The billboard (Sept 1910)

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38 Xlie Billboard SEPTEMBER 24, 1910. ROUTES If (Contlnned from pise 35.) 'Waixes & Fiancls: Box 643, Cheyenne, Wjo. Warrlcks, The: 1132 Sedgwick St., Chicago. Wartenberg Bros.: care Pam TanalK, IM B. Uth St., N. y. C. 'Washer Bros.: Oakland, Ky. WaterB, Jas. B.: care Clarice, iS60 Broadway. N. Y. C. Watsoa's. Sammy, Farmyard Ctrcos; 383 N. Pauls ave., Jeraey City, SI, J. Weadtek A La One (CoIODlal Hotel) - KnoxrHIe, Tena. Weber, Cbas- !>.: 826 Tasker at.,' Flilla. Wentworth & Bums (Omhenm) BUbee, Ailc West & BentOD: 31 St^ol st, Baffalot N. X. West, Dare DevU: Troy, O. Western nnlon Trio: 2241 Cearflaid «t.2.Phna. West & Mack: case J. Stenuid, Mmjeatie Aeatre Blig., Chicago. West Sisters: 1412 Jeffemm Are., BmAljB, Weston Slaters, Three: 282 XL 2dlst St., Bronx. N. T. WhltmiB Bios.: 1335 Chestnnt st.,- PhUa. : Whitney. Tllley: 36 Kane St., Bnffalo. WUUams. Cbas.: 26E92 Bntger St., St. Louis. WUIIams & SteTens: 3516 CaUimet sre., Chi- cago. Wills, Nat ir.: 301 W. 86th. St., N. T. O. WIUs ie Hassan: IS6 uiiashatten ave.. It. T. O. Wilson. Grace: 1927 Ija SaUe St. Chicago. WUson. Uzsle: 175 PrankUn St., Bnffalo. Wilson & Bleb: 73 Qraham ave., Brooklyn. Wolfes, Mnaleal: White Bats, Chicago. Wolf. Mooie & Toang: Gloncester, N. J. Wood, Hilt: White Bats, N. X. C. Woods, Lew: S030 Falrmonnt at., St. Lonla. Wormwood's Monkeys: fi54 W. 4dtb St., Cbl- esso. Wyekoff. Fred: 60 Water st. Lrona. H, Y. Wolffhelm's. Eaeene, UMng Bronze Statues (Dixie) tTniontown, Fa., 22-2t; (Giaiia) deve- land, O., 26-Oct. 1. Wemtz, Hayes & Beatrice (Qrlffin's) Toronto, Ont., Can. West & Denton (Princess) Hot Springs, ^k.; (Majestic) UtUe Bock. 26-Oct. 1. WIokler-Kress Trio (B'hmUy) WflUamspart. Pa.; (A-renne Grand) Wasb., D. C, SG-Oct. 1. Weber Family (Fair) Gnmdy Center, la, WllUams & Sterling (I^c) Ottawa, HI. Wright & Stanley (Empress) Unwankee; (Sitt- ner's) CUcago, 26-Oct. 1. Wins ft Goetz (Alrdome) Stsnntoa, DI., 22-24. WlHiams. Frances, Dog, Vmr and Monkey Ctr- cna (Fair) Parkersbnig, W. Ta., 26-Oct. 1. Wllaon Bros. (BQoo) Tjinstng; Hteh.; (Bljoa) Bay City, 26-Oct. 1. Walker & Stnmi (Temple) HamUton. Can. Waters, Tom (Forsyth) Atlanta. , Ga.; dvde) Chattanooga, Tenn., 26-Oet. 1. Wallace, Vesta (Happy Hour) Akion. 