The billboard (Sept 1910)

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36 X ti e B11'l b o a r d SEPTEMBER 24, 1910. LETfERlBOX MAIL Avl>l>c«ll*m!k ivt Ai±^tt dU»( in this list matt be ligaed li>iUTldaaU7 bj addreweea, r . . . LADIESP LIST. Kins, Nellie ««Klliie, Mn. Nonli Knlck. Helen Knlgtit, Mn. J. H. Kramer, Mln Uaade •*I*Marr. Wayne ••La liaat, Bonnie •ba Xante, Harriet XaBeane, Mlna K. Alio. JliK PanUM ATlm, llxa. W. J. Aov. lieUlR •Arken. AoreUa *AnnltaKe, I>eotI AnDOOd. lUas Qraee Bailer, Mrs. Loolse Baasiord, Mrs. Gnasle LaBne, Grace BMdj. Mn. Delorla LaTlne, Helen Bennett, Mrs. C. H. LaZetta, Senora A. Beaoett, Bdna *hamb. Oladle Bnl. lAla Lambert. Mrs. S. A.- BUOIe, Mxa. B. M. I,aneaater, Mlaa Ter Btninss, Mrs. Ida Xtag. Betb Blrdi. Mlsa Vema Langley, Mrs. Ada Bleninr, Mrs. Mabel Lasage, Mrs. Teddr Bracken. Mn. Bertram Lauretta. Jiladam Bradley, Mn. Artbor Lavedan, Elsie Lawaon, .Mn. Leonm Le Bolt, UlUan •Lee, Harriett Lee, JTenette Lee, Tlrsle Lenote. Miss Zjeonard. Mabel Leonard.' Uand 'Laor, Hdea Libra, FUneeaa Lloyd, Bransan, Mrs. Doe •Brown, Bessie Brown . ^Mlss Cella , Brown, Inx Btonii. UlM Nella Bruce, Ulas Eatell BiT<Bt. Prlneeaa :, BDbuik, Mn. itank Bans, Mrs. Kddle -Bans, Mrs. BrelTn •Barton, Grace , Bntdier. Mrs. Enoch ••Loftls, Hdes Bnttenrortb, Mabel Lonn. Edna «OatIton, FlaTla M. Lola, rtbe Mystic CatroIL Miss Beatrice Lotalne, Rita ■•CsiTdl, Bonnie liorenz, LaBelgna Chamberlain, Miss Mat- •Lorena. Sa Sella ■tla „ Lyte. Oorotby Charley, Mrs. Cheyenne leather. StelU •OUlr. iaa - •UfeOann. Fianees GUsiendon, CecU McOoimell. Xook - Oluk. Hasel McDonald, Etbyle Clotilda ft Montrose •McDonald, Flora Codr. Jennie Oanbs. Mrs. ESle CognallT. Oraec Crelchton Slaters McFarren, Beesle HcMaaters, Mrs. Uscle. Llllle Maltlde & SUila D^3nst(m, Mn. M. '••MannlnK. Bnth Carrie •Dslta. Mrs. Zlla •Marentetle, Mrs. AL DaTcme. Hattle Martainl. Essie ••^Tla. Blla W«ner Martlne StsteiB * DkTla, Mlaa Jnanlta price DcTls, MaUe 6. DaTla. May L. He nrankie, SylTla DeBoy, Blanche •DeBnsaell, Mayme Dsnnis, Mrs. Uasla Derere, Marie Oipple, Helen Olxon, Mrs. Orannis •^Doney, lbs. L. U. Bar], Misa Uasel Betl. Zieona ■arl, Lola Lee ■aA Slaters Bille, Tlolet ■aria. Beaale Beker, Madam ■Pet. Mandle mUot. Miss Bose yi ^i«iin, xilUe msworth, Mrs. Dot Um Francla V. BtoworOi. Mrs. A. J. Bnmons, Pauline ray. Anna Era - niter, Mn. O. FCEeet. Marcella Foster, Mies Pete Fox, Mrs. May nanda. Mrs. Ella Franks, Miss Lacy IHedman, Leo Sabman, Margaret Gardiner, Gladys Gardiner. 