Billboard advertising (Sept 1910)

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SEPTEMBER 24, 191^ Ttie Billboard 59 COLUMBUS, O; (Contlaiicd from pass 11.) Meun. Billy James and Sam Mnrphr ars bavlnB built for tbem on West Broad stnet, a modern little theatre. In whicli they Intend playing Morria vaudeville at ten and twenty cent!, with three itaows dally. Tbe bonis -will tw ready to open around October 1, and with the rlgbt sort of bills will inaks a strong bid tor bualneaa. B. F. Keltb'a Theatre baa a nice bill of are acta, with pictures, and la packing them In three times dally at ten cents admission. Itc Prosier, under whose manicement this house has been since Keith leased It, can feel the public pulse, and can be relied on at all times to (umlsb amusement that sot only pleasea bnt gets the money. At Olentangy Park, the Stnbba-WUaon Play- era cloaed tbelr atock season tbe lOth, playing (or the last week Facing tbe Mnile. Most of tbe members left at once for New Zork. Tbe seaaon at this popular resort was sadly demor- allied. due to tbe. street car strike, which lasted the major part ot the seaioB. It ia the Intention of Stubbs snd Wilson to retnm next Hsy. snd Insngniate snotber seaaon of atock. Their bnslnen. was excellent when the public conM ride tbe can lately. W«. H. oa mpbem:.. NASHVILLE. TENN. (Continued from page 11.) -The celebrated J. Stooer Orchestra, under tbe dlreetorahlp of Ur. J. Stoner. have just, returned from an extended auto tonr. having toured ttarongb tbe Sunny South In hla WInton Six. Mr. Stoner was accompanied by WUlIam Qteen, trap drummer, and Veto PellettlerU This or- chestra la now St tbelr old atand, tbe Fifth Avenne Theatre. Mlia Both Qtey. a very charming young men- tal marvel, opened a most successfol week's ea- gagement at tbe Alrdome Theatre, Sept. 13. Tbla clever little lady on her. first ^vlslt to Nashville, two years a^,~ astonished-tbe' itub- lic by her strange power of mind-readlng. A' company of clever Tandevllle artists were on the bill with Miss Grey. The Grand Theatre was dark last week, as a complete renovation .was given the boose. It reopened on September 19. Tbe Climax opena the aeason at the Vendome Theatre tbla week. Some ot the notable tbeat- rlcsl srtlats to be seen are: Mrs. Ftske. Lil- lian Kntaell. Ethel Barrymore, Mande Adams, Margaret Anglln, Otis Skinner, Blcfasrd Carle, Nat Goodwin and others. Harry Sheets la again acting as treasurer at tbe Vendome. At tbe Orphenm Theatre' for week of Sept. IT. another hlgb-clasa blU was given. Among the artists sppesrlng were: £va Fay, bead- Uner; The Musical Suffragettes. The Oordon- mdrld Company In s mirth-provoldiig sketch. Won by a Leg; Gsrtelle Brothers. In an act, F^a In A Skating Rink; Blee, Snlly and Scott. In an act. entitled Fun on the Tarpanlln. This act t« a sensational .midair one performed on a aeries of borlaontal bars. • - . W. B. ARNOLD. WINNIPEG, CAN. (Continued from page 11.) Mr. W. Ledoni. general manager of The Starland, Ltd., is on a trip of Inspection of the varloua theatres of the company from here to tbe coaat, and la expected to retnm in a week or two. Onrlng hla abaence Mr. Marquand is> looking sfter ttaings ganerslly. The new Orphenm Is gradniOly nesting its oompteUoB. and It ia expected wlm a night and ddy crew worklflg OB It. that tin opening will be not far off. - It la rumored that tbe formation of a sym- phony orchestra la projected-for Winnipeg, and that many of Winnipeg's elite cItlBeas sro mncb Interested In Its formation. An Item of interest In the Jetfrles-Iohiunn flgbt pleturea took place here Friday sight. September 9, at tbe Dreamland Tiseatre. Invi- tations-were iasoed by the management of the theatre, and the entertainment took place after the regular performances. Tlila ia the Orst ap- pearance of the Hgfat pictures iMsre. and they were put on mostly, as a try-oat. Tbe theatre IMS packed to the doors by mostly theatrical foika. To add Interest to tbe occasion. Abe Attelt. chsmpIOB -feattierwelgbt of tbe irorld. had Joat arrived in the city on the same eve- ning, and was also present, he explaining the various rounds to the aneetatocs. It vrlU be remembered that Mr. Attell was IB JeOHes oor- Bpr at the time ot the big combat, Mme. Melba la the coming big attraction for September 28. The sest sale has already been opened, ami It Is expected, that the box offlce receipts will surpass all previous records. All tbe picture