0.: (Star) Tonngatown, 2S-Oet. 1. Warren, ryon & Meyers (Orphemn) Seattle; ■jciipbenm) Portland. Ore., 26-Oct. 1. Wukess & Wilkens (Orpbemn) Omaba. Neb. Wayfarers. Six (Grand) Bamlltan, O.; (New Son) SprlngSeld, 26-Oct. 1. WUtbeteer & Fisher (Alrdome) Litchfield, m, Weatwortb, Vesta & Teddy (Orpbenm) Omaha, Neb.; (Orphemn) Slonx City, la., 28-Oct. 1. Waterbniy Bros. & Tenney' (Orphenm) San Btandsco, 12-Oct. 1. _ , Wells, Lew (Star) Chicago; (Mkjestlc) KaU- mazoo. Mich.. 26-Oct. 1- Wniard & Bond (M^estlc) Des Holnes. Is.; (Halestlc) LaCrosse, Wis., 26-Oct. 1. Wlieelock & Hay (Orphemn) Spokane; (Oiph- eran) Seattle, 26-Oct. 1. Wbarton, Kat (Mnslc Hall) Lswlston, Me.; (City) Waterrtlle, 26-Oct. 1. , Wright & Dietrich (Keith's) Boston: (Trent) Trenton, N. J., 26-Oct. 1. _ WUIIams, Great (Cedar Point) Sandtisky, O. Wmiams & Segal (PoU's) Scranton, Pa.: (FOU's) WDkes-Bane. 26-Oct. 1. „^,. WlHIama, Frank & Delia (5th are^) Fittabnrg, Pa., 26-Oct. 1. _ .„ __. ^ WUIIams Dno (Lyric) Honston. Tex.. 19-Oct. 1. Welch. Mealy & Montrose (Mary Anderson) LonlsTllle. , „ Woodward, Bomain L.: Malme, N. T. Winiams & Warner (Orphemn) Minneapolis. Wordette. Estelle (Malestle) DenTO'. Wynne, Wis (American) N. X. C. _ _ White & Stnart^Hammersteln's) K. Y. O. Wilson, Frank Crannx) N. T. O. Woods & Woods Trio (Colonial) If.T. C. WoUt. Elsie & Waldos. (Majestie) .Chicago. Wakefield, WlUa Holt (American) Omaha, Jttb. Xaviers, Ftonr: 2144 W. 20th St.. (3hlcago. Tamamoto Bros.: Winchester, O. Teakle, Walter W.: The BUIboaid, CUcago. Toong, Ethyl: 18 W. Ohio st, au^o. Toong, James: care The LanilM, .lW W. 44tb Toong. 'oewitt, & Sisters Objestle) Bntte, Mont.: (Washington) E^kane, Wash., 26- Oct. 1. _ Toong, Frank A.. CAbdome) Arcadia. KsB. roang, OlUe, & AprU (Stand) Fittsbnig. Fs. Yorks; The; Va ndall s , Ho. Taddey & Bmmell ((%lnmbla) Mllwaokee. Zamloh * BUlie: 1080 62d St., Oakland, CaL ZIccICT mo: Tlie Billboard, Cincinnati. Zan's, HUe., mixed Groope (FSIr) Detroit. Zoletta. M. ((31ty Park) Toledo, O.; (Idle Boor) TticoDy 26^0ct. .1* PERFORMERS WITH fiHS- CELLANEdUS COHFANIES Bacon, Doe: Carr Btos.* lOnatiels. Behees. Tbeae: Wlaaloir Sham. ' Bowman, Bniy B.: DeBns Bros;* Hlnstrds. Bnnkerr, Great: 8. W. Bmndage OatslTal At- tracttoss. Cannon, Balph: French's Kew Sensatlcn. Castano. Edward: The Midnight Soaa. Kiias, Harry: Vogel's Mlnstr^ Gllpins, Two: Plttsbnrg Floating Theatre. Gold, Belle: The OlA and the Dmmmer. Goss, Jno.: Vogd's Ulnstrds. Jenkins & Bsitett: Goodell Shows. • LaOonui