The billboard (Sept 1910)

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SEPTEMBER 24,1810. Ttie Billboard 37 Ma(ddi7. Paal More]'. Back Morrii. J. O. UoRtfon, J. W. Honow, Mil 8. ••Morrow, Barto Ifonow, a. B. •UortoB * lOltl* Horton, Obw. ••MortoB. I. Moton * KeeNta Moz, Dakota Uoyer, a«oisa Moycr. WIU O. Mucboltar. Mack Monneke, J.. J. _ Murpby, Arthor B. Unrphy. A, J. liorpby, JokB H. Hyc?, William F. Mrlei, Carlo Anoells NwJertela, Rans •Nitle, Oaa Na]aro, Ben Napell, Joi. Marrlo. Oat •N«aado. Will Neal, EddT Nelson. Vie Mammlnser, B. D. Newport. Mat Nlcbolu. annt Beoalnc, Hcrmaa Beoxo, Dr. •Bawelly. Baco •Bejmaad & llelTUle Reynolda, Jolm B. Bkoadea, naak Blioadea. W. A. Blee, 0. B. •Bieo. Jeha Blchardi. Dick * Jaoe BIcbardaoD, A. B. Blctaardioa, Obarles •Bltdcerta, r. W. Riddle * Bbyna Riddle, Bobert J. Blece, Robert M. •Rtener, Obia. B. BlMi. A, B. ••Blnaldo. Dr. B. B. BiDdiart. T. Rink, Bldser BUal ft Atlma •BobblBB, rrank A., Jr. BOberta Roberta, BUckto Boberti, Fred Roberts, Stsnley Robertson, Geo. RoblaaOB, 3. MOtoa Robinson, N. 0. Boblnson, Robert Bclilnson, W. B. Bosera « lAtepba Rogers. Busll Jack ••Nlcbolas. lew . . NIcboU Amosameat Oo.'Bocen, Bert Nlebola, Kid Bocen. W. 3. Mdiola, Z^w Bocers, Ju. Nctda, W. H. Bogeis, T. P. Norborc Bobert Bontnl, J«« Mennan. J. A. Bontol, Geo. Norwack. Oatdk Book, Bin Norwood, H. _ .'Boaa. BO* Norwood and BorwoodBose, C.^, •Njre, Banr O'OonneU, Tim OM>»le, Wm. O'Grady, FenDC* O'MeU. Jack •Obaasanr. Mr. ObertI, Jack Ockley, A. B. Oderkirk, O. 3. Odonnell, O. J. Oldstetai. Man OIlTer, Leerls ••One Btrias Shnltaa Oocnmma, Bsoeh Ortanys, T. Oateanys, FeUz ••Osterlliic. Geo. Osterllnr, G«o(S* Oatmaa. Obaa. Onene, Fred Onoton. Harry Oatbv Park ••Owens, F. 0. Oxman, Artbor ••Padgett. O. M. PaM, Gnssle Palmer, B. F. Pamon, Loots B. Parisian BeantiM Pannalee, Im PaiTOtt, M. O. Patterson. J. J. Patterson. MarsbaU Patton, Ooldwin Pattan. 0. U Paul,' Hartr B.. PaTls, Geo. W. Payne. Olayteo Peck, F. W. Psmmaek, M. A. Peodletan, W. B. Peralta, V. P. Percy, Jack Perlee, Bobt M. Ptiry. Harry H. PcM>aeiier, Was. PhUlps ft NaweU ncESs. w. H. PlarnoDt, Joba ••PbsU. U J. Pitta. W. B. Plank. Wm. W. Paamata. K. Poeock, B. T. Pollack. B. B. Pond. Karl Greek _ Pontitex ft Ob., O. H, *Sbannan, WtUIsm Bosental, B. Boyal Amosement On. •Body. Frank W. Bamley. Borbert ••Rondaii, Jno. M. Bnssel ft Moors Bossell. DsTla RnsaeU. Jack Bn ss el l, Jesal* Bonell, Mr. Bnasell. B. Ii. •Byan, Frank W. ••Byaa, Bany Byan, Bany Byadon. W. 8. Saeka, Umls St. Selmo, James St. Eyre, l<oals •Salsbaiy. Loots S. Bamoya. M. San. Harry Stnden, Geo. Bandera, B. F. Bandera, Joe Sanger, Harry •Saasamaa. W. A. Basaman, w. A. Bannders, Tom Bcaaea. Mia Bdialcr, Tin Shootar Scbepp, Ghea. Sdiepp's Doc ft Pony Sbow SeblaToaa, B. Bchllzonye. NIeklas - Scblosaberr. Loola ScluntI, BmlU Sctiones, Ttie Behrolder, Ciiirord P. Scbromp, Aithor Beatt. Be. O. Scott, Bdward Beott, Btar K. Seamans, B. P. •Searseaat. ProC Geo. W. Beay. P. B. Sesora. Alfred Beits. Maty M. Sehler, IaoIs Sellera, 3. B. ••Seneats. Billy Sengarl, Mr. Benseil, Jean Berett, P. M. •Shan, MaaeK Pope, Geo. V. Pepolar ft Welcome Pvtttr. BoycBUm