The billboard (Sept 1910)

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64 Xlie Oillboard SEPTEMBER 24, 1910. FAIRS (Cinitlniie& ftom psge 51.) Hennas—Grant Coontr AgtU Axsn. Sept. 2S- 24. D. Arneson, secy. HopUna—Henneptix Comity Agricnltnnl Soci- ety. Sept. 23-24. W. S. Smetana, Eecy. Kasson—Dodge County Fair. Sept. 26-28. B. A. Shaver, secy. Zons Prairie—^Falr. Sept. 22-24. Joe Dennis, secy. • Lnvetne—Bock Comity Agrl. Society. S^t. 39- Oct. 1. F. A. Leiclier. secy. Marsball—^I^yon Connty Agrlcnltotal Society. Sept. 27-30. B. B. Daniel, aecy. Morris—Stevens Co. Agri. Soc. Oct. 4-8. Geo. W. Belse. aecy. NortliBeld—Bice Co. Fair. Sept. 19-24. Geo. M. Gregg, secy. Flllager—Cass Co. Agrl. Soc Sept. 28-30. Baymond Peterson, secy. Bodiester—Olmsted Coonty Agrtcnitnral Soci- ety. Sept. 27-30. F. B. Cutting. Byron, Hlnn. Bosean—^Bosean Co. Agrl. Soc. Sept.. 26-28. M. J. Hegland. secy. _ _ . St. Jamea—Waronwan Coonty Ago. Soc 22-24. C. T. Crowley, secy. . „ , Tvro Barbors—lAke Comity Agrlcoltnral Soci- ety. Sept. 22-24. H. C. Hanson, sefflr. Tyiei^UncoIn County Fair. Sept. 22-24. Jno. H. Brown, secy. _ . _ ^ , Waseca—Waseca County Fair. Sept. 29-Oct. 1. H. A. Fanzram. secy. UBSISBIFPI Baldwin—Northeast Mlsdsgippl Fair Assn. Sept. 27-29. W. McEHroy. secy. BoonvUIe—^Prentice Co. Fair Assn. Oct. 4-7. Dr. E. D. Foster, secy. „ » o. Canton—Madison Co, Fair Assn. Oct 18-21. W. I*. Dinkina, secy. ' Golmnbns—^Mississippi & West Alabama. Blair. ■- Oct. 19-22. J. B. Bandle, secy. . - „ Corinth—Alcorn Co. Fair. Oct. 12-15. B. M. GIoatet^AiSite^'wUklnson BWr. Oct. 13-14. W. 6^S^?™ata^aIr Assn. Oct. lS-20. Geo. Gi^fflte^DrtS'-Fiifc Aasn. Oct. 10-16. I.. Pink Smith, secy. _ Golfport—Harrison Co. Fair. sow. 0-10. C. i. BmpivA^^Soifh Mississippi Fair Assn. Oct. 3-8. C. H. Cord. secy. „ _ _ ■, w Bonston—Chlekanaw Co. Fair. Oct. 3-6. J. W. Hamilton, aecy... Honlka. Mias. Jackson—Mlsalsalppl State Fair. Oetr g^'Sl: 2. J. K. McKay, aecy and mgr.; J* -M. Mc- Donald, asst. secy, and mgr. Xii^il&^WInatan Comity FUr Assn. Sept. 28-30. W. 0. Hlght, a»cy. — ■ Mt. Olive—Covington-Co. Fair Assn. Oct. l»-. 21. W. A. Hollqway. aecy. Kat^ez—Mlsa.-Idu Kafr Aaan. Ocli li. 's^to&Ta^'co. IWr, Oct_M-M. I- B. Bt2*^*e-i5ktSKha "cirB^V" 6ct.-4-«. Buy Naaan, meer. lasBonBX Bmnswlck—Bmnawlck Fair Assn. Oct. 13-15. L. 0. Cleveland, se^. ^ - _^ _ Cnba—Crawford Connty Flair Assn. Sept. zr- 30. 1. O. Wallrer, aecg. _ _,„__ i^iaas City—Mlsaonrl vaBey^BWr Broo- rtSm (hSd at Electric Park). Sept. 24-Oct. K2i..f^.^3S5°giy5^~ Stock ^w. Oct. KSg^o^:i&;'-SSr^^- Bea Alderton. mJI^o— Mo. DeKalb Co. Fair. Sept 21:24. E. A. Bnnton. aecy. i,_vn.i» Sont Odessa—Stock Show and Agd. ^^It Sept 22-25. Chaa. W. WagoBer.^iggr. -^^-_ Blchland—BIchland Stock »«>^ A^«^*!5SJS bttlS. Sept 28-Octi 1. J.^. Alnwtrons, St?^iseph^lnter«tate live 8t<^*^"e "shiSr*Sept 26^t. 1. «!. B^S^iT^ JL j^St Ionia—Aero Clnb Meet Ort. ^^S. B. Percy Noel, acting secy.. 80* N. 4tli St Bedalla—Mlssoort State BUk Oct .1-7.