The billboard (Dec 1910)

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DECEMBER 3, 1910. The Billboard ------ . - • . - 6C HALLBERG, THE ECONOMIZER MAN'S Specialties for M. P. Theatres Hallberg Economizer—for M. P. Machine saves two-thirds on current bill and gives 40% improvement in light. All makes Motion Picture Machines. Electra Pink Label Carbons. Full line of selected Supplies and Repair Parts. «J. H. HALLBERG, F>e *^" , °° 36 E. 23rd Street, NEW YORK $513 Clstr Profit Id 51 Dm from an in vestment of $160 II the renult from operating one American Box Ball Alley. Two oth- er* cleared oyer S2.000.00 Brat year f others 0T*r f1,200.00 la two months. Foor otoera took* In f3.20O.O0 in nip* months. On In this ba.lneea yourself. Yon can atart with 190.00. Nearly T.000 alleya sold to date. More popular to-day than erer. These Alleys pay from 130.00 to 173.00 each per week In any town. No gambling derlce. but the beat thing on earth for clean amnaement and phyateal exercise. Patronised by the best people, who form clnbs and No expense to Install or. operate. No special' floor required, no pin boy We sell only one customer in towns of moderate else. Write Bring tbelr friends, seeded. Receipt* nearly all proflt. to-day for booklet anil eaay payment plan (2») AKUUOAM BOX BALL CO., 1170 Van Bnrsn Street, IndlsaspoUs. Indiana- WANTED FOR K. 6. Barkoot Greater Show i , No. 2: £tn place at once for the three beat town. In tbe State of Georgia, and balance of the winter, one more good Show, while or black top. "(Hlnaion preferred); one good strong Platform 8bow. few Legitimate Concessions, Photo ssd Glsss Engrstlng open. Look the route orer. Write or wire; eTerytblng answered. Waycroaa. Ga.. week Nov- 28; Thomaaville, Ok., auspices Business lien, week Dec S; then to Taldosta, «... week Dee. 13, on tbe main atreeta, auspice. Tbe Val- l-untie Library Association. _8ome more good ones to follow. Will be oot all winter, i a* per route, I. C. — WANTED- ONE MORE SHOW Also one Grind Show tbst does not conflict. Can plsee Ferris Wheel and a Ugt Legitimate Con- . cessions especially NorelUes and Confetti, Lunch. Knife and Cane Backs. We book only one ' of s kind. Want one more good Comedian for Plantation Show. Ail winter", engagement. Write • or wire &ISTRUNK CABN1VAL CO., Lyons, Ga.. week Not. 28. auspices Volunteer Fire Co. KRAUSE GREATER SHOWS WANT FERRIS WHEEL good Electric or Illualon Snow, Superba, Craay House, to Join at onoe. Other clean Shows and Concession, write. Newnsn, Ga., Nor. 28-DeCi S; Cordeie, Ga.. i-10; Fltagerald, Ga.. 12-17; Watch the Christmas issne of The BiUboard. Wanted for the Meek Amusement Co. Two more shows that do not conflict, plantation people, sister teams, musical acta, vaudeville people, chorus girls. Long winter season south, St. Martinsville, La., Nov 29 to Dec. 4, Franklin, La., Dec. 6th to 11th. WANTED FOR FRANK ADAMS SHOW TWO OR THREE GOOD PERFORMERS Han and wife preferred. TM1 for ssle or I Jna± what yoa do. Name eery lowest salary. No time for C. C. KENNEDY SHOWS WANT Performers doing two or more acts in big show. Cook, Host- lers. Want to lease sixty or seventy-foot combination car. CORRIGAN. TEXAS. WARNING! control all dramatic rights to the Edward Eggleston novel, "The Hoosier Schoolmaster" which is fully protected by copyright. Any person endeavoring to play other than my dramatization will be punished according to law. BEULAH POYNTER. WANTED—I WANT TO BUY OR RENT ANOTHER CAR Combination Sleeper and Baggage Not less than CO feet; also want to buy a complete, second-hand tent outfit for Re ertoire Company^ Must be in first-class condition. Will pay cash for same. ^ Quic Address Capt. David Latllp. G. D., Oklahoma City. Okla. NESTOR FILMS FOR NESTOR BULLETINS, writ* to NESTOR LI ST 2002, 147 Fourth Av.„ N. Y. DEMAND AND GET THESE TWO WINNERS!!! VALLEY RELEASED WEDNESDAY, NOV. 30, 1910. A Rousing Drama of Country Life, Full of Sweet Pathos. READ SYNOPSIS ON PAGE 28 "TheConqoeringHero" FOR RELEASE WEDNESDAY, DEC. 7, 1910. A Roaring Comedy with Plenty of Wholesome.Mirth. it IF IT'S A NESTOR, IT'S GOOD 111 ONE GOOD NESTOR OUT EVERY WEDNESDAY I •SOLO ONLY BY- DAVID HOHSLEY, 147Fourth Atb.. NewYoTkCityTI DISTRIBUTED THROUGH THE SALES COMPANY. THE STANDARD The Machine that Gives Results Only machine approved by Underwriters of New All parts are interchange- able. Good (or a lifetime. FIREPROOF — FLICKER LESS Write for Catalogue. De- partment B, AMERICAN MOVING PICTURE MACHINE COMPANY 101 BEEKMAN STREET. NEW YORK AT LIBERTY EXPERIENCED MANAGER FOR Vaudeville or Picture House Can furnish best of raf.renc..; aobar, reliable.; cam do pre. ADDRESS 1 HARRY T. LAYMON ANACONDA, MONTANA JOHN F». QUI1NJ1V THE GREAT EXPOSE OF GAMBLING METHODS Positively the Greatest Drawing Card of any Vaudavllle Aot on Any Time id for endorsements. >■! Address, cane TH E BILLBOARD