Billboard advertising (Oct 1910)

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30 The Billboard OCTOBER 1, 1910. SAWDUST AND TINSEL News of the Circus Week and Bits of Gossip of Per- formers and Agents^ People and Professionals Identified With Shows Under Canvas GEO. Mcelroy, cowboy, dead. George MoElroy, wlio bus tKen traTellns with Die-key's Circle D Bancli Wild West Show Bisce fimt of April, died at tbe iiospltal -in J^a- ISTllIe, Ky., Sept. 13. UcElroy accidentally ■bot himself In tbe leg at Lcsanxport, Ind., asd was taken to ibe St. Joseph Hospital, wliere lie lemalsed for three weeks. He left the Iios- gtal, sopposed to be ont of danger, and Joined the *bow at Colombas, Ohio. McElriy was only oat of the hospital four days when he was com- pelled - to undergo an operation, and again sent to tbe lioBpltal wiiere. upon examination. It was found that gangrene liad set In IJie woood and extended far op into ills t>ody. The operation was praformed Monday afternoon and, altlioagb na passed ttnoagli tlie operation In good spirits "? 5" feeUM nmcai better. Jie sank n^dly and died at 6:30 Tnesday afternoon. AH effoFts to locate Ills relatires. and eate- ctally his Jirotlier. N. I. McBlroy, at Wan^ Ofcl^oma, were fruitless. No answers could be received ftpm. any telegrams tliat were sent. rS^S^*^ *orled In BastenS CcineteiT. at LonlsviUe, Ky.. by the members of tbe Circle D Eaneh Wild West Show. SttlJdldto^^Ld^* ""^ of the Aow 'Any one knowing definite address of any of «>e relaUves of the deceased piSae n^fr WlS A. Dickey, of Circle D Ranch wSdW^SW S ?h'f ^ ™^ Bmi.««d, as he hS SI? n^Ji »!, necessary details to liv cate the bod y for any rglaHves or friends. TWO OF BOSTOCK'S SONS WED. New JTork, Sept.—James Gordon Frederick George Bostock, eldest son of J. w. BSitoS^of n^^l'- Interaatlonal showman, and Clande Bostock. the youngest son, were married In two states at the same honi last weS. MI.'i™M.»S??"'5, Tr*."* *? ''"y Hall with 5Sf..*'"**'"Sf.x^^'"'*' aanghter of George Wehrle. a Pittsburg hotel man, and procnSd a marriage Ucense. His sister. Miss GertrSde BMtock Of 610 Kiverside Drlra, McompSlel SfJ""''.?* a witness, and an Alderman married ttem. Mr. Bostock said he had known Miss Wehrie ever since he moved to Plttabnrg with J's family from I>mdan as a lioy, and that Si *" schoolmates together. ^rae other brother, meanwhile, applied to a magistrateln Jersey City, with Ulsi Irene i>n- lon. an English comedienne, whom be met •everal years ago in lAndon, and who Is now pUyIng at the Colonial Theatre^' His mother accompanied them as a witness. After the ceremony. Mr. Bostock said, they would make their home at the Hotel Remington. The brothers are in the motion picture and animal Ehow bnsiness. COOKHOUSE SCANDAL PROM THE JOHN ROB INSO N SHOWS. Geoeya and Drake Lowande joined the I«- wande Eight Brazilian Equestrians at Greens- boro, K. C. Hal Newport Is riding the bnrdle mule, act Lowande now Is riding a principal , L. H. Heckman. from the advance, was a Tialtor at Gpeensboro, N. C. Davis and Exam's Uptown Show Is now about as large as the streets will stand for and liaa more noise making devices than a real carnival company. The Great Volan joined the show recently. Hlle. Howard Is doing a flying ladder act Tommy Harrison, hurdle mule rider. Joined. _ Sherwood Upchurch and family of Baleigh N. C.. were visitors at the afternoon perform- ance at Durham. IS STILL A CLO WN AT 92. ^tondon, England. Sept 24.—James Dougherty, England's oldest clown. sHll before the Dnblic; raebrated his S2 birthday by a benefit per- formance with bis clever tronpe of trained dogs on West Pier, Brighton. He made hlg first fPPf^JS""^* » down at Davenport Theatre m lS3i,. and performed at Dmry Xane for the first time in 1819, In the pantomime. Queen Bess. It Is thirty-five years ago since he star- ted giving his entertainments with his trained dogs at Brighton, and he has many times ap- peared before royalty. Last month Mr. Dongh- S ^ras the recipient of a donation of £3 from the King, to whom he had written mentioning nls great age. A LETTE R OF APPEAL. Janeiro, June U, 1910. The. Billboard Publishing Company. 416 Elm St, Cincinnati. O., IJ. S A ; Gentlemen---I send yon this letter to ask you IT you will kindly announce the death of my hmband. George Carlo, the last of the Throe Brothers Carlo, celebrated acrobats; If yon will. Kindly put the- announcement in a few other pa- pers, so ills family can bear of it, as I have uat the direction of their home. I know It Is ■mBewhere In Brooklyn. I have often heard mXne.BIllboard. and now apply to see if they will help me, for I am in very reduced circum- ■tances. I, Amelia Carlo, tight-rope artist, also noer^and general performer, who was the only tadj that drummed a drum solo on the tight- tone, and did a fifteen-minutes' act without a baUnee pole, have helped and supported my husband and a stricken son, who was a very dever dub Juggler, but five years ago got con- ceatlon of the brain and Is unable to work, so I Bare, with the help of another aon, to support him by playing the piano, -wblcli Is rar poorly paU; also drcns bnsiness: hen la not vortb anytlilng. as my son gets very UtSo alaa, and sometimes does not receive his money. It Is Terr hard for me. I have a veir lurd atmggle of it. and 2 liave gone throagb so many troubles and trials that now my health la failing. I have no doubt that If you will take the trouble to inquire In New Xork a great many friends and colleagues that know of me will conflrm my letter. Hoping, dear sir, that yon will : Idndly take Interest in my appealing letter. 1 have also some relatives In New York, la you could find them, also In St. Charles, Leans County, 111., called Andrew Guile. He is no relative, but he might help me for old acquaintance sake. My maiden name was Amelia Bridges, of the Bridges family In England. I have also rela- tives In England and well off. I am also re- lated to John Henry Cooke, the Cooke family on my mother's side, cooslns of beis. Hr mother's name was Amelia Woolfoid, manled In Hatty's Clicns; she was a niece of Dncrow. I explain these few ililngs to you, dear sir, to enlighten yon as to who I am. Hoping yon wHl do something to help me try and start a little boarding house or rent rooms. 1 could do that, as I have acquaintances In the light and power company. Hoping yon will ezcnse me, sir, for tronbllng yon, but I am nearly ont of my wita what to do. Hoping you will Undly anawer my letter, I remain. . Toura tmly, MBS. OEOROB CABLO, ( prop er name). MBS. AMBUA LAWBBKCB, (prop« name), of tbe Brothers Carlo. p. S.—My address, one that will alvniys find me. Is SpInelU's. Clrco Splnelll. Bio Janeiro. CONTBIBDTIONS BECBIVBD. E. & M. lUIngawarth.. .<1.50 C J. Xarbraagh 1.00 HELP SUSIE WILEY. Ko matter how small the contiibntloii yen can afford to give, due credit wHl be gives yoa it bestowed In care of The BIlUxMrd, to halp Susie Wiley to liquidate the debts Incurred by the death of her hnsband, William WUey, who waa well known to the circus fraternity as tree to give v^ere aaalstanee was needed, and he was liked by all the troupers with whom he became acquainted. Hia widow haa wcrked hard to pay her debts and get ahead to buy property for her act and is really suffering for the necessities of life,' as her husband's death baa rendered ber destltnte, and her present employment brings ber but a mere pittance. Slie la now serving as Janitress at 713' North Delaware avenue, Indianapolis, Ind. Itenpers who are In aympathy with unfortnnate mem bers of the xvrofesalon are asked to assist this woartliy woman, who Is anxious to get out of ■lebt and get enough to pay for the property she needs while at work on the road. Mall ■!«itrlbntlons In care of The Billboard. p»able to Mrs. Sode Wiley. Bonbeur Bros., ^opruton of Boiheur Bros.' Shows, btve ■nggested tbe Instltntlon of this fund, and they guarantee the cause a worthy one. CONTBIBUnOMS. The BlUboard Pub. Co..... $10:00 H. Halle , 1.00 Basel Arnold I.OO Adr. Car So. 1, JOlm BOUnson SIuws.... 4.76 Mat Cross EO Wm. Todd 1.00 SCu* ??ocId laOO mas Ethel .BO vr. A. F. JSO Harry Wallace BO Charles Blotcky 1.00 G. Wllhelm 2.00 G. & M. Hllngwortb 1.B0 C. J. TaTliroiigb 1.00 B. & B. CLOSING DATE. The Bamum and Bailey Show will terminate its season at Clarksdale. Miss., Nov. 5. Mrs. Clarke was a Tisltor at the afternoon performance of the John Boblnaon's Ten Big Shows at Morganton, C. FOR SALE CHEAP THREE CUB BEARS Two male, one female; about seven months old. S75.00, F, 0. B. Grand Rapids, Mich. Address L. J. DeLAMARTER. KENNEDY BROS. SHOW WANTS Cornet Baritone, Tnba, Trombone for band. Performers doing two or more acts In big ahow. Boas Canvasman, Boss Hostler, good Cook. Ad- dress KENNEDX BBOS.-' SHOWS, Denisou, Tez. Shows run all winter. Permanent address, 1517 Bessie Street. Ft Worth. Texas. CARS FOR RENT Several steel framed Hotel Cars for rent Ad- dress HABBY ABMSTBONG, 204 ScbUler BIdg., Chicago. TBAJNICASTEB WASTED, for long season south; most be sober and make good. Must Join at once. Answer by wire at Hnmboldt. Tenn. COSMOPOLITAN SHOWS. MURRAY & COlVfl^ANY (INCXyikPORATED) 70 foot round top, with 30 fiwt mldiUe, 10 foot wall, OH oimes dtlU all thionghs nssd tw» months. Price, f170.00. 85x60, hip roof ends, 8 foot wall, 6M Ounce drill; used one month. Price, S8S,00. 