The billboard (Sept 1910)

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SEPTEMBER 24,1910. Ttie Billboard 49 FRANK WADDELL GERMAN ALDERMAN In Vaudeville JAMES SILVER "MUSICAL RUBE" Orl|{iniator of the Pipe-Piano (Patented) Pirates keep off the: original^ KEELEY and PARKS "THE KID AND THE KIDLET" IN VAUDEVILLE EDWARD L. NELSON I "Oh You Voice" Car* off Th« Billboard. HUFFORD and CHAIN —PraMntlng— The Cttored Panuaad the Mustnl Mu W.V. A. CIRCUIT MUSICAL ALWARD XYLOPHONIST Sullivan-Cenoidino ClreiiK DEATRICE TURNER SINGING COMEDIENNE SMllivan-Conaidln* CIreult PETRIE and LEWIS TALKATIVE SONGSTERS IN VAUDEVIiXE. "WONT I—YES." JOHN DILLON ' SINGING COMEDIAN Sullivan and Considine Circuit DOWNARD and OQWNARD —IN THEIR COMEDY SKETCH— VBracing Up" Norman W. Merrill "THAT YALE FRESHMAH" IN MU0E1ILLE—ALWtTS WOUIIIT. THE NOTED WIRE WALKERS FAMOUS VANI'S THE 0RI8INAL NEVAROS An Mt aMoaMd with Itihtotni iwgldltr* AddTM tOH Unoola Anna*. HII.WAOKBiB. Wia. CORRESPONDENCE. (Contlnned from page 16.) Happy Hoollsan's First e. TBB PRINCESS (VlC- lOalte-Frees Trio In Trip to the North Pole. . tor B. Schaffer. msr.) Week of 11: MIsa BUIe Oreabam ana the Frloceaa Stock Co la Lena Rivers, good production. THE STAB (Basi Bros., mgra.) Continnoiu motion _nletiiTe«:noiiaa doing Eood liDBlness. TBB BDBTIS (WllUam KlLnck, mgr.; C^amberlln, Kindt Co. Clrcatt) i The Broken Idol 11; Isle of Spice 18: Blehard Jo«e la Silver nrbreads lu; Port of Mlsalns Men 22; Uouse of a Thousand Candles 24; Th« World and a Woman 28. THB EUITB (Joa. Michelatetter, Jr.. ni«T.^ ContlnnouB motion pictures. THE CiBAMD (O. It. Biuhes, mgr.: K. & E. bookings) Cbalmcey Otcottln Bury ot Ballymore M. raE <FAMIi.X jJ. Mnnio, mgr.) Continuous motion pictures. TBB IOWA. (W, mgr.) ContinnoQs motion pie. Blakemore, tures. DQBtiaTTE.—QBA.ND OPEBA HOCSB (W. L. Bradley, mgr.) Honeymoon Trail Sept. I; big house. The Cat and the Fiddle Sept. S; big honaes. Chauncey Olcott 13. Stock com- pany, under the direction of C. D. Connolly, opens at the Grand Sept. 18. AIR'DOME (Jake Rosenthal, mgr.) The Harvey Stock Co., nnder the direction of Mr. J. S. Oarslde. continue to draw good bouses. MEW MAJESTIC (Jake Ro- senthal, mgr.) Work Is being delayed waiting for structural steel, setting back contemplated opening poaalbly two weeks later than Oct. 1. UN'ION PABK. Cloies tbe leaaoii Sept. 11. PICTDBE THEATRES. Cooler weather Is In- eteaalns patronage. IOWA CIX7.—COU>BEN OPERA HOUSE (J. 1m. Oakes, mgr.) 'Lyman Twins 10; The Time, Place and Clrt 13; The Gin. from Rector's IS; The WoU 19; Tbe Isle of Spice 20; Hooie of a Thonund Candles 23; Anoelated Players 2*. KEOXnS.—GRAND OPERA HOCSB (I.. C. Worley, mgr.) Ishmael Sept. 8; fair buslnesa. Bonae of a Thonaand Candles 8; good company, good bnaineas. Rlebaid Jose in Sliver TlireadB 13: CUmzx IS; Port of Mlaaing Men 19;: Cast Aside 22; Broken Idol 28; Gordon Stock Co. 26 and week. OSKALOOBA.—MASONIC OPERA. HOUSE (Busby Bros., lessees A Mgre.- Harry McManus. les. mgr.) Lyman Twins In The Prise Winners Sept. 8; pleased good biiainess. Tbe Climax 9, excellent. Wie Cowboy and the Thief ISjChaun- cey Olcott in Barry of Ballymore 16. UNIQUB (Cubberly & Mitehell, mgrs.) VaudeTlile and pic- tures to good business. ORIB^NT (W. H. Bow- en. mgr.) Pictures; good business. UZBHO ((^bberly & Mltcaell, mgrs.) Pictures to good business. GLE.NWuOO PARK (J. Msce Sagan. mgrs.) Roller skating: excellent business. BEB OAK.—BBARDSLEY (L. M. iBeardsley, mgr.) L^mau H. Howe's Pictures Sept. 14. COMBT (L. P. Prelaman, mgr.) Pictures and songs to big tHisInese. MAJESTIC (Majestic Theatre Co.. mgrs.) Pictures and aonga to good business. WASHIKOTOV.—GRAHAM THEATRE (W. T. Brlnton, mgr.) I^man Twins Sept. 8; pleased full house. Climax Sept. 10; fair attendance, §leased. Daniel Boone on the Trail Sept. 13: mall Town Gal Sept. 19; The Fort of Missing Men Sept. 20. WATEBXOO.—STNDICATE THBATRB (A. J. Bnsby, mgr.) Honae opened witb Lyman Twins In The Prise Winners Sept. 12. Tbe Time. Place and the Oirl 15: Flirting Princess 21; Isle ot Spice 22; Wizard of WIseland 24; Donald Robertson 26: Port of Missing Men 27. THE WATERLOO THBATRB (A. J. Busby. mgr.) House of a Thousand Candles 5; pleased good business. Cast Aside 7: light honse. Tbe Ot and the Fiddle 10: delighted fair bsslness. Morgan Stock Co. 12'17: Frank B. Long Stock Co. 2e.0ct. 1.. THB ORPBEUM THEATRE (J. W. Marcellns, mgr.) Tbe Rlnaldos. ILewla and Lewis, The Three Casads. Peart E. Popejoy, Dave Lnbln and Co., Rand and Byron, Lslrgue Sisters and Tant, Brooklyn Comedy Four. Prof. Ar- mond'B Tbe City of Yesterday and the Orphe- uscope, to big business. THE CBXSTAIa THB- ATRB . (McGUnton & Payne, mgrs.) House op- ened 12 with tbe following bUl: Halght and Dean, Cecil'Bobson, Chevslier, Alezander-Ca- narla and Co., Kelley and Catlln, Maile Dorr, MbsIcsIs Bnssells and tbe Kenetlseope; boslness big.- . KAN8A& FOBX BOOIT.—Alrdome (Bell, Olendorf Bal-' lard Cireitit; iHarry C. Brnlch. mgr.) Louise Hntctalnson Company Sept. 12-17; I>e Armood Sisters 19-A4f 'Hany Wilson P. and W. Players 2e'0etl. OSDSB CULNTAS—BIMOLINa Bros.' C Ircna la. UViVHUrSOH.—HOME (W. A. Loe. mgr.) Barrle Stock Company Sep t. 12-17; good shows to line buslnesa. CRAWFORD AI910MB (H. Wells, mgr.) BuTgen Stock Co. Sept. 12-1T; PBARL (B. Wayne KafUB, mgr.) Pictnies ahd songs to Mg. business. HAGIO (Grover HI U. m gr.) PIctnres and songs to good booaes. BrVBBSIDB PARK (A. Becb, mgr.) Bell Boy Uoslesl Comedy Cbmpany week of Sept. 12; gbod shows to good buslnesa. SlANSAS STATE FAIR, Sept. 10-17. Patterson's Oatnlnl, FeulUo'a Btnd and Pain's fireworks are chief attractions.! UNDER CANVAS—RlngUng Broth- ers' Clrcna.^Bept. 9 to good business. lEAVEliWOBXK.-linEW OBFHEUM OX. B. Shanbere. mgr.) The (Bohemian Qnartette, By. Greenway. comedy Jnggler; Paul Floroos, zylo- phcmlst: Kenned, De Milt and Kennedy, singing and dancing; pictures and New Orpbeam Or- chestra week of Sept. 11. PEOPLE'S (Sam Deatley, mgr.) ...atlnee Girl Company week of Sept. 11 to good boslness. PALM (C. S*. Men- alng, mgrs.) SUvens and Co., comedrr KeUr and 'Kelly, comedy and dancing: plctnsea and •ongs Sept 11-16. UKDBB OAIirAS—Fore- paugb and fiella Brothers Sept. 24. WICHITA.