The billboard (Sept 1910)

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SEPTEMBER 24,1910. Xtie Billboard 67 AWAR ILL O.—DEANPI (Stolp and Bazton. prop.) 'VanderUle'and pictures: bis boslness. TEXAS OKANO (Percy Crandall, mgr.) Vau- deville and plctureH. UNDEU CANVAS: Adam ForroaUKb and Sella Brothers' Clrcua Oct. 6. BE&vlCOHT.—iPEOPLB'S (Hupert Cor, mgr.) Mr. and Ura. PhUllber In At Jim Crow JunctTun, pIsaiedLUIlIu Carter, the girl wlio alnga, good: Helen Plngree and Co., in Tlie Olrl and the Coach, Tery good; Bice Brotbera, German com- edians, ffood; Marlon Balke, character sinfflnje. pleased: week of Sept. B. VAODHTTB (Theo! Olemmens, mgr.) Chanter, the talliing taorse, good; Leroy and Diamond, alnglng and tallclnff, pleased: Fred Hill, character alnglnsr, good. (n^UKNE.—AIRDOMB (W. W, Murphy, mgr.) Marie Mellaen Company closed anccesafnl season to good business week o( 5. THE 1,11- qiLM! (J. F. Thompson, mgr.) Collins & El- '••Si'wJiiF Hardeway and KIrby. good act. ?iBl£—AIBDOMB (b. D. McOIellandTinCT.) Dark. ^THB PETERSON (Col. E. Prterim' mer.) Opened Sept. 7 with The Smart Set Com- -Muy to fair house. bTBIO (John SnlTley,.mgr.> Picture! to good tiaalnegB. SAN AKOELO,—CRXSTAl, (Smith Bros.. I.) ^Keed and Clark and pictures week of SSPv bnylnBBS. YAMf SUMMER GAR- DEN (C. J. Coagin, mgr.) Damrock Brothers and Howard and Boyd week of S:<icood show and One attendant. OPERA HODSE (August Bal- J5°j'2 Spooner Dramatic Company week TEakSXE.—SZOHANQB OPimA HOUSE (Bysley Barela- mgr.* Dark. AIBDOMB (Toegl, mgr.) UUtra Suten Company Sept. 8: COM Irastaeu. raOMCR CANTAS^Bamum and *?SSK*5*'-J!{J^^ Show Not 8 _WA0O,--BOJAI. (W. B. Pklnnan. mgr.: Sonthem^ VaudeTtUe Circnlt) Willard •nd FiBher, black-face comedians, good; WUaon and Boae. comedy sketch, entertaining: Gela and Maid, alnglng and talking, clever; Xevlne and Inman, norelty (x>medy sketch, went big; Jas. Casey Kelly, singing comedian, good; Seitried, high Jiuaplng, line. TENDOMB Tbox Brotfaeral Bgrs.; Bodklna Circuit) Stanley and Allen, alng- tog; dancing ana talking, pleased; Alberta, con- tortionist, fair; Hngel and Taylor, acrobats, VSr.^Si} Ji'*'^ week of S; good business. A?5S« Bn'there, mgrs.; Hodkina Ciicnlt) ILola MUton and Company, musical marrels, fair; Rirlej and Earle. singing and ?!SSS?S' of bni; pictures to capaeltyr MA- with TandevUle. UTAH. BAIT LASS CIT7.—SALT lAKB (Geo. D. t^t'^^S¥^-^ Antl-Matrlmony Sept. 6-7. The Spendthrift week of 12. COLONIAL (Ben Ketcbam, mgr.) Margaret nilngton in UntU Btetnl» week of B. QABBIcj^ (Jay Sogers, mgr.) William Isgersoll and OompanylSi Brother Officera week of 4; capacity bualneu. Same f??^fSi J'i^T^' o' Jericho week of 11. Si^ (Max Florence, mgr.) Ollle Mack and The Allen Curtia Company in Shooting the SrSS??!/^^ "l "J Ple«»ed hlg bnalneaa. OB- PHBUM (C. N. Sutton, mgr.) Ulas Annette £'^™!5'.*'* Ptt'?f Venus; Edward DarU in The Picture ot.Doilan Gray, pleased: Jamea ■2"J!?*"- ri «ood: P«lftey Muf-Barto^ good; Barry and Jesse Bayward In Holding Out. Sleased; ^lliu Trio, -wnetty mnaldana: Mlas laylieUe Baker in a repertoire of aonsa: Dle- tS.'SS: » MISSION. CASniO. SHDBE^ oT- r^^i^hr^^-'^^^if, saiPIBB, KMTB and LA_VISTA. VaodeTlUe, songa and plctnrea; good, business. - VIRQINIA. KABRT BOiraraQ.