may happen In tlie .making of a. lUm. It la not an Indnstrlal pletiiie. how- ever, Irat a real comedy with a real hoo, cr one wbo^to nearlf'^a hero."':":. OiVBB UOintZAI!; PA^ES-^(ScenIc; release Sept. 27; length, 276 teet). Thto: film shows scenes in tlie Andes of Pern and wUl Introduce an animal to many spectators that they have pzvAaldy never seen, - namely.- the lluna. a natlTe €t Fern. Thto to curious enonngh. bat when one finds that Qie Uama, beddea lieliig an ex- tremely docile animal, to largely used as a beast ot bnrdmi, oocs interest-to atmfnrther increased. • " THE FOOTIilGHTS ON THE FABM—(Dra- ma; release Sent. 27; length, TSS feet). Har- garet to the pretty daughter of a farmer. She becomes stage atrnck, and decides to go to New Tork to begin ber career. Her yoong sweet- beait to Informed of her IntentiooB and Is beartbraken at tbe intelligence. Margaret reach- es the great dty and after a time succeeds In olbtalnlng an engagement. The day for lebearsal arrives. On the stage sre gathered a: nnmber ot persons—actors snd stage attachea—and at the rear, near the footlights, are the atage dl- rector and stage manager. Margaret stands, waiting for her part to be given out. but to dnmtoanded when no part to passed oat to her and her name to not called. She finally musters coursge snd steps np to tbe stage director, only to learn tluit be has never beard ot ber and that anoUier yonng woman, an aetiess ot experlenee, to about to rdiearse thto part. Mar- garet leaves the stage .with saddened heart. !! IF YOU ARE ONEOFTHOSE FELLOWS THAT DON'T BELIEVE IN FILM CLEANING It is because you haven't seen any of OUR WORK If ym have any old. greanr, nUnjr films, wa a "IMPROVE" diemSOOPElTCENT. We dent ask you to believe this just becsnse 1 say so. but wa want yon to let us i SHOW YOU r CHICAGO FILAfERS. 173 ■. SiMH tin Mar Uiw St., BHIBABO, ILL She no sooner passes out through tbe stsge door than she almost runs Into her country sweet- heart, to whom she tearfully nnfolda the story ot her wrongs. He pleads wilh her to give up ha stsge Ideu and come bark to the farm. Hto pleadings win. and Margaret returoa with him. ONOMKO'S TOW—(Drama; release S.'pt. 80: length. 1.000 feet). Ononko'a Tow to a colonial tale of the DeerOeld maasaeie, written by Her- bert SL Stfeeter. FACTB-FBEBBS. THB FALSE rBIENO —(Drama: released Sept. 10: length. SS8 feet). The Calae Friend to a Esthetic drama In which right and happy ending to orongbt about by a yoong child. A TRIP TO THB ISLE OF JBBSKX— (Scenic; released Sept. 19; length. 887 feet). A most Interesting col- orcd picture ot scenes in the quaint Isle ot Jersey. AN ARIZONA BOMANCBS—(Drama; releaaed Sept. 21; length, ,990 feet). A weatern drama that has Ito beginning In New Tork, but cul- minates in the wilds ot Arizona. itsaot MAX IN A DILBUMA—(Comedy; rslsassd Sept. 23; length. 4M feet). Another Max Under comedy. Max is In lore with Kitty, who Is willing, but whose father regarda a substantial bank twlance as of more unportsnoa than ■ loving heart. 'But Max arranges mattara so that father'* objection I* orercama and bis eooaent to the msrrlsge to obtained. THB MEXICAN TOMBUBBS—(AcMbatle: re- leased Sept. 23; length, 470 feet). Tbe tnup* performing In thto picture constota of members and Is known aa the Bamon Oaida Troupe.. They execute some remarkabto feats. A 8IMPU9 MISTAKE—(Comedy; latoaaaA Sept. 24; length, 9B0 feet). TtUs Is a feator* oomedlr bictnre. The story It telto to tlut tha police often do make mistakes, Imt In thto ess» they certainly do make a very fumy mlatake. The film to a 1>lg laagh prodncar. BKMBAPQ. ROSE O' SAI.EM-!rbWN— (Drama; releaae Scdt, 26: length. 908 feat). laUtU* authority states tiut nine mU- lion Uvea were sacrUcea through the seal of fanatical reformers during tbe OtartotUn epoch. Beliglooa tanatletank waa. In most eases, the caoae. still, there were many vletlm- Ixrd to sattoty a personal gradge, and thto Bio- WANT TWO IMPS EVERY WEEK!" Say it every week to your exchange man. Pester the life out of him, if necessary, to get TWO IMPS EVERY WEEK I Get what you're entitled to, what you're paying for, what you need above eveij^hing else to boost your receipts—TWO IMPS EVERY WEEK I Now that we are in our glorious new fao^ toiy, we are jproducing films which are incomparable in photog- raphy, steadmess, dearness, staging and acting. If you don't get TWO IMPS EVERY WEEK, you are not getting aU the money out of your business that you COU LD G ET1 PRESSED ROSES 9f A screaming Imp comedy, which will bring tears of laughter to your o\m eyes, you hardened Film Man! It is about 990 feet long, and every foot is a real laugh. Released Sept. 26th. Fight for it—^but get it! ANNIE ff Once more the Imp scores a dramatic triumph in this picture. It is a powerful lover story, which turns out happily after keeping the onlooker in just the proper amount of suspense. Released September 29th. B^inasldng your exchange NOW I Don't forget our "DIXIE" release with its astonishing battle scene. If you miss this, you miss one terrific money-maker. INDEPENDENT MOVINO PICTTORES CO, OF AUERIOA. CARL LAEUMLE, Prea., 102 W.lOlat St.. New Yoric. AU "HIP" Films sold through the Sales ComiMiiy. J jvi F» BIS OIM D E IV D E R -AT LAS OWL AIV1! t ROJSIC) CINfCIISJISJATI F^ILrVl EX:CHAI\JGE ais-aiv West F"ourtti Stretrt. C irvc Iiv in./\.TI. O. l .oiiti I >i%tjiiit-i- -I'lioii. Miiiii ij.-n> "THE HOLJSE XH/VT BLJ>«> EIL.MS" Connect with a real, live, up-to-date Film Exchange that can give you a real service. References MOTION PICTURE DISTRIBUTING i SALES CO IXALA -XHAIMHOUSER F^ILIVI D'ARX Y'AIVIvEE O rHLR?S