The billboard (Dec 1910)

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DECEMBER 3, 1010. rhe Billboard 61 LIGHT EFFECTS Cv«rythlng Electrical for Thtatm, Parks, rroductloni a r. d Vaudavill* Acta. UNIVERSAL ELECTRIC STAGE LIGHTING CO. This, mam Davis, took a* a Salted o.tll «.» on ik) - in ilia bid mid* famous In tbe days of n* r London triumphs. This put, >In. Ponsonby de Cootu Wragg*. ta that of a. lady who might aril have been named Nan*- She drove two husbands to lb* woods, ■■ the librettist ex- presses It, sod whan tor? got out of the woods. It was "uly to ba confronted by the eaoea of "'Marr' a la Carta will ba given a spaedy proihicllun by IJrblcr aod Company. The cut U rehearelng dally. Miss Orate \vuisth-r, a niece of tbe artist, and a member of tbe Bessie Abbott Opera Com Emit, wilt aloe the part of Suxukl In Madame uttrrflT dories tbe Southern tour of that com nauv. during which this Puccini opera, aa well „ hla La Bohcme, will be anna;. Idlaa Wblatler waa Masregnl'a personal selection for one of .be «"P»J«»« »gJ | «^2 rt *-9*? 1 .- CARNIVAL CONV ERSATION. Pasaing Events. Comment en Parson- attiss. Obsarvations of Conditions and Suggestions for Better- ment. Br "BI D OHIO *." (Written upeeUnyor^Tb.^ Paint up- Winter quarter* now. AiwaV? neeStf ..Sed-Oood door talker*. ■ What makes a wttd weat wild J Aak Gordon. InnoTatlnna d tremeiy radical. An advertisement to be effective, mnat lesr* a dlatlnct mental Impression. Do It now. Do not wait for next season to make tboae contemplated Improvt All who knew Jolly Trlxle, the sorry to bear of her death. Tbe public dors Dot want to know, ••What la It:" tbej went to know what It la. Hare yon ever aeen anybody set mora out of a slaas show than Will Z. 8mlth cant Tbe best that most men (at out of the show business la to hare a clear named after them. Son—"What makes a merry-era-round, go round?" Father— ">'lckele, my son, nickels." Isn't be the wIh father? Frank 8. Reed, business manager for tb* Backslln Ben Show, aaya. "Hla mi" la pnre, but he la not oslag If." What has become or tb* Indepao men's Protective AssoclstlonT Also phs.ia. « hat bar* they dona for the good of ta* The utile Russian Prince, onder the man- agemeat of Fraok it. Bllts. atill proves to ba the heat alngl* boat offlce attraction In Cam! valdoni. John J. Stock did and doss let mors mosey oat at a Katcenjamoxr Kaatle than say of his Imitators or followers. Woo aald original? Charles D. Wlllsrd. why don't yon pot one of your Temple of Mnsic Shows under canvass and get aome of the money that la coming to yon» Elbert Hubbard says. "People like to more, •ren If they only go round In a circle." Tbte may have something to do with the perennial natality of the merry-go-round, t It possible tbat Wllllsm (Billy) Persca and A. J. (Determination )Murphy are back at It ■gala? If you are. success to you, aa It takea you two fellow* to get tb* money. It dor* not seem to make mnch apparent dif- ference to sons companies r long aa they can move to Sunday cornea. ^.8. Edward*, _ the beat , . on the road. Ill- contL__ nuat really he something In rtlalng aavnt* do eofaetb prove* that tb* man. Advertising agents do aomeibiag more than "y turn' - to almply furnish the Information that yonr t scare. - gels tba money. It la because It Is and weU managed. If It doe. B0t, I met Dan R. Lewis (tbe talker), wttb tbe "Two Bill*' Show." this summer. Dan baa a persoasllty aod a retching line of conversation that abonld elevsta him to a position hi*bar than tbe bloe teate. If a show s good ahow _ It la the fault do not, One* there »rag a a wreck golog to a •bey bad a blow-down caught Are. and other tl the manager reported good that for optimism 1 Not enough attention la paid to tb* minute details that would enhance and make possible tb* beat remit*, both artistically and financially. I fan cite innumerable Instances Is the ex- ploitation and presentation of otherwise credit able and worthy shows and organisation* wherein Ihla I* lacking. i ■ , "DOC" Wsddell aaya, "(leorge W. Rollins would be a hlg hit a* s Chautauqua lecturer and Lyceum Bureau feature." For tbe good of the business ba Is now la, let ns bona he remains "here be la. The bnalneaa needa mora men In It with Rollins' capacities. > ~> .