—A 8 S E M B L Y (W. a Bnlthwalte. mgr.) St. Elmo Sept. 21: Sins S a Father 36; Misourl Girt 28. PAXACB a. W. MyrUe, mgr.) Prof. Homer's Trained Dogs and DoTes, week of 12; gnd performance to good onslnesa^ LTKimBimO.—ACADBMT OF MUSIC (J. O. S."S."'..!"*r >. ^"J." CUmax Sept. 9: Al. O. Field's Mlnstrela 13; S. B. O. the Newlyweda and Their Baby 14. _,5£^™?°?r-*.='*?"f OBoetanan & Schulta. mgrs.) »he Newlyweda Sept. 10; two perform- wnwnv»T<!^ bnalneaa. aolendld production. WMilfflBriAim Pictures and raudeTlUe: good S?w!S?- «.^J?I^' Pictures and Tande'llle. aAVOY. Plctnres; good business. WEST VIRGINIA. ,J'^'^^*0»'—BCBf-BW OPEBA HODSE (N. S. Bnrlew, mgrj) The Mnalc Ball Girl Sept. 10; fair business. BIPPODBOME (C. H. Long, SK:i./""<'*^'lle and pictures. BOYAL. CO- LONIAL. AIRDOME and'^LYBIC are stm dra^fl ing large houses. The Barkoot Amusement Co., pShSSJJ.'P'S? the .iLt ^ Lodge. 5-10. MBXBBBI^Ur;—THE AUDITORIUM (At*. S?Ii*' Carlo Girls Burlesque sept. 0; fair ahow. large house. liyman H. to5i* S.SSJ.'''B«E?S*''je* *3; capacity business. ™te .TCtiSS? ^-««>^' Vande- VHEEUtre.—VIBGINIA (Chaa. A. Peln- ler. mgr.; Independent bookings) Graustark 8- lu: sood performances and business. The Ro- JJir?.™'*' houses and satisfaction glren. COUBT (E. L. Moore, mgr.; Klaw A Erlanger, booking agents) The Girl from Rector'a 10: drew large audience. VICTORIA «3eo. Shafer. mgr.; Ous Sun circuit) Four Osborns. character S."!.**!;' Harry Lake, aa Doctor Dippy, in Ye Old Uod-Gntter Philosopher In FafcMsm: Je- rome and Jerome, aketch; Boyt and Stein, com- edy sketch; Howard Bros., Banlo Wlsarda: 8- JO. .May Brenton A Co.. comedy aketch: Sml- lettl Too. horltontal bar act: Knickerbocker Trio, aingera: The Coltons. aingers and danc- ers; .Tbre American Trumpeters, musicians. 12- 14; both strong bills to very large bnilness. WISCONSIN. APFIXTOH.—APPLETON (Chas. A. Takacs. mgr.) Jnat a Woman'a Way Sept. 9; pleased fiood■alaed house. Tilly Olscn 10: good bu»- less. BIJOU (A. Danforth, mgr.) VaudeTllle f??,£teiS'«» of 6; fine business. LYRIC, MATi^Tia and. BLITE. Pictures and songs. FOWD DU LAO.—BENRV BOYLE THEATRE (P. B. Haber, mgr.) The City B; fair bouse, Slay Immense, very capable company. Tilly isen 0, very ordinary company, small business; Just a Woman's Way 1(5: Three Twins IS; Chauncey Olcott In Barry of Ballymorc. IDEA VAUDEVILLE (Oscar J. VoUert, mgr.) Armade, It Happened In Arlsona, Claude Summers, The Aeroplane Olrl. James Tacfaell and pictures week 8-IS; good business. BIJOU (W, E. Smith, SJgr.) Pictures ami songs. ROYAL (J. H. "Silili. mgr.) Songs and plctnrea, _ IRBNAH.— NERNAH (F. W. Greene, mgr.) The City 0; excellent performance to good bua- Ineii, IDLE HOUR and MBRRIMAO. Plctniei and aooga. _08RX0BH.—GRAND OPERA HOUSE (J. E. Williams, mgr.) The Cow and the Moon Sept. B; good business, Tilly Olaen 11: canaelty buBlneaa. Three Twins 12. BIJOU (H. W. Whitcomb, mgr.) Lamb's Manikins, Eddie Fo- ley, Blchards and Romalne, comedy aketch, and Bljougraph week of 12; business good. COLO- NIAL (Jess'Hwau. mgr.) Plctuias and aensa: business good. SUPERBA and LYRIC. Doing good bnalneaa with pictares and songs. CANADA. EAWLTON.