The billboard (Sept 1910)

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SEPTEMBER 24,1910. X ti e OI MonnUln Hwne—Elmore Co. Fair Asin. Sept. 28-80. Parli—Bear l«ke Countr Fair and Driving Auoelatlon. Sept. 28-30. W. B. Bolmea, •eejr. iLmjois Cbicako—Tblrd National Apple Sliow. Not. 28- Dec. 4. Ben H. Bice, secy. Chicago—International Live Stock Expo. Not. 26- Dec. 3. B. H. Helde. aecy. OUTDlIloo—Oreene Constjr Fair Aun. Oct. 18- 21. S. E. Slmpaon, lecy. Oarllnvllle—Macoupin County Fair. Oct. 11-14. 0. W. York, aecy. Oolconda—Pope Ctouoty Agrlcnltoral Aaaa. Oct. 0-8. C. O. Kerr, aecy. Batdln—Calboun County Agricultural Fair Aaso. Sept. 28-30. Cbaa B. Lamar, aecy. HcNabb—Putnam County Fair. Sept. 27-30. Ed- wlB O. aunn, aecy. UartiDiTllle—Clark Connty Fair. Sept 20-24. H. Oaaaaway. aecy. Ut. Vernon—Jefferson County Fair Aaan. Sept. 27- 30. C. B. KeUer. secy. Plnckaeyvtlle—Perry County Agrl. Society. Sept. 27-30. 3. C. WUdey. aecy. Bed Bad—Randolpb County Fair. Oct. 11-13. B. H. Wegener, secy. Boblnaon—Crawford Co. Orange Fair. Sept. SIMO. Henry Coulter, aecy., DancanTllle. ilL Sprlngiield—Illinois SUte Fab. Sept. 30-Oct. % J. K. Dickinson, wey. Bourbon—Bourbon Fair Assn. Oct. 4-7. B. W. Parka, aecy. Bremen—Marshall Connty Fair. Sept. 27-30. J. B. Snyder, aecy. BTanarllle—U'rt-titate Fair. Sept. 28-Oet. 1. AlTla J. BagOD. aecy. It. -Wayne—Qieat Ft. Wayne Fair. Sept. 20- 24. P. T. Strieder. aecy. KendallTUle—KendaUTlUe Fair. Sept. 26-30. V. C. Brown, seey. Kantland—Newton Cbatr Fair. Sept. 29-31. Wm. Simmons, secy. Pine Village—>Warren Co. Fair. Sept. 23-24. F. B. Ogbom, aecy. BbelbyTlUe-«helbyTllIe Baees. Oct. 12-14. J. MOTTlBoa, secy. Tene Haute—Vigo County Fair. Sept. 18-24. C. I. Fleming, secy. IOWA Albia—Monroe Co. Fair. Sept. 2T-30. 7. T. Porter, aecy. Atlantic—Daaa County Fair Asan. Sept. 18-24. Carl Hoffman, secx. ATOca—Pottawattamie Connty Fair. Sept. ST- 80. C. fl. Bead. aecy. Falrlleld—Jefferson Oo. AgrL Assn. 29. Chaa. H. Oage, secy. Gathrle Center—Ontlirte Conntr B>tr. . Oet. 4-7. : T. B. OrlacU. aecy. Hampton—Franklin Co. Fair. Sept. 27-30. Sher- wood A. Clock, aecr. Kellerton—Blnggold Connty Fair. Sept. 27-30. Thomaa Campbell, secy. La Porte City—Porte City District Fair As- soelatlon. . Sept. 27-30. F. K- Biajt. secy. iHatrlet Fair. 3. B. Aloens. Agrlcnltnial Society. Sept^ 28- Lyons—Cllntoo ■ecy. Oaage—Mitchell Conn^ _ Sept. 27-29. A. O. Kngter, secy. Bkmz City—Interstate Uto Stock Fait Assn. Sept. 19-Z4. Joe Morton, aecy. Spirit Ijike—DIcklnaon Co. Agrl. Aasn. Sept. 27-28. A. M. Jobnaon, Jr., aecy. Ibledo—Tama Connty Fair Asan. Sept 27-80. A. O. Smith, secy. _ Weat Point—West Point Dlat Fair. Sept 27. 28. Jas. Walljaaper, secy. What Cheer—Wbat Oieer Dtot Fair. Sept 28- 29. Geo. A. Potr, secy. Abilene—^Dickinson County Fair Asan. Sept 27-30. Ctaas. Morton,- secy. Belolt—Mitchell Conn^ Fair Asan. Sept 28- Oct I. W. S. aabel. leer. Burllnston—CoSey Co. FUr Assn. Sspt 21-30. Henry Jackaon, secy. Chetopah—FaU Falr.