The billboard (Sept 1910)

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28 Ttie Olllboapd SEPTEMBER 24, 1910. CONCERNING RINKS Peter Shea Returns to Detroit; MicIl, to Reopen The Wayne Gardens Roller Rink—New Skating Palace for Grand Rapids. SHEA RETURNS TO DETROIT^ Detndt; MIcb.. Sept. IT-—The Wayne Garten* Biak vIU open its season sbont tbe middle of October. This ilnlcwlU again be nnder tbe management of Peter Shea, who has been in ebBTge for tbe past seven seasons. Mr. Shea, wbo lias ]ast Tetnmed from en inspection trip of risks in Ohio, Michigan and lUlnois. states tbat be predicts that roller stating will be more popnlar this season than last. Mr. Shea, after experimenting for some time, will IntTodnce m }Iler rink managers, a non- dip preparatloii for skating Boors. Tbe prepara- tloo ^ known as Shea's Speed* Snzfacer, and Hr. Oiea dalms that it keeps tbe xink floor desn. sad lit perfect conditfon. ' . NEW GRAND RAPIDS RINK. Grand Bapids, Mich., Sept 17.—B^nr^ Hey- stlk la erecting a large magnUcmt skating naUce. 173x150 feet, equipped with 100 pairs e£ skates, and with all tbe latest Improvements. Hie bollding will be complete and ready for optfiing abont October 1. ROLLER! SKATING IN CHILI. Conalderable business is being done in Valpa- raiso and Santiago in the line of roller skates. Both the best grade ball bearing and the cheaper old s^le are In use here. They retail for abont f4.G0 and fl2.S0 United States gold per pair. respectlTely. The Import dnty Is 45 to 80 cents per pair. This article comes principally from the United States at present, bnt tlie French are after the business. A NOISE FROM INDIANAPOLIS. IndUaapolis seems to be on the way to an- other roller stating craxe snch as started here about four years ago, as preparations are nnder war and annonncements have been made of the op^dng of three rinks for the winter season. Manager Ualoy of the Biverside Bink baa pre- pared his skating surface and expects to run an winter and the Andltorlom, which has been dosed for the past two seasons Is to open its doors to the local skaters abont October 1-' Tbe Womderland will be reopened about Oct. 15, un- der the management ot Boy Mann, the local ■peed skater. This rink will cater to the better daaa of patrons that have always attended this ' popi^ar place of omnsement; Hr; Maim will have associated with him Mr. Frank H. Keller, who formerly controlled the Washington Bink, which is to be torn down in the near fatnre. AO. the rink managers here look for a record- breaking season as tbe BlTerside Rink has had PETER SHEA, Manager Wayne Gardens Boiler Bink, Detroit, Mich. tbe most snccessfnl season It'has'ever bad and the watchword of each rink -will be "boost— don't knock." . NEWS OF THE SKATING WORLD. Br TUISAS X. nXZGEBAIS. - CHICAGO'S ICE PALACE OPENS. . Chicago, 111.. Sept. 17.—Chicago's beantlfnl ice palace opened its doors to the public <m Saturday night, September 17. The program was laid oat as follows: Doors opened at 7:15; Exhibition Skating, by Allan 1. Blanchard, pres- ident of the International Skating Union ot America; waltzing <hi tabular skates, by Mor- ris Wood, champion speed skater of the world; fancy skating by Norral Baptie. ex-champion skater of the world; quarter mUe exhibition by Morris Wood; fancy and figure skating by Miss Minnie Cummings, of Minneapolis. Minn.; skating on-stilts, b^r-St^rral Baptie; backward Jumping, by Herman X^vrlck, holder ot world's records for this klnd0tl: skating; barrel jumping by Morris .Wood; bacKSvard race and fox chase, by Narval Baptie. skating- surface covets 21,000 square feet, and the ice was In fine shape. The 3,500 reserved seats and 300 box seats were all sold oat before tbe doors were opened. Skating ' fans-from Winnipeg. I>etrolt, Minneapolis, Milwaukee, Hoaghton, St. Paul, Grand Bapids, St. I,oais, PittSbnrg; Clevdand, Boston, and many other cities too nomerons to mention, were represented. lAKESIDE. DAYTON. C, OPENS OCT; 16. T. A- Clemens, connected with the Lake- side Bink, of Dsyton, Ohio, writes that the rink opened up over Iiabor Day. and a very large attendance was enjoyed afternoon and evening, which led them to believe that this season will be better than It has been In the past. The rink will be nnder new management when It opens about October 15. . . •i Edgewater Boiler Bink , opened to a large crowd on Thursday night, September 15. The rink was beantifidlr decorated, and the ekat- en were aiudons to once more glide over the smooth surface. Manager Benson looks for a good season. SANS SOUCI BINK OPENED. Baces that kept the fans at Sans Soud Bink In an uproar ^1 last season, will be the fea- ture of entertainment at this popnlar rink- Manager Miles E. Fried is again in charge of the rnik. WHS, PROMOTE SOME GBEAT IPE BACES. In a letter received from 'D.' N. Morrison, manager of tbe Fort William Arena, Fort Wil- liam. Out., he states that he will put on a world's championstiip ice. skating meet, both for professionals and amateurs, for speed, fancy and trick skating, ~ for both sexes. The meet Is planned for the last week In January. It Is expected that .$1,000 in cash . win be hong up In purses for tbe professionals, and the same amount in trophies and medals for the amateurs. These events, no donbt, will boom skating In that territory once more. Mr. Al- len I- Blanchard. president of the International Skating Union, la requested to make the trip and act as referee, in which capacity Mr. Blan- chard has acted in all the championships for years- Morris Woods, present champion of the world, and Nerval Baptie, ex-chamnion. In giv- ing their views on such a meet, said fliat they would make the trip, as they believe a meet of tills kind would be a winner. BBATTON WILIi NOT MANAGE DUQUESNE GARDEN. William G. Brattoh, well known In skaliug circles, will not manage the Dnquesne Garden Rink, at Pittsburg, Pa., as was first planned by himself several months ago. In a letter from Mr. Bratton, he states that he has come to the conclusion that it would not be practical for him to Interest himself In the rink busi- ness, and therefore has given up any Idea he may have had regarding hockey or ice skating this year. Mr. Bratton, who was one of the champion figure skaters, will be sadly missed from the skaters' standpoint this winter, as he was to be one of the leading spirits In the forming of the big hockey league. Be stQl may be brought back Into the fold after the season starts. ^ - RINK NOTES. Miss Sne Q'Karo, tbe vronderfnl little skater of The Q'Karos skating team, who several weeks ago met with a very painful accident, fractur- ing a rib during the process ot their act, was snfficlently convalescent to fulfill her engagement at the Hippodrome, Dayton, O., week ot Sept. 10. . The new roller rink in the Henry Meyer Block on State street, Erie, Pa., opens this montli. The rink, which is owned and managed by W. E. Geano and H. W.. Englldi^ Is. up-to- date in every partlcnlar. Erie bas been with- out a Skating rink for two years. • The Titosville, Pa., rink was opened for the sesson, Sept. 1. Oenno and English, who are tbe managers, are also in charge of tbe new rink at Oil City, Pa. PLAYHOUSE NOTES. The theatrical season here this season will start out nnder every promising aospices. Tb* Academy Of Music has been OTerbauled and tboronghly renovated and la as well arranged now as any theatre In a city ot this size In tbe south. The management Is in capable hands being the same as that of last season. Ur. William Wllby being in the front of the house and Mr, Bobert Wllby In cbarge of the stage, while the attractions, which were booked through Klaw and Erlanger will be some of the best that will be sent south this season. Tbe sea- son, with all of the above taken Into consider- ation, should be a profitable one for all con- cerned as all agricultural cropa in this section were fairly good this season. The Academy of Music will open September 21, with Polly of the Circus. The roster of. the advertfslDg forces of the Tnlane and Crescent Theatres at New Orleans, III., Is eomposed of the following: John B. Garv9. advertising manager; Harry F. Qninn, assistant advertising manager; Markey Oempsey, kead lithographer- Wm. litsslmmons, Kid But- ler. Chuck Mitchell Baby Ike, asstetants; Ray- mond Schubert, card man. Messn. Garvey and Qolnn were formerly connected with the Cohan and Harris forces. P. H. Alexander has leased the People's Thea- tre, I.eavenworth, Kan-, and will play stock, repertoire and high-class attractions. The house will open September 2S and will remain open until the end of the season. One thousand coal miners returned to work In Leavenworth last week and six thousand soldiers will return to the fort this week. This means a larger attendance at the theatre. Beard<m and Shnlts have come into pos- sesion of the Skinner Opera House, Little Falls, N. T., and are remodeling it into an up-to-date playhouse. The season will open abont October 1. Beardon and Shnlts also own the Gem mo- tion picture theatre at Little Falls. Tbe Lyric Theatre, Navasota, Texas, will open Its season Sept. 22, nnder tbe management of S. D. Sogers. The theatre baa been en- larged and renovated and will now play vau- deville and dramatic companies three days a week. ne GreenevIUe Auditorium, Grccnevllle. Tenn.. opened September 14 with The Climax. The Auditorium is this season under the management of D, F. Spears. - Chas. P. Salisbury has resigned as pabUeity agent of the Havlln Tlieatre, St. Lools, to as- sume the management of the Lyric ^Theatre in mnnsapollB. The season at tbe Aoademy ot Music, Dnrium, N. C, was opened September S, with Tb* Bool Kiss, The Academy Is managed by John W. Burroughs,- James L Oakes, a graduate of the Onlverslty of Iowa dramatic dub, has been sppslnted man- ager ot the Coldren 0]>era Bouse, at Iowa City. Iowa, Olu Norton Theatre, Pasadena, Csl., opens Btpt. 18, under the management of B. H. Ilorton. High-class attractions are booked. ■the Jamestown Opera Honse, Jamestown, N. D., opened tiie season Sept. 7, with Ariaona. Morris Beck Is manager of the thestre, tM I. Wonst baa leased the Oodr Opsra ■ease at Cody. Wyo. ROLLER SKATESandSGENERY —FOR SALE— 100 PAIBS OP BOIXEB' SKATBS, IN GOOD CONDITION, 75 cts. a PAIB. The foUowlng Scenery, In good condition; wings to match: parlor, garden, wood, street, fancy front drop, horizon, kitchen; size 14x22; suitable for vaude- ville house. Price of scenenr $75. Most be sold this week. Address CHABLES HAMMOND. Colonial Theatre, Cambridge, Ohio. RINK and DANCE FLOOR OWNERS, REM niS Let me make your Hoor wUta and smooth vrith Electric Sandpaper Machine. Qnlck and prac- tical. Will boost your business and pay yon big retoxna. Address. JACK £NOLANS, Evaasvills, lad. BUY—ROiXER SKATES—SELL All makes: also rink floor powder. AXERIOUr BIHK SUFPLT CO., Saadnsky, 0. ' ROLLER RINK FOR SALE Good location, good bnslnesa. Fopolatlon dty 15,000. Season for selling, want to go West for wife's health. Address F. * M. CAMP- BELL, 41S N. 2nd Ave.. Alpena, Mteb. Only Skating Bink In town. Can be converted Into theatre. For rent, sale or exchange for clear land. Chicago property or irtiat. Coliseum Building, Fond do Lac, Wis.; 60x150 ft. Value. «30,000: Inc. (13,500. P. L. MILLER, TO La Salle St.. Chicago. Henley Roller Skaf es Latest Model, BaU-Bearlnf Bink Skates- Dsed In majority of an Bisks. Nickel-plated Steel, BaU-BearIng Club Skates, wlthFtbn, Steel Oomkl- natlon Alnmlnum or Boxwood BoUers. Henley Racing Skates Used and endorsed by speed skaters eveiywhere. and are alao desirahls for Indlvldnal use, where the finest and most emnidete skata In the market la desired. POLO GOODS and OUTFITS Send for Skate Catalogue, FBBB. Offlelal Polo Onlde, lOc II IICIII W KICHHOHD aU tUrllXly IHDIAIfA. The KING of.aU Roller Skatingl Rink Organs eest Skattana Rink Music In the World. NORTH TONAWANDA MUSICAL INSTRUMENT WORKS North Tooawanda, N. Y., II. 9. A. The BEST RINK SKATE WE believe it. THOUSANDS OF OTHERS know it. Order asamplepair and be CONVINCED. Write for free catalogue. We carry a complete line of rink supplies. We supply parts for other makes of skates. CHICAGO ROLLER SKATE CO., 1123 Washinitton Blvd.. CHICAGO. ILL.