Billboard advertising (Dec 1910)

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46 The Bi llboard DECEMBER 10, 1910. LEN SPENCER S LYCEUM Song Slide Service Newest, Latest and Best Illustrated Bong Sides Bought, Sold, Rented Special Run New Run . Standard Run and Commercial Run Song Slide Service At Lowest Rental Rates consistent with Good Service. Send for Lists and Terms. Music Publishers' r- r cy Vocalists, Pianists, Vio- linists, Drummers, 'Instrumental- ists and Moving Picture Artists in all lines provided upon short notice. Special Offices and Studios at Disposal of Managers and Artists. Call, Write, Wire or Phone. 46 East 14th Street NEW YORK CITY JUST OUT FOR ORCHESTRA At An Evening Entertainment. Overture. 10 parts. Olio and Piano part. 20 cents. Sam- ple Tlolln parts of all my publications sent tree with order. HANS THOMPSON. Music Pub- lisher. 330 Maple Are., Clinton. Iowa. if Up&x Coglei and "GIVE MEAN AMERICAN GIRL"— opy. BeautifulSlides, $5.00 BYRNES & WALSH THEATRICAL C0STUMERS Gowna and Millinery. Expert Corsettiers. Coa- tamea remodeled. Orders promptly executed. M7 W. 4M BL, Sew York. Phone Bryant 2188. Aniline dye-drops for vand evWe a cts to carry lav trsnna^n specialty. ABTHDB ~ Grand Opera House, las Angeles. SKETCHES. MONOLOGUES, Etc. t to order for the profession. Low KANSA8 CITY, MO. (Continued from pare 3S.) who always deem the Grand attractions worth while. The management ia still kept on in the name of Hudson and Jndah, for Hudson la a well-known theatrical name, but Mr. A. Jndah la the sole manager of the Grand, Mr. Jndah It bosiDefis from A to & The Grand is a popular-price boose but many collar sad a half shows come to the Grand- Shows that elsewhere command this money plsy at the Grand for one dollar and perhaps this 1> one of the s e o ' iiia of the Grand's suc c e ss . This season George Brans* Honey Boy Minstrels, seen last year at the Will Is-Wood for s dollar and a half were at the Grand. Jason Hstekln is the mnch-Uked and esteemed treasurer and press representative of the Grand Opera House, air. Bate kin has been treasurer at the Grand also, since it was a Grand, and It Is Impossible to think of this theatre without the pleasant, affable smile of Mr. Batekin. He has In the box-Office as assistant treasurer. Mr. Everett Wilson, who also has many friends both In the theatrical profession and out. The Orpheum Is the theatre that waa com- pletely remodeled during the summer of 1910. The entire front waa torn out and a new and hsndaotne commodious lobby put In and the en- tire "-^"T was made new with new dressing- rooms, new boxes and an enlarged seating capacity. The theatre was also ■completely re- decorated, repapered and renrdshed. the tone color being a cool, restful green, eery pleasing to the eye. Tbe Orpheum presents hlgh-cUss vaudeville. The Orpbeum likewise bss an enormous patron- age. Every night standing room is an one can ret at tie time the show starts and even the matinee, are the boose almost ailed. This Is a record that la hard to beat by a theatre anywhere. And the reason for this patronage Is the excellence of the shows offered always I- the almost minimum fee charged for admission. Mr. Martin Lehman Is resident manager of the Orpheum as he has been for the past twelve years, or since the Inception of the Orpbeum. Mr. Jos. Stl. bel Is no longer assistant manager. Mr. O. K- Hlginbotham Is the assistant man- ager this season, also In charge of the Or- pneum'a press department and so the man- agement and publicity are both well looked after. Mr. Htgginbotham waa formerly in vau- deville, being with an act known as Phoroao. Mr. L. A. Keller Is still treasurer at the Orpbeum. Thsnksglving night broke the bouse record at the Orpheum. Even with the In- creased aeating^esp^cirr^^the^ ^^'Iruthed 1"see the show. *It°vr?s estimated that more than a thousand were turned away unable to obtain even st"""T room. Manager Lehm a n said that be has never seen so many people at this theatre before. The newest theatre In Ksnsas City la the Empress, the Sulllvsn Considina vaudeville hotrse- This theatre was thrown -open to the public May SO. 1S10 and since then has been running .with three shows a day. one matinee and two evening performance's- Mr. D. F. Mc- Coy la resident manager of The Empress. The vaudeville at the Empress as the posters an- nounce, la ••vaudeville as you sea In New York" and la well worth while. A theatre that has node atre that has undergone several changes last year, although now hack to Its position aa a .lock boose, la the lu- ll. In^Jsnnsry^of ^ ^j^f^ ._ Mr. P 'o P D. C *Woodwsrd. and for half a week presented Harry Lander and a se- lected vsudevule company. It waa the Inten- tion of the Morris people to have a theatre In srsjasal City and give' vaudeville here with weekly change of bin. Mr. Martin Lehman resident manager of the Orpheum and acting for the Orpheum Circuit obtained a five-year lease oa the Auditorium Theatre and so Mor- rie was cot out of a noose in Kansas City. Then the fate of the Auditorium was In doubt, during the winter it remained dark, the • - ~—■» —♦ a—lal. i_a a. do with au uunng urc . . Orpbeum circuit not deciding what tt It. - During the summer It was I overhauled and freshened np and on 6. a sew stock company commenced a _ Mr. I-awrenre Lehman, who waa assistant manager at the Orpbeum during the early part of this season. Is now manager of the USrL vl UUI ass, plMJ11 w aa* lava* ass—■ as■■,•»>- •» • ■ Auditorium Theatre. With the big Orphenm press department back of It and the capable management of Mr. Lehman there Is no doubt that the new theatre and new stock company will be a success. The GlUta Theatre la the oldest theatre In Kansas City. The Galls Is a popular-price bouse and has a big following. Even when the theatricals se sauna were most strenuous the Oil lis suffered the least for the business there waa at all times very satisfactory. Capa- city on Sundays and holiday a la what the Gil- lie does with a very good showing at all the matinees snd evening performances. The man- agement of the QIUIS Is In the bands of Mr. E. 8. Brlgham, who la a well-known flgnre In thea- trical circles and a very able showman Mr. I. K. Sherlock Is treasurer. Mr. Leroy Simons Is the business manager of the GUlls. Mr. Sher- lock Is on the main door and also advertising agent of the Gulls. Both the burlesque booses of Ksnsas City are doing a very excellent business. The Century Is the Western Wheel house manager by Mr. Jos. B. Douegan and It Is s very successful The' Gayety on the Eastern Wheel U managed by Mr. Burt McPhsil, a well-known theatrl- C *Here^r"wlshlng the theatres, the show fplk and every member of the theatrical proffrilon s very Merry Christmas and a moat joyous New Year. If the New Year Is judged by the kindly action of old 1910. It will be a Terr sac- -' year In Kansas City. All WILLIAM W. SHELLEY. PIPE TONE Toldtnx OTlan. »ILO>. 4 octaw key board. Think of It: Missies Oak or stabosanv rinlab. Tai- ls m banner offer. Bests* tlon. Bellows. Car* and T-ta eatlsfled. Llttls 01 Order today . A. L. fit WALTHAM WATCHES cpE plT FULL JEWELED $11165 You do not penny until you bevj 1 and easmSnodthi. Hiirb-Grade. Pol! .. -..led W.ltham Watch, with Patent Hair , . T~—V-^. sprintt. in any style plain or engraved C as e .right ... • whs-st. in TOOT own hands. gnjes si ' ' aMism OREATEST BARGAIN EVER OFFER ■|SM^ s^j IMC -li^'SlI V fc-UU-RHat fJaTi SUM. jTftTTl r t M ' W *s"L your salary, we will trust you for a hieh grade ORNAMENTAL ■ WW9 ft Hit ii m mm ti § : ! f§ arir m aa aa aa mzts' trvr K : m f ■ LET US FIGURE WITH YOU. OUR PRICES AND SUG- _ GESTIONSWILL INTEREST YOU. S P'inta and Frwa The Kanneberg Roofing and Ceiling Co. Manufaoturars Eel Ipsa Signs CANTON, - OHIO. $48.00 IN THIS FOR YOU! A Regular ae, a For 1 Cent Packed 20 packages to the box- «0 boxes to thecsit eac h stick mapped sefaarsarry la a peak jper. 1,200 5c. packages coat you only $l2.0O-you sdl if for iflO.OO. YOtJR IVOHT ORDER AT ONCC. DI-GESTO GUM CO.. ROCHESTER. N. V. NOVELTIES, JEWELRY. S PECIALTIES! Singer Bros.' New Book of Specialties THE BEST CATALOGUE IN THE TRAOE If yon are a Concessionaire, Novelty, Jewelry, Notion or Fair Worker, Canvasser, Street- man, Auctioneer. Knife board Man, Hoop-la Game, or General Merchant, you cannot afford to no wltbont It- , ■ , It contains full and complete lines In newest Novelties, Souvenirs, Watches, Jewelry, Fountain Pens, Optical Goods, Pocket and Table Cutlery. Yankee Notions, Carnival Goods, etc., etc., st wholesale only. By satisfying us that you are a legitimate dealer (aa we want to keep this book out of the consumers' bands), and sending us your permanent address, we will be pleassd to send you this book free. SINGER BROS., 82 Bowery, N. Y. CITY. WIRE ARTISTS AND METAL ENGRAVERS We manufacture anything in Pearl Plates for Wire Artists, also any shape or style in Whits Metal, ready for engraving names, in gold or silver shading. A few of our leading apeclsltles being maple leaves, ovale, or any ehaped beanty pin, scarf pin, etc.. ate. Ia the pesrl line ws are ? to give you the best quality and guarantee each piece to be the taest nnlah ol BUY DIRECT AND SAVE MONEY III NEW ENGLAND PEARL COMPANY Established 1893. 40 Clifford Strwwt, Provldanoe). R. Has O. ROOSEN COMPANY ARK THE LCADINa MAMUFACTU RERA OF PERMANENT POSTER INKS FOR BLOCK WORK, ZINC and STONE Compare the bright and anappy appearance of theatrical poster Inks sine* w» has* mads a specially of them against the regular poster Inks sold by our competitors. PERMANENT BEDS A SPECIALTY. BROOKLYN, N. Y- ASSISTANT MANAGER WANTED for that LOMBARDO SYMPHONY BAND AND OPERA CONCERT COMPANY The musical hit of list season In Chicago and other cities, feature of ballet. Splendid : Naat with the addltlen.i lid proaiM-cta. Only thoroughly reliable, financial party need ens*, r.