13iyra Gates. Miss Konena ••OeBean. Mable Oeot^e, Qaeen May Olbson, Isabel •GlbBun. Nora •Glfford. Ada eoiesple, Emma Olorer, Mrs. Wm. Soodau. Sadie ■Goodwin, Uatfam •Gordon, lona Gotdan. May •OroTes. Mrs. Mable ■ r.^„ HaUlday. Mn. Ray EiS^e^' Margaret Hanaa. Bliss Mary Hasahatr. MIsa Maty Marlyme, Doth* Matthns, Elsie Maxlne, Macle Uiy, Adelanle . May, Mn. Bi. May. MIsa Leo Maytierry, Maud •Uayheir, Harriett Meadows, Madge Meadows, MIsa M. Meaker, SopUa Mel<mer, Grace •Miller. MlUle •MOman, Bird Untoo, Jessie •Mobawk. Go-won-go •Mdntagne. IioalBa Montgomery, Mar Moore, Bitty Moore, FranMe Moracco Princess Moray. Lottie Morgan, Genoca •Morton. Fannie Mote. Edith Morphy, Mn. Horace Murray, Far Nalino, BerUia Nelson, Georgia Newton, Mrs. Harrr Nichols, D. L. •Nord, The Diving Beanty. Sere . Norrls, C. I. O'Connell. Mrs. J. M.. Ohmert, Mn. F. G. ••Olcott, Vera Olivette. Madam Oidioni, Veola Orton, iTa Owen, Dorothy Mae Oxman, Mrs. Arthur •Page, Helen Mae Palmer. Anna B. Parsons, Mrs. C. O. •Pence, D. B. Persalta, V, B. Pllbeam. Nellie Potten Hygenlc Sup- '^ A ^^l "■'"■^ SS^''>^'^" jgi^?: Helen Sawe^Mr^F. B. Pryor, Nell Claire Hawkins. Bnth •Bamsden, Hra. Wm. Haywood, Mrs. PrancIs'Eathbnm. Ida BaySeld, Florence Raymond. Margaret KegEtrwm. Constan- tiwm BIppel. Jack RItchely. Louise ■Healy. Agnea Healy. Agnes Herold. -lui. B. B«M. MIsa Otaee Hlt% Agnea :■. EoKu. Ida - - - ••Honaton, Hin. M. K.Boberts, Ruby Howard. Mrs. Dick i<*frts, Lenora •Howard. Marie Boblnson May Bndwm. Ulas Bthel . Boelllg. May RnlUngeT. JUsb Boa* Bomaneff. M. lograliam.' Miss Corlne Rdselle. Qneen i^en Sisters S^». ^J**f bwia. Ktsu Zmm BgaU BhoJa Jaemn, Edith ' ••Bond. Bhoda JadaoD, Mlaa Ziiiln •Bnolof. Tnil* Jaekaoa. Miss Nellie Byan. Mand M. 'James, Mrs. Mabdl ' Sannder. Ethd ■ Jenkins. Eleanor Beanly, Rose •ajabnaoa. Hra. Lorlmei Scbells. Madam Jtdmsozs. M ati l da J<mes. Mrs. 6a> JaiMi, ' Urs. 6. A, Kamp, Stella •Kehoe. Bfaode KeQcar. Hra. lona Xema, Znex Kem^m, Iiciia Floreoea B. SchlaASberg, Looie Selleek, laabel •Sbafer. LUIan ShaBcrosa. Mrs. H. A. ••Shea, Mrs. Oscar •Sheldon, Haile ••Shnbert. Harle - mtt, Margaret Mabetn. •Sloaae. Miss Smitb, Alaa; Smith, Elm> Smith. P. Ik Soverall, Maud Spandel, M. Stalker, Jennie Stantley, Rossle StanUey, Minnie Stewart, Claude Stlckney, Mary Stone, Mdtgt Straub, Marie Stnart, E. G. Saglnots, Sen Sommeis, Boe Swander, M. Xesae. Hden Thom. Era Ttar. Jessie Dnltt. B. N. VanOorder, H. B. "Vanghan, Dorothy Tangbn, laabel Tenon, Dorthy ▼tctorla Slsten Vincent, Tlola Tlvlan, Anny Vontello. Madge Vyno, Mn. Wade Slaters Wallace, Dorothy Wallace, Ella Ward, LeUa Jndson Welch, Essie Wells. C. M. Wells, Mable •West, Marie Wheeler. Henrietta