80x60, Tonnd and gable ends, 10 foot wall; used two months; VA ounes drill all throafh. A bargain. Price, $70.00. .. _ . „ S0x60, aqoare ends, 9 foot wall; naed one month; 6% onnee drill. Friee, tS0,00. ISzflO, gtuila ends, 6 foot wall; red and white; used three weeks. Price, $OS.OO. e40-e48 Meridian Street. CHICAGO. SEND AT ONCE for Our Big Lit of SECOND-HAND TENTS. A ISI I M A L iS Having bought out tbe entire Hunter Jungle Sbow, we offer some excep- tional bargains in small animals and thirty very fine cages. Send for list. WILUAM BARTELS CO., . 160 Greenwich St., New York GOSS^ SHOW CANVAS \^^^^^^ cucK TENTS CiHcus FLAGS Waterprool Gov.-is SEHil F0« Sf n CATHOC m SfCCVD HJHD The J. C. GOSS CO. Phone Canal S66i. EstsUialiad 1865. Thomson & Vandiveer MANUFACTUBEBS OP CIRCUS TENTS TENTS FOR KENT. 816 Eart Pearl St.. CINCINNATI. O. TENTS SHOW TENTS, BLACK TENTS. CANDY TOPS", MBBKY-GO-KOtJND COVERS and everything In xanvas. Send for catalogne. DOOSHERn BBfiS. TEKT ft AWHK CI lOS-U Bonfh vain Street, ' St. loois. Ko. THE ZIHESX SHOW PAIlfTIKOS AT LOWEST PBIOES. Tell ns what yoa need and we will send 10W E8T est imate and Ulnatrated catalog. KNKHBOIJi ABX CO., Omaha, Bebr, SideShowPaintiiigt SIEGMUND BOCK 723 Blue Island Ave., Chicago. Ills. (. ;r-| i;n: ^jF(\. Ca). Car bonders. All daseea. Bliow Can a ape- dalty. Shops, Harrey, Illiooia. HOTOKKTfla,. BLTfE & OOKPASY, Sil Bailway Exchaags BIdg., Ohloago. -i WAHTED I-OS OYHAIDXE JOE'8 WHO WEST SHOWS. South all winter. Ferformera In all llnea, Oronnd Tnmbleis,: Clowns and Aerobata, Hnalclans for band. Wild-W est Perfonnets in sU lines. Add. TOI> TEBTEB, ears Dynamite Toe'a Wild West, Wieblta lUla, Texas. PORTABLE tl6HTS FOR ALL PURPOSES THEB0LTE&WEYER60. • e. Michigan BtrMt, CHICAGO, • ILLINOIS T E NTS OF EVERY DESCRIPTION Now is the time we need the work and can give quick action and close price. QUALITY THE BEST THE GOUMBHS TENT ft AWMNI CO. COLUMBUS, OHIO WE HAVE FOH I£&8E, CABS, BO tt. long, for shipping acenery, automobiles, adrance, baggaga, privilege, stock and merry-go-rounda. Dealrabla for sh ow a nd circna companies. Bea aen able rates. THE ABMB PALAOESmBSE CAB 00.. Koom 614, US lUoUcsa ATeans, OUeacs, TENTS 80x100, 80x120, 60x80. 30x60, SOxSO. 20x50. black, 300 camping tents and 2.000 A. of 10-ft. side waU. O. j£ XEBB XF6. CO.. 1007 W. Madison St. (Old Ho. tSO). OUeacs. Lrag taaoe Phoaa, HOnroo MM. WILLIAM BARTELS CO. D«alen in Wild Anlmmls. 260 Oreenwich Btre«t, Haw York Ottr* THE BUCKEYE TEN'and iWHlKG CO. l'"Vr- Ci^LU^iByS, DHiO IMPROVED ACETYLENE For Tento. Clronses. fmtkm, eta. THE ALEXANDEB HILBUKN CO. £07 W. Lombard St., . Bsltimore, Md BRIUIANT.-. PRIMO UGHTS For Grcuaes, all kindo of Tent and Outdoor Shows, Ooneeerion and Street Men. Write for Catalogue. WINDHORST «, CO. lOMN.lSttiSt, ST. LOUn, MO. SHOW FAINTINOS E. J. HAYDEN & CO, 106-10 Broaaway, BBOOKLO. ». T. a BKARS, •NAKKS, LKOPARDB MONKHYS, BABOONS, Monatsr BaakM and WUd Anlmala of eWn WttD AHIMAI, 6t6r«, in WaatalagtoB St.. Buffalo, X. T. B I I Al Bf V- SHOW PRINTCIW Clnolnnatl.OMo Ttiwnrio»|.cireua Phetoaraphera. emeus A JuaauNO apmratus. Cluba, Balona and Novelties, fltatnp tor eats- logne. EDWABD VAW WTOK, Olnolaaatl, 0. WAMXH) AX OBOE—Piano Player and Singer for Be theatre: lady or gent: only those who do S?*?.."""^ V''* S!i»'''» »» Sunday work. Uratlon salary. UIAMI TaBATBB, KaaUln. Ohio.