The billboard (Sept 1910)

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SEPTEMBER 24, 1910. Xtie Blllt»oaFcl 27 graph mbjeet •bom how •wUr ineli a crtnie wan perpet™t«a. ' ^ 1 . EXAMINATION DAT — (C0IIW«jr; KiMM .sciit. 20: leogtb. Ml feet). That jron esB e«teli more fllec with boner tbin wltb C*ll ud TOO rule eaaler by Iclndneae than hr tmanr, to hhoirn In tbli Blograpb pastonl, wbleb. Indeed, mlcht ptore al leaaon to edocatore. That the teacbcr. to tboroogbly Impart knowledge, moat win flrat tba lorS: M tbe popll, otbowta* bla efforta are.In Taip ia bera proren. K8SANAT. THE TOUT'S BB- MEMBRANCB (Drama: releaaed Sept. 24; length 1.000 feet). Tbia picture, feature of Eaaanar west- ern dnmatlc plcturw, U a atotr of the race track, with llTelr action, daei heart Interest and toaeb- cs of (parkllng eomedr. The racing acenea are actnal and were obtain- ed eiprenlr for tbli "'h^'k and liANK: THET DODK DP 80MB —(Comrdy; release Sept. 28; length, 307 ft). Hank and Lank; They Dnde UP Some la the title of the seoona pletare in wUeh these two comedlaDB appear, fo this picture. Bank shows that he is a wtOeawake bOT when It cornea to getting somethiiir tac notldag. This time be solves the eaaj-noner graft by falling Into a coal hole, bat when Lank's toni comes to at- temnt the triek-^eU^ what be gets te a csn- tlOD. CDIUNO A MA8HEB—(Comed-; release Sept 3S: length, 060 feet). Mr. Feat belieres him- self irrraistlble with the ladlea and pefslsts In annojrlns the - joons cItIi ot tbt town imtll jonng and pretty Sirs. Smart ttke* Um In band, when he la eKeetlT«ly and pennanently cmed. I.TJBIM. ZEB. ZBKB AND THB • WEDOWi—(Comedy; released Sept. 18; length, SM feet). Zeb and Zeke, two fanners and lUe-long trloids. are fas- cinated by lbs. 3(arkn Oar- ton, a pretty widow, wbo Is resting tor A few weeks In the country. Botii do erery- tliliig thcar can to entertain her and. as a eonseqneDce. a Utile lU-teellng utsea be- , tweea them. But matters change cedar when the widow recdTes word from her aanee that he la abODt to arrlre from atiraad, and Oat her physician will permit her to ictam to the city. It's a stunning blow to Zeb and Zeke. bnt they make the best of It, riiake banA and are again the best o f frie nds. LOVE'S OLD BWEBT SONO—(Drama; re- leased Sept. 22; length. SM feet). Jack Bryant meeta and falla In lore with Cherrle, tbe pretty danghter of a farmer. They are mairlea and etart for tbe dty after a matte wedding. The mtrrUse is a shock to the siistoeraoc Mrs. Bryant, and ber son's wife Is not made wtiteome, tbe more eancclsllr. as It seems ImpoasHiIe to train her to city ways. Bnt tbe mother and dangbter-in-Iaw are' drawn closer togetlicr- as time passes and Jack deiotra himself to dissi- pation. Tbe two women abare the nightly Tigli for the errant one and tbe mother comes to realise the sterling qnalities that nnderile the girl's Toogh exterior. One night Jack comes home considerably the worse for liquor, end bis mother's repcoaches stir bis latent maabood to maudlin aeU-STmpathy. He is about to de- strm himself when he- Is saved by the «t»ig»»> of £o<e*a Old, Sweet Song. (Continned on page 4IL) WANTED MOVING PICTURE OPERATOR IVir EDISON machine. Steady, permanent posi- tion. Unst open Saturday. Addresa with tnll partlcnlars, Boyal Theatre. Hanoeck. taOx. TEXAS .•. EXHIBITORS ...ATTENTION... FitBt-cIasB film Berviee with posters. songs, records. UNIQUE'FILM SERVICE 1013* sa Av*., Houston, Toxaa Moving Pteturca of th« Reproduction of the JOHNSON-JEFFRIES F I G HX== ^ >E£^J?