Wheteslde, Lillian White, Hart? - Whom.' Eva Williams, Lncla WlUIams, Madge Williams. MoIUe Wilson, May Wlnaldo, MIssta •Wlaeman. Ulllan Woehler. Mn. Matide Wood, OUve M. •Worth, Hona Wright, Birdie •Wynn, Bessie York, Jessie Yonng, Mrs, Flora Ilb- bela Young, May •Young, Pearl ZadellcAda Zaet. Madam Zalda, Madam Zlllman. Mrs. Alice Zimmer.. Annie Zee, Uadam GENTLEMEN'S LIST. Abbott, Charley Abbott, CMotgie Abbott. J. D. BUUnga. Clyde Blackburn. OllTer Blackmore, Ted ••Abrahams, Cbaa. U. Blumhardt. nnni<m Ackley. A^ B. Ackley. A. V. Adams. Hank Adama, P. H. Adams. Win •Ablbergs, Two ••Ahrensmkyer, H. Alberta & ITrlUken Albine, N. ••Albion, Jack Albright, Artie Albright.. Dan ••Alchlkes. Wm. K. ••Allan, William N. Allen, Bud •Allen. Cnrtlaa Allen, Frank Allen, Fred AUen, J. B. AUIn, A. O. Allman, Chaa. •Altenoerg, Wm. Alvery, C. ••Boden. Art ••Bonhenr Bros.' •Boon. Oabe Boswwth, J. Bowen, Fred ' Bowers. W. H. Boyd, Chas. C. ••Boyep, L. M. . Boylngton, Dan Boykin, Jamea A. Boyle, Francis Bradwell, H. -A. Branible.-A. Bray's Dogs Breon. Car] Brewer. Charlie Brlnkman. Emeat Broad, Billy BraadweU, Doe ••Brooks, J. •Broslus, H. ■ ^Brow ing. Wm. R. Brown,: Al« H. ShOw Clavella, Thos. .Clayton, Mr. and Mrs, Clayton, Thomas Clemlngs Ic Dunbar Clereland. O. W. •Ollntco it Babb ••Cochran, J. B. •Coddlogton, Eugene Cody. W. A. •Cohen. A. Cobn, S. Colehcr, Harry (Cur-, ly) •Cole Sc Bogera Showa COIgrore, Harry Coliseum Thea. Co. Collier, E. W. Collins, Jim Collins, J. H. CUlton. James B. •Combs, Frank Compton, G. W. Coniloa, Chas. B. Coaklln, Edward O. Conlcy, Joe Conley. J. C. Conhell, Blake •Oonnelly. Frank A. ••Cook, Geo. Cooper, J. T. Copeland ft Smith Coplln, Barry M. Corbln, Will N. ••Cordonna, Capt. Cornell,- Felix .Coulton, W. H. Court, Percy Cosby, A. W. Craig, Harry Cronln, Sylvester Cross, Nat Grouse. S. W. Cullen. J. B. Cnllins, Lew F. Culpepper, Boy Canning •Cunningham. Thos. F. Cnrreden Bros. •Dailey, James E. naming. Bill Daso, Frank Darling, Phil Daugherty, G. W. Davis ft Dooley Davis. G. L. Davis, Jake DavlSb Jj. H. •Dawson, Chas. Day, Arthur W. Day; Joseph P. Ellla. Burt .Elmore, C. B. Emerson, Ralph Bmerson, W. B. Empire Singing Four BmplreSyndlcata Show Engelke, Wm. J, B. Bngleman, Henry EUalao, Sleta Brickson, C«rl<B. Bsslft. Don BSteU, Sam Evans, Franklin Everett ft Co. ••Kverett, J. Preston Faceada, Albert •Pagan. Noodles Falrbum & Falrburn Pantran, Cbas. C. ' Famsworth, O. L. •Farrlngton. Chas. P. Faulkner. 