-v O. A. Donthlt. the boy who handle*'tb* brush for the Lafayette (Ind.) Rlllpoatlog Co., la axunc billposter. Yon can depend upon every (beet laid out going up neatly. 11* seeps up a nice line of boarda, and la a good fellow for agents to meet. , c t . , J -i, s .., ■ M. Mil (Bcnnle) Taylor, formerly on* of the most prominent carnival concessionaries, ta now managing the New Richmond Theatre,' North Adnma. Ma**., the real flratrlasi house of tbe city (playing Schubert attractions). Bennle Is making good: hla experiences on tbe road are •erring him wall' la' thla eapaelt*. ■ Some one will eventually pat oat that "big •op" scheme and make It a go. -It must be more than merely a carnival company under tanraaa.. Combine Curia M. Smith'* conception of It with- Lew Itorktey. spectacular Idea* and ability to execute thing* ot magnitude, and you has* got It aaactl*., ^ tfllows, I this*.'. Sotuauow lie got tb* political be* is bis bonnet..- It buxsetj at. hard, that he ran* for the Maaisfatarrm The- baa as net aoxxlng now. Harry ta an ambitious, brainy fallow. Take It from me, you will bear from him. Woold Ilka >o sea blm back la tba gam*. There are many In the business selling con- fetti, who po**i>.y are not Informed aa to Its origin. The following allpped from a small town weekly, may u* Interesting: "That history of confetti la rather carious. Several year* ago ■ large printing works In Paris was turning out Immense quantltlea of calendars, through which * amall round hole bad been punched to receive an eyelet for holding the aheet* together. A heap of the little circular scraps of paper cot out by the punch accumulated on a table, and one of the machine men amused himself by scattering a handful Of them over a working glrl'a hair. She Immediately enatebed np a handful and throw them In hla face. Other girl* followed her maniple, and the first con- fettl battle began. The head of tha eatabllsh. meat came In, when It wu at Ita height, and being what tbe Americana call a 'smart man,' he st once realised tbat there waa 'money In It. He ordered special machinery, placed large quantltlea of tbe new article on tb* market, made a fortune, and created a new Industry." CARNIVAL NOTE8. Bbleld'a Big Specialty Show left New Orleans November 24 for Ita third annual tour of the tropics. With tb* aggregation are Miss Pearl Wllleta, Illusions; alias Edna Bates, poses piss tlqoe; Mr. aad Mrs. A. W. Cosby. Bed Clsyton ami Mis* Pssrl McVey, Using model*; Jimmy Col son. black-face comedian; Mis* Myrtle Rose, song and dance; Tha Hyaous, musical act. Tb company will play all tba principal cities In Central America, opening In Bellxe, British Hon dnra*. for tb* month of December. Tbe Herbert A. Kline Shows closed at San Antonio, Tex**, Not. 20. Tbe nut season will be opened May 29. at Flint, Mich. Alice, tha wonder: Trlxle, tbe fat girl; Mills' Foot in One, Ruhl'a Flea Circus, Delgarlan and Zlnnly'a streets of Cairo, Dan Carlos Dog and Monkey Hotel. Doe Turner'* Seven In One, 0111' Roulette, Merry-Go-Rround end Ferris bar* been signed tor the 1811 aeaaon. Veola Thompson, restored this season on tbe Parker attraction* as tb* "remarkable woman anoouncer. lecturer and musician," baa cos* tracted with tbe Amalgamated Amusement As- sociation for a feature production In which ah* will lecture and play tbe piano simultaneously. The Little Russian Prince cloaca hla aeaaon at Pensarola, Fla., from where be will go to New Orleans for the. winter. The little fellow's manager, Frank H. BUts. and" Mrs. BUts, will also spend the winter ta New Orleans. Cbaa. Nstll bu sold hla Intereat In the New Olympic Shows The outfit continue* under tha management of Msey and Matthew*. Tbe line- up consists of four Shows, merry go-round, band, and twenty concessions. Mr. K. B. Nelmy, of tbe Nelmy Show*, who waa recently operated on for appendicitis st St. Luke's Hospital. Chicago, la Improving very rapidly, and Is expected to return to the show within a few weeks. The will H. Welder Show* have closed their eeeaou or twenty-five weeks, and gone lata winter quarter* st Coal too. O. Th* company will reopen Its next season the first week In May. DeKreko Brothers went In Chicago last week, and report a successful aeaaon. While In tha city they transacted a few deal* In tha lntereat of their organisation. Geo. W. Rollins has closed bis aeaaon. and la now In winter quarter* at Central City Puk, Macon, Oa. The aeaaon wu a very good on*, according to Mr. Rollins. Too*. Qntncy, direr, baa closed a aeaaon of thirty-two week* with the Smith Greater Show*, ■nd Will apend tb* winter IB Jacksonville. KIs. Hamilton'* Big Itv*-In-One and Ortrlch Farm closed tb* season, with the United Faira Book- ing Association at Penaacola, Fla. Uoore'a Electric Palace. Ilosa' Indiana, and The Armless Wonders have Joined tbe Great apead th* winter In Loa CaL FRANK BLITZ DEAD. New Orleans, La.. Nov. 33 (Special to Tha BUUusrd).-rrank BUts. th* well-known show *aa*s.'*s xat ta k- L xaa* ivexty > tad* *aorBtnr- »n la ►nail? entered" the prutVaslo^ln hTTln'ffncy. Hla father was tha famous Signer BUts. a noted "'whlilTur. BUts has been with practical.- all the large tented attractions of th* day. It waa not until be took Into charge that wonder- ful freak, "Millie Christine," tbe two-beaded woman, that brought blm Into prominence. H toured almoat the entire globe, and thla country aevsrsl time* with her. He managed that at- traction for twenty-seven year*. About three years ago be took tb* manage cot of that famous midget, "Tb* RusaIso Tb* Prince;" In fact bad Just closed on* of tbe moat successful season* of his' hard-working ca reer, wben be waa suddenly taken 111,' and Just a* suddenly passed away. He was a member ot tba local Lodge of Klka. woo bar* taken entire charge of tha funeral, also- Continental Lodge.. KL of IV ot Philadelphia. Ha Is aur- vlerd- by hi* widow. Louise. (Aunt Loa *• she waa called) bla mother and two brothers. Mrs. BUts will roraata In Now Orleans In definitely, at 191 ' HARRISON LEAVES CHICAGO. Chicago, III., Not.' 3D (Bpeclal to The Bill- board).—George A. Harrison, who waa for- merly manager with vaudeville theatre* In White City and Foreet Park, Chicago, baa ac- cepted, a similar position in a Loa Angelea, CaL park' at A naw device, known as haa been Invented and paten lam. Jr., of Jamestown, N. four motion picture* and lib «~ - ,J. . .■..■...«•,■»' .\-,:-, -*v »..'..... vse; FAIR AT PORTO Tbe drat Insular Fair in Porto Biro win he held st San Juan, March 2 to 7. Tha Brst week In March was chosen for th* date* beeaaee of the fine weather at^tbat time of th* year. J. W. Newman, who In seasons put acted u sec- retary of tbe Kentucky State Fair, Is one of the officials of the Insular Fair. DIRECT0R8 ELECTED. Chicago, 111., Not. 20 (Special to The Bill- board).—At the recent election of directors for Chicago'* White City, the following were chosen: Paul D. How**, Monde Blefeld, Jo- seph Blefeld. Aaron J. Jones, Adolph Llnlck. Frsnk Bering, Eugene Blefeld. RING BARN GOSSIP. Mr*. M. Warren, mother of Mrs. Sara Nelson ot the Nelson family of acrobats. saUed Nov 22 for London, Eng., expecting to return soon with tb* rest of her family. Horace B. Coleman and S. A. Dalalel. mual- clana with the RlngUng Bra*.' concert band, are wintering at tbelr borne* In Oakaloou and Wbst Cheer, la., respectively. Keller Bros.* Wagon Show haa closed and gone Into winter quarter* at Oatbrtesrllle, S. 0. This show will agsln go on th* road the third week tn February. George Grlfflng, who last aeaaon waa In the advance of tbe 101 Ranch Real Wild West Show, la again with tbe Dllllon Brothers, at tbe opera house In Cortland, N. X. Mlas Lncnie Mulhall. formerly with tbe 101 Bench Show, waa given anlte an ovation npon her appearance at tba Majeatic Theatre. Little Rock, Ark., Nor. 21. Mahlon Wllll*ma. mnalclan with the Barnum and Bailey Show, la visiting hla folka at Oak*, loo**. I*., before joining the Bboda Royal Cir- cus tor tbe winter. Edward Conroy. who was on the cu of 101 Ranch Real Wild Weat Show laat aeaaon, I* associate manager at the opera honae In Hanover, Pa. John Boblaon. with tb* Show the put aeaaon, haa with Stetson'* U. T. C. Co. Keeaport, Pa. The Adrian D. Sharp* Tent Show I* In winter quarter* at Gary. S. D.. having closed Its season sfter playing through the Dlkota*. and Iowa. •drertlstDg*noreltie* and o npon the prominence be Harry Karl reports a pleaunt aeaaon tb* Forepaugh Sells Show and wRl be ■gent of that enterprise again next seaeo John D. Carey, press sgent last season for tbe 101 Bancb. was In New York City lut week to confer on bulneas with Ed. Arlington. Bob Simons, opposition agent with Bingltng Bro*.' Shows laat aeaaon. Is now located with an Baatern Wheel barleaqne attraction. Th* AL O. Barnes Animal Circus closed at Fresno. Cel., Nor. 13. and shipped to Ita new wtnterqusrtera st Ban Franclaco. Tbe Melnotte-Lanot* Trio, lit* of tb* Fore paugh Sella Show, opens In Chicago for Frank Q. Doyle on December B. It ta reported that tb* Two Bill* will open tb* aeaaon next year In Chicago, and tha 101 Bench at New York. Tbe Boralnl Troop* 1* being heavily restored on th* Frank Q. Doyle Circuit of Taudevllle houses In Chicago. it ii Harvey, g* beck-W«llace Show, New York City. Tony Helnaman. ot Is dter I* wintering at place ha will pot l and Weldon Troupe aalled for Honolulu November 23. with the Great American Circus. Tha aeaaon of th* Fbrepangh-Salhi Show terminated at Hard!*, MR**., Nov. 23. Walter Murphy, contracting agent for the 101 Ranch laat season. I* In Naw Xovfc City. . Jos Cramer, with tba I\jrep*ogh-8*fl» Bros* Show, 1* tbe prood father of a girl. _ The John H. Sparks Show doses Its aeaaon at Albemarle, N. C. Dee. 1. The- Bert Del no Troop* go** with tba Ring ling Brother* next season. Madam Bedlni la booked on tba at arris and Sullivan and Consilium time. Noble's Tent Show will close at Charleston, 8. 0.. December 10. 01 do** Dec. VAUDEVILLE CHATTER. New York. Not. 38 (Special to The Billboard). —After spending a year and a half In th* Weal on tbe Orphcam time, Ray Montgomery and the nealy Slater* are again In New York. They in- tend sailing f»r- London next June, to fulfil 1 an engagement at the Coliseum. Tbe dale of the appearance of Alfred Jack- son, ' poster ear toon 1st. at the Victoria, has been postponed from Nor. 28 to Dee. 13. . The metropolitan try-out of Gold and See- wsld, comedy wireless sketch, entitled Knocks snd Shocks, take* place st Hammersteln'a Roof Garden on December 2. Tbe act requlree the full atake and la laid In the laboratory of « aclentlit 1 * home, using three people la Ita pres- entation: s. w. Gobi, the Inventor: V. L. See- w*M. tbe Janitor,. and Mamie Manse*, aa the PRO Pel I [to ats 1303-S Broadway, Naw Vorsi City November 27. Morris Is contributing tha book- ings. John Lawson. who gained prominence In New York recently, will soon return to this jide to RICH MOND , VA. This msn's town was tbe busiest burg tn Dixie Thanksgiving week. The International Aviation Meet, tbe annual session of th* Vlntlnl* Educational Conference, the visit ot President Taft. and tbe Ylrgtala- Carollns football game combined to attract thousand* of out-of-town folk*, who swelled the throng of amusement seeker*. The perform ■nee* of the bird-men during the four days of the International tlble extent again! 1.1. J ho i week, tn moat cue* to flowing. . i , t At on* ot th* theatres, tb* Colonial, the regular prices' were lifted fifty per cent rot both matinee and evening performance*. Thanks- giving Day. the wisdom of which poller may be questioned In view of tb* many complaints tue procedure provoked from regulsr ' patrons of tbe house. * It waa ■ prosperous week for every catablleV tnent In the smnsement line and a Te 1 •eat up from every manager's office, thins of which are yet audible Thomaa W. Ryley. who no alyly came Into possession of Frederic Thompson's Bljon The*! ire outcart. My Man. that be waa on tbe road - Ulklt-uiru whs pa. tun ivwa tasa/w -s-— lonal meet militated to no percen- against the matinee receipts of tb* He playhouse* were crowded at nlgbt tbe week. In most case* to ov*r- ig Sooth with It before bl* absence rrom the Lambs' Clnb waa noted, cam* shyly Into tbe Academy of Music Not. 22. with the expniwated edition of tbe Forest Halaey dramatisation ot Tbe QnaUty of Mercy for an engagement of three performances. Big business came ta By ley. who went away elated and holding hi* brad highly. ... Manager Ed. P. Lyon* celebrated. Not. 18. the seventh anniversary of bl* narrm- escane rrom death tn Keith's Theatre. Philadelphia. . He was manager ot that .house, at. tba time. Just before s mstlnee he waa making an In aneetlon or soma work done on a tank which stood on the roof of the theatre, stnrobline be plunged throrgb tbe glass skylight, bejd foremost, falling npon Ibe Iron stairway leadtnr tn tb* balcony aod fracturing his skull. at or geone at the Hahnemann Hnanltal opined that the '^'"'^^'^jn'Jy"?,,^ ^^"su'tnSnth. "it waa a close call all right." be said. "When I waa hurtling throngh apace I passed a* near to the pearly gates of tbe New Jernaatem that I could nee tb* atmlleht on. th* dome of the and hear tb* rustling ot angels mnwrment way. At tha* i Nathan Apjwll SOtd *»» pal big theatre, to rsar kntrwn, tbey control a HARRISBURG, PA. •lllea, : for Harrtaburg tn aa amusement hes-lnnlng of the ratev**t*r tn tha SbotnTrt*. As It weft , ra*t number of meritorious mad ahow*. wnffJr Moses Rets, owner'of the'-rest of the stock. has nothing on the road, and durtng the** few months but a. handful of flat cl*w..atqw«.h*Tt, been presented. A couple of blond and thunder dramas ■*~we*k' ta •wtrat-Trad td atifflce pieTTb u* to tbo present arrangement. Nothing baa been done, towards rebuilding oa tbe site of tbe old Grand - Opera tlon-e de- stroyed by fire' three' y*anr'ago: *22».nno has been asked by tbe Welghtmsn estste of Phila- delphia for the plot of ground but nobody ha* done any business. It would -make *n excellent .home for,tbe bidding; .9 f «, thuatre for popular^ J. ek Keller, the balloonist". I popped Into tows, for a tew Honrs tbe other d»y. to shake hand* with old friend*. _ V . . WILL M. TAIT. . . NEW-'JERSfey QOSSIf. Loney Haskell opened hi* Untied tour at the B ?uck.r£r Homer Miles, formerly of the Hudson Company at Union Hill. N. J... made his Initial sppesrsncejti his own one-act sketch, entitle* On * Side Sires... Wis* JaruS Cowvrormerly leading lady ol son Stock tompsny. Is now leading Uilr In Thr of Hat Gamblers, now being produced In Maxlne Br nott'o Theatre. New York.- •■•"« . . * ■ ' - • I-* — 1 .. Tha Goldberg Brother*, proprietors of th* .Commercial Hotel. Hamilton, .Out.. -Can., bea- qurtert all toe American, perfot ta Hamilton. JBsnkagWng Tiay,