Powell. Frank Powell. Jamea •Powley, wni- Piaffett. Emery D. Ptandogaat. Jeaa •Preston. Baa Prettymaa. Ckas. B. Pnrctt ft Uanrm Price. B. A. Oapt. •Primrose. George B. •Prince, J. F. Frltebei. O. Proctor. Cbarlea F. Proctw, Ik D. ProtChettr Pot O. ••Pryor, Billy Palvls. %. B, Pacpora, Wielael Porrls, B, B, Qalmby, Bnany Bovta ualnn. James Qatmi,' Joe Shannon, W. A. Sliea, Tex ft Malwl •Sheeban. Josepk Bbetby, Cbas. Sheldon, Fred W. Sbelton, WUUe •Sbermaa, Cbas. Sbeny. J. A. Sherry. Jos. V. Shipp ft Fellas •Slbl^, W. K. Slcliley. Horace SIgman, Al. Sister. W. T. •Simmons, Dick Simpson, J. C. Sims, B. R. Sinclair. Ctaaa. Sinclair, C. H. Slscho, A. O. ^ Skates, ;Tbs Black ft Thome Slerry, Jot. •Sloane, John ft Stoaaa Small, Banr 1^ Smltli ft Roatoa Bace, A. 0., Inngle Smith, Obailta Show Bace, Fred Radtord, H. •Bamasy ft KUaa Bandall. K. Randell. Bdd. Barchctto. Bddle BatclllI, turn mis ••BaTellata, Wm. Baretta. wm. ••RaTetta. WiUlam Raye. Bddla ■Baymond Raymond ft Baper •BsTmons, Todd Becklaw. Beckleaa Redmond ft Bmltb B ases, Happy Reed, Bdward Reehn, R. M, Reese, Prtak Reeres, Barry Reaer, Okas. ReVd. BlUla Reld, Qua Raid. Samnel B. Reinche, A. B, Ralniche. A, B. ••RelaUiid, OatTia BaaaUe. O. O. aBano, Tba Gnat Smith, Coney B. Smith, 0. F. •Smttli, Bmrety Smith, B. G. Smith, G. Boas Smith, Harry Smith, John R. Smith, T. B. Smith, Will Z. Sn1d«r. Fred Snyder, Piot. C. Snyder, B. Bayder, L. A, Soama, Unslcst Solender, W. Sommetle, Mr. 8. •Boatman, Oapt. Leaa Rpahn, Leslie 8pa&v«', c. s. ••Sparka, Obaa. Sparki, B. It. •Speedy. K. P. Spellman, Prank P. Bpanee. OUtit SiieDcer, Cbas. Splrea, Happy Jack •BUlker, Ben Stalker, Geo. Stantocd, J. O. Stanley. Dick Stanley, Paltk Stanton, T. J. •Statxman. Ben Steele, Lenard Steelsmltb, CIIS Volkman, Herold Von Raybnm, Pnt. WaddeU, Doc Wade, L. Z. Btedna, Clements D. •Wadell. Fred sad May Stephenami, Bert Wagner, 0. B. Btereograidi Matlonal Co.Wasyoaer^ Gala Stereas, Bal . WaMOtt, P. a Stereas, Hsz Stevens. Stanley D. Stevens, Tommy Btewsrt ft Mercer Stewart, Arthur Stewart, Friday Btlckney. Boalna Stlers, Fred Stinger ft SUnget tllrk. Cliff tirk. T. Stlrk, Prot. T. Stockman, Jake Stohl. Walter Stolman, Billy •Btooeboraer. ■'. M. Stooerock, Walter Stent, Victor Btralgbt. Harvey Straker, George C. Stubbs, A. L. StubiM, G. L. Sturgls, Frank B. Saglnott, B. Sullivan, Henry Samlnas. Lonia A. Summers, Claude Bammera. Roe waldtoo. Maarle* A. Waler. Bany B. Walker. Edward Terrell Wall. Kid Wall. Lawrence P. WaUace. J. Wallace, Joseph K. WaUace, W. P. Waltera ft Claremont Walton. Otto P. Ward Amusement Co., The Ward, Joe Wszn. K. a Waraer, Will B. Wamlck. Richard Warrlcka. The Watt, Thomaa •Weadick. Gny Weaver. T. J. Webb. Archie ••Webb. Frank B. Weber, Chas. Webster. Fred Wedlck ft Ladue Weadick, Guy Wcckley, Ed. Weel, Oad Sunny South Floating Welder. Will H. Palace Surrels, J<An B. Batherlaad. W. B. Sutllff. E. L. Bntpea, Xarlott Button. A. U Sutton, J. B. Swan. Fred ••Welter, Harry WeU, M. D. Wellmans, The Two Wells, Thoa. B. Welsh. Arthnr B. •WalA. Lew A. Welsh. M. B. Walsh. W. a. ••SwasUka Pnbliablng Wetser. John L. ^low, Henry •8ylo«t, Henry Sylvester. Allen