Troiqie: S. W. Bmndage CsmlTsl Co. Uadav, Fucy A.: Great Farker Shows. I« Zcudo * Iceson: 8. W. Bmndage CunlTsl Attnetlons. Leroy & Adams: DeBoe Bros.' Minstrels. Newton & Onen: Great Patterson Shows. Sbdiey & Hack: Uarkle's Show Boat. Bosa, Cnrley: Am I a Chinaman Co. Xrerett (Inartat: The Show GirL Tomer & Powell: Joelma Slmklns Col wnilson. Herbert: ndd's Wnstrels. _ Wood, Bay & Anna: Great Baymond Shows. Woolsey, Bobble: ISIe ol Spice. Toong & Xomk: Am l a Chinaman Go. Zenos, GtMtTCosnioptdlt&n Shows Mol 1. CIRCnSES Bammn & Bailey's: Loe Angeles, CiO.. 20-21^ San Diego 22: Santa Ana 23; San Bernardino 24. Bnffalo jiUl'B Wild West combined with Paw- nee Bill's Far East: Salem Ore., 21; Engene SB; Bosebnrg 23; Medtord 24. _ _ Fotepangh-Sella Bros.': Bed Oak. la.. 21: Cres- ton 22; Albany. Mo., 23; LeaTeBwortb. Kans., ' 24; Lawrence 26; Emi»tia 27: Eldorado 28: WeBlngtm 29; Alra. Okla.. SO; Woodward Oct. 1. . „ , Flak's, Oode, Show: Las Animas, Colo., 21: Bocky IV>rd 22: Baton, N. Mex., 23: Laa Vesas 24. Gentxy Bros.': forest GItr. Aik., 21; Newport 22; Brlnkley 23. _ - Baag Migh^ Showa: Chestectown,: ICd., 21; C^terrllle 22; Dover, DeL, 23. _ Bigenbeck-Walltce: Cbattanomn, Tenn., 21; ^Iton, 6a., 22; Carterrllle 23; Marietta 24. Henry's, J. E-, Wagon Show: ■ Everest, Kans., 21; Huron 22; ElBngbam 28; MortonvUIe 24. Honest BiU's Show: Nemaba, Neb.^ 21; Sbnr- bert 22; Barada 23; Veldon 24; Dawson 26; Salem Z7; Beserre, Ksns.. 28; Hamitn 39; Marrni 30; Falrview Oct. 1. „ , . , . Jones Bros.' Bnffalo Bench Wnd West, J. An- gostoB Jones, mgr.: Bridgeport, Tex., 21; Graham 22; Jack*cn> 23; .Olney 24; Seymonc 26; StambKd 27: Hleo .^ : . „, , ^ Kennedy Bros.* Show::: WoodTille, Okla., 2S; Kingston 24. • _ " Lambrlgger Zoo, Gas Lanibrlgger, mgr.: West Salem, O., 1»C4; Lond<mtr01e 26-Oct. 1. Hlller Bros, ft AtUngtoa's 101 Basch WUd West: ATOca, la., 21; Omaha, Meb., 22; Lin- coln 23; Falls City 24; Interstate Utb Stock Show, St. Joseph. Mo.. 26-30; Ksnsas , (Sty Oct. 1-2. ' _ Blngllng Bros.': OklabonuL Catr.jOkla.. 21; Mc- Alestor 22; BooneTllIei Ark.. S3; Xittle Bock 24. Bobbbis*, Frank A.: Brnnswlck, Ud., 21; sni- cott <3ity 22; Annapolis 23; Elkton 24; Cbtata- town 26: (Jeiiterrllle 27; Wilmington 28. _ . Boblnson's, Danny, Pamous -Shows: BIch Hill, Mo., 21: Paola, Kans., 22; Olathe 23. Boblnaon's, J<An, Ten big Shows: Hickory, K. C, 21; SaUsbniy 22; Charlotte 23. , 8el]a-<Floto; El Beno, Okla., 21; Shawnee 22; Ardmore 23; Denlson, Tex., 24. SheU>y. James, Show: Locana, N. C, 21. Snarks', John H.: JoneSboro, Ark., 22; Blythe- vllle 23; Osceola 24. Stanetfs. Howard S., Show: •Bldgewood. N. T., 18-24.. Son Bros.' Shows: Lanesater^ E^.. 