The billboard (Dec 1910)

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DECEMBER 3, 1910. The Billboard EAST LIVERPOOL, O. Bkiuk of the Illness of J. C. Walsh. Sr., Um work of remodeling Wslsb's Dreamlan.l Theatre ku been deferred tniteSaltely. Plana hid heen prepared for doubling tbe aeatlog cap- acity of tbe house, and the enlarging of the stare. Tbe Improvements' hare been beld up out 11 tbe complete recovery of tbe elder WalaU. Dreamland la being managed by J. C. Waljh. Jr. Doe to four 8. R. O. booaea at tbe Ceramic Theatre of Ben Hor, Manager William Tallman la planning to bave a number of toe "neavtcr" road ahowa come to tbta city thla aeaaon. It la estimated that the four ahowa drew to tbe boiofflce nearly f10.000, which la the record fiv tbta city. It . la an open secret that the Ceramic thla year la peat years. "Bed" of the Ceramic. While In tbe oil Selda looking after aome of hie properties. Manager L. J. Herroo. of tbe American Theatre, waa struck on tbe fore- head juat between tbe eyea. by ^ toolI •» It waa discolored for a tbe accident. When Got. J ml son Flarmoo recently apoke here, a good story leaked out about da! Held, of Tbe Kentucklao. Bled waa playlog -In Co- lumbus. He and Mr. Harmon are good frlcoJs. ReM received a curtain call, and knowing the Governor with bla family, waa la tbe bouse, ra reported to bare aald: "Ladles and gentlemeo— I am thankful for tbta generous approval of our efforts, and I'll make a brief address aa a re- ■q] t. 1 place the name of Governor Judano Harmon, of Oblo. In nomination for president ot the United Statre." It Is reported Beld got a better "band" than ever. Thomas Xjounris baa nan at the Ceramic. Jack Srbmlt. manager of the Scenic Theatre. Minneapolis. Minn., returned thla week from a prolonged hunting trip In and around Mllle Lacs. Minn. lack waa luckier than many of the hunters, as be brought the fruits of bla labors. Keep Your • On Us INTERNATIONAL FILM TRADERS, 14T 4th Av»., Htm York City LAHQMT DEALERS III THE WORLD IK SECOND-HAND FILMS IMPORTERS AND EXPORTERS FOR SALE 2 Bareback Horses Aged seven and Bine years: finely tra ined for Jockey or somersault act. Address VICTOR BUBI. ll&l Ass.. Chicago, ni. FOB SALE OB TO LEASE—A complete Mens* erle, conslatlcg of Lions. Leopards. Jaguars. Hy- ensa cinnamon and Black Bears. Elephants, Camels. Sacred Cattle, two big Animal Acts, one Act consisting of Use (S) Lions: also an- other big Act with two (2) mala lions, two <2) Jaguars, one (1) Mountain Lion, and two (2) Cinnamon Bean. Also Are (S) Flstcsrs. Advance Car. one (1) Privilege Car, TEXAS SNAKES Large stock now on hand; can fill any elsed or- der. Hied to handle. W. OOELL LEA ILK, Baa Antonio, Ta*. WttEDlS OF ANATOMY BARGAiHS SO. 100 or 200 Model Museums, or separate fig- ures, cheap. If bought qnlck. BE HATFIELD. 1M* Market, St. Leoia, ate. FOB SALE—One 60 foot Top, SO foot M. P.; aeata. btsea and reserves; poles, stakes and rig glng. Entire lighting outfit; stage scenery: one J!??*** f Pj«» 0 ' _E* , lr» ontflt Chines, Kllms. Ten?e*"cba'ate. j8£S| P 1 " ■fPPllc* of all kinds bought and soM. WM. U TAMMB. fi Bo. 10th at.. SL Loots. Mo. all Band. . 8tde Shows, EMOWS. g t s a swall. Kiss. WASTED— HAN0 PLAYRR AND 8INOBB for M. P. Show. One who does " L. 1VI. HIRSCH SAMPLE SHOE CO. FOR STAGE AND STRKCT WEAR. Originators «f SAlVflPIJE: AND SHORT-VAMP Hosiery toi matah all oolora at p.pul SIXTH AVE., - 'J the "POWER'S" agency, the Iftits fir Greit Britain and Inlind THE WALTURDAW CO., LONDON ANOTHER TERRITORY CO NQUERED. Europe Surrenders To POWER'S CameragraphNo.G The return of our Vice-President from Europe marks the introduction of POWER'S CAUERAGRAPH No. 6 into the European market on an unprecedented scale. After careful consideration of the ap- plications of a large number of houses for gents were appointed: Agtit* far CmrHisiial Earapi THE DEUTSCHE VITASCOPE CO. These houses are leaders in their respective territories and their desire for