- John T SUnaon, aecy. H^Ikeston—xn-Comity Fair. Sept 28-Oct 1. A. ^ A. Ebert KCT. KOHXASA - Anaconaa—Fair. Sept 22-24. W. B. Colemaa. secy. Chinook—Fair: Oct 3-5. _ . . SUloit—Beaverhead Comity Fair Aaan. Oct 3-8. 8. C. Carmthers, aecy. „ ^ - Helena—Montana State Fair. Sept .2a-pct_ 1. Martin Martin, sec7. _ , Mlasonia—Apple Show. Oct 10-15. A. JT. Bialt enateln, secy.' AInsworth—Brown 00. Fair. Sept 28-30.- C W. Potter, secy. „ . ^ ^ . .. -r, Anbnm—^Nehema Connty Fair. Oct 4-6. D. B. Long, secy. Bladen—Webster Comity Fair. Sept. 26-30. A, B^e—Btvd'^. Fair Assn. Oct B-8. J. N. ^lUer, secy. _ . „ . . _ _ Clay Center—Clay Comity Fair. Oct 4-7. H. TT Harvey, aecy. ». Gering—ScottB BlnS Connty Fair. Sept. SMO. A. B. Wood, secy. ' _ _.. «<■.< Hardaon—Slonx Co. jligrU Soc . Sept 33.-3*. H^Inra—Centoi Nrtraska Fall FastlTsl. Oct llfis. Wm-.S. Tritea. secy. _ ^ BKrSt^tSeSet—OtyeB Comity Fair. . Sept 29- " Mtatoir;&«i.?f C^mty"Tilr. Oct 4-7. Val 0^^^iar%mtr Mr. Sept 2»30. C P. oSS^^& SSty Fair. Sept 27-20. O. T. Cheshro, secy. _ . « •»oo n OaceoU—Polk Connty Fair. Sept 27-29. Q. 8mrfr!^«inn% Gbimty Fair. Sept 28-30. W StnekvUle—^Frontier County Fair. Sept 27-80, 3^ S.Oieney. aecy. ' _ - » •Itenmseb—Johnson Cooatr Mr. Sept 2840. avedoB—mtehcock Co. Fair Aaan. Sept. 32-84. 0. -11. BlanChard. , secy. ' -KEW- SUXFSHIBS . . '; . BoAester—Bocbester H. and A. Aaan. Sept : 27-30. Frank BL Magitfre; aecx- ' HEW'JEBSE7 ' Atlantic City—Atlantic City »alr. .Jnly 20 to • ^ ot *»son. B. C. Oadlale. aecy.. 647 129th St. New To* OtT. . _ _ Mt Hony—Mt HOBy Fair. -Oct 4-7.:; B. - F, Tt^ S£4»to ^tata; FMte. Sept; 9840. ; H^'St BCaxKciuui. avLy.; , '.^ SEW XBZICO Alboqaerqne—^rtilrtleth Annual New Mexico Fair. Oct. 3-8- John B. McManna, aecy. Springer—Colfax Co. Fair Assn. Sept 21-24, B. J. Devlne, secy. NEW TOBK Altamont—Albany Ooon^ Agricultural Sodety. Bath—Stenben Co. Agrl. Soc. Sept 27-30. Chas. A. Sbnits. secy. Batavia—Genessee Co. Agrl. Soc Sept 21-24. Albert E. Brown, secy. Bingbamtm—Bingbamton Fair. Sept. 27-30. H. S. Martin, secy. Brockport—^Monroe Co. Agrl. Society. Sept 28- Oct 1. Fred H. Shafer, secy. Gaoandaigua—Ontario Co. Agrl. Soc.-Sept 22- 24. Clair I.. Mbrey, secy. Carrollton—Carrolltim Agrl. Fair. Oct 4-7. CobleskiU—Schoharie County Fair. Oct 4-7. W. H. Golding. aecy. Dundee—Dundee Fair Assn. Oct 4-6. H. I*. WoodmS, aecy. Fonda—^Montgomery Co. Agricnitnral Society. Oct. 3^ J. B. Martin, aecy. Genoa—Fab. Sept 24-28. A. I<. Wright, aecy. Hemlock—-Hemlack TJnlon Agricultural. Society. Oct 4-6. 8. Parker Hoppough. aecy. Mlneola—Agricultural Sodefir of Qneena and Nasaan Cbimtles. Sent 20-24. iKitt Tan de -Water. Jr., Hempstead. N. T. Morris—Morris Fair Assn. Oct 44S. D. F. Wightman. secy. _ Oneida—^Falr. Sept 23-26. H. J. Vollmer, '.secy. PeeksklU—Hudson Valley A. and H. Fair. Percy Elkeles, aecy., 1^ Broadway. N. Y. Palmyra—Palmyra Union' AgrL Soc Sept 22- 24. J. H. Walton, secy. , _ Poaghkeepsle—^Dntcbess Connty Agrlcnltoral So- ciety. Sept 