21: New aanm 22; MnnfardsrUle 23; nankUn 24; Watertown, Tenn.. 26; Carthage 27; (^ook- Tille 28. Warren Bros.' Shows: Minerva, O., 21; Free- bnrg 22; Mt. ITnlcm 23; Sebring 24; mkworth 26; N. Jackson 27; Newton Falls 28. . . Yankee Bobinson Show: Seneca, Mo., 22; TInlta, Okla., 23; Chetopa, Kans;, 24. CARNIVAL COMPANIES Barkoot, K. G., Amnsement C!o., No. 1. K. 0. Barkoot, mgr.: Hancock, MidL, 19^*. Cash CamiTal Co., T. L Caali. mg.: Snrlngflyld. Minn., 21-24; Le Sear Center S7-28; Montgom- ery 30-Oct. 1; Coffree Amnsement <3o., Oapt. O. H. (Joflrea, gen. mgr.: Sweet Sislngs, Mo., 19-24; Lexing- ton 26-Oct. 1. (^mopolltan Shows, No. 1, J. B. Anderson, mgr.: Cairo, HL, Hnmboldt, Tenn.. 26- Oct 1. Cosmopolitan No. 2, H. Snydo^ mgr.: Center- Eeppler Shows, C. J, Keppler, mgr.: Drasdan, Tenn.. 19-24; Paris 2e-Oct. 1. Kline, Herbert A.. Shows: Oaytmi, 0., 19-24. Krause-Msxwell Shows: ParkersbnrK, ■ W. Ta.. 19-24; Hontlngton 26-Oct. 1. ~ ■ Lanfcs ■ Bros.' Shows: Lawrence Kans., 26- Oct. 1. National Amnsement Co., Doc Allman, mgr.: Loop City, Neb., 19-24; Ord 26-Oct. 1. Parker, C. W., Shows. Ned Stooghton, mgr.: PneblOv Colo., 19-24; Trinidad 26-OcL 1. Parker, Great, Shows, Con T. Kennedy, mgr.: Terre Haate, Ind., 19-21. Patterson. Great. Showa, Jaa. Patterson, mgr.: Enid, Okla., 19-24. Belss, Nat, Shows: BlackweU, Okla., 19-24; Enid zaoct. 1. • . Boyal Amnsement Co., H. S. TIppa, mgr.: M«it- peller, Ind., 19-24. St. Loals Show, B. W. Wearer, mgr.: Darling- ton. 8. C, 19-24. Smith. John B.. Shows & Bnffalo Wild West: EUaabetb City, N. C, 1944. Wlnslow Shows: Vandalla, Uo., 19-24. Woleott's Model Shows: Gastonla. N. O., 19-24. Wood's, 3. Staowa: Bocky Moont, N. C. Wortbam ft Allen TTiIIted Sbowa: Fen, 111., 19-24. ■ MINSTREL DeBne Bros.': Clyde. N. T., 21; Ijons 22; Palmyra 23-24. Dockstader's, Lew. C. Lee WlUIama, mgr.: Cin- cinnati, 0.. 18-24. Dnmont'a, Frank: Ptalla.. Ang. 20, Indef. Brans' Hooey Boy, Geo. Brans, mgr.: Chicago, m.. 18-24. Fteid's. AL 'G.: Charleston. S. C. 21: Anens- ta, 6a.. 22; Atlanta 23-24; Nasbrllle. Tenn., 26-27; Memphis 28-29; Birmingham. Ala., 30- Oct. 1. Gorton'a. T. D. Mlddangh, mgr.: Condersport. Pa.. 21; Galeton 23; Westlleld 23: Addlsim, N. T., 24. Belnileld's, Slg.. Lady: (Alrdome) Meridian, Miss.. 19-24. Richards Sl PrlniEle's, Bf^and ft SiUdna, mges.: Dallas. Tex., 2a-2L: ni]& Pa.. 19-24. . Gooddl ~ ~~" Shows: BInSB, m., -19-24; Bowsn 26- Oct. 1. Batch, J. nnk. Shows, W. St. W^tt, mgr.: Arnold, Pa.. 19-24; Mtoessen S6-Oet. 1. Hoffman-WeUer AnmaementOo.: CsTTer, lOiiii., 19-24. Juvenal's Stadlom Shows. J. tt. JnvenSI, mgr.: Seymoor. MOi,, .I»S4; . Btebland 2SOet. 0. - BANDS & ORCHESTRAS. Bradley ft Noe Ladlea Oieliestra, WinKted Noe, mgr.: Talsa, Okla., 19-24, Oorrado's Boyal Italian Band: (Uomoe Park) Mobile, Ala., May l.Sept. 25. Ckmway ft Hla Band: Atlantte City. N. J., Joly 3-Sept. 24. Elmwood Ladles Concert Band, A. Scbmldt. Jr., mgr.: Owperstown, N. T., 20-22; -Lyncb- bnrg, Ta., 27-30. Ellery Band, Channing BUery, mgr.: (Idora Park) Oakland.-CaL, Aog.. 29-Oct. 1. FeroUo's Band,^ Fortune Gallo. bns. mcr.:- (Oaks Psrk) Portlsnd, Ore.. Aug. 2S.0et. 1. Innea' Band, J^: H. 'ShnOk, gen. mgr.;.' (Bis- marck Garden) (Hileago, HI., Ang, S9-8ept. Lamblase's Boysl Venetlsn Band. & Xiaadilase, mgr.: (Tonng'a Ocean Pier) Atiantle City, ■ N. J.. 5-25. - - ■ Ubenttl's Band (State Fair) Detroit. Mich.. 19-24. Kavassar Ididles Band: (State PUr) Naslivine, Tenn.. 19-24; (Trt-State Fair) Memphis 27- Oct. 1. Neel's, Carl, Cbncert Band, nnder canvas: Win- der. Ga.. 19-24; CartersTlIle 26-Oct. 1. BoDDds'. H. O., Ladles Band ft Orcbestra: War- erly, la., 19-23. Bnzzi's Band (C3onnty Fair) Walla Walla. Wash., 19-24. MISCELLANEOUS. Abraham'a, Cilias. M.. Platform Shows: Sydney, Anatralla, Sept. 16-Oet. 3. Adams', Jas.-. Tanderllle Show No. 1. nnder canvas: Wmder. Ga.. 19-24; (^artersvlUe 26- Oct. 1» Adams'; Jas., Vandevllle Show. No. 2, ander canvas: Clio. S. C, 19-24: Dlilon 28-Oct. i. Aeronaut Johnny Mack, Co, No. 2: (Fair) Ox- foid.. F«.. 20-23. Aerooant.J. E. Moore: Columbia, Tenn., 20-24; Sylvia. N. C 27-Oct. 1. Almond's, Jetliro, M. P. Show, nnder canvaa: Seagnrre. N. C., 19-21: CUidor 22-24. Baby Jim Show, Joa. Sdilelerl, mgr.: Detroit, Mich., 19-24. Bamom, Magician: Knox, Ind., 12-24. Beanttes of the Deep. 3. A. Maey. mgr.: Gran- ite (aty. HL, 19-a. Bittner Comedy Co.: Bat Springs, Ark., 12 24. Call <^cert Co.. Prof. J. H. CUl, mgr.: Or- biston. O.. 19-24. Cssey Bros.' Vaudeville Co., B. Caaey. mgr.: Prentice. Wis., 21-22; Park Falls 23-24; But- temnt 25; FIfield 26-27; PhUlIps 28-29; Mel- len 80-Oct. 1. (telvin; Hypnotist: Denver. Q>I.. 19-24. C^ngo King. W. A. Thomas, mgr.: Emerson, la.. 21; Glenwood 22; Macedonia 24-25; Oak- land 26. Dale. Dare DevU: Jasper. Mo., 19-24. GOpins, The, Hypnotic 0>medy Co., J. H. GII- lun. mgr.: Bloomington, III.. 19-24. Utcbfield. Nell. Trio: Bozboro «. 