0. B. Fay, H. C. Feague, Emory _ Fenelon, Chas. B. Feignson. WMlle Ferris, Wiley Ferro, M. A. Festerly, C. C. Fielding. C. R. Fish. I. N. Fisher, Henry ••Fltigerald, Julian P. Fitzpatrick ft Franelaeo Flanagan, Jamea Flanders, Leo B. Florida, Geo. A. Plowere. Howard Floyd, Wm. WlTon, B. O. Foley, Cbas. Forepaocn. Geo. M. Foster, Eddie Fetch, Jack Fox, Geo. W. Fox, Jolin Frank, B. W. French ft HjsJjg, „ ••French'a Wild west Fosanen, The Great Gabbetts, The Gable. Frank P. Gallon, Jlmmle Galloway, J. E. Gatglnlo, Chevalier Garland, Bd. Gavin, Frank A. Gay, Great •Say Playen, Okft Gam, Geo, * THE mLI^OAlU) 1^ The headqaarten of this gratnltoua distribution ot maU are at the CINCINNATI offices, where all such matter should be addressed, unless it Is known that It will be more convenient for addresaeea to receive it through the New York or Chicago bureaua. In addressing man to indivldoala in care of ^Hie Billboard, kindly indicate what com- pany (It any) each la IdentUed with or in what line of the business be la oigaged. When possible, addressees should be IdentUed by Incorporating the nune of the ahow m company in the address of mall aent to them. This Immres prompt ddlveiy or despatdi and eaves, inllnlte trouble in Tbt Billboard's postoIBce department. AH man adTertlaea la this list Is lietiv hdd at the Clndnmitl offlee milesi otherwte a> 11, InOlcated hr the'cbaneten • (New £ Parcels at Cincinnati office and amonnta due. Brown. Nella 2c. Brooks ft Brooks 6e Fisher Haven Co. Clark, Harry L. 2c MeteaU, Mr. 2e Moore. Madam 2c Naden, Lew 2c Oxars, The 2c Paley, Ed. E. 2e Schmidt. Chaa. 2e Turner. Doc 2c Witt, E. N. Be Zelgler, - Max 2e ♦♦ ♦♦ ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ f » * ** * ' l '*' l"H '**«* * *** * *** ** **l "H" l "l" l'i I"| i« » Amere, Ben American Amnae Oo. Amick, Jack •Amlotts Anderson ft Ellison Angell, Frank Appleby. E. J. Armstrong. Max Arnold, J. M. Asher, Frank Atterbnry. W. A. Australian Trio Aydelott, Prof. ••Ayers. P. L. Bat^enstoe, L. B. Balders, Bert Baldwin. F. B. Ball. W. B. BalzUser; Albert Bastley. Blneld Bard. Boy Barhards, Tbe Barlpatl. Savaa Barnes, Edwin L. Bams, Lee . Barrett. B. L. BarrUI, Batch Baxrington. Sid Barry. J. F. Barsker, Geo. Barth. Jolloa BarUett ft CoUlna Bartlett. D. T. Barton, Geo. lu Baaklns. I*. R. Batcbelder, P. P. Bates, Fred J. Banm, Win Baveler, H. H. Brown's Amuse. Co, Brown, Arthur Brown, Earl Brown, Frank ••Brow n^ Geo. Brown, Jas. Brown, Tod Browning, Billy Browning, Brown ••Bruce, Prof. H. B. Brace. Harry W. ••Srulter. Thos. Buckley, Harry Buffalo, Orlg. Young Hnnce. n. H. Bnrke, Billy . Btirke'a IT. T. C. Co. Burns, Hany Bnrton, Jas. D. ••Barton. Boy Bnsby. J. M. Bush, H. L. Buslnger. A. J. Btttler, Howard' Caclnella. Angela