27-30. Wm. T. Ward, secy. Beed Comers—Gorbam Agrl. Soc Oct 6-8. T. B. Pierce, secy., Canandalgna. N. T. Richfield—ElchSeld Springs AgrL Soc. Sept 26- 28. A. B- Gnman. se<7. ' _ _ Vernon—Agrlcoltural Society. Sept Z7-S0. O. G. Simmons, secy. _ Waterloo—Seneca connty Agricultural Society. Sept 27-29. Ed. Nugent aecy. ' KOBTH CMtOIXHA Bnrllnston—Alamance Fair Association. Oct 4-7. McBrlde Holt Graham. N. C. -__ Charlotte—MecMenhnrg Pair Aaan. Oct. 26-29- C. W. Ci«sweU, secy. Fayettevllle—Cumberland Connty Agrl. Associ- ation. Oct 25-28. S. H. Strange, secy. Gfttbant—Alamance Coonty :FaIr. Oct 4-7. Mc- Brlde Holt secy. ' Greensboro^-Central CatoUna FUr Assn. Oct 11-14. Garland Daniel, aecy. „ Klng^tokea Co. Fair Aaan. Oct 18-20. WIU B. KIger, secy. • _ _ North Wllkesboro—Wilkes Oo. Pair. Sept 27- 29. W. A. Bnnis. secy. _ ~. „ Balelgb—^Nortb Carolina State BWr. Oct 17- 22. Jos. B. Pogne. aecy. - „ _ Sallsbniy—Bowan Co.. Fair. Oct 18-22. T. M. ArraamltJu'.secy.t -"j _ WaynesvUIe—Haywood Oo. Fair. Oct *-7. Hor- ace Sentells, sec- « » ™»oo Wllkeihoio—Wilkes Cbnnty Fair. Sept 27-29. W. A. Bullls, secy. _ Wlnstbn-Balem-^PIedmont Fair. Oct 5-8. G. B- Webb, aecy; , - BDKTH MKOXA. Hlnot—Ward County Agrt Fair Assn. Sept 27- 29.'"~A. V. Swanson, secy; _ ^ _ Wahpeton—BliUand Coi. Fair Assn. Bept ZT- 30. B. J.. Hughes, secy. OElb ' Akron-^.8limnilt County Fair. Oct 4-7. P. Q. Att^^U^^is Conn^ Agricultural Society. Sept 28-29. H. H. Huilng, aecy. ^ _ _„ Attica—AtHca tinlon Fair Aaan. Sept 27-30. Bowling *Green-^Wooa Connty Fair. Sept 10 24. B. S. Sweet secy. . ,. ■ f « Cadla—Harrlaoo Co. Fair. Oct 4-8. C M. Osbnm, secy. . _ . Canal Dover—Tuscawaraa Co. Agrl. soc uct. 18-21. J. S. Kams, «cy. „ . _~, „ Canfleld—Mahoning. Co.. Fair. Sept 27-29. B. r,. Blancheater. secy. , o— Cimton-^tarke Connty Agrlcoltnral Society. Sept 27-30. Charles A. Pontius, secy. Coshocton—Coshocton Co. Agricultural Society. Oct 11-14. W. B. Miller, SMT. „^ ^ _ Georgetown—Georgetown Agrl. Fair. Oct 4-7. I«wls Bidiar. aecy. . . „ Hamnton—BuUer Oo. Agricultural Soidety. Oct 4-7. C. A. Komler. aecy. Harrison—Fair. Oct _4-8. ... i. , lAncaster—Fairfield Onmty Atbdcultural Soci- ety. Oct 12-16. W. T. SJ^enaghMi^aecy. Marlon—Marlon Connty Fair. Sept 27-30. J, A. Knapp, aecy. _ « _ , Mt Gllead—Morrow Co. Fair. Oct .4-7. O. J, Miner, secy. . . ", _ , ^ Newark Idckbur County ' Agrlemtural Society. Oct 4-8. J. M. Farmer, aecy. - Ottawa—Putnam Connty Fair. Oct 4-8. A. P. Salem—Canfleld Fair. Sent 26-30. B. Jj. Man- chester, secy., B. F. D. 'No. 4. „ ,^ „ ,„ Smlthfleld—Jefferson Ooonty Fair. Sept 28-30. J. O. Hayne. aecy. „ * Snmmerfield—Sommerflcld Dlat Fair. Sept ZI- Washington—Gnemsey Connty Fair. Bept 27- 30. B. 3. McCreary, secy. OKUEOlU Ardmote—Carter Co. Fair Assn. Oct. 11-13; Orin Bedlleld. aecy. . , Blackwell—Inter-State Pair. Sept 19-24. Mal- colm, McDonald, asst secy. BartlesvlUe—Fair. Oct 10-15. Mlaa Emma B- Knell, aecy. Mnokogee—^Muakogee Fair. Oct 10-13. Oklahoma: City—State Fair Aasn. of Oklahoma. - Sept 27-Oct. 9. I. S. Mahan, secy.