the "POWER'S" agency is another strong testimony to the merits of Power's Camera graph No. 6, in which they have shown their confidence by placing initial orders for one hundred and fifty No. 6 Cameragraphs. These are the largest European picture machines and they ma the superiority over all other i i orders ever placed for American moving NICHOLAS POWER COMPANY 115-117 Nassau Street, For Thirteen Yea NEW YORK CITY. THE THANHOUSER 2-A-WEEK Sav "THaVNHOUSCR" to ths Exchange Mam and You'll Oat wpT.wasjst OF TUESDAY. DEC 6. Els Thaahoossr Photo! RIP VAN WINKLE Is here Masterplcced by Tbaobotraer for yoor es- pecial edification. Flash a "Blp Van Winkle Soon Here" slide on your screen every night for s week before yoo ran the picture. Post the synopsis on your "Coming Thsnhonser" board NOW—THIS MINUTE! Boom the Um far and wide. It will live np to all yoor expectatlona of It—np to all yon say about It. We give you the Thanbotnter word for THAT! And remem- ber, we've sever tipped you wrong yet. Have we? Then (to ahead and advertise this picture until everyone who knows snoot Rip Vsn Win- kle knows you've got his BEST picture. No. 103. Code word. Rip. rkt.fabt: of fbmdat, dec ». THE GIRLS HE LEFT BEHIND HIM Will appeal to everyone who bss s aweetbeart. bsd a sweetheart, or ia coins to have a sweet- heart—and we're all In one or more of these rlaraiarsMnna. That la. tbe picture will appeal to EVERYBODY! Ifa a wonderful fdm for that reaaoo. and we know you won't let It get past ume reel ° Ut ^ * Cli * A "' AOd "* THE IRON-CLAD LOVER Which la aa Iron-clad comedy success that win 1 on the mstlc L_. pie positively want. Glrllroo. THAT THAN HOUSER PHOTO FRAME fori slating of portraits of the famous Thanh ooser "Stock." framed in solid oak. ii ^•W^^iadttin^pthjwithig i to you Ttl« For Systtm's ^nlfsfT Add THANHOUSER COMPANY, SHIPPING I EXHIBITORS, WRITE ACME FILM EXCHANGE Fourth Ave. and Ferry St., Tittsburg, Pa. 30 to 75-day Independent Service of 12 reels, $18.00 weekly with posters. Over 75 days' service, 12 reels, S 15.00. goods shipped anywhere, $1.00 per reel per week. Begin Now To make money for yourself. Be your own boss. Be independent. The Wonder Cannon Camera Has given hundreds their start. No big- ger money-getter at all out-ot-door affairs. Makes eight finished photo buttons in one minute, ready to be worn. No experience; no dark room. ■ Complete Outfit Only $25.00 This buys Wonder Cannon Camera Tripod and supplies to make 400 finished photo buttons. Extra plates, SI .00 per hundred. Gilt frames, $1.10 per and up. Write to-day for FREE CATALOG. Chicago Ferritypt Co., D " 2 p o • Chicago, n. FREE CATALOG Cards, Die*, Chips, Clubroom Furniture* KCfsNAN ad ra. CO. lMPssuborn Bt^Oiisogo AT LIBERTY Exp Priced Cornet, B.&0. A. F. OF M. Will troop or locate. Sober and reliable. B. J. ACUFF. Sm Aotoolo. Tex. AT LIBERTY A-l HOUSE MANAGER AND OPERATOR For M. P. Shows, with bet years' experience. Strictly COOPBMDEB, Jasonville, Ind. BAND AT LIBERTY. DECEMBER 17 Fourteen pieces. Address F. A. afSSint, Band- ■ master, can Waidsmann Bros.' Show, Cordate, Ga... Ssc 6; Ft. Vallar. Qa.. 9: LaJFayitte. Ala.. Sac. IS; Alexander City 15; Vincent, Ala., Ifa AT LIBERTY Owing to closing ol theatre orchestra—6rat-class CORNET PLAYER WANTED THESMITH 6REATER SHOWS A first class animal trainer that can break lions, etc. Florence, S. C, week Novem- ber 28, Orangeburg, S. C, FIAJTOS CHEAP—We are closing oat oar line of Electric 4s-note Pianos, $100: ' PIANO CO.. quick before too 3817 S. Halated Si FILMS FOR SALE RARE BARGAINS We have over 800 reels we are going to dispose of at from $5.00 to J 14.00 per reel. All are in fine serviceable condition and the biggest bargains ever offered Write quick and get list before stock is broken. Wilt send subject to examination. Will also reclean any film after sale for $1.50 per reel; making it like new. Writ* today. Don't wait. Burns Crown Film Company. - 111-113 Fourth Ave.. Pittsburg, Pa.