>et««. slightly nsad. at «U0 to $200. Win sand O. O. D. with pHr- tiege of examination, upon rscalpt •( dapoalt to eoTsr expiesa chaises. OHIOAOO nUC SZOHAVQK, M Jaekson Boalsmrd, OUeago. Bargains In MOTION PICTURE MACHINES. ETC. ratoan DnHcrsal. ««S: Bdlaon Bxhlbltlon, MB: JtoUamph. «ai6_Btyle, new. tor UeS; New Standard, ~kiap:Oineograpb, MB; Power 0am- mgnph. noo: SOth Oantnir lUiml. fSB. Paths i'saslw^fay inim,_Ob«rammeTna hldw. Staot Ughti. DIssolTlng Btenoatleon. Pass and Sei- penUas Slides, aU Bopnlles. HoUoa Ptetw* uaehlnes wanted. BABBACB * 00., SOO PU- bert, PhUadelphla. Pa. FILMS CLEANED Oar p r o e sss ImntBTsn • lias BOOK. ■ well ^sa~ " in >. •roan ■ U aa t. work. That'a why wa aro Um bls> Mtflla cisa nsta In mtsiBa. OBBnuuM mrauii Ohisaso, m. PULLING TOGETHER! ARE you watching the RACE FOR QUALITY which is being run by our manufacturers ? They are all bend- ing their ener^es to siurpass all previous efforts, and no ex- pense is being spared to produce the best motion pictures that can be made. This is f^e reason our output has im- proved yreek. by week, and presents to exhibitors the FINESr PROGRAM m THE WORU^L If you have not seen last week's releases, DON'T llaEM THIS WEEK. Old time film men are amazed at the QUALITT and QUAITriTT of our subjects, embracing a variety to please any audience. You take no chances in adopting Independent Service. We are not only m£untaining a high standard—-collectively and individuaUy—but ai» RAJ^BTG IT. EVXBT HOXSAT . ECLAIR—^Edslr FUm CSompsny. IMP—iBdepcodent VoTtnc Pletim* Co. TANKBB-^Tsnkee Bllm Co. JiVKBX TnESnAT BISOK—Mew Xoik Motion Picture Co. P0WBB8—The Powers Co. THANHOUSEE—^Thanhomer Oo. AMBBOSKV—New ToA HotlOn ATLAS-^aas Film Co. CHAlfPION—no Champion NKSTQR—DasU Hotaley. Ptetnia Co. ntm Co. JiVKHY TEHSSDAT ITALA—New ToA Motion Picture Oou DIP-^M epeBdent Horing Plctnrea Co. DKPBNDBR—Wnu B. SwanaoB. XDX—B. Prleo r. EVEST FBISAT BISON—New Xork Motion Flcton OOi. THANBOnSBR—^Thanhooaer Co. EVERT aaOTKMr OBBAT KOBXHEBN^reat HOctbetn Pllm Co. iT AlA- Kewr Taek Motion Ptetm Oa, POWSBS—Ste Pnwen Oo. * CAPITOir^-Ca^toI mm Co. LIST OF BUYlNG EXCHANGES AUGUST 31, 1910 Applevith, I,. J., & Sona. MS Tonge at.. Itaanto Canadian VUm Ex., Calgaiy. Alberta Canadian PUm Ex........ .Taneoofsr. B. C Oanmont Oou, IM St. Cathedno St.. Montreal KInetngiaph Co. <fi)r Canada) 41E. Slat St., Kew To* City (UXXTOBEU Aemn mm Vs.; U latUn «t. Sia Raadaeo Callfttnia Illm Ex.. I06S Mission St.. ...... ..i.... Ban Ftanelaeo Miles Bnia.,...7W Turk at.....San rrandaeo PacUe states Ex., 7S4 S. Main at.. Iron Angeles W«st«n Fil m Co .. 108 & 4th_«W I<M Angdea JUST&ICT OF OOLTnOU Paramonnt FUm Ex., 428 Sth at,. M. W.. eXOSGIA sonny Sontk F. Ex., Bhodes Bldg;, Attanta TT.T.TW Wia Antl.TnBt FUb Oa>. 19 So. CUrk at.. OUeago Bngvw 0UnSb.....B8 Oaarhora at,....;.CUeaco Glob* FOB SKitea^ UT E. MadlaoD St., CUeago Imamma* FUm Sanlee, 1S8 I«kS 'at.. CUeago Wichita FUm and SnniT Oow^ 1S9 M. Mhiket atxcet Wichita Dixie FOm Co.. no llaiMn Blanche BUg.. HBEXTB , Beaton Film Bratal Co.. OOS Waahlngtan at. W. E. Gnsn lUntEs.. SS8 TicnNBt am.. Beaton lUBn*B9 Ooaaalldated Amaaa. Co., 38 W. Ixxlngton at.. ,. Baltbnoie B. ft W. FUm Ex., 412 E. Balttaaon st..