^Oct. 5-8. ClmaroD—Cray Co. Agri. Society. Sept, 28-30. Chaa. Bnll. aecy. Coffeyrllle—^Montgomery Co. Fair Assn. Sept 27-30. EUtott Irrln, secy. Dooglas—Donglaa. Agrl. Soc. Sept 28-Oct 1. J. A. Clay, aecy, Bmporia—Lyon Cb.'Agrl. Society. . Sept 20-24. TO. P. Cowan, aecy. Baracr—Harper' Connty AgrL Ann. Sept 27- 30. S. C. Lobangh, secy. Lawrence—Donglas Co.- Fair. Sept 28-Oet 1. Elmer E. Brown, secy. Manhattan—MaohatUn Agrl. Fair Assn. Oct 11-14. C. E. Olemer, secy. MlnnrnpoUs—Ottawa Co. Fair Assn. Oct. 4-7. ' J. B. Johnston, secy. Monnd City—Linn County Fair Assn. Sept 27- _ 80. John O. Uom. aecy. New qty-^ess Connty AgrL Asan. Sept 28- _.3a. H.: Vr. OUmore, aecy. Blley—Blley Connty Agrl. Soc. Oct 11-14. 0. F. Dlemer, secy. Stafford—SUffotd Oommerelal Clnb. Sept 22- 24. Bd. L. Peacock, mgr. WakeBcId—Wakefield AgtL Society. Oet 8-T. _Engene BIklna. secy. Wichita—Fair. Oct 17-22. Chaa. Moabacher. Bedford—Trimble Co. Fair. Oct 7-8. K. H. McCain, aecy. Falmoatb—Falmouth Fair Co. Sept. 28-Oct 1. J. B. Williams, secy. Glasgow—South Ky. Fair Asan. Sept 28-Oet _1. Thoa. Oteklnaon. secy. Horse OsTe—Hart County Fair Co. Sept-21-24. ..Dr. H. O. Bmnar, aecy. Umutown—Batler County Fair. Sept 22-24. J. T. Kltllnger, secy. OwensboTO—DaTici Connty Fair. Oct. 4-8. 8., B. LeCi secy. Padneab—Padncab Fair Aaan. Sept 28-Oct 1. Bodney O. DaTis, secy. Spsrta—Bandolph County Fair. Oct. 4-7. A. A. Brown, secy. SOUniAVA . Benton— Fair. Oct. 25-28. W. 3. Dawson, secy. Oalhonn—North {.aCamp Meeting Fair. Sept 28- 80. F. S. Watson, secy. Oonahatta—Bed Blrer Parish Fair. Oct 2S-2& P. a UeLemere, leey. Qlbaland—JDIzle Fair. Oct B-8. Geo. Fleming. _«eey.. Bomer—Olalborne Parish Fair. Oct 1M4. BII- land IHnlae, aecy. Jeanerette—Jeanerette Fair Aasn. Oet, 8-8. S. B. Boane. aecy. Xiake Cliarles—Caleaslons. La., Fair Aasn. Not.' 23-26. Leon Cbaranne, secy. X<afayette—Lafayette Parish Fair Aaso. Sept 29- Oet. 2. F. V. MantoD, aeer. ■ —ir. Tiei Mansfleld—DeSoto Pariah Fair. et 28-28. A.. »any-3D*Bota'Pu& Tab. Ocieber 18-«. >. a. Bellsle. secy. MarksTlUe—^AToyellea Parish Fair Aaan. Oet 12-16. L. B. Fields, secy. Mlnden—^Webster Parish Fair Assn. Oct 18- 2I-. B. 3. Falkner, secy. Monroe—Ouacblta Pariah Fair. Oct. 24-29. E. W. Anderson, secy. Natcbltocbea—Natcbltoehea Parish Fair Aasn. Oct. 19-22. Jas. B. Tucker, secy. Plain Dealing—Bossier Parish Fair. Oet. 25- 28. W. J. Dawson, secy. Boston—Lincoln Parish Fair. Oct. 11-14. E. F. Wanen, aecy. Shreveport—State Fair of Louisiana. Nor. 2-11. Louis N. Brueggerboff, aecy. Acton—Shaplelgti & Acton Agrl. Assn. Oct 0-7. Fred K. Bodwell, secy. Amherst—Northern Hancock Agrl. Soc. Sept 27-28. B. M. KInnlston, secy. Andorer—Northern Oxford Fair. Oct. 5-8. Jno. F. mbbotaecy. Anson—Somerset Cy>anty Fair. Sept 2S-29. Or- lando Walker, secy. Bristol—Bristol Fair Assn. Oct. 4-6. 