The billboard (Sept 1910)

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60 Xtie Billboard SEPTEMBER 24. lOia 'Ml UST OF FAIRS With the Names of the Associations by which the Events are Held, and the Dates upon which. They are to Take Place— Information Procured by The Billboard Through the Utiliza- tion of its Unequaled Facilities. LIST OF CIRCUITS. BIQ FAIE CiaCDTT.—Lebanon, Pa.. Lebanon Valley Fair. WIlkes-Barre. Pa-. Lnzeme Co. Fair. Bethlehem, Pa., Fair. Nazareth, Pa., Korthampton Coonty Fair. AlleDtown, Pa., Great ikllentown Fair. Trenton, N. J. In- terstate Fair. Mt. HoUx, K. J.. Mt. B0U7 Pair. Hageratovrn, Md.. Waablnston Caantt Fair. H. B. ScbaU, AUentown, clicoft secretary. OKNTBAI. KENTUCKY FAIR CIKCniT.—Lan- caster. Ky.. Fair. DanTlUe, Ky.. Fair. Har- IDdabnrg. Ky.. Mercer County Fair. Peny- ▼Ule, Ky., New Perryrllle Fair. BIchmond. Ky.. Fair. CENTRAL NEW YORK TROTTING ASSN.— Cntland, N. Y.. Cortland Cbonty Agrlcnltnral Society. Dryden, N. Y.. Dryden Agricoltnral Society. Tnunanabnrs, N. Y.. Union Agrlcnl- tnral Society. Moravia. N. Y., Caynga Coun- ty AsrlcnltdTal Sodetr. Whitney's Point, ». x., Broam Coonty Asricnitnral Society, OwegOk N. T.. Tioga County Agricultural So- ciety. Elmlra, N. Y.. Qiemang Ckmnty Agri- coltnral Society. Genoa. N. Y.. Genoa Agri- eoltural Society. Newark Valley, N. Y., Nortliem Tioga AgricnItnral Society. W- P. Biggs. Tramanslnirg, N. Y.. president ot dr- eoit; W. I. Gieenman; Cortland. N. Y., sec- Ktuy; J. B. Wilson. Dryden. N. Y., treas- tUUSriBSt CONNSCnCUT CntCUir.—Potnam, OoBn., Pntaam Mr. Korwlcli, Conn., New Idrndoa Co. Fair. WllUmantlc. Cons.. Hotae- aboe Park Agrlcnltoral Fair. Boekmie. Cann.. BoekTtJle Fur. Stafford Springs, Conn., Staf- ford Springs Agrlcnltnnl Assn. KASTEBN PENNSYLVANIA FAIR CIRCUIT.— BetU^em. Pa.. State Fair. Nazaretb, Pa.. Northampton Co. Fair. AUentown, Pa., Fair. Beading. Pa.. Great Beading Fair. York, Pa.. Fair. Bloomslmrg, Pa.. Fair. Harry B. Seliall. Allentown. Pa., drcnlt secretary. GBEAT NOBTHEBN CIBGDIT.—BowbelU. N. D., Fair. Hlnot. N. D.. FMr. Cando.; N. J>.. Fair. Leeds, N. D,. Fair. Grand Forks, N D., Grand Forks Fair. Fargo, N. D., State Fair. ■ GBEEN injDNXAIN CIRCUIT.-Mlddlebniy, Vt.. Aldlson Co. Fair. Rutland. Vt.. Rut- land Co. Fair. Fair Haven. Vt.. Western Vermont Fair. Sontli Walllngford, Vt., Sontb Walllngtord Fair. Walter K. Famswortli, Bntland, Vt., secietary of circuit. GBEAT WESTEBN CIBCOTT.—Ft. Wayne, Ind., Great Ft. Wayne Fair. Terte Bante, Isd.. Fair. Grand Rapids. MlcH.. Western Michigan State Fair. Ealamaaoo. MIdu. In- .terstate Fair. Detroit.. Midi., MIdilgan State Fair. CleTeland. O., Fair. Peoria, in.. Fair. GaleSburg. HL. Fair- JoUet. HL. JoUet Agrl- eoltural' FUr. Hamllne. Minn.. Minnesota State Fair- MHwankee, Wis., Wlsconatn SUte Fair. Colmnbos. O.. Ohio State Fair. Springffeld, m..; Illinois State Fair. Dallas, '^%ias. Texas SUte Fair. El Paso, Texas. Fair. Pboenlx, Ariz. Fair. ILLINOIS CENTRAL TROTTING AND RAC- ING CIRCUIT.—Cambridge, HI.. Henry Co. 