Billboard advertising (Sept 1910)

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KnoxTlIIe Teim.. Sept. 13 (Special to Tbe Billboard).—^Tlie moat algnally anccesstal ex- ploitation and amnsement event undertaken in the Sonth In late years is the Appalacbian Exposition, wtiicli was opened, in tills city on Monday, Septemlwr 12, and wliicti will con- tinue until October 12. ^Ereiytliinsr was in perfect condition at tlie Exposition grounds for tile great opening at wilidl time a perfect presentation of tlie nat- nral: and Industrial resources of tbe Southern Appalachian region was made. No one con- nected with the exposition, no one who has beard - of the great things that were to be ac- complished, ever in tbeir most optimistic Ideas OTen dreamed of such an elaborate and expen- sIts an exposition as is now being presented. . This exposition Is derlsed in the Interests of the Appalachian mountain region, composed of portions of the states of Tennessee, Ken- tucky, yiiginla. West Virginia, North and South Carolina, Georgia and Alabama. ~ Knox- Tille <is the metropolis of this region, as well as Its geographical center. Consequently it was fitting that such an exposition should be' planned and built by-business men of this city. •EnoxTille may feel Justly proiid of ber ex- position, wl2lch has so recently developed into one of the largest and most extensive expositions of its kind ever held in the South. The exhibits in the administration boilding are "classy** to tlie very highest degree, and It will be no difScnlt taste for Tisltots to spend a day In this tinlld- Ing, enjoying and studying ue magnificent, onique. interesting and instmetlTe exhibits wiilch have been Installed. The building Is packed to its capacity with a large variety of mannfacturing products of not only the Appa- lachian region, but the entire country. Every inch of space in the building bas been disposed of, and the many expensive and-elaborate exhibits are a perfect picture of progress in tlie mecban- Ical. mercantile and manufacturing Industries of tUa great region. - - The conservation. of the forestry resources of the Southern Appalachians; coupled with an effort-tO'help to a snccessfnl consummation the . projects for Federal Government appropriations for improvement of the navigable waterways, were the' essentlsl features that Inspired the prime movers in the exposition project. The l>rlngiJig to tbe attention of the world at large Si Main Buliaing. Mazeppa, a trained horse.- Oriental Dancing Girls. - - Dr. S. Fischers Baby Incubators. An original East Tennessee Moonshine Dis- tillery In operation. London Cake Walkers. Human Boulette Wheel. Pat Hanaban*s Goat and Monkey Clrcna. . Otto's Trained Wild Animals. Dreamland. The Russian Princess. Tbe Captive Balloon, "Illinois." TIew of Oronnds Showing Depot and Lake. the nmimlted though latent resonrees of this section, was also a factor, as well as k1t!ii£ an Impetus to the commercial, and manufactur- ing interests of this great region. The buUdings have been tnlly protected In Qie Batter of fire by tbe Installing of laree reels of hose from the city fire department, and Rnoxvllle'8 fire diief has detailed firemen the gronnds. where they patrol the buildings day and night, as a. means of additional. Are protection. On-Monday, opening day at tlie Appaladliiaii Exposition, -the farmal exerdses mangnzating- the exposition took place. Governor Fattersam and his staff were present, and a large number ~ of other distihguished visitors, including the .aoembers of the State Supreme Court, which convened in Knoxvllle the week of the regular fall term. The formal opening of tlie admin- istration building was the occasion of .an ad- dress by Governor Patterson. . lOideTlsIng this exposition, the matter of amnsements has not been overlooked. It had -been::.expected that at least 600.000 people would be attracted to the exposition, and It was recognized from'the very beginning that .they must be entertained as well as instructed. Cofueanently the amusement features have been worked ont on a liberal plan, and to a high ' deicree of perfection. ° J Tbe Midway Is called The Jnngle, and here Qteb amusement features are. The Jungle is -^-adamted as &'compliment-to Col. Theodore Boos- 'eTelti'wlio Is to be at the exposition on October 'T^s HIS recent retnm from the Jangles of Africa : sugges ted the "Jungle** cognomen for the show - street, '^eet me at the Midway Jungle" Is 'tbe pleasure lover's slogan at the exposlUon. Constltntlnic-tbe' Midway Jungle are Oie fol- - lowlng Urst-daas - attraciJons: ' Col. S^aek^ HidbaU's wild West. Deuel's Dog and Pony Shows. London Ghost Show. ■ „ . dilqulto.