— Temple (John G. Appleton, mgr.) Keith Taudeville: Van Campj, magician, clean and clever; Emily Green and Co., comedy skeccb, A Aitnnesota jvomance. very pleasant skit; Louis Harvey, black-face singing comedian, mediocre; Goldsmith and uoppe, novelty act. The Commercial Drummers, bigxeat langh-pro- dnclng team here this season; tremendous hit; Lolo, the Mystic, the North American Indian gtrl made good In a good and startling demon- atratton of mental suggestion; Qulnlan and Bichards, in amusing comedy act^ The New Traveling Dentist, big hit; Paul Spadonl, jnggler and heavy lifter, gave a gnlendld exhibition, striking feature of t>lll; Klnetograph: program uniformly excellent, and good houaea. CRYS- TAL (Herbert Clayton, mgr.) Adolph Adams, Impersonating the world's greatest leadeis of !he past and pn!<bent. splendidly executed, Sept. 5-7; Acker and Frazer, refined aingera, Lancashire, buck and wing dancers; good wardrobe, catchy songs and ciever dancers. Beansby and Williams In a very original and amusing comedy act Sept. 8-10; overflowing crowds. SAVOY (vautrey L. King, mgr.) Week of Sent. 5, Tom Bracken in Illnatrated son-s; Viola Morrison, singing com- edienne: Lacy Doolan, Reynolds andr Oliver In apecialties; motion pictures; fine orchestra. RED MILL (Fred L. Rogers, mgr.) Larrivee. black-tface sinking comedian. O. K.; J. B. Smith, Inggler, very good; 5-7; George S. Atkinson, ventriloquist, clever; Edith Barton, vocalist and character change artist, pleasing: plctnrea; still packing them In. UNIQUE (John R. Stewart, mgr.) Summera Stock Company, The Middleman gave great satisfaction and large audlencea Eacked the htll-top summer theatre week of 8: ouse closes week of 12. COLONIAL (Grey B. Odium, mgr) Illustrated songs and plctnrea to excellent box-oSice returns. XONTREAL, — BIS MAJESTY'S (H. Q. Brooks, mgr.) The Traveling Saleaman week of Sept. 12-17. PBIMCESS (H. C. Judge, mgr.) Mrs. Wlggs of the Cabbage Patch 12-17. OB- PBEUM (G. P. DrlscoU, mgr,) Jnllna Steger and Company In The Fourth Commandment; Ben Welch, comedian: Lawrence Crane and Company, The Irish Magician; Otto Brothers, German comedians; Claude M. Roode, alack wire artists; Tom Jack Trio, musical novelty; Donahue and Stewart, singers and dancers; Paul Spadonl, In feats of strength, week of 12. FBANCAIS (I. O. Booley,' mgr.) Miss Buse and her toy terriers; Bay and Williams, sing- ers and dancers; Lewis Trio in Mixed Drinks; <>erome, comedy acrobat; Martin Boward, dance of all nations; Dick and Alice McAvoy and Herald Square Jimmle. ABENA (D. B. Northey, mgr.) Melba Sept. 12; Grenadier Guards 15. CASINO (A. N. Sharp, mgr.) VaudevUle and pictures week of 12. BOYAL (O. McBrien. mgr.) Week of 12, The Troubadours Burlesquers and Jack Johnaoa, pugilist. ST. JOHN, N. B.-^PBRA HOUSE (H. J. Anderaoo, mgr.) Phil Otts Comedians 12-17, in The Ante Girl, first half; The Explorer, last half. NICKEL (W. H. SoHIng. mgr.) Mac- Brady Children and plctnres. I.TR10 (F. G. Spencer, mgr.) Plctnres and songs. GEM (F. Trifta, mgr.) Plctnres and songs. BIJOD (Eddie XaBarre. mgr.) Plctnrea and songs. ST. AN- DREW'S RINK. Annette Kellerman, Diving Girl. QUEEN'S RINK. The Great Leon and Company 12-17. THE DOMINION EXPOSI- TION. Ferari'a Animals, The Flea Circus. Shaw's Monkey and Pony (arens. Lady Betty, the cbimpanaee. Granada and Ftedora, Mile. Ber- Serat in The Death Swing, Boyal Canadian iragoons 5-15; splendid show; capacity bosi- TOBOKTO.