3. W. Hunter, secy., Damarlscotta, Me. Damarlacotta—Lincoln Connty Fair. Sept 27- 29. O. W. Singer, secy. EmbellD—Embelln Agricultural Society. Oct 1. Geo. Wltham. aecy.. North Anson, He. Exeter—West Penobscot Fair. Sept ZT-29. B. B. Calbaa, secy., B. F. D.. No. 8. _ Farmlngton—Franklin County Fair. Sept. 27- 29. Chaa. F. Smith, secy. Freeport—Freeport Poultry Assn. Dec. 27-30. Geo. P. Coflln, ae». Fryebnrg-West Oxftnrd Fair. Oct 4-8. B. Walker McKeen. secy. - _ Hartland—Eaat Someiaet Fair. Sept. 22-84. B. A. Webber, secy. _ New Qloncster—^New Gloucester & Dsnnlle Agrl. Assn. Oct 4-5. Cbts. H. Nelson, secyy. Pembroke—^Washington County Fsir. Dates not set J. M. Morgan, secy., W. Pembroke, Me. Portland—Maine SUte Poultry and Fat Stock Aaan. Dee. 14-17. A. f.. MerrlU. aecy.. Au- boRi, Me. Blchmond—Blchmrad Farmera' Clnb. Sept 27. N. H. Shelton, secy. _ . - South Wlnaon—Sonth Kennebec Fair. Oct 4-6. L. H. Ford, secy., Whitefleld. Me. Topsham—Sagadahoc County EVOr. Oct 11-13. J. F. Becker. Bowdoln. Me. _ . „ West Cnmberland—Farmers' Clnb. Sept. 27-28. B. W. Wlnslow, secy., B. F. D., No. 3, Woodfords, Me. XABZUHS Cnmberland—Cnmberland Fair and Agricultural Assn. Oct 4-7. Geo. B. Deneen, seer. „ . Frederick—Frederick Co. AgrL Society. Oet 18-21. O. C. Warehlme, secy. _ . _ . Hageratowit—Washington Connty Fair. Oct 11- 14. D. B. S'taley. secy. lIASSACBirBEXTS Amesbnry—Amesbury and SalUbvF Fhlr. Sept 27-29. M. H. sands, secy. . _ . ^ Barte—West Worcester Co. Agrl. Society. Sept 29-30. Edward A. Brodenr, secjr^ Boston—Massachusetts Bortlcnltmal Society. Sept 18-18 and Oct 4-7. Wm. V. BIch. secy. Brockton—Brockton Fair. Oct 4-T. Perry G. rant secy. Cummlngton—Billiard Agilcnltntal Aaso, Sept 27- 28. C. F. Burr. Blngrille. Conn. Great Batrington—Bonsatontc AgrL Soc. Sq>t 28- Oet 1. Fred J. FnUer. secy. Bingham—Bingham Fair Assn. Sept 27-28. Wm. B. Thomas, secy. Northampton—Northampton. Franklin and Bamp- den Fair Asan. Oet S-e. C. A. Montgom- Palmer^Se Palmer Fair. Oct 7-S. lonla B. Chandler, secy. Spencer—Spencer Farmers and Heebanlea' Assn. S^t 28-24. Geo. B. Bamer, secy. mameAS Adrian—Lenawee County Fair. Sept 26-30. F. A. Bradlsb, secy. _ . „ «„ Allegan—Allegan Co. Agrl. Soc. Sept 27-30. A. H. Foster, secy. . _ . ^ » , Armada—Armada Agrlcnltnral Society. Oet 5- 7. Orry Holett, secy. . _ „ Bad Axe—^Hnion Co. Fair. Oet 4-7. Heniy Stewart secy. . _ . — . Benton Harbor—Southern Mleblgaa Stat* Fair. Sept 27-30. Fred Felton, aecf. . — Cass City—Cass City District Fair. Sept 27- 3a W. J. CampbeU. secy. Cassopolis—Cas Co. Fair. Sept. 20-25. B. H. Black, secy. ... , _ , . Charlotte—Eaton Connty Agricultural Society. Sept 27-30. V. O. Grtfflth secy. Crasw^—Croswell Agrleoltoral Society. Sept 28-80. J. H. Mnrdangh. ■ secj. Detroit—Michigan State Fair. Sept 18-24. Fowlerrllle—^FowlerrlUe Agrlcnltnral Society. Oct 