0., 21: BIgb Point 22; BIsooe 23; Spencer 24; Wea- reiTiUe 26: Canton 27 Brevard 28; Iraaan 29; LIsIevUIe 80; Horven Oct. 1. Lyndon Vaudeville Co., Dr. Cbarlea Lyndon. mgr.: Anthon, la., 19-24; Prlmgbar 2(K>ct. 1 .Vack's HypnoUe Comedy Co.. J. B. Mack! mgr.: Areola, III., 19-24; Newman 29-Oet. 1. Maxmlllan Hypnotic Co., Chaa. Poll, mcr.- Plnckneyvllle, 111.. 2e-0et. 1, McEwen, Great: Montgomery. Ala.. 10-24. Mascot, Educated Hotae, H. S. Magnire, mgr.: Sioux City, la., 19-24. * Mysterious Meiba'a Palace of Mystery. C. B. Rice, mgr.: Atlantic, la., 19-24. Newmann, Scientific Sensation: Bedfleld. S. D., 21-22: Crasbard 23-23. New Xork Zoological Co.. J. 8. Edwards, mgr.: (Blrervlew Park) Chicago, III., indef. Noble's Tent Shows. Cbas. Noble, mgr.: Lan- rena. S. C, 19-24. Korwood's Great Sensationa. M. H. Norwood, mgr.: HDntlugton, Ind., 19-24: Uoncle 28. Oct. 1. Pittsburg Floating Theatre: Weat Point, Ky., 21; Bradenburg 22; Leavenworth, Ind., 23. Powers, Hypnotist. Frank J, Powers, mgr.: El Etno, Okla., 19-24. ^ BoUlna'. Ota. W., SSoologieal Ciongreaa: Boan- oke. Vs., 19-24; LyncbSmg 26-Oct. I. Todd Sbow: CSarmen,' Okta.. 19-24., Thompson's Entertainers, ftank B. Thompaon, mgr.: Valley Junction, Wis., 19-24; Warren 26-Oct 1. Tompkina Weatem Attraetlona, Chaa. B. Tomp- kins, mgr.: Ogdenabnrg. N. T.. 19-24. Thomas ft Pearl's Show, John T. Thomas, mgr.: Kline, S. C, 19-21. Vidette Sbow. M. B. VIoIette. mgr.: Slaydeo, Miss., 21; Early Grove 22; Moscow, Tenn., .28. WlUIama'. Prof. Eph., Ttonbadoars, B. C. Poggsley, bus. mgr.: Xckman, W. Ta.. 21- 22: Nort&tbrk 28; AsUand 24: HcDoweA 25- 26. ■ ■ BnELESQUE. Americans, TIeddy Slmonds, mgr.: (Idreeam) St. Joseph, 22-24; (Centnry) Kansas City, 28- Oct. L Scanty lYust. Hany W. Tbompaon; mgr.: (Al- bambra) (nilcago, 18.24; (Gejaty) Detroit, 26-Oct. 1. Behman Sbow. Jack Singer, mgr.; (Empire) Tdedo. 