'Fair- Wyoming. Til., Fair. Princetim, HL, Bureau County Fair. Eewanee, lU.. Kewanee Talr. Aledo. in.. Mercer County Fair. Brad- ford, in.. Fair. nroiAXA. KENTUCKY AND ILLINOIS CIB- jCUIT.—Bnnsrllle, Ind., Fair. - Vnlontown, Ky.. Fair. Mt Vernon. Ind.. Mt. Vernon Fair. Rockport, Ind., Fair. BoonrOle, Ind., Fair. Ckrml. ni— Fair., Princeton. Ind., Glb- taa CO. Fair. Vincennes, Ind., Fair. Jas. F. McFaddln. Ht. VenQn. Ind., president of drcnlt; Alva Bagon, secretary. INTEBNATIOSAL CIRCUIT OF VERMONT .AND EASTERN CANADA.—MorrlsrlUe. Vt.. Lamoille Valley Fair. Sberbtooke, Que., Can., Canada's Great, Eastern Fair. Barton, Vt., Orleans Connty Fair.- St. lohnshnry, Vt.. Caledonia Fair. Wlilte Rlrer Jonctlon. Vt., Veraumt State Fair. Brattleboro. Vt., Valley Fair. H. E. Channell, Sherteooke, Qne., Can., president of circuit. KAD RIVER AND MIAMI VALLEY FAIR CIR- CUIT.—Winchester. O.. Adams Co. FaJr. Blehwood. O.. Ttl-Connty Fair. Xenla. O., Greene County Fair. Mdboome, Ky., New- prat DrlTing and Fair Assn. Cartilage. O., Samllton Connty Fair. Spdogfldd, C, Clark *€0. -Fair. Urhana.' HI.. . Champaign Co. Fair. 'Kenton, O., Hardin Co. Fair. WaaUngton JiCfc'^H.. Fayette Co. Fair. Boston, O., Cler- "Bumt Co. Fair. Bellefontaine. O., Logan Co. Bkir. Blanchester, O. dinton Cotmty Fair. London. O.. Madison Co. Fair. Wapakoneta, O.. Auglaize Connty Fair. Colnmbns, O., Ohio State Fair. Dayton. O., MontgomeiT Co. Fair. MarysTiUe. O., Union Co- Fair- Eaton. O.. Preble Oonnty Fair.. Lebanon. O.. Warren Conntf Fair. Tioy. O., Miami Co. Fair. Ham- ilton. O.. Butler Connty Fair. J. W. Crowl, • Hlbana. O., dr cnlt secretary. MICHIGAN TROTTING AND PACING CIB- GUIT.—^Pdntlae. Flint, Port Hnron. Bm- City, Alpena. LA~idng. St. lobns. Ithaca, Kalama- »o. Grand Baptds and Detroit State Flair. S. O. 3msdorf.. Bay City, Mteb.. drcnlt secte- ttiy. •' __ HISSISaiFPI VALLEY SHORT SHIP CIR- "Cnrc—GriggsrUIe. m.. Illinois Valley Fair. ZOniBeFs^BL. Fair. Macomb. Ht. Macomb Fair. SnibiMal,' HLV Boalmell Fair. BoshTtUe. HL, Fair.. Lewlstown. .in., Fnltoi Connty : Fair. S^ootvllle; BLv .'Sankakee Connty Fair. La- <ame. H L . Fair. ^ IfOlCrAlIA-CIBCUlT.—Jollet, Boseman, Lewls- taiwn. Glendln, Miles City. Great Falls. He- len: Oblnook^nid Kallspen. O. E. Myers, ■ .'Boannaft' dreolt secretary. _ KBBKASKA FAIRS SHORT SHIPMENT CIR- CFrr.-^8eward. Neb.. Fair. Lexington, ■Nelfci^Hawson Co. Fair. Clirks, Neh., Jplr. Chadrco, TTeb.. Daweis Coimty Fair. Thed- ford. IM>.. Fair. Beatrice, Neb.. Gage Co. FUr: ; Big Springs. Neb.. Fair. Alliance, ireb.i FMr. W. H. SmItb. Seward. Neb., dr- ealt secretary.- SlBBKAnaTNA VALLEY SHOBT SHIPMBNT : <aBCUl'r. -^A»idnbon,. la.. AndsAon Oonnty Wmic- Atlantlcv Ja.. Cass. COoaty Fair- Atoc»^ la.. Pottawattamie County Fair. Carl E. Hoffman, Atlantic. la., clrcolt secretary. NOBTHEASr MISSISSIPPI FAIR ASSN.—Tu- pelo, Miss., Fair. Baldwyn, Miss., Northeast Mississippi Fair. BoonrUIe, Miss., Fair. Cor- Inth. Miss.. Alcorn Coonty Fair. W. L. Mc- Blroy. Baldwyn, Miss., secretary. NORTH CENTRAL KANSAS FAIR AND RAC- ING CIRCCIT.