4-7. Geo. A. Newman, secy. Flint—Northeastern Indnstrlal Fair. Sept 27- 30. Allen J. Beach, secy. Hart—Oceans County Agrlcnltnral Society. Sept 20-23. F. H. Mack. secy. „ HarrlsTlUe—Alcona County Fair. Sept 28-28. Hooghton—Copper County Fair. Sept 27-30. Jmn T. McNamara. secy. Hillsdale—Hillsdale Fair. Oct. 3-7. C. W. Terwllllger, secy. . . ■ . ^ Imlay City—Imlay City Agricultural Society. Oct 4-6. Frank Bathsbnrg, secy, lonta—Ionia Fair and Exposition Aaan. Sept. 26-29. M. J. Spanldlng. secy. _— Mllford—MUford Ftalr Assn. Sept. 27-80, M. C. Wtlllsms. secy. _^ . ^ „ . North Branch—North Branch Fair Society. Sept 28-30. W. F. Galbralth, secy. . „ . _ St Johns—Clinton County Aclrgnltnral Society. Sept 2T-S0. Geo. N. fVney. se». WolTcrlne—Sontbem Cheboygan Connty Fair. Oct 5-7. M. B. Potter, seCT. umnsoTik Appleton—Swift County Fair. Sept 22-24, A. D. Countryman, secy. Austin—Mower Connty Agricultural Society, Sept. 21-34. B. II. Smltb. secy.- Bagley—Clearwater Oo. Agrl. Soc. Oet. 8-8. .■' F. S. Kalberg, secy. Bralnetd—^Pequot-Crow Wing Agrl. Soc. Sept. 28- 30. J. B. Sanberg, secy. Brown's Valley—TraTcrse County F^lr. Sept 29- Oct 1. H. V. Beald, secy. Byron—Fair. Sept. 27-30. F. D. Cutting, aecy. Canby—Yello%T Medicine County Fair. Oct 4-7. Frank B. Mlllatd. leer. CarTer—-CarTer Ooonty. ralr. Sept 22-24. C. B. Funk, secy. Cokato—Western Wright Connty Flair. Oct. 8-8. J. W. Beckman, sc«r. Dsssell—Meeker Co. Fair. Oct 14-18. Oscar n, Lindqulst, secy. Fairmont—Marion Connty Agrlcnltnral Society. Sept. 29-Oct 1. R. N. Tyler, secy. Farmlngton—Dakota County. Agrlctdtnral Soci- ety. Sept. 29-Oct 1. O. W. Ltwta, ttj, Olenwood—Fkir, Sept 2fr4)ct 1; Ii. It, Land- ing, aecy. (Oontlnned on pag* 84.) SECRETARIES If FAIRS, CEITEMMlSat HOME-COMIISS «HMwaeus gumiB CUD Ml LEGARFS MAMMOTH SPIRAL TOWER ACT MOST VARIED OPEN-AIR FEATURE Hit of the season of the open-air itar bliuag featmre* at Cimer Island, Cincinnati, Ot See l%e BlUboaid dated Ang. 27. 1010. page 25. article "Cmcy'n week ot Aug. 14, 1910. Acta." Be-engaged at Baltimore. Hit of the season at the United Ballway Co.'a Bay Shore Park, Baltimore. Md., weeks of Aug. 22 and 20. BALTIMOBE AMEBIC^, BALTIMOBB, MO., AUG. SO. 1910—"UOnel IMare's eshlhltlcsi on his mammoth aplral tower at Bay Shot* Park. laat ireek, wan reeelTed wltli niA genoia* aatlg- faction by the audience that the management of tlw puk deemed It aeeeanijr to re-engag« htm for a nother week, .etc.. etc." TBB NEWS, BALTIHOBE, MO.. SEPT. 3, 1910.