Sytc ft Sytz Taggart, Fred TailKS, G. TareUi, Jobn Tasaell ft Young Tate, Ben Taylor, O. B. Taylor, Harry Taylor. L. M. •Taylor, OUn B. Teagne, Emoty •Telegraph Poor Teller. Iver D, Tessler, Wm. Weralck, Barvo- Werntz. Flying Duo West ft Benton West. Chas. J. West. Baison ••Westcott. B. Weatcott. M. B. Westcott Shows. W. B. Weston ft GmAmsa Wheeler. Jack W. Whettcn ft Caaima Stock Co. Whirls, Onetto White, Bea White, BllUa •White, fted White, Harry M. White,. Harry W. Tewkabnr^ r. He rbert B. wute. O. K. Capt. Tlilbaat, P e aij Thorn, N. P. niomas, A. J. Thomas. Carl xiiomaa. W. A. Thompson, Dana Thompson. Fred Thompson. B. B. niome. K. F. Thornton, Frank Tleta, Cbas. Tight Wire Act Tlllson, Ben. Tlouy, P(flli8 Tobn. Manlce Todd. Alme Toemy. James Tompkins, Charles Tompkins, Chas. H. aJSSP^ik'ft°Pearl SJSS' jaS iss:«n<'«^ W^ 'i^. Townsend. Joe M. ^aband, Ed. Tratton, Frank B. Trainer. Jack •Triberg, John O. Ttoabadoors, Three •Tronbadonrs, nrea Tronadale Brothers Tncker, Tom Tuinesr, Doc. Toner, B. O. Tomer. W. B. •Toacany Troabadoors Whittman. Hank Wiekiure. John Wlehe, Curt Wierge. Pred P. Wieaa,' Has Wietke, Ernest Wiley, Lew ••WlUard. Walter WiHard, Mr. Wilier, B. W. Wlllerd. Chas. Williams. A. O. WUllama, C. W. WilUama. H. J. Williams. Roto B. WiUIama. W. J. Winia ft Deaasr ft Baby •Wilaon. Chas. Wilson. Chaa. B. Wilaon, Harry Wilson, Mark Wlnberg, Joe Winnenger, Cliaa. Winnie. J. B. Winton. Arthnr Wlntoo, Bernard Wire, Srdan •W ls am a a. not. P. Wo-oner Overland Clre- WoJcott. P. S. WoUe, T. J. Wolrlsh. C. W. Woodward. Thos. J. T^ler. H. S. Dmboolts, Charles D. S. Carnival -Oo. •Vatadon, Panl Valdemaia. The Tale. Mead Talenteene. Cbarlle Valentine. Geo. W. Valentine. Robert Van. «eov Van. Jack Van Derllng, Geo. •Van Sauter. A. A. Van Vnaken, J. B. Vane ft DeflalrvlUe Vana, The Two •Vardon, Frank V. - Varsity Amoaemeat Oo.^^ZelIman. L, O. Vast. 3iiA SSeadas Vemell. Eddie' Eenoi, Dick VemoB, Frank Zlebt, B. J. •Vetter, J. K. Zleta. Chris, VIncettl. Joe Zlnn. A. M. Tltncrl, Mike Prot. enlll. Marel Wocmlck's Teat SbowB Wrigbt. Earl Wright, P. •Wrigbt, Gns WrlAt, Whlley •wSle ft Ortb Wyoming Kid Tosbtde. Ky. Xoong Bros. Toung. Wm. Younger, Bob Younger, Jack Zarlnettl. Yoa M. Zarllngtons, Three Zarlingtons ZaiTow, M. Zellans, C O. ORGANS -FOR- Mtny-Sa^Minds, •katinc RInkt, Tant Shows, De. A few ropatred and rebuilt witti KEW, UPTIVDATK MUSIC ofTered at a LOW nWCE. WH MASU- KACTVRE. REPAIR and pot SliW MUSIC ON AU. KINDS OF ORGANa State your vanta fully. JOHA!(KES 8. OEBHARDT CO., 30S« lAWTVBCV St.. Fblladelphla. Fa. FOR SAU—Stereontlcon and Moving Picture Machine combined. S. Lubln. mfr. ^*SItAP,** Write quick If you want urTHB BUFORIDM, Ft. Wayne, Ind. FILM FOB SALE—15 recta, in good condition. IS, |6 a reel; Patbe hand-colored Fusa in Boots, tlno condition, )lGi (a bargain): 6 aeta of sons alidea. «4.fS caah. WADB AALL, Warren, o! Wanted, For Gibson Amusement Enterprise SHOWS AND CONCESSIONS VaudevUe People, Freaks, Cariosities, Musicians for Band, Leader with mnaie. Tnv Dmmmer. CAMDEN, OBIO, week October 3d, auspices business men. MIDDLBTOWN, OHIO, to follow. Long season Sontb. Address JAMES