houses are playing to capacity every show, and If tbe present patronage coq- tlnues they will have to enlarge tbelr seating canacltlea to handle the crowds. Dr. DeAlva and bla concert company are com- pleting arrangemeota for their annual winter tonr, and expect to open In a week or two. Katie Storm. John w. Consldtne'a dog, from Seattle, won the Derby at the Held trials at Ar- mand. Manitoba. SAM LBXIBR. / MINNEAPOLIS, MINN. (Continued from page U.) , A Minneapolis favorite, Eugenie Blair, crowded tbe BIJon Opera Rouse last week with the pro- duction of the well-known religions drama. The Iilgbt Eternal. The booking sheet of this the- atre shows several new attnctlons, among which may be mentioned The Red Mill, Rosalind at Red Gate, The Man Between and Tbe Right of Way. It la Intereating to note that Perry J. Kelly, owner and maneffcr: ot The. Honeymoon Trail, which played at the Bljoa Opera Bouse last week. Is a Mill City Iio.t, whose apprentice- ship was served at tbe BIJon In the capacity of trenaurer, . .. While Forest Park, located at Oolnmblk Belgbts. Is offlcliUy closed, as far as the reg- ular season In cooceraed. Manager 8. H. Kabm Is keeping the gates open Sundays'fcr the ben- efit of those who wish ,to avail themselvea of the .^CtCjng pavilion and open-air theatre during tbe TnAilm snmmer.- The babltoea of the park expia »- th emselves u pleased with tbli step, ■Bd riMiBteellihi attoBdaBce' has provea this fact. ^It haa always been a source oT ibRinr to tbe unlqne management that tbelr aeating capacity has .compelled them to turn away many from their popular performances, bnt Manager Jack Elliott aaya this dltllcnlty will be overcome, by a change which will be made in tbe gnmad door seating plan, which wlU permit the lastallatUm of three hundred additional eeata. by changing the slant of the Boor. Tbe work will be com- menced at a very early date. Changea on the roster of the Lyric Stock Co. have been necessitated by the fact that the leading man, Lee Baker, has been obliged to re- turn to the New Theatre, of New : York, where be will appear September 26, Tbe name of his successor has not yet been announced, but an adequate addition In the guise of a new and elever luventle man Oeo. Wellington, has :I>een made. BODERIO STE. FLEUBB. 8T, JOSEPH, MO. (Continued from page II.) Progress is being made on tbe new vaudeville and moving picture theatre to occupy the old Bollawsy Blnk alte. Mr. Coaman. Ita manager, atstes that tbe name aelected will probably be Majestic, Manager BIlx la much elated with bnslneas at tbe BIJon Dream, and' states Ilkewlae for the Comlque, which opened on the 4th with vaude- ville and pictures, under the management of J. H. Hart. Manager Frank Newman, of fb» Boyal, offered the Jeffrles-Johnaoo fight pietnies at the lo^c Theatre - to excellent Imsiness. Business at Lake Contrary Park continnes fair. Owing to the extreme cool weather. Man- ager IngersoU announces the closing date Oct. 2. Miller Bros.' 101 Banch Show will be the spe- cial feature at the Interstate Uve Stock Show. Sept. 2S-Oct. 2. JESSE J. WAONEB. ST. LOUIS, MO. (Continued from page 11.) John W. Gates Is contemplating the erection. Of a $150,000 theatre In this city, to be located on Grand and Olive, It Is rumored. The plana. It Is understood, are for a modem theatre, and to be ready In the early spring. Mr. Joseph Walsh, of the Standard Theatre here, baa assumed tile management of the Broadway Tbeatre ia East St. Lonis, ni. Tba policy of the house will be burlesque, on the Empire Cireult, Sunday matinee and night show, and vandevUIe throughout tbe week; will be given. Tbe house has been regaining patronage since Its opening, and looks as though the policy will be maintained throughout the season. Mr. Harry Wallace has taken the manage- ment of tbe Geraghty Film Co., which control the state rights of tbe Jeffries-Johnson Flsbt Pictures for tbe states of Mlssonri, Iowa and Minnesota. ^ W. G. Davenpw^ was engaged to furnish tbe free atraction for two weeks at Lemps* Park Carnival, commencing September 18. This is the third time be haa been engaged by this com- pany. MIsa Lottie Mayer, the diving Tenna, who waa last vreek the headline attraction at tbe Ma- jestic. Tbeatre, In East St. L«nls, HI., tiaa received many press notices. Her act lias proven a big hit In both St. Loula and East St. Louis. The (Jerman Theatre Stock Co. baa announced their opening at the Odeon Theatre