Billboard advertising (Dec 1910)

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DECEMBER 3, 1910. THE BILLBOARD DECEMBER 3. 1C-1Q. MOTHER SENSATIONAL ' SCOOP" FOR INDEPENDENT M. P. EXHIBITORS!! ? The "Imp*' Company at Enormous Expense Secures Exclusive Contract with the To Pose in a Special "Imp** Release Out bidding and outgeneraling another film manufacturer (not an Independent one), the "Imp" Company, has secured an exclusive contract with Count de Beaufort, the now famous French nobleman whose -private affairs have been crowding the columns of newspapers all over the civil- ized world during the past three weeks. The Count, by the time, this adver- tisement appears, will have posed before "Imp" cameras with other perfomers in a drama entitled "The Romance of Count de Beaufort.", The film is to be released the minute we can complete the developing, printing and shipping. It will be one of the greatest FEATURE FILMS ever produced in America. For the first time, in the history of moving pictures a GENUINE, BONA-FIDE NOBLEMAN will appear in the leading role of a ing picture playlet. Imagine what it means to every INDEPENDENT EXHIBITOR who gets this FEATURE FILM! Imagine what a sensation it will cause in every city, village and hamlet where there is a moving picture theatre! Imagine what a local sensation every Independent Ex- hibitor can create by advertising such a film in his local newspapers ! jyowttien. a worjf to every Independ- ent Exhibitor — a i word we want you to give your most serious thought — The "Imp" Company can not possibly make a cent of profit on this release. The price paid to Count de Beaufort makes profit out of the question. We are spend- ing this money for two reasons: First— To give Independent Exhibitors some- thing to crow about. Second—To adver- tise, the enterprise of the "Imp" Com- pany. If you Independent Exhibitors 4 want to derive the benefit of such a FEATURE FILM it is up to you to do one thing, namely—-. TELEGRAPH your exchange to book you for the "Romance of Count de Beau- fort" at the earliest possible moment. Don't wait to write, TELEGRAPH, and do it now! The film will cost vou more your exchange more. Don't quibble with your exchange about the extra charge. Pay it like a true sport. You are not taking any chances. You are go- ing to get a feature film that you'll be glad to get on a return date more than once,! ThafsIaH]you|have toJdoXshow us thatjyou appreciate this attempt to give you Telegraph Your Exchange Right Now and ■ . - — - ; • INDEPENDENT MOVING PICTURES CO., OF AMERICA 102 West 101st Street, New York. Carl Laemmle, President