-^t. Marys, Kan.. Fair. Nor- ton, Kan., Fair. Smith, Kan., Sallna Coonty Fair. BeneTlUe. Kan., Fair. McFbetson, Kan.. McPherson Connty Fair. Clay Center, Kan., Clay Center Fair. Concordia, Kan., Fair. Abilene. Kan.. Fair. Minneapolis, San., Ottawa Co. Fair. Riley, Kan.. Fair. Fred W. Stnrges. Concordia, Kan . • NORTHWEST IOWA FAIR' CIRCUIT.—Jeffer- son, la.. Fair. Rockwell City, ,.Ia., Fair. Fonda, la.. BIgr Fonr Fair. SacSCIty, la.. Sac Connty Fair. Alta. la., Bnena Vlsta.Co. Fair. A. L. Denlo, president^ Foada, la.; J. P. Mnllen, Fonda. la., secretary ^and treas- urer, i OHIO, PENNSYLVANIA. MARYLAND AND WEST VIRGINIA RACING ASSN.—Olarks- hnrg, W. Va^ Fair. Falrmwt. W. Va.; Fair. Wheeling, w. Va.. Fair.-^.Paricerabnrg. W. Va., Fan. Greenabnrg, Pa.. Fair. Dawson. WEST TENNESSEE AND KENTUCKY FAIR CIRCUIT.—Padncab, Ky^ Paducah Fair Assn. Mayfleld, Ky., West Kentucky Fair Assn. Union City, Tenn.. West Tennessee Fair. Dres- den, Tenn.. Weakley Connty Fair. Paris, Tenn., Henry Connty Fair. Jackson. Tenn.. Fair. Coriotb, Miss., Fair. Humboldt, Tenn.. Fair. W. F, Barry, drcnlt secretary, Jack- son, Tenn. aranava Athens—Limestone Connty Fair. Oct. lS-21. E. H. Walker, secy. Blrmingbam—Alabama State Fair Exhibition Association. Oct, 6-15. Frank P. Chaffee, secy. Clanton—Chilton Co. Fair. Oct. 4-8. M. D. Fosbee, secy. Chlldersbnrg—Negro Farmen' Assn. Oct. 81- Nov. 5. J. F. Williams, secy. Montgomery—Alabama Agrl. Assn. Oct. n-22, B. B. Winters, secy. Hontgomery-Alabama Agrl. & Ind. Expo. Oct. 19-28. Samson—Geneva Connty Fair Assn. Oct. 19-22, W. G. Pryor, secy. Tnscalooia—West Alabama Fair Assn. Oct. 24. 29. B. L. Clarksoo. secy.. Union Springs—^Bnllock Co. Fair Assn. Oct. 10-19. F. G. Ramsey, secy. ARIZOKA Pboenlx—Arizona Annual Fair Assn. Nov. 7-12. Shirley Christy, secy. •■"-■i.i ' ^itwanraag Benton—Saline Connty Fair Assn. Oct. 5-7. L. B. White, secy. Camden—Onashlta Co. Land Congress. Oct. SS. H. B. Feinberg. _ Carlisle—Central Aricansas Fair. Oct. 17.21. B. D. Muzzy, secy. EI Dorado—Union Oonnty Fair. Oct. 18-22. R. N. Benson, chairman amusements and conces- sions. FayettevlIIe—^Washington Connty Fair Assn. Oct. 4-7. E. L. Nettlesblp, secy. Hot eprlogs—Arkansas State Fair Assn. Oct. 10-15. Geo. B. Belding, secy. THE BILLBOABD WILL APFBECUilE IHFOBIUXIOH WHICH WILL SERVE TO COBBECI AST EBBOBS EXIBXINa'jOr XHIS UBS. BEASERB XAY UTILIZE THE BLABXB BELOW FOB bOHXBIBUIIHO DAXA. ■..'.,*. Name of AasD.'ra Society under ffiiosG Auspices'18 hsld • • -• • v***.*'****'*""**.'** Name <tf town where fair Is beld - - - • Stats .•»•»»•«••,•■■■»■••■■•.•■»■*•••••••••••*•■■•-•••••••••■-••••-•••••••"•'••••••••»'■•••••• •■• • • • Date .........i.... i................. Name of President Name of Vice-President - Name'of Secretary Name of Treasurer - • ■ Name of Manitger —.......................... ........ ........ nat circuit? ^............ Parksr'a Percentage Games? ....'.Special or Buy Back Privileges... .......... If any officer's address is different from that of the Fair Itself, please Indicate opposite bis name. Pa., Fair. Motgantowa. W. Ta.. Fair. Femis- boro, W. Va., Fair. Buekhaiuion.'