—BOYAL ALEXANDRA (L. Sol- man, mgr.) The Lottery Man 12-17: The Nig- ger 19-24. *PBINCESS (O. B. Sheppard. mgr.) My Man 12-17; The Traveling Salesman 19-24. GRAND (A. J. Small, mgr.) Thomas E.. Shea In repertoire week of 12. SHELL'S (J. Shea, mgr.) High-clasa vaudevUle 12-17. MASSEY HALL (N. WIpprone, mgr.) Grenelin Band Concert 12. GAYETY (T. R. Henry, mgr.) Fads and Follies 12-17. Queen of Bohemia 18- 24. STAR (F. W. Stair, mgr.) The Brigadiers 12-17. The Dreamland Bnrlesqners 19-24.- MA- JESTIC (Peter F. Grlffen. mgr.) Popular vau- derllle and pictures 12-17. YONGE STREET (G, Moran, mgr.) Fibular vaudeville and plc- tnrea 12-17. TICrCOBIA, B, O.—VICTOBIA (C. Denham, res. mgr.) Huron L. Blyden and Company In repertoire: doing good business. The Burgo- master 9-10. NEW GRAND (B. Jameson, mgr.) Hughes Musical Trio, good; Rosalind Carter and Gom^ny In his musical tntreaty, aVcation Time; L. Wolf Gilbert; melodies, pleased: Hetty Urma. England'a Pet Boy: Wm. leslle and Blanca Moure, went well; Thos. J. Brlce. song Illustrator: and idetuies. PANTAGBS' (W. A. Shaffer, mgr.) Fisher's Road Show. Including ARTHUR BORELLA H. Fields, character cojuedlan, good: Wade Slaters, danrlng vocalists, made sood; XJiden and Wren, comedy playlet; Marionettes Har- mony Trio; pictures. .MAJESTIC (M. Christie, mgr.) Pictures and aongs; doing well. BOMANE (J^ QuagllotI, mgr.) Pictures and songs to good business. EMPRESS. Pictures and songa; good business. CBYSTAL (J. McOlmmon, mgr.) Pic- tures and songs: good business. VI(}TOBIA FAIB and EXHIBITION. Sept. 27-Oct. 1. B arnes Circus will also exhibit.' WnraiPEG.—WINNIPEG THEATRE (C. P. Walker, mgr.) Sept. 5-7, Margaret Anglln, In The Awakening of Helena Richie; 8-10. John Mason In The Witching Hour; 13-14. Viola Allen, supported by James O'Neill and Company. In The White SUter; 13-17. The Goddess of Liberty, with Jos. E. Boward In the leading role. DOMINION (W. B. Lawrence, mgr.) Week qf Slept. 5, The. Dominion Stock Co. lu The Blue Mouse; prodfuction was very good and business excellent. Week of 12. The Regenera- tion; week of 19, Going Some. BIJOU (G. Case, mgr^ Sullivan and Consldlne) Week of Sept. 6, Toe Five Columbians In a musical melange, headllners. and certainly deserved the lionors; Joseph Ketler and Co. In comedy musical play- let. The Town Fiddler, very good; Tom McGulre, songs and dancing, could he better; John Big- gins, world's champion jumper, good: Besnah and MlUer, comedians. Miss MUIer the whole act. 1\eew of 12. BarlnskI Piano Qnarto. Mar- garet Williams and Co.. The Branseames. Four Dancing Belles, and Dan Boble. ABENA BINE (C. TrobUeoek, mgr.) Boner akatUv $125.00 MADE Is tha record In one day with my iBvisait Fsrtme WHtns" Magle Wanda," "New Magic Obus TUbo" or "Gipsy Queen." Invisible readlnsa in most tansnaaeo- inastrumclmilars and sample mduas tree. Agents wanted to sellmy new book "Under Which Sign Wen You Born" to Department and Stationery Storea. Sam- ple book and terma. IS eoDta (pnoaU.) . ' S. BOWER. mtos—Strsel. Brooklyn. N. Y. WANTED FOR Stetson's Uncle Tom's Cabin Co. (Western) stage Manager to double stage: Actor to double in band, baritone preferred; Clarinet, B. & O.; Trap Drummer; Orchestra Leader; Violin to double brass. Address as per route. J. W. BBOWNLEE, Manager. Orlen Lewis, write. WAKTEO to hear from young man to work in big trick musical act. Great opportunity. Wally Bilson and J. Grimth.