19-24: (Albambra) Chicago, 260ct. 1. Big Banner Show, Frank Urlngitoa. mgr.: (Gayety) Pittsbnrg, 19-24; (Empire) taeve- land, 2e-Oet. 1. Big Review, Henry P. Dixon, mgr.: (Star) UU- waukee, 19-24; (Dewey) MlnaeapoUa, 26-Oet. Bohemians, Al. Lnbin, mgr.: (Tracadero) PbOa., 19-24; (Lyceum) Wash.. D. O.. 2e4>et. 1. Bon Tons: (Gayety) Ulnseapalls, 19-24; (Gay- ety) Mllwankee, S8-0et. 1. Boweiy Bnrieaqoers. E. Dick BIder. mgr.: (Gay- ety) Omaha. 19-23; (Gayety) Minneapolis, 26- Oct. 1. Brigadiers. Louis Stark, mgr.: (Boyal) Mon- treal. 19-24; (Boward) Boston 26-Oct. 1. Broadway Oale^ Girls, Loals Oborwortb. mgr.: (Lafayette) Btiffalo. 19-24; (Star) Toronto. 2e-Oct. 1. (^tuiy Girla, Jack Fanat, mgr.: (Osino) Brooklyn,, 19-24; (Bmplte) Biookljii. m-Oet. cnHny Bloaaoms. Cbas. F. Bdwards. mgr.: (Mon- -aavital} Baltlnioie;-19.24: (Lyric) Allentewn. 26; (Academy) Beading. 27; (Majestic) Bar- rtobmg, 28; (MIsbler) Altoooa, 29; (Cambria) Jolmstown, 30. College Girls. Max Spiegel, mgr.: (Standard) Cincinnati, 19-24; (Gayety) LoniaTlUc, 2e-0et 0>1nmbla Borlesqaera, Frank Logan, mgr.: (Gayety) 'LoulsvUle, 19-24; (Gayety) St. Loals, 26-Oct. 1. Co^ Comer -Olila, Sam Boblnaon. mgr.: (Lr- eeom) Waab.. D. C 19-24; (Monnmental) Baltlmoce, 2e-Oet. 1. Cracker Jacks. Barry - LeonI, mgr.: (Gayety) Mllwankee, 19-24; (Star ft Garter) Chicago, 26-Oct. 1. Dainty Dncbess: (Gayety) St. Lonia, M-24: (Gayety) Kansas City, 26-Oct. 1. Dreamland Bnrlesquers. Issy Qrads. mgr.: . (Star) Toronto, 19-24; (Boyal) Montreal,. 26- Oct. 1. V- . Ducklings.- Frank CtUer, mgr.: (Bmpire) In- dlanapolls. 19-24; (BncUngbam); Lanlavnia, 26^>et. 1.. ■ - ■ Fads and Folllci. dill. B. Amold, ngr.: (Gar- den) Buffalo, 19-24; (CorintbUn)^adiestcr, ■ ~26-Oct. 1. ■ ■■ ■ ■ Follies of New Tork and Parla. E. M. Bosen- tbal. mgr.: (Columbia) N. Y. 0., 19-24. (Gay- ety) Pbila., 26-Oct. 1. FoUfes of the Day. Barney (Serard. mgr.: (Fol- ly) Chicago, 19-24; (Avenue) Detroit, 26-Oct. Ginger Girls, Lou Hortig, mgr.: (Corinthian) Bocbester, 19-24: (Mobawk) Schenectady, 28- 28; (Empire) Albany. 29-Oct. 1. Glrla From Dixie. Jos. Leavitt. mgr.: (Lnseme) WUkes-Barre. 19-21; (Ciolombia) Scranton, 22- 24: Lay off at Phlla., 26-Oct. 1. Girls From Hsppyland. B. W. Cblpman. mgr.: (Empire) Hoboken, 19-24; (HurUg ft Sea- men's) N. Y. C, 2e.0et. 1. Golden Crook; Jaa. Fulton, mgr.: (Gayety) De- troit, 19-24; (Gayety) Toronto, 26-Oet. 1. Haatlnga', Harry, Show: (Bnrtlg ft Seanum's) N. T. 0., 19-24: (Murray HiUf N.' T. O. 96- Oct. 1. Irwta'a Big Sbow: (Ctayety) Boston, 19-24: (COIombta) N. T. O,, ai-Oet. 1. GXJS KAHISI ancl