Cain. Harry Cain. J- L. Call. James H.' CalUcott, B. F. ••CalUcott, W. F. •Campbell. P. G. Carey, Will •Carl. K. P. ••Carmelo, F. ••Games, The Cames, The Carpenten,. Aerial ••Carr, Thomas H. Cairaway. WBIIe K, ••Beane. Fred H. (Doc) carrick, Jim' ••Beannlng, Bd. CarroU, Bobby Beauvllller. Ray Beck ft Heney ••Bedee, Geo. A. Belther, Prof. Bgid Belther. Egld Belaaco. Arthur •Belford. Geoxge Bell; Harley Ben. Barry Benabdic. Kazaro •Beaard. Ben Bender. Billy Bennett. Cbas. E. •Bennett. Haxiy A- Bennett. Sam'l OaxroU. Joe D. ••Carroll. John Oaraon * Doverean Caistn. J. W. Carter. Dost £. Cartwrlght, Charlie Cartwrlght. Walter B. Catlett. Bed Catlette. Jeside Cavanangh. Bob XSarcas. Walter Champlln, Cbas. J. Charley, Cheyenne Obarifen, Loal Cherry. Doc ••Benntee ft Beed SlMwi*Cbettar. Andy Beno. Marrelonii Bentleys, Moslcal Berry, Jno. W. Beetaior. Leo Beyerle. C B. •Blrlmeil ft onm«y Bledy. H. A. ••BIgelow, BObt. •Bigner. Chaa. Cbenvront. C. C. Chevraux, T. J. CbSa Show Co. Cblswell. Joe ••Oar. Fried Clark. Chas. B. ••dark, J>nBeaii Clark, Dnneaa dark. Talbot •Danm, A. B. DeAnta, WUUam DeBspa, Ernest DeEstang. Marcy DeFoys, The •OeHoman, Walter •DeKreko, Charles DeLea. Chas. J. DeLong, G. Lewis DeMaln, Hany ' P. DeMan Bros. DeRoEa, Mr. •DeBose, Pett ••DeVare, Chas. •DeVelda. Bert DeToare, Chaa. ••DeVon, F. G. Dean, Kid Dean, Lew ••Dearmaa, wni Deb. Am Ben Decker, Otis •Deer. Yoonc Oelanh ft Chapoton Selgarlan, Baba Dells, The Mysterious Oempsey, Jas. L. Derek's, Balph Demberger. A1. DerrUl. Frank Diamond 4 ft Indian •Dlllen. WlbOo ••Dltter. Daniel B. DIvoIa, 8. Dixon, Jos.' Dodges, The Deaaetos. Tar Three Donaldsm, Burt Donovan, Geo. •Dcmovan, George F. Dorsey, Geo. L. Dorsey, B. C. Dosta. Capt Fred DcCTle, O. Drlako ft Bar! Dadley, Franl Dun. B. Duncan, Jack '' Dnnlevy, Arthur Dunn. Bill Dapene, Leon Dnrkln. Wm. Dumlng, Panon Jo •Dntton, Joaepb DnVall. Prank Dwyer, Wm. ••Baland. T. H. Earl. Blaekle Earl, Harry Earl. Paul Edmonds, Joseph B, •Bdwards. Sam Egan, James T. Bggleston ft Smllb ••Eller, Chaa. P. Eldrldge, Geow ft Jamea Gelt ft Mack ••Geneates, DeLa Oeater, Henry George. Carle George, Leslie Gerano, Prof. Glbba, AI. p. •Qlbbs. Al. P. Glfford, Freddie Gilbert, Geo. ••GUI, Edward GlUeepIe, P. D. Glllson, Mr. Glascock, Donnelly Glascock, Foster Olaser, j. ImiSS""'. Lew •Glendennlng, Ernest Gllck, L. H. GUnsserrettl Good, Edward •Qorby, SIcbaM L. Gordon, J. Sannden Gorman, A. P. Gondy, M. E. •Gould, W. J. •Goad, a., ft Co Graham, E, B. Grant. B. Gray, Johnnie Gray, Randolph H, Green, Louis Oreenburg, Jsck Gregg, Fred