. W. Va., Fair. Cumberland, Md., Fall; Hagentown, Md., Fair. Baltimore. Hd.. Fair. Bobt.: Anderson, Wbeding. W. Va;, drcnlt aecre-. tary. SIXTH DISTRICT FAIR ASSN.—Victor,' la., Victor District Fair. Grlnnell. la.. Powe- shiek connty Fair. Newton. la., Jasper Co. Fair. PeUa, la.. Lake Prairie District Fair. : 'What Cbeer. la.. Fair. New Sharaa. la.. New Sharon Distrid Fair. J. S. Bailey, Jr.. 'Vic- tor, la., secretary. SOOTHEASTEES INDIANA'FAIR CIRCUIT.- Edlnbnrg, Ind., Fair. North Vernon, Ind., North Vernon Fair. Osgood, Ind.. Ripley Coimty Fair. Lawrencebnrg, Ind., Lawrence- bnrg Fair Assn. Qreensbnrg, Ind., Decatur County Fair. Columbus, Ind., Columbus Fair. Franklin, Ind., Fair. Rnsbvllle,- Ind.; Rush County Fair. Shelbyvllle, Ind., Shelby Co. Fair. W. 6. Norrls, Ht. Vemtm, Ind., pres- ident of drcnlt; R. G. Porter, Edlnbnrg. Ind.. secretary of circuit. SOUTHERN FAIR CIBCUIT—LonlaviUe, Ky., Kentucky State Fair. Nashville, Tenn., Ten- nessee State Fair. Memphis. Tenn., Tri-State Fair. Birmingham, Ala., State Fair ot Ala- bama. Montgomery. Ala.. Fair. Himtsville, Ala., Fair. Colnmbns. Ga.. Fair.- 'Flank Fuller. Memphis, Tenn.. s ecret ary of drcnlt. SOUTHERN OHIO SHORT SHIP CIRCUIT.— Colnmbns. O.. State Fair. Zanesville, O., Fair. Marietta, O., Washington Connty Fair. Athens, O., Fair. H. B. Hanning, Ath- ens, O., drcnlt secretary. TRI-STATE SHORT SHIP CIBCUIT OF NEBBASKA, IOWA AND. MISSOURI.—An- bnm, Nety., Antmm Sommer Bace Meet. Nebraaka City. Nci>.. Nebraska City Speed and Fair Assn. Bed Oak, la., Montgomery,. Coonty Fair. Malvern. la.. Mills Connty Fair. Shenandoah, la;, Shenandoah Fair Assn. Malt- land. Xo., Fair. Des Moines; Is., Iowa State Fair. I. J. Swain. Malvern, la., president of drcnlt; B. C. Howe, Anbnm, Neb., secretary of circuit. 'VIRGINIA. CAROLINAS AND GEORGIA FAIE CIBCUIT.—Galax. Va.. Galax Fair. Radford. Va.. Pair. Tazewell, Va., Tazewell Fair Assn. Roanoke. Va., Roanoke I. & A. Assn. ■ I<nicbburg, Va., Interstate Fair. Winston- Salem, N. C, Piedmont Fair. Greensboro. M. C. Central Carolina Fair Assn. Balelgh, N. v.. North Carallna State Fair. Cbailotte, N. C. Mecklenburg Fair Assn. Columbia. 8. C. Fair. Angnsta. Ga.. Georgia-Carolina Fair Assn. J. P. FIIppo, drcnlt secretary, Boan- oke, Va. 'WESTERN 'WISCONSIN PAIR CIIBCUIT.— . Reedsbnrg. Sparta, Tbmab. Portage. Hanston, Vtroqna VIoUu Etzarand Ctays Mills. W. A. Stolte, Beedsborg, Wis., drcnlt secretary. XiHtllton—Cttnway Connty Fair. Oct. 18-21. C. B. Simpson, secy. BnssellvIUe—Pope Co. Fair Assn. Oct. 19-22. C yr. Dodd, secy. CAUFOBNIA Hantord—^ngs Connty Fair. - Oct. 10-15. Mr. Baasett; secy. COLOBADO Pneblo—Colorado State Fair. Sept. 19-2t. A. L. Price,, secy. CONNECTICUT Berlin—Conn. State Fair. Sept. 27.30. L, W. Gwatkln, secy; Danbnry—Danbory Agrl. Soc Oct S-8. - O. IT. Bundle, secy. Granby—Oranby Fair. Sept. 23.29. E. B. Case secy. • Gullfoid—Gnlltord Agri. Fair. Sept. 38-30.