—^N'BW AUDITORIUM (J. A. Wolfe, mgr.) The Third Degree 14; The Wolfe Stock (Company In Oharley'a Aunt week of 8, to large houses; The Lost Trail 12. CRAW- FORD (B, L. MartUng. mgr.) Temon. tbe Great week of 12. PBlNCESS (L. M. MlUer, mgr.) The Eagle and tbe Girl, Manlan and Hall, tbe piano Itlds: Steele and McMasters, skatorlal artists; Honston and Klrby, singing and dancing; Prtncesacope. WONDEBlLANiD PARK (J^T. Nuttle, mgr.) Campbell and Brady, luggUng: Miss Alice Robinson, singer; Dave and Pony Moore, entertainers: xonng and Brooks, comedy musical sketcb: Bill and Sylvany: week ot 12. COLONIAL (Chas. Shodgrass, mgr.); YALE (Jake Frees, mnj; MARPLB (W. H. Marple. mgr.); NOVEMy' (F. Coate, m^; BUTE pletores. (Guoter tt Matthera, mgrs.) KENTUCKY. CYNTEtAlTA.—KOHS* OPBBA HOCSB (H. A. Kobs, mgr.) J. A. CObom's Minstrels; de- Ilehted ca pacit y. STAR. Plctnres and songs. K OHS' .P Igru&B. Plctnres; to eapacity hooaea. fc Aias- f lUX-UKE. Plctnres; to eapacity hoaaea. HEBBERSOH.—PABK (J. D. KUgonr. mgr.) Black Fatb Sept 12; to flue hoase. Tbe MsB On the Box 21. UNDER CAKVAS—Singling Brothers' Olrcns Sept. 20. PKOPLE'S (J. D. KF gonr, mgr.) Good boslness. KAYIIEIS.—UNIQUE (T. L. UcNatt, mgr.) Wood Sisters week 5; pleaaed «»od attendance. (Cmtlnned on page B2.) MAX STEVENS Gentf eaaan Clowa IniUIer EBs comments whitih accompany bis turn are ezcnieiatingly FUNNY Par. Add., Billboard Alice Teddy The roller skstlng wonder of the world, a real live cinna- mon bpar. Alice akatea like any laily or. gentleman, and does wonderful tricks on rtates, and wrratUng exhibitions; Is human In intelligence. A novel entertainment, something en- tirely outside of tbe ordinary. The greatest attraction for riaks and vatidevllle. Write for oven time. Addreaa GEO. B, ORAPSET, ests of Biohsrdaoo Skate Co.. SU mohigaa St., Chioago. HI. . FRANKIE SIE6EL "Tie IMe 6iri iritfc tie ffit^^ NbiW ON CASINO CIRCUIT ESWnr EOBBT, Senaatlonal Aerial Gymnaat andUp-Side-Down Man. Dates wanted. Celebrations. Fairs. Carnivals. Rinks, Greater Vabdevllle. etc. Address. SS03 B. Adama St., Feoria, Illinois. BI6 SUCCESS IN LONDON AT Queens Theatre Two otie act plays by a new American playwright MISS KATE LYON American agent for Miss Lyon's plays and sketches, Frances Younge, 146 W; 46th St.. New York City THE FAMOUS HIGH-CLASS COMEDY DUO c-^i-IVIACK & BURGESS-i»» PRESENTING—CASEY. THE CLOCK MAKER Jtat Eoished Coney Holmes Casino Ctrcuit. P. S. Was notfeatuied on any bill, but was theUt. SMI LETTA TRIO TRIPLE BAR WONDERS NCONe Has anythinq on us. BERNARD WINTON Hebx'ew Arenic •Te«tep msl Eccentric Muslclags Cieatinc Unlimitod T.»nghs in the "KxTop" —with— Sun Bros 'QreatarShowa,Season 1910 ARDELL BROS. ATHLETES ALF. T. WILTON, Mgr. HARRIS and RANDALL In Thair Rural Comedy Skatati "50 MILES FROM NOWHERE" <conauaBxaB> IN VAUDEVILLE Lottie Dwyer Trio NWan SINCERS »i miKEB IN VAUDEVILLE r ' SiD.BAKER Formerly of Sid. Baker >tcBaby. • World's Breatest Haod Balaocer IN VAUDEVILLE \ ; —THREE NATIONAL COMIQUES COM EDY ACROBATS S. & C. CIRCUIT OWEN OCRTRUDC WRIGHT & STANLEY Tie iHiic aii tie SOilrette S. A. C. CIRCUIX Aubrey Rich Character Delineation in Song IN VAUDEVILLE ECKHOFF & GORDON Moslcal Laagbnaliers SULLIVAN'CONSIDINE CIRCUIT SAM.J.CDRTIS &C0. THE ORIGINAL "SCHOOL ACT." Featuring their lateat song a accesses, "Come To Me In the Xaad ot Dreama." and "Chew- ing Gnm." September 18th, Empress. Milwaukee. NOUN, SHEAN and NOLAN "SCREAMING AGROBATiC COMIOUES" IN VAUDEVILLE Henderson & Sheldon EXPERT BANJOISTS AND HARMONY SINGERS IN VAUDEVILLE .