^ease answer. NEa BUBKB, eare Taodette a£eatre. OUey. HUintB. "BIGGEST CROPS IN FIFTY YEARS" WASHINGTON COUNTY FAIR Fayetteville* Arkansas, Oct. 4 to 7 Inclusive f^The week before the following Fairs and a straight short trip to each. Hot Springs, Mtiskogee, Joplin and Conway. If you can deliver the goods you can get the money. R. 1. PUTSIAN, aaiman Concessions, FAYETTEVILLE, ARKANSAS NATIONAL SLEEVE CAMERA, No. 20 New and perfect. A money maker. Beat of Its kind. Makes XK^.H pictures. fao.OO to {50.00 per day can oe made in good locatlans. Non-co^ roslve cup. Lena with adjnstable focus and dial plate for taking pletona at dlirerent distances; also magnetic reve^lble plate holder for taking groups. Takes.jiietarea,rapidly: aa'fast as jem caa<«et peiaona In front of the_Iais. "No ezperienee required. Any one . can operate them by following printea Instructions. Camera complete. flTJO,-..Plates, le each. Developer. 2Se per package. Moots, 2Se to SOe per lOO. Depsrit at «S.OO rcqnired os^aU orders: balance. C. O. D.. and daises. Will answer aU qoestloas promptly. We are also dealers la all aises of di7 ferrotype plates. NATIONAL PHOTOGRAPH MACHINE COMPANY, ZSTABUBSES ItaS. 85 BEATEB BTBBET. HEW TOBK, n. T. A NOVELTY ACT THAT IS A NOVELTY. ACT 12 MINUTES. A., ivi. uveriviore: PreseaUntf BIS EUROPEAN NOVELTY THE ANIMATED DOLL, DInetlQa. NOW ON MORRIS TIME. WANTED To LEASE Seating from 800 to 2,200. In any city over Ten Thousand Population* Anywhere in Canada or U. S. East of Chicago. AddraM LESSOR¥>««r»«f The Billboard, Cincinnati^ Ohio. AT LIBERTY A-1 VIOUNIST and PIANIST 1S/IA!N WIFE Bhly experienced In all klnda of work especIaUy "HOTEI. and THEATBE:" with MUSICAI. LBY practically covers everything. 10 years' experience in Bnest hotels In the V. S. violin. Thorough]: LIBRARS , , „. can double cello If necessary. Programs and reference furnished to Srst-class managers. liberty October let. Address. IJEAPEB, Box 84, 8AUHA. KAMBAB. WANTED A*urcfilgiE*s''gr SHOWS -FOR THE- Paragould Opera House This season; also Vaudeville Acts—the good kind. Scenic Painter and Decorator at once. Walt PUes, write. H. J. WHITSITT, ParagouUl, .\rk. FOR SALE OR LEASE Park Theatre. Henderson, Ky. Grand Theatre, Qwensboro. Ky. Both are new, mod«m,giound-aooT houses and ate the only first-class theatres •"*•»«-"« ."Vfl Owensboro'a population, 23.000. Henderson's population. 23.000. For terms and particulars address FBDUBV * BtfRCH. Owensboro, Ky. I FOR SALE: Reputed as one of the most dever com- Al. F_ WHEELER S NEW MODEL SHuWS edy Sowns with the Hagenbeck-Wallace ■ " / " j j Vi w Chim in Ani«i«i CSrous this season. This marked his The fittest eqmpped and most successful W^on Show m Am^ second season. Addraaa aa por routBs or Oxfttrd* Pa." At. F. WHEEIEH, Owner.