Billboard advertising (Sept 1910)

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SEPTEMBER 24, 1910. Ttie Billboard 61 HEW TOBS BlDfbuntatt—CanlTil. B. Z. UontsonMrj-^Utama .Afrlealtoral cna ladu- ttUI BzpMitlog.; Oct, ,1S>28, ■ Om, T. Bumi. -'V " "'Ininreni'''' Areola—CiralTtl. Oct. S^9. rrtak O. Ltltod, Ammttioa-rU, .W, A. Cualnl. OetidwT t-a. ■tlval. UtL n-U. B. otto 8. BdBmltb^ Mcr. AtVMd—AtWMi VftU nal BalTlden—Uom* Comlns Waek. Oct. 10-15. P. S. O'Donndl, coacMiIaMi O. EL Wrifbt tmnaemeDti; ' ■OlBsbain—Horn* Comlns and Stock Shoir. 8fpt ao-Oct. 1. Oro. J. Bnncr, Mrr* OlbBon City—Corn CarnlTtl and Street Fair. Oct. 11-16. 'U. C. Wright, amusements; Ira Ollinore. prlvtlesea. Olrsrd—Com Carnival. Oct. 21-22. Dr. H. W. Cll'lon, see7. Ullford—Mlltord Horse Fair. Sept. SS-SO. B. B. Herroo, sec7. Sldell—Merchants' CamlTal. Oct. 30-22. r. Ik lerry. secy. AlMaa—AIblOD Street mtlr Aaan. Sept. n-H. Hartla B. Spuglar, secy. Aafeam—HaMbtBU' CamlTaL Oct. B-T. loka Bnull—Home Comlnic and Camlral. Sept. 36- Oct. 1. N. N. Warner, 322 8. Alabama St., BraslI, Ind. Delpbl—Strevt Fair. Sept. 2e-0ct. 1. Uarttord Utty—Farmers' Fall Festival. Oct. Rlrkiln—KIrklln Street Fair. Sept. 27-Oct. 1. B. B. Bowers, secy. Lm OnuB««—Orance CoDBty Item Prodnels Sbow and Com Scbool Waek. Oct; S-T. B. M. Waddell. secy. Ifartlnsvine—Seminole Tribe No. US CamlTal. Oct. 10-15. Ifc C " Siisaldinf. secy.. Blnihamteo, — Freeport—CaralTsl . and Flmma'a TimraamcBt. Oct. S-8. 8. V. Bnat, n Olnteli at.. Free- port, N. X. OBIO Asblaod—Commercial Clob CanlTil. Oct. 4-8. M. Straoas. chairman. nutlrr—CsmlTal. Oct. 0-7. ClvTeland—Corahoca County CeDtenalaL Oct. 10-16. B. B. HcLanchllii, secy. Cloelanatl—Ohio Valley Bxposltion. Aoc. 2S- Sept. 2S. Claoda Bacen. dumber of Com- merce Bids.. Cincinnati, O. ClrclevlIIe—Pumpkin Sbow. Oct. 2-8. Chas. P. Lowe, secy. DaytoD-^Dsyton Indnstxlat Bxposltion and Fall Festlral. Sept. 19-2S. F. U. Barnes, Dayton. Ohio. • -i'.i: LiondonTUle—Street Fair and CamlTaL Sept. 27-20. H. E. Zlnmerman, acfcr, NorwaU—Free Street Fair and Busloeas Men's CamWal. Sept. 20-Oct. 1. J. H. WllUams, secy. Tippecanoe Glty-^arnlTal &nd Masked Mardi Gras. Oct. 12-15. SZHBSTIiTABIA Plttsbnrs-^abUee Week. Oet. 10-lS. laa. . M. Geary, can FraeMM Bcal Bstato Co.. Plttabnrs, Pa. Plttabgrs—FlttsboiB Bis I<aad Shaw. Oct. IT-M. Ofllce. Keystone Bank Bolldlac. Flttabnv. Ba. Washington—CamlTal. Oct. 2-8. Jacksboro—Jacksboro Com Show and CamlTaL Oct. 10-lB. 0. A. WorthlngtoD, secy. _ Rusk—Commercial Clob OamlTal. Oct. 8-8. S. L. Snmmera, aeey. _ Waco—Texas Cotton Falace. Not. 5-20. T. Oraham, secy. wlaCOKHHf Baraboo—Home Coming. Sept. 2T-30. Adolph Andro. secy. . _ Oshkosh—I«yal Order of Uooee CamlTal. Sept. 2e-0ct 1. Carl MeClnme, lecy. Rndne—Badne Base Ball Assn. Mid-Sommer FestlTal. Oct. S- S. muvvin iBLunM Menus rsralTiil. BIsb. Sl-aS. BBAIHCBS WOX OOVFBB A TATOB BT VOnFZIBS XHS BUXSOABS OF AVT OMIS- 8I0V8 nex OB KBB0B8 IV OBB UBT nr STBZBr FAXBS. ZBK BIABXS BELOW lUX BB OBBD FOB THAT VUBBOBZ. Maaw of Boelatr under whoa* : . - Avspleea Bltest Flair la to be bad........•*••.. .•..........••••*..•.... ......•••>...•.......... Kama of Town and SUta where Street Fair it held Dates of Stiiet FUr Kame of Secretary —..................i A*trp*Minie FTTr.*T*****^ by •....•••»..•.••••........••...»................. Mnntpell^r—Montpeller Band CamlTal. Oct. —. ffortb Judson—XOTtb Jadson After Harrcst Jn- Mlee. Sept. 29.0ct. 1. J. H. Watts, secy. Klehmond—^aichmond Fall Festlral. Oet S-T. rted a tahrman, 718 Main St.. Blehmoad. BockrUle—BockTUle Free Fall CamlTal and Home Comlnf. Oct. 8-8. 0. E. Lambert. Lock Box 68. Bockrllle. Ind. Bbrrtdsn—Street Fair. . Oct. 5-8. L. O. Ulti^- ell, secy. Wanhlngton—Fall FestlTal and Home Coming. P. O. E. Sept. 2tl-0et. 1. Ben W. Clawaon. secy. WIntmsc—^Wlnlmac Street Fair. Oct. 5-8. O. M. Meljiaghlln, aecy. IOWA' Cedar Baplds—CamlTal and BxpoalHea. Oct. S-8. Q. K. Barton, aeey. CnozrUIe—KnozTllle Commercial aob CamlTal. Oat. 10-14. Ceil O. Qamble. Knoxrllle. la. Fella—Home Coming. Oct. 4-8. Chaa. Porter, secy. .,-■„ KABSAS. , , . Kmporla-1. 6. B. M. c'arnlral. Oct. lO-lS. C. Funk, secy. Garden City—Cattlemen'a Camlral. Oct. S-8. B. F. SImoods, Garden City. Kaaa. MePbenon—Picnic. Sept. Itt-ZS. COndra and Wilson, managera. Great Bend, Kan. ■taffcrd—Wheat and Oon jBhila*. Sept. SS-S4. Ed. L. Peacock, aecy. WlehlU—Feerleaa Froptaeta CaratnO. Oet. 17- 22. 0. U. Oaaey. aecy. XEBTCCKY CtmaitoD—CanoUtbn Street Fair. Sept. 28- Oct. 1. J. T. DeMont. secy. laoaiaAH Hanrock—Hancock No. 382 p. O. U. Sept. 18- 88 ^ Chaa. B. Boolean. 9SS B. B. At*.' Ban- c«M!k, Mich. inSSOITBI BollTar—Street Fair. Sept. 2S-0ct. 1. W. W. Moore, mgr. concessions OarreUton-itrest Fair. Sept. ST-Oet. 1. W. _8. Bolltdsy. Bscy. - Cancprdls-8tr«et Fair. Oct. IS-U. Oao. A. _ Kllngenberg, aecy. OeSoto—stock Show and Races. Sept. 28-80. ■Franlt Hamel, secy. Hu-tTllIe—Street Pair. Oct. 10-12. O. W. Sammers. secy. ■ Newtown—Street Fair. Sept. 8144. Benani and Wells, mgrs. • "iJRS.*'''**—Horn* Show and Race Meet. Sept. _ M.2B. Dr. T. L. Hardin, secy. Bt.Lante—CamlTal. at Grand Park. Sent. 1- SO. w. B. Moore, 883 Pine St.. St. Unis, Uo. Willow Snrlan—Street Fair and Stock Show. Sept. 2v-Oct. 1. Chaa. F«Tgnson, secy. MEBBA8KA r.onn City-Merchsnta' CamlTal. Sept. 18-24. Omsha—Ak.8ar.Ben OunlTal. Sept. 18-Oet. 8. H J. Penfold, ITIT Oouglaa at.. Omaha, Bab. orjl—StTM-t Fair. Sept. 26-81. Orleans—Old Settlers' Picnic. Sept. 87-28. W. P. Plrrcc, socy. MEW TEBSET raterson—Patersou InilustrUl Bxpotltloo. Nor. 8-10. T. I. Skeorh. twf. New Fairs ^ Hertsells—^Morgsn Co. Fair Asan. r Oct. 24- 29. Clyde Sharpe. secy. KESTfJtSKZ Bowling Green—Warren Co. Fair Asan. Oct. 28-29. B. E. Webtt. secy. ussoma Piedmont—Piedmont Fair Aaan. Sept. 23-24. E. D. Mattock, secy. HEW JEESET Newark—Xew Jersey State Fair. Oct. 3-8. F. W. Voigt, twcjr. MOBTH CABOLIBA Ctaarlotte—^MecklenburR Fair Assn. Oct. 25-28. C. M. Creswell. secy. FEBBSTLVAXIA Pittsburg—National VmH ft Irrigation Expo. Oct. 17-39. • OlarkSTllle—Horse Sbow and Tobacco Fair. Oct. 12-lS. -FraOINIA neathTllle—BeathTllle Fair. ' Not. 2-4. Kilmarnock—Elhnamock Fair. Not. 8-11. Corrections and Changes. ABBABSAB Conway—Faulkner Co. PaIt Assn. Oct. 4-7. W. N. Owen, mgr. COBHEOXICUT Nangatuck—^Beacon Valley D. 4fe A. Assn. Oct. 10-11. J. P. Bogan, aecy. IOWA Mlioianrt Valley—Fair. Sept. 38-80. A. B. Ilosbrook, secy. HISSOITRI Cane Girardeau—Cape Oiranleaa Fair. Oct. 4- ». Q. B. Englemann, secy. TEEtOINU, Mathews—Matbews Fair. Oct. 26-38. Percl- val Hicks, secy.. North, Va. CARNIVAL FOR TEXAS Wanted. flrst<«Iass CamlTal Company: Annual Com Show and CamlTal. Jaekatmro. »xaa. Oct. S-4.B BT-8. Addren C. A. WOSTBINOTON, Manager CarnlTal. I New Conventions! (This Ilat contains. data procured by Xhe BUlboard during the paat week onlr. TCtu list «nui published. complete In the lasne' bt Sept. CAUFOBBIA . ' San Francisco—American Institute of Archi- tects. Jan. —, 1911. Glenn - Brown. Tbc Octagon, WaihlngtoD, D.' C. / OOLOBAOO I- DenTer-Coiorado Beta 11 Hardware and linplie- ' ment Asan. Jan. —. IMl. F. Myoa, Bonl- der. Colo.' • ■■ •■ COBBEOTICDT Hartford—O. E. S. Grand Chapter. Jan. —, lOlL Harriet Borwell. 63S Main St.. Win. Bted, Coim. IDAHO Boise—Idaho State Medical Assn. Oct. 6-7. Ed. E. Moxey, Boise. Idaho. ILLINOIS Urbana—Com Growers and Stockmen's ConTen- tlon. Jan. 16-28. 1911. IVed H. BanUn. Drbana. HI. IHBIABA Fort Wayne—Indiana W. C. T. V. Oct: 14-18. Mrs. Bosfr Pearce, Darlington, Ind. IOWA Des Moines—Iowa Poultry and Pet Stock Aaan, Jan. 6-12, 1911. K. H. Gnthrie. Des MabMs. la. Preseott—DMorae of Honor. Sepk 33. Btta A. Branaon, 707 Page St., Slienandaab. Iowa. . KAB8AB Topeka—Kansas Editorial Assn. Jan. —. 1811. j; E. Junkln, Sterling, Kan. I.exlngton—Bine Graas Com Show. Not. — Prof. Geo. Boberta, State VnlTcrsIty, Lexing- ton. Ky. Baltimore—^Maryland Cereal and Fonge Crop BreederaV Assn. Not. 28-Dec. 3. Nlcholaa Sehmltx. College Park. Ind. aOCHIOAB Grand Baplds—National Aaan. of Commercial ExecutlTea. Oct. 6-7. Clarence A. Cotton. 87 Pearl at. Grand Baplds. Mich. WSSOIIBI St. Joseph—Retail Grocers, Botchers and Bak- ers' Asan. Not. 2-12. John M. Bead, 7th and Edmond, St. Joseph, Mo. - PEMNSYLVABIA McKeegport—^McKe^port Poultry Show. Dec. 23-Jan. 1. W. W. Soles, 211H Fifth are., McKeesport. Pa. SOUTH SAHOZA Sioux Falls—Retail Implement Dealers* Assn. of South Dakota, Southwest Minnesota and Northwest Iowa. Dec. 6-8. E. O. Barton, VermUUon. S. D. VEBXOBT Barton—Vermont Christian EndeaTor Union. Oct. 3-e. Hlsa Beulah B. Bates. 212 SilTor St., Bennington, Vt. ' K UE TIE LOWEST-nUGEB lOmE FOI CANES. WHIPS, BADCES, CONFETTI. TICKLERS. FLAGS. ETC., ETC. Park People, Fraternal Orders. Privilege Men, Cdebration FoilowerB, Jobbers ut Agents, etc. Send for our illnstnted catalogue of tiM moat complete line of Fancy Pcimants on the market. Connect with us and yoa will make money. Ererybody knows that we are reliable. THE HOLIDAY NOVELTY MFG. CO.. 37 Omt JonM St.. New York. N. Y. SSTABLOHSD IV ISU. 8E0R8E A. PATUREL 4lari41fnMSkMt, KIIWI The Largeat and Oldeat Sealer and Importer of 8AS, WNISTUlie ANB ABVEITISIM BALLOONS Ala* N«v«ltt«B ior StoMttflSM. Fair Workers' and Streetnen's NEWGOODSJUSTOUT WBIXE FOB OBB BEW ISIO ZCLVS- XBATES CATAIOOUE. Mailed free to your addresa. Send for It to-day. It will mm to jtm that we haTe the latent ana beat aeUlaK gooda mt POSITIVELY THB UWB8T FBIOHL 9 We teeelT* •retr w«^ tiem , onr fhctoix. BaUoons et 8B ktada and alsea that we goaraatc* et anperior gnallty to any oBeted oa tbe market. We also cantlon onr cnatomen and the trade to beware of in- ferior and false numbera oSerad at cheap prices. Price List on Application. FREE CATALOG CARDS, Dice CHIPS, iS'SSSUPPUK Wlsard THoK Cards. SSo. 1—Book Mkor nurtng : . IBo. 1—Caport at CardTabla . . ZSo. KCRNAN aara. co. 1«S Daarbern SV. Chloaso. - TtM Buyers' Dlreotorx teOs foa who. and where. The Msgeat valae erer oSbfed for tbe monn. BxMsheaTy. Mil alse TM inebea. Vmlum., 81.4S; per cnee, fiSSo. We are headqurteia fbr Watebea. Jewdry. FbmitalnTene aiid NoTeltlea. ALTBACH A. ROSENSON Wheiasala ifasMlars The Home of Moreltlea _ 170-178 E. Madison St.. Ohieago. HI. I COME TO THE SUNNY SOUTH nie prico Of Oottoa li Idgh and then It ft Us eropa TheFaulknerCoiair at CORWIIY, ARK. Oetobar 4, S, S and T TfeB FAIR Nitl a BIG NIOHT SHOW Wants Ooneeaalona and aSiows o( all kind*. Tin State Fair at Hot Springs, Ark., and two otlMr County Faira fUlow oora. Short jmnpa to tlwm alL Horsemen, write for our fine radng pro- gnm. Address W. N. OWBM. Manacer, Conway. Ark. TORRENT TO GONGESSIONS Space* ffit all fclnda in Arcade. iOOS Market St., FhUadelphla. Pa. Open 8 A. M. to 11 P. M. filg Crowda. 1. NICHOLSON, 1008 Market St. WANTED—A NUMBER OF First-Class Paid Attractfons Ferris Wheel. WUd West Show, good Tent Shows, Sleight of Hand Man and Acrobatic Man for Free 'Attractions. Shows 80-20 per cent. In- cluding light, license and locations. A big foor days' Borne Coming and Log Rolling. Oct. 5-6-T-8, nnder management of W. O. W. Lodg- ITd, Osceola. Iowa. Addreaa LEONABD ^ Osceola. Iowa....'' ' ■■ .: wmED-»R6lialile €arR^^^ or Circus, td take South oa boat maklnc rtrar towns. Capadtr of boat 890 people. Length 120 fe< L - . - .r _ 120 feet: beam Se feet. Capt. Jno. B. Amtsea, Mgr.: E. A. Falk. Bus. Mgr. Address aU mall, IINOY rSBBY ft AM. CO., Qulaer, BL ATTRACTION WANTED for Morgan Co. Pa^, at Hartaelie. Ala. Datea. Oct. 25-28, Ineloatye. Write at once If lOO want aome bnalness. Attendance 2.000 to 8.000 Vt day. Addreas CLYDE SBABPB, Secretary. WANTED Shows and Amusements at the Welch, Oklahoma. Street CamlTal, Sept. 28-30 and Oct. 1. On main Una Katy. WANTED Shows and Amasements for the County Fkir at HaUett, Okla.. October 12-13-14-15. On Baty and "Frisco. Wanted, for Hor^ Show One or two 8rlt-cla«a' VMe Attractlona, Sept. 28-28. State tetma |aS description ilrst letter. CHAS. A. SMITH. Cam. on PrlTUeges, George- town, Illinois. lAllTEB^ CAI^ Bar ttM Bute OOlined FMr, week Norember 8-11. CO LUidBIA. S. C. 3, X. CMLnsr, Bbaager Onoeasloaa. WTVOBB. XEBBASKA. wants a Eood Stock Co. to Wi Opoa Hoose. Oct. 10: slso open datea *~ ' —"— Seating capadtr JgO; opnoalUon. T. F. H08- Wymore, Nel>r. ^ - to Opoa Hoose, tor )d atttactiuM. popa 8,800. No TON. Jiaaa«er, Wymon WAXTEI>—All around people for week standi; Sketch Team. S. * D. Comedian, Silent Acts: those playing O. or P. preferred. Tell aU flrst letter, ^on't ask for ticket tmless I know you for yon will not get it. Yon get your mmofj OTery Sunday raomlo?. This Is a Med. Sbow. KLOCK KOMEDY KO.. Gen. Del.. Green Bay, Wisconsin. WABTED WXEOIATELY, a good CamlTal Co. to show In connection wltb Agrl. and Stock FMr. Oct. 10-15. Good crowds aisoted. Liberal propo- alUon. L. CLEVELAND, Secy.. Bmaawiek, So.