O. ••Gretencord, Frank P. Grey, Norman Orlee. Lonis •Griffen. Mr. ••Grifllth. Frank Grlswold, Prank B. Orubbs, G. W. •Gurley, Harrold A. Badley, Dock Badley, Frank B. Bale. Bict T. - Hall. Leo ' Balton, B. F. ' Hamblen, T. J. Bamllton, Andrew r Hamilton, Claude Hamilton,' Geo. W. Hamilton, William •Bankenion, B, N. ' Hannah, Homer Haralambo, Christ Harder, A. A. Barlambo, Obrls Harney ft Haynes Barper, Fred Hatrahs, The Harris, Edward HaiTis, Howard . . Harris, Lewis Harris, I<, B, Harris, Bay •HarrlaoD, Dave B. , Barrlaon, Barry ••Hart, Fred Barter Family Heshash, Mr. Heatings, Dock Haatlngs, Zeno HatBu, M. Havllan, F, A, Hayden, Family Bayes, Bmeat Heaa. Al. Hedges Bros. Beldelle ft Wilson •Hehis. M. Hemlnger, B. David Henderson, Lee Hennesy. John Henry. J. M. Herman IVio Herman. Wm. Hcrahell, Will Hcrvera, 0. B. Lampkln, Barry Lamun, Owen A, Lane, Cbaa. Lane, Jaa. Lane, W. C. Lanlgan, Ralph I.ano, D. B. Lanouette, Fred •Larose Broa. Latllp, David Lander. Geo. Laugblln, B, J. Lavalles, Twslag Lawrence, John Leach, Cbaa, A, Lee, Dad Lee, Barry Lee. Harry ft VIrg. Leeiter, W. Q. Legare. Lionel Lelbeck, Jos. Leo ft Chapman ••Hewitt, Wm. JudktusI.«o, Fred ••Hickman, Onrley ••Leonard, Charley Hickman, Guy, and ALLeonard. Frank A. Whita •Blcks, Thos. J. BIghtower, Al. Hlltbrnnner, Capt. •Hlnes. Palmer Hippie, Cllda Hoffman ft Oolorea Holland, Balph Holland. Bot ••HoUand/Monte Holland, B, B. ' Homlck, Robert Honey. -Billy Hood, Sam Hopes, Hal Hopkins, Edward •Hopkfiis, Frank Here, Earl N. Borton. W. H. Hoaklns. Jack Hoadini. Harry- Howard, Billy Howard, Doc Howard, Edw. L. Howard, Francis Howard, B. H. ••Howard, Joseph Howard, Leslie Howard, 'Lesly Howe, B. D. Howell ft Shafer Howland, Oscar Hubbard, L. W. Hudson Hudson, Martin W. Hudspeth. Chas. E Hnghes, Bd. . Humeston, A. E. Hunt 6. U. Htmter, .Geo. A. •Hunter, Jamea Bnnter, Stanley E. Hyatt, Roy ••Idanias, The-Four Imperial ainnna ruur Isralsky ft Itabin ••Itslian, Laola Jackett Bed Jaekaon. Frank James, Jamea B. •Jamson, Jamea Jarrett, Jno. D. Jefferles, Cesco Jennings, Johimy Jerome, Mr. Von Johannlng, Paul ••Johnson. Al. Johnson ft McBale Johnson, Clarence Johnson, Clem Johnson, Earl Johnson, Jack Johnson. J. H. Jones, BUI Jones (}omedy Co. Jones, Ted P. Jordan, G. B. Judge, Larry Jndson, W. W. Juliana. The a Kalda, K. Kain, Geo. G, Kalln, Eugene Kane, C. Francis Kane, Jack Kane, Robert B, •Karl Trio Karlo, King Kashlma, B. •Katool, H. KatooU H. Kanfman, Geo. Kealey, Geo. A. Reene, Cbas. Keller, Edwin Keller. R. w. Kelly, D. (Red) ••Kelly. W. F. Kelsey, Joe Kemps' WUd Wert Kendall, Ezra Kenna. Allen