^ Laemmls FUm Sanrlca, SSO Hennepin ay*.. Michigan FUm ft Sqmly Co.. UOO OulOB Stoat Bldg. Detroit BUon Film ft Am. Co.. 1328 Grand an.. City J. W. Morgan. IS30 Grand'am. Kansas City W. B. awsMOB St. IdOis FUm Oob. 300. Nou ^Ifc nt. ■* XiOnla ^nsner FDm * Abl On.. 208 M. 0th at.. St. Iionla HEBEA8EA. Taemml e Film Serr., 1517 Parnam at., Omaha ■EW TDBX 00. Alhany jRIm Ex.. 418 Broadway. Albany.. H. T. Victor Film Sery,. ...SO Chnttih at.. ...Bnffala EEW TOBK (ilTl, Exhlhltora Film Ex., 138 TUrd am., Naw ToA Emplra PUm Ex.. UO E. 14th at.. Mew Toik Gt. Bastnn FUm Ex., 21 E. Uth at. Naw Totk Paramonnt FUm Ex.. «t 14tta at.. Mew Xork Pctfeaa FUm Ex.. 84 Fifth aw.. New Task HndaoB FUm Co., 138 E. 14tb St.. Haw T«» Wm. Stelaer F. Ex.. XIO Btaorth neL. I OHIO. Bndkaya F. ft P. Co., 308 Arcade Bldg.. Daytan Capitol P. Serr.. 423 N. High at., Colnmhoa, O. Cincinnati FUm Ex., SIS W. 4th at., dnebuatt Sontham PUm Ex., IT Opera naee, CInelnnatI Toledo Bum Exchange, 310 Shperior at., Toledo Wetot F.S ny,.^ Prospect ft Hmoa ata.. aerdaM ' ■ tXEBSOK Independent Wast. F. Eg«sr« POttland 'Bolted M. p. Co., 113 Mate at.. <ttUkomn dty . PBrasXIiTASU, Bagle Film Ex., 148 N. Sth at.. PhUaddpUa Philaddphla r. ft p. Co.. 44 M. Stk at.. FbUa. PtdliMpbta r. Ex.. 884 ArA at., PUlhddpUa lnd«endent nim Ex:; 41B Ftrniy at., Ptttabncg Tessa ;l1Im Ekehange, 311 IBm at;. Dallas UTAH. Chlcaco F. Exvi OOa Dooly Block, Salt ladkii Olty / WASHIROIOH. PaetOe nim Ex.......Globs Bldg., Scattia MOTION PICTURE nsrRIBimHG iUID SALES^^^^M^ 111 East Fourteenth Street. NEW YORK CITY. \WE8T saSBSr MemtbHt. PATHE PASSION PLAYj for rent or sale; In very best condlthm at all time. J. SHECK, 2028 N. Clark, Cbleago. III. FOIt BAZ£—Tbree Edison two-pin macMnea, all complete, 180 each; two Edison ona-pla ma. chines, sll complete, 8100 eseh; Fllias tor sale; Urst-^lsss condition, 87 to $18 per reel. HATEB SII.VEBMAN, 105 4th Ate.. Pittsbnrg, Fs. FOR S/IS-ONE SYNGHR0S60PE with SIX BiddMta, mm and inwocda to mnfA. All mske mschlnes hoo^t snd sold. Gss Ma- chines honght and sold. Black Tents. ISO Folding C hairs for ssle. BEST FHiM SEBTICB cheap. DIXIE FILM EZCHAMOE, Owenaboroi Ky. Wanted to Purchase Third Bed ot Paths kand.«olona Paaata Ray. Mnat bs In go od coaditlan and ptica naaonaUe. Addresa CSE8CEHT Gtrr VlUt XMSBUM9X, Eaw Odaana, La. BASOAIV IX FUJO AEO 80XO SLIDES—100 reela film, deinnt condition. fT per reel and op: 50 sets Bong Slides, perfect condition, $1.75 per set, with mnsle. Send posts! for lists. Good fl)m a«Tles fmnlahed at lowest prlcaa tai tha SooOi. Smmllaa. Baigalna in saw and ascond. hami M. P. mafbtiwa and gas ma" — P. O. BOX SOB. Mew Odeans, La. xoTJxe picnnts xaobixes, iscoe Are Lampab 82: Bheoatata, 88; Gaa GenaratonL fSJS; lam » fat lant or for nle. Catalogne. • L. Hinn; 88t K. IStd St.. Eaw lStk, R. S. T. FILM BB0KERA6E GO. 1Z« E. Mtk StfMt. Naw York Ci« Importan and Eapoit s ia at Fanl|B and Bwmeallii FOma tt Sf«i7 Etaks and naauilijllsii. SEND FOB URB Keep Your^ On Us ISTESEBTIOEAL FIUI TEdlWniS, LieoiiM sated. 1«T «tk Aes.. New Task 01^, Osnsu Savinga Baak Bnildlng. Laigatt da^n In the wsrid In senend hind dims. Importers and Bx- mVIU PICTURE RUCHIIES fiaEomeom. supes, accesuiies. Qias. ILSfeMu, 1028 Main Straat. KANSAS CITY. MO. PATHE RATION PLAY FILM Leetnre and Holy city Sonx Slides, 83.00 per dsy. C. B. DCPBEB. Ksu(>, Ps. Have yon invest^ated the Wuditzer FfanOrcbflsfera 7 Tlie leading Nickelodeons are TOt&ig in this marvelous Automatie Qrebeatnu Itfuniishefl better iQusio than ft i^ular orchestra of 5 to 25 pieoe^ is always "on the job," and cats out the enoimous ezpenae of mu- sicians. The money saved pays rent. Bsay terms, leas than paid to mnaMaM.. Ws anpply the O. SL Gov't, with mnaleal tnatnnaants. Write for Ug SS-paga catalos * tastlmaaUI booklet ahowing WMItms P l a nOwb a a tiaa la teadlas N^dodaens. CINCINNATI oszoAao iu.tai B, 4th