- the smallest woman In tbe world. • Heckler's Plea Circus. ' , „ ' Cstlbon Bni's Esquimaux Tillage. mie'Mad House. . WWtney'B " Athletic Girls. [Editor's' Note. Tbe foregoing summary of tte AppsTacMan Exposttton and tte nates were wilt^ by Guy Smltbaon; KnoxrHIe centesfflta- tlve of The BlUboard. and TOm Kortb. whose writings appear In eadi Israe.] In addition to these midway attractions, tbe exposition management has provided a number of free out-door shows; including Pain's Pyro^ technics, to be given every night during the ex- - position; the thrilling -"loop the loop without the loop**; Tbe Whitakers, in a fiery flame dash down a wire; The Do Bells' daring high wire act; skating on blgb wire across tbe lakes; Brooks* Chicago Band, Weber*s Cincinnati Band. Strobel's dirigible balloons, Wright Bros.' aero- planes, Coleman's triple parachute leaps, a horse ahow : of .three nights, running and trot-. ting races. .- vandevUle shows and a: militaxy toomament. The feature of the Jnngle Is Cbl. Z'ack Mul- taall's Great Wild West Show, Indian Congress and Bough Blders of the World. In Lucille Molfaall. visitors of the Appalachian Bxposi- tlon will see for ttie first time the young woman whose daring riding performances won for her : the admiration of tbe New York smart set when she api>eared at the horse show held at Hadlson Square Garden in New York a few years ago, and whom Col, Theodore Roosevelt, then president, called "the queen of the vvest- - em plains." Col. Roosevelt is a dose personal. friend of Col. Mnlhall, and on many, occasions: be has witnessed the skill of Miss Lncllle as a rider and lariat thrower. Besides riding a cow pony. Miss Lucille ex- hibits lier skill as a horse trainer when she puts her beautifnl trained thoroughbred. Bed Buck, through a series of mote than one hun- dred tricks. Miss Mildred, the youngest daughter of Col. Mulhall, and a pnpil of Miss Lucille in the art of riding, also shows an exceptionally clever acting horse. Bill Oliver, a handsome grey, named in honor of the ■ president of the Appa- lachian, and Miss Georgia, the eldest daugh- ter, demonstrates her skill as a daring rider. Charley Mulhall competes In the bucking horse riding contests with Howard Judkins, Boss Glen. Claude Homjihrles, Morse Patton. the representatives of tbe Pan Bandle of. Texas; Guy Weadick, of Great Falls, Mont.; Alvin Eckert. of Colorado; The BeeblelH^, Walter and Cbarley. of tbe Black Hills Of South Da- kota: Zacb Miller, of Cheyenne; Jode Parry, of Purcell, Okla., and last, but hot least, Sammy Garrett, of Mulhall. With Hish Tower. Budwelser. Jolinny on the Spot, and Steamboat, tbe nntameable bucking horse of the Molball outfit as mounts, tbese Ijoys will have some exciting riding contests dnrinp the exposition. While the buckini; horse riding contests are one display of cowl>oy dare-deviltry, "bull dog- ging a steer." a sensational wrestling match, hand to hom with one of tbe wildest Mex- ican long-boms, performed by Tom Mix. former United States Marshal of Two Butts. Col., and Texas Ranger, Is one of tbe most sensational features of the show. "Bull dogging a steer" Is riding up beside, the animal on horseback, leaping on its boms, and in a band to horn contest, throwing tbe steer to its back. In the reproduction of the historical events of the exhibitions a tribe of Sioux Indiana take part. Jn the tril>e are two chiefs. Shot in the Eye and Keep the Uonntain, as well as half a score' of braves and their sqnawa and pappooses. One of the scenes presented by Col. Mulhall will be the fight between . cowboys and In- dians at the water hole. Tliis incident was suggested by Frederick Remington's painting. The Fight at tbe Water Hole: .Guy Weadick and his wife, do some exception* ally, clever riding and roping' during the big exblbltion that fairly showers applause upon them as well as words of praise tor their iu- lug and science. Big Otto's trained animals occupy a feahn SOBltion, and justly so. Big Otto's is tta« eron- ig triumph in the largest, greatest show'at animal training ever seen. Practically the VS. geat on earth, and at piesent made so big uSl perfnt as to contain the most marvelous eol. lection of the kind tbe world can produce. Big groups of iwrforming' lions from Oennan grand triumphs of tiger training, leopard tiui Hies, panthers, pumas, all shown In immeue groups and companies In big steel enclrdtl arenas under the skillful directorship of tht world's foremost trainers namely: Big OttOw Capt. Chas. Murphy. Esso Fay (tbe Leopud Queen) and Princess Olga. Big Otto's Show Includes animals, the mott rare, the most colossal, tbe most dlminotlTa, the savage aqd ferocious, the iieautltul and cea- tie, an almost limitless array of magnificent, ornate, elal>orate, beautiful, dens and cages, containing all in ail, a complete xoo. Capt. W. D. Ament has two concessions of tbe stellar type namely: Dixieland PlanutioB Show and the Ghost Show. Capt. Ament is well known to Billboard read- ers, and Is -a. man of absolnte aecnracT- Bli Plantation Show has thiTty-flve performers am tbe Inventive faculties of funny men and women have been called into action for the giving «t typical scenes; of tbe Sonth before tbe War, which, while transplanting happy childhood into a fairy world of comic delights, fumlSiKS tm for their elders and carries them back to tbt days when they were .children. A 'world of fun for young and old. Capt. Ament's Great London Ghost Show Is a concession at present of not, oaly Knozville'i big Exposition, but London and Paris, as weU. Twenty-five people are required : for. its pro- duction. It Is one of the largest Ulnslons svet devised and a performance that appeals to tht patronage of the best peoi^e. J. B. Warren, In diarge of tbe : Fair Depart- ment of V. B. offlees. Is on: tbe^ Job, taklif best of care of all the conceasIODS, : which he furnished. View of Lake', from Dam toward Depot. The Baqulmanx Vbow la owned and mansstd by Caribou BiU. His tressurer is Dave Chand- ler, and bis secretary Is Mrs. W. F. Cooper. Caribou BiU gives a splendid exhibition of life In tlie far North. He carries seven full-blooded Labrador Esquimanx, Famous Little Oolnmbli. bom at Chicago during tbe World's Fair, and named In honor of same. Twenty Siberian woU bonnds, that pulled Caribou BUl overland torn Nome, Alaska, to New York City In 14 mootln, a distance of 15,000 mUes; four Bibwian woIvm, savage creatures; Greenland sledges; about |W,- 000 worth of Carlos, sncb as Polar Bear UdM, Ivory teetb. aeal skins, etc., one Polar BMt hide being sixteen feet In length. Oapt. Jul Smith, who was with the Peaty Bxpeditlos m 1890, in the commissary department, ft wssaiB-_ lug this ,trlp that the captain met and DSmM Peary's interpreter, an Bsqulmaux. Five cslia- ren bave resulted from Uie onion. , Opaeto, 00 years old. a foU-bIood«d Ml!<- mauzi was a Peary gnlde and can bandle a W- foot whip with great skill, one of his feats M- Ing to dip a cigarette oat of a person's moatiL Zaccharlus. anotber folI-blooded Bianlaanz, «>> a Peary dog driver and considered tbe best n> Labrador, He Is 26 years old. Taking it sU- in-all. Caribou BUI baa some show. Mr. John Blanklnsblp, a United Ststes mtr- ehal bas a genuine moonshine still In operatioi. that for novelty and newness la a aenulne irar- prise, A retired, or, rather, reformed moon- shiner, Sam Bnrchlleld, nini a record tot W; eratlng moonshine stills, and driven to ••ni br Marshal Blanklnsblp. operates the stlll,tt>t also bas a history, as Blanklnsblp'captured tb> same In tbe spring pf 1009. It «aa_knownM the notorious Oaniek Bedden BtlU: ' Two bMB' ■bloera and two Ctalted State* debntles inn killed in tbe flgbt. Mr. Blanklnahip to to t* congratulated on the detaUi of Mi nlilblU«> and bis Is one of the sUr attractions at tM Exposition. ■ Maseppa, the $BO,000 trained equine. mansged and operated by W. L. fifiil ■'• ,P: Backenstoe, Is easily and perfectly protra t» greatest horse In the ■world. One picture l«»- sent* a superb, supreme and snmptnons P'"'?." of fire's flereo-ferocity an* triumphant «»- play of STaleppa'B mastery over the "•""'•v!; tbe^iesena of a child. Maseppa Js more «»« a manrel. A , marvel 'app«als only to (>i».,*£'i wblle tbia great botaa soiinda evwr emotionu