C. •Kennedy. Bddle Kenney ft wnilana Kerr, C. B, Kesseley Marionettes Kid, Jim RIdd. Jim Kimball Bros. •King, Bortin L. King, Charles Kloit. p. B. Klnselow. Leroy Kleyla, Benry ••Kline, Sam Kllppcl, J. Klonnt, Wm, ••KnoesB, H. •Knowles. B. G. Knupp, Bd. O. Kobler, Lew Kost ft Albee Kranse, Simon •Kronsa, Lew Kraase. Simon Kryl, Mr, >Kuma, Tom Knnz ft Whitley Leslie & Bveaaoa Lester, William Lewla & Baton Lewla, A. •Lewla, Artie Lewis, Chas. Lewis. Dan R. ••Llenbrlgger. Gna Light. iSck LIgbthawk, Bail Lincoln, Snrrlck Ling, Henry Llnsard ft Walker LInlger, Harry •Unton. B. W. •UtBMt A. Lisa. 3am Llttlewood, Fred Logan, Fred Logan, Joe Lombard Bros. ••Long, Jamea W. •Long. Walter U Loos, J. Geo. Lerow, Bert •Loyal. Frank Lncaa. Mr. ft Mr*. Bd. Lucases, The Aerial Ludwlg, Phlly H. Lorlr. wm ••Lyles, Dudley UcAm, Boy MeCaSerrr, Walt McCart Prank McClanhan. Frank McClusky, John T. McCormldc, Thomas •McOiy. Montrose McCree, Bene McCne (SlaU) Joa •McDodde, K. C, McHale. Frlze McHenry, C. W. Melnall, Bd. •Mclntoah, Allen Mclntyre ft Giovee .MrJimaey HcKeerea. Kail McEever, Jack McLaHen, Jack O. McI«od, Korman McMahon, Ktaak McMahon, Trm McMInny, W. B. MacNIel, Wm. McPhlllpa, H. Mack, Jack ft Uaata Uack-BaUey Showa Jfackey, IVed Macks. Eddie Malln. Baymond Mall Man. caro Polow Carnival Co. Main, Barry Main. Harry K. Malle, Bsnard Maltlde ft Elytra Mancheater Ana. Manen, Magaxet Manny, & Manrfella ft Welch •Hanafield ft Welsh Manalleld. W. J. ManteU, Leon Leea B. Manoal, Jean Markham.. Earneat B.- Markle. Wm. Markle, W. B. Harlow. Walter Marshall, Leon Marahall, L. W. •Marshall. T. Martin, T. p. Martlncs, Marshall Marvello, Joe Mason. Eugene, The Kidder Matta, FarrU Matthews. Geo. B. r»f«"oi. Percy 8. M«D^^The Kicking Mand. wubnr "Maiwells, Clarence May, BUy May Bell Snowea May, Newform Uayne ft Mayne Mt-adows, Madge Meaker, A. B. Meaker, Capt. Meens, Barry Meggs, Dsn J. Mnlboiime. Rlltv Mellnote, Hnges Melrose, Dancing Melvln. Rot Meredltha ft Dos Bnooa- Merelth, Al. •Merryweather, Gocdca ' HeU. Cbas. B. Metsdorf. W. P. Milder, Charlea Miller, Joe Miller, J. O, Miller, Ned ••Knnz, Fred ft Blancha Miller! W. J. Kufkendallj. Arthur Mills, Fred nuvscoaaii, &n LaBeane, Harry ••t^aBIck, Joe LaBurr. Harvey Weas ft Oamllle La Marr, B. La WUer, August •LaPcarl. Wesley LaSnlle ft LInd' ■La_SaUe. Robert LaVell, Frank P. Uckey ft Wilson Labata. L, Lake, Barry Laatardl.M. Mills. H. o. Mitchell, Cnrley Mitchell, Jamea A, Vlteheira Monarch Bbow Mokelee, Mont. Mulloy, Jamea Honk, O. B. Monaalla ft Raaael Moon, J. W. Moore, B. R, ••Moore, Harry L, Moore, W. H. Uoorlaon ft Farott