tiere, for Octol>er 2, again nader the dlrectlOB of Mr. Ferdinand Wdb. _ , The 101 Ranch WHd West Show will play a retnm date of two daya In St. Louis, commenc- ing Oetttber 8. When the company opened its season liere in April, the weather waa every- thing bnt favorable, and the people have re- quested a return date. Their second vlait aboold be very profitable. Both Selmar and Foteat Park Highlands dosed their season oa September 12. and caused tbe ' end of tbe summer. season proper. It la said that Forest Park Highlands bad ihe best eeason thia year In all its history, and flut in spite ot the (act that these were bat ^tbree Sun- days It did not ratn; tbe park deated In the nelghbmbood of (100,000. •„ ^ ,, Mr. Frank Wonder Lee, ot The ; Cinderella Girl bmpaiiy. .which played, .tm Oe utui y The- atre here last week. Is a St. Ijonls BOy, and his friends made the Century the popnlar show for the week. EUs work bai recelTed iitD^lk comment through the press. ^ _ » Lansdowne Park dosed Ita aesseo on Septem- ber 13, with the Selge of Jericho as the final at- traction. The seaaon has beat a good one and tne Baat St. Loola poblle was mndi bmellted ky. the excdlent attraetiaos fumisbed. WbUe tbe Selge of Jericho wss not s financial success, the crowds that attended on tbe only four nights that tbe weather permitted, did much to encourage tile promotere. Tbe Barnyard Romeo, which was tsat week at the New Princess Thestre.- ta 'easlty the most elaborate production seen here In vaudeville, and n-aa a fitting attraction for the opening of this new theatre. _ _ ■ James Gabriel sold hla Circle Tbeatre on Sent. 10, for tbe sum ot $4,300. after it bad netted him a clear W.OOO over expenses. He will at once begin building hla next season show tor tbe road. He states that be will pot on a com- plete Dovdty in the way of a tent astcregaUon. and will start hla season abont April 15. Charles CSidwallader. whopalnta the scenic prodnetiona for tbe Havlln's Theatre Stock Oom- Sany. Is a former newspaper man and artist on t. Louis papers. He has developed into one of the fastest artists In the country. Lempa* Park Carnival opened on Sunday. Sept. 12. and will run three weeks. It baa been well stocked with concessions and attractions, and the special feature for the first week Is an Immense display of fireworks .each, nigbt. The various lodges of tbe city have entered Into a contest for the best attendance., This has been the means of making tile attendance the best of any season thus far at Lemps* Park. WILL J. FABLET. Plays Catalogue of Prefesslonal A Amateur Playa. Sketches. Monolognes. Minstrel .Jokes, Recitations. Kake-ap_ Gooda, etc.. sent FREE. StOK * FRZeS&- ALO. t> Ann Street. V«w Terk. MANUSCRIPT c^M=,., PLAYS-SALE -V -I LA S A L U C ST. Six Flyin^ Ban^rds AddreM BEST BANVASD. Hanatfer. care The Btllboacd. NaW Yock Cttf —BIG OPES AIR ATTKACmON— Flying Baldwiiis Aerlal Betom ABt. T. vr. taasaajsar, Ktr.. tu v. m at. Wan, m. THE ACT THETVAU^ TAUC ABOUT AT LIBERXV F1.YINGWERNTZDUO SeaaaUonid.. Aeroatatle Oymaaate of Ovallty> ADDRX88 COnXUHICATIONB TO lEADM. MEAD M.WCRNTZ, 4027Breadwny. CLCVCLAND.O. MAMIB M. ARTHUR BROWNING ft A NOVELTY ACT IN ONE. "THE TRAMP, BOTTLE AND DOG, SOME DANCING—SOME D06-^S0HE A6ENT, 6US SUN. SILVENO&CO. THREE PEOPLE Something new In Mnsle and Shadowgraphs. NOTE.—5ur GALAMTYOBAFH Is better than Shadowgrapby, funnier than moving pictures (own improvement), with special ecenery. 1909. seven weekly records; 1910, nine weekly records; returns everywhere. Offera Invited care The BiUboard, SchlUer Bldg., Chicago, BL EUGENE COX ^^RNFIRY (In l9.) 1528 1u Baren Strut, CHIGUO. t^^^M^x ^M^MM, M, VAUDEVILLE ACTS THE GBIBTHI YAUUKVIIXB CIBCOIT books mote houses thraathont aseats pat toget her. P lsyi ng nothi ng bnt the be tter class of mett for li Address THE OBIFFIH' TAlAEVILIS (UKUUIX, Tailety Theatre Bldr-. tbaa an ethar or tBtara Uma. The New Atlas IMPROVED We have claimed it to be the atroogert tnmk in Amencar fcHT the improTed ~ we daim the lightest in'tre^t. At an enormous apeose we hsre changed the twndiiw fram east iron to prened tteid. You iriP agprore the change. THE BELBER TRUNK AND BAG CO.. 1641 N. Hancock Street, Philadelphia. Penn. ! "PLEASED?" WELL I SHOULD SAY SO. Our booklet is complete in every detail. It quotes prices for all Theatrical StaUonety, Post Cards, Etc. Mailed upon receipt of 10 cents. 418 Elm Straet. THE QUEEN CITY ENG. CO. Clnelnnatl, O.