—"Lionel Legare's exhibition on Ms maaa- motb spiral tower at Bay Shore Park comes to a close tomorrow eTcnlng. A large number peopl* uaTe witneaaed thia remarkable act each day during the laat two weeka. It inclndea maay eqaUlbflstle featniea seen here for the Orat time. etc.. etc." A few open datea. Address IIOHBL T.TOABB, Betblekam, Fa. ThIa act has apwial aad eepytlghted UtbMraphs, also special engraTcd and deacrlptlf* atanda. Twelva atylea, maklas t»- gether any alxa from a one-sheet to a nzteen-sheet stano. ASSORTED COLORS MR. FAIR MAN How About The Fain This FaUT One customer at a carnival sold all he had^TEN GROSS PINAFOURS first two davi^ and writes he conld have sold thirty grou more that week if he had had them. A. display stand free with your fiirt ffottm^ THE POIAFOim TOT WQ. CO^ CANTON. OHIO* NOVELTY DEALEIS AND SPECIALTY MENI Grr WISE AND CONNECT WITH US. WE'VE GOT THE GOODS. AND THE PRICES. TOO. N«w S«lf-Fllllna Fountain Pan, par gron. $16.00. Complete line of notions, canes, knives, flash goods, jeweliy, piemiums, spedalti^, souvenirs, etc., at lowest prices. Writ* for our largvoataloflu*. MalladfrMon applloation. LEVIN BROS., - Xerre Haute, Ind. CHEWING GUM USERS WE ABB THE UANUFACTDRERS OF THE OWL PEPSIN CHEWING GUM Now being used by a majority of ttioM folknriog Eui%CSunivaIaketa,forFidc-Oiilib Ftiddle TVhedo^ ete. Write for prices. BALTIMORE CHEWING GUM CQ , BALTIMORE, MD. BIG MONEY IN OUR SOAP-^o" AGENTS Get our prices oo soap ana toilet articles. They will Interest yon. Oor adTertlstnc assorted packages with Talnable raemlnms hare the flash and valne that get the money. ErerrtKXlF uses them. MAKE OREAT SOTTVENIBS FOB BBQ-WS, CARNIVAIA', ETC. Honey getters for canTassscs and fakers. One yoan^; man cleared $1,008.63 In 6 months ■traleht on a house to honse csavass. Are yon doing as well? If not. send postal todsy. ^ We wUl teach yon how. E. K. PAVIB SOAP CO., 308 Union Park Court, CMcate. KNIVES, CANES, NOVELTIES AU, TBX LATEST NOVELTIES OUT. BOUVEJIUtS OT ALL KIBSS. BaUoona. Whip*. SOnawkera. ShsU Pntaes, GIsss Lampa. Oomle Battona, Confetti. Dusters, Slanpecs. Tlaael Faa- Banta, Leather Goods, Mirrors, Shell Necklacea. Initial Pins, Watches, Prise Jewelry. Blowoata, lap Canta. Bnbbn BaUs Glaaa Noveltlea, Blbhon. Boaettea, FV>imtttn Pena. S^cent Show 8o»- eanlia, Ttieka. Pnaalea. Lartest MoTel» SopplTHoaae m Ohio. OlioaaaBds ot aatlsaed ew- tamau. Orders shipped a ame da y -aa receWed. 1910 Catalosn* FBEK. - Hswmur ma. oo.. m-»a waaaaad A«taM, cxevzlabd. ohm*. Comer's Oraiig|eade If the ejlcteal and be«^ Beware of aahstltntea. (90.00 pieOt aa mar brand. Onanatied ndav theJD. S.,GoTmmeat Pore rood Laws, Serial No. 9348. The beat and moat popnlar drink tar Parka, Falm. Batertalnmenta, etc. One ponsd makes 40 gallons; price. t2.2S. Send 10 eenta ym aampt* gaUoa. Write for prjeea In large Quantities. - mM COBg EB. 00., SOI Xai^aad Street. B TOTALO. MEW Tt^ ^tM BUY DIRECT from MANUFACTURERS and IMPORTE I ( / / / y/ t( (I Toy Whips, Csnes, Pennants, Gas Balloons. Knives, Canes for Coxa Board. Send fss me Catalofnie. NASELLA BROS., 32 Atlantic Av»., BOSTON. MASS. THE BIIiliBOARD BfAKBS A BIPECVO, OOUPUMEXPtABX BAXB ON ADVERTISING TO MKIfBERS OF THB PROFBSSIOH' OM FBOl stoNAii AmrovNCEaiBaras and at ubkrtt cards.