* Harwlngton—Fair. Oct. 6. D. K. Bentley, secy. New Haven—New Haven County HorUcaltnral Sode^. Some time In November. Frederick H. WIrta. secy. Stafford Springs-Stafford Sorlngs Anlealtural Sodety. Sept. 27-29. C. B. Gary" secy. ' ixOBISA Chipley—West Florida Fair Assn. Oct. 2«- 28. O. E. Pleas, secy. Ocala—^Marian Co. Fair Assn. Nov. 22-25. D. S. Wllllsms, secy, Pensacola—Interstate Fair. Nor. 7-12. James C. Watson, secy. . OEOBCHA Angnsta—Georgia-Carolina Fair Assn. Nov. 7* 12. Frank E. Beane, secy. Calhoun—Gordon Cbanty Pair.- Oct. 18-22. J, T. McVay, secy. Colombos—Fair. Oct. 18-29. R. L. Camp, secy. Dalton—Fair. Oct 11-15. T. 8. HcCanny, secy. Donglas—Coffee Connty Fair Aasn. Nov. IS-10. Melvin Tanner, secy. Eatonton—Putnam Co. Fair Assn. Nov. 15-19. M. F. Adams, secy. Macon—Colored State Fair. Nov. 10-20. Mai. R. H. Wright, pres.. 610 New at., Macon. Ga. Macon—Georgia State Fair. Oct. 20-NOT. B. Harry O. Bobert. aecy, ,, 'jojom Boise—Idaho State Intermountain Fair. Oct. 10-15. Will H, 'Gibson, secy. Caldwell—Canyon Conoty Fair Aisn. Oct. 4-8. J. B. Gowen,' secy. Lewiaton—Lewlston-Clarkston Fair Assn. Oct. '10-15. JDO. B, NIckersoD. lacy. The Only Soccesgful Portable Jmnpiag Kon* Machioe on ibe Market and tiie Qreateat Money Maker la the Amnsement Uae One machine earned SIE,8SD.OO in 28 weeka in UOC One machine earned $17,943.00 in 29 weeks in UOfi. One machine earned $16,692.00 in 25 weeks In 1908. One machine earned $16,017.00 in 27 weeks in 1B07. One machine earned $12,862.00 in 27 weeks in UOtL One machine earned $16,842.00 in 25 veeka in UOB. Above figures ■mil be venfied to pros- pective customers. Write for catelag> and prices, ^y^ PABKER, iWleil, III. The Larg^ ^ Sensatioiial Act in the World. Best dMT KTttmA atuA Beat and ■»ortbrlIl> Jfat Blshtfeatu* TbrUnas eleetrieal CIrewvriu OidBh FotpaitfcBUw of tfas f*TP**"i vecocd bfeak* nug, dowd-diawiBCB, fpectanUr Icalme, UONELLEfiARE BedildiMa,FB. THE ORCUNG WAVE For thp small amonnt of capital required, is the most profitable Investment. The catcblest* and most popular amusement riding device In use. Easily and quickly set up and taken do'wn, InezpenslTc to operate, and to transport from §Iace to place. Operated by gaaoUae engine, eats 80 people. Music by cylinder piano or. organ. Mow la the time to place year onw. ' Catalogoei price and teatlmonlala on application. - ARMITAGE A. GUINN, PatoDtees and Bole Haaafaotiiisrs, SPRIN6VILLE. ERIE COUNTY. NEW STREETMEN 'We are headquarters for all the latest novelties. Send for our catalogue on Confetti, Canes. Knives. Carnival Goods, Rubber Balls, Rubber and Qa«' Balloons. X^nes We are exclusive agents for Cincinnati and vicinity for I. Elsenstein & Co. Prices in Cincinnati same as In New York. THE GflLBSmn T§T IMPIRTING Ci. 182 E. Fourtli Street, Cincinnati, Oblo. It U a fact that the BIG EU WHEEL la one of tha. lately rallaMe. af> ery day money got- ters among ridlaa d*. vices. Improved wnni to dste. One of onr customers baa Joat written us, June 21. that following at* some of hia dally re- ceipts on a No. U. • .. ^ wheel, addtnc that a day nnder (100 he don't Fount: •im. (132. $168, $113, $110. $123.15. t^BO tlSl {sM, *3M, llW. $188. |SS4.S0. $im Tbeai m taett ■5dwe_ha'»e proof. Onr Catalog t^la It all. . 143-B. Roodhoute, IIL, U. 8. A.