- Pawnee—Pawnee Park ft Fair Assn. Oct 6-7. 0BB60H Pendleton—Eastern Oregon IMstrlct Asnaatoral Society. : Sept 264>ct I. Theo. Pltagerald, B^^rg—Southern Oregon DiBtrlct Agrlenltural Society. Sept 20-24. Frsnk G. Bleelll. secy. ' lEBNSTLVABIA BeBefonte—Center County AgrL ExbL Co. Oct. — . De Lann Stewsrt aecy. _ BenderavlUe—Fruit Growers' Aaan. Dec 14-18. Edwin S. Tyabn. aecy:,. Sloisdale. Pa. Bloomsbnrg—Columbia Co. AgrL Soc Oct 4-8. A. N. lost, secy. Carlisle—Cumberland Connty AgrL Amu. Sept 27-30. W. H. McCrea. aecy. Dayton—^Dayton Agricultural and Mechanical As- sociation. Sept. 27-30. C. C. Cochran, secy. Forksville—SnlUvan County Agricultural Soci- ety. Oct. 4-7. O. M. Molynenr, aecy; Grata—Grata . Fair. Oct 11-14. T. S.-Kliner, BIG EASY MONEY FOR- WIREWORKERS Send today for our handsome, big wife-workers' catalogue. It gives full description of many big money-makers on whirb you can make from 400^ to 1,000% profit. This catalogue is cram fuU of wire-workers' specuuitiea that sell like circus tickets. , . , Our illustrated instruction hook shows you how to make thoiuands of clever and handsome bracelets, fobs and scarf pins. Write for particulars about our sftecial baiigain No. 1,200. It will show you how you can make $10.00 on the investment of Sl.OO. Without an exception, this is flie biggest bargain we have ever offered our customers. Write todaj . ROGERS, THURMAN & CO. 00 Wabash Avenue. CHICAGO. ILL. CANES and PENNANTS ntOH FACTORY TO BETAILES We manufacture the most extensive line in the eountiy. If you wish to enjoj a seosation of loomiDs big profit, ^ in touch with us and our low pzioea. Do it DOW, beforeyou get mired in iheiat jofpoorstuffandpoorsdlenof othermafeos. Oatakv !&ee. Saiiq>leB submitted. Quick action. Caau Mffi. G&. 311-312 H Midaiai stmt. CKUI. U AUi BABXB nrasBoautaBABZB Do Tod Wish T^^ Money With Ease? Witk our Floss Candy Maclon* You can do it. Over1000 per cent, guaran t eed. Write for catalogue and start in business for yours^. THE GLOBE ELECTRIC/MB MFS. GO. 81 Frankfort Stf<Mt. NEW YORK. - - U. S. A. H. C. EVANS & COMPANY 102-104 Van Buren Street, CHICAGO ..«.!ffe"(S'f.* LIME OF CLUB ROOM FURNITURE ON HANO ALWAYS. Wrltaateno* for our NEW CATALOGUE. It Bhows •varythlna that la neval and bast In Oioa, Cama and all kinds of Osmas. Our "Zia-ZAe" Is Just out. Ths "BALL SFINDLE" Is anothar that will Bat a playjinywhara. ASK US ABOUT'EM. WE ARE SO FAR BEHIND ON ORDERS WE DO NOT ADVERTISE THE NEW CUBEGAME THIS WEEK. " «"«• ii«r wuwEHTiBeTut SEND FOR CATALOGUE—IT'S FREE I The Olg IWfoney-IWfalcer The WeU-Known Golf la how manufaoturad by uaaMlualvaly. AEROPLANES—BUBBLES XSi,u',"."*'""~ THE PATENT CANE HANDLE CO.. Wolf BImbllah. Mor.. *t Ann St.. N. V. City AGENTS^—STREETMEN- DEMONSTRATORS NEVER BEFORE ON THE MARKET xn eVZEV XnC PZMOaS. pva-UMtl: Ooarutccd to clTa ntiafutloB. Bad or black THK BUSCKHS' DUCBOTORS' TtrrxM XOU WHO AMD mH W-Wm