B. GIBSON, MIDDLBTOWN, OBIO. SHOWS WANTED ^AT ONCe. rOR THE HOME-COMING. CARNIVAL AND MIDWAY BRAZIL, IMD.. Scptambnr Uth to Ootebap Irt. OootI nhown oah d» big. WANTED—A Few More High Cl^s Shows And up-to-date BIDING DEVICES, to join not later than Oct. Idth, at the famous Batesburg Trl-County Fair, Edgefield Coimty Pair to follow. Booked solid all winter, playing good fairs and towns In South Carolina, Georgia and Ilorlda. Can also place a few more legitimate CONCESSIONS. WANTED TO BDY—A 50 or 60 ft. ROUND-TOP and BIjAOK TENT. Bave For Sale, almost new, Fower'a No. 5 Cameragraph, wltb combination dissolving lantern; cost f325. Also 2.000 feet o f Film. First check fw |125 gets Films and Machine. Address as per route, THE BIBTKUNK CO,, OOLUMBIA, B, C. WA.NTE:D— GIRL. SHOW Peerless Proptiets* «Iiibllee WIctilta. Kansas. WeeK Oct. 17. Always a Big Week. TeU it aU. quick. C. H. CASEY. WANTED -FOR- HAAG'S MIBHTY RAILROAD SHOW Good Freak for Uptown Show, Clarinet Player, Dancing Girls, two Ten Cent Stores, Photc^aph Gallery and concessions for lot. Long season South. Best of accommodations. Address L. D.PROGTEIR, Haag Show, Georgetown. Del.. Sept. 26th; Snow Hill, Md., 27th: Berlin. Md., 28th: Salisbury, Md., 29th; Pocomoke, lid., 30th; Gape (Varies, Va., Oct. Ist. CARNIVAL COMPANY WANTED The Tate County Fair Association wants a First-class CaniiTal Com- pany to exhibit on their grounds on October 19,20and21. Averageat- tendance -will be about 3,000 each day. Assodation will post your paper for you. We also want other Fair attractions. Use the wire if] 1. B. Snider, Ir./Secy., - - Senatohia, Miss. WE'RE^ NOW HERE. WE'RE G0IN6, AND WE'RE OH OUR WAY The Wortham and Allen Shows/ UNITED Peru, HI., Week Sept. 19th WANT three more good shoira; two sensational free acts, for a long s«Et- son south. This show has been out sixteen weeks and played^even weels on the streets in the principal cities of Illinois and Missoiiri, and still have the good ones to follow. Wsmt shows to join at once. Wallted^ for tbe Big^ Festival OF THE UNITED MINERS of MISSOURI Lenngton, Mo., Week of Sept. 26th THREE OR POUR MORE SHOWS and all kinds of OONOESSIONS. Notbtns exdnstTe. eTerjrtliliis lesltlmate goes (no strong graft or vulgar shows). Biggest doings ever bad tiere, oa mato street. A IUBII.EB FESTIVAI. OF TUB TICTOBIOCS MINSBS. Erer^ne Is making big wageKand draws his mo ney eTery day. Streets wlU be crowded day and night. Attiactiont fumlsbed by the tarnom COFFBEE AJCUSSHtEST CO., the deanest uiow on the road. Ooncessloas addten Oeo. Bi. Iienpold. Ijezlagton. MO. Shom mddren Gapt. O. H. OoSree, Sweet Spilnga, Mo. good Door Tuken. P. S.—^Plenty good one* to ttdlow. We sUj out aU winter. Can oM Also want man with family to tato chart, ot Bleetrte Theatre. Talbot's Bijou Theatre ST. LOUIS, MO. ^ VVANTEO—'PO^WEEKOgOCJ.^^^^^ I FOR OUR GURIO HALLS Prodi^es, odd, strange and peculiar people, anything extraordinaiy that can be presented before an audience of ladies and children. Send photos and full particulan; also state lowest salary in first letter. GEO. H. KERN. Business Manager. Bijou Theatre, 606 Washington Atc., ST. LOUIS, MO: