Billboard advertising (Sept 1910)

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SEPTEMBER 24,1910. T e E BILLBOARD SEPTEMBER 24, 1910. MAKE EXTRA PROFIT. BUY FROM MANUFACTURING AND DIRECT IMPORTING HOUSE EVERYTHING IN THE LINE OF STREETMEN'S GOODS NOVELTIES CUTLERY JEWELRY PENNANTS SPECIALTIES CANES NOVELTIES Special Prices on Live Sellers Good for 30 Days Oh You Turk Hats—large ... -Gross, $ 6.00 No. 15—Special Confetti Duster..-.-^-...^...-™iPer M, 7.50 No. 18—Special Colored Dasta* .........z.........^jPetM, 15.00 Special Fancy Whips——— -—-—Gross, $4.50*to f 5.50 Special Fancy Handle Razors No. 255—rAssorted, 6 styles, stork, peacock, stag, etc.—— ——Dozen, $3.00 No. 7030—Shell Lace Hand Bags with chain, two ball metal ' clasp, fringe bottom* Big seU 1.25 New line Paper Carnival Hats. Big Variety. See Onr Streetmen'a Catalo^ne. We send no catalog and ship no goods to consomers In writing for catalog, say if you want Streetmen's 256-page or the large 708-page book, and state when last you received our catalog. ~ WZ BUZEXiX Streetmen, ~ Tendora. Cane Back and Knife Board Men, High Piteb and Fish Pond Operatoca, Street Fair and.OainlTal Workers, TraveUns liedlebw Sbows, Clrcases, Aiie- tloneen, Concesslon- altea. Premium Giv- ers, Schemlsta, 9f. O. Men and General Mer- diaiita. We ore Manufactoreis, Im- porters and Wholeealera BIGGEST UNES IN AMERICA N.SHURECO. 220-222 Madisii street CHICA60, - ILLINOIS OUB STBOHO LINE Jewelry, Watcbes, Cutlery, Canes, Sllver- ware, Yankee Notions, Novelties and &peclal- tles .^In - immense va- riety. Qnick sellers ln~ Stationery, Dry Goods, Sondrlea, Lea- ther and B a b b e r Goods, Books and Sou- venirfl. Premium Goods, Advertising Goods, Street Fairs, Carnival and Picnic Supplies of all kinds, ete., etc, etc. "Ekas Manager looks prosperous and happy. You will feel the same way when you dii* card that oM juice caBsummg liieostat and put in a —I Fort Wayne Compensarc It will inerease yoiir box office lecnptt because your patrons will notice at once Ikiw mucb brighter and clearer your pictures are. And what's more, k . Cut 2-3 from Your Monthly Lightinir Bill That sounds as if we were stretching it, doesn't &? But we are n^ and just to . show you, we will ship you one on 30 days free trial and let you prove it If it does not do we daiQi for il; Aip k back at our eq^enae add i woo't cost ,.you one cent. If this sounds "good" to you. send for our' little booklet "Compensarc vs. Rheostat" and Gad out the paitkulais. You ate payngthe Lighimg Company half , jri^'^'tnt^ cveiy day yott wnt Fort Wayne Electric' Works 1401 Broadway Fort Wayn^" HURRY! SEND YOUR BID For the exclusive city or state rights for THE ONLY MOVING PICTURES -OF- Buffalo Bill's Wild West and Pawnee Bill's Far East Before tlie Territoiy ytu want is soH From the Moving Picture of the Wild West- Far East, Showlsg Buffalo Bill Introducing the Rough Riders. If you want to make big money on an exclusive proposition that will stand repeating, get the pic- tures of the Wild West and Far East, combined. Buffalo Bill and Pawnee Bill draw larger crowds to their ez' hibitlon than any show on earth —These pictures iiriU'draw larS'' er crowds than any,^ ever made, and they will h(eyer los(B interest. With the 3000 feet of film you ckii^L>w in any theatre the complete Buffalo Bill Wild West and Pawnee Bill Far East exactly as it is exhib- ited in the open arena. You can give a genuine $1.00 show at a low price of admission. Not only the Wild West, but the Rough Riders of every nation, the Far East—all combined make the 3000 feet of fihn novel and exciting from start to fipish—the Greatest Drawing Card in the World. 50 styles of- the finest lithograpb posters. Fine assortment of large size pho- tographs for lobby frames, heralds, cuts, etc. A complete lecture—ev- erything to help yoli get the money. Frank Winch. In The Billboard, says: Never before in all film history has such a hit been with the Buffalo Bill Wild West-Pawiiee Bill Far East Pictures.' Exchanges and moving picture men the country over are most enthusiastic over the films, which from a standpoint of pho- tography and interest have seldom been equaled. The Movinii Picture World says: Buffalo Bill is a name to conjure with amongst the youtii of the land. The very name,on .the poster at the. theatre door would mean a full hoiisc. For nearly fifty years CpL.'Cody has been- before the pulJ- lie eye, so that when the pictures of hin farewell round-up are announced, not only the youth but the boys of fifty will want tosee.them. Tke Clipper saysi Every scene has been photogm phcd and every scene is .as life-like ras if-you joined the sweltering. cro.wd and jammed your way iiit« the crowded tent on the road. WRrrE. WIRE OR CAl-L. Buffalo Bill and Pawnee BiU Film Co. Care of HoUon Picture DlstrlbaUatf and Sale« Co. Ul EBMt 14^ Street, NEW YORK.