Billboard advertising (Dec 1910)

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DECEMBER 10, 1910. The Billboard 106 Cl.r:i.SEA. MA8S. _ ...rjon'fl Family Thestre; ■KSH Broadway. i ifKsnC »■*• „ ' . _ ni->-ra Hoase. HirgretTM A Co. t'jmUi Theatre. H. D. LllIUAtiO. IU auditorium ulgll-claat. siuurusker OwaV^orttara TtMitn; tV 0. Co.. nigh-class. vTci Geo. C. Warren, mgr.; UrVleker'e Theatre: OHM Opera House; Harrj As tin, bit.; nigh- claaa. _ ■' Whitney Opera House; Frank O. ram, Bar.; Mgbclaaa. Chicago Opera Honee; Geo. Kingsbury, mgr.; Prlncess'Theatre; lfort B. Stager, mgr.: high- V. 3. Herrmann, mgr.; hlga- W. J. Dsrls. Core Tnestre claaa. Illinois claaa. Powers' Colonial claaa. 0. pace, mgr. ; nigh- popular Garrlck Tbeitre; H. claaa. Olympic Theatre: Sam Lederer. mgr. price. •• . Academy Tbeetre; Wm. Roche, mar.; popular College Theatre; 0. Jay 8mlth. mgr.; popular price. Globe Theatre: I". C. Kberta. mgr. price. National.Theatre: Ed. Clifford, mgr Peopled Theatre: Jaa. Pilgrim, mgr.! popular Trerltt Theatre; 8. W.Qolao. mgr.; popular price. Boab Temple; Chaa. Elliott, mgr.: eaude tllle. Un j market Theatre; Wm. Newklrk. mgr.: Amer , |can U Ma»le Ball: W. T. Glow, mgr.: Msjesuc Theatre; U B. Olorer. mgr.; TaO- deillle. Wilson Are. Theatre, afr. Borcb. mgrJ; ran derllle. Julian Theatre; J. Q. Ooaderman, mgr.; ran- derllle. Colnnthna Theatre; will Marahall. mgr.; rsu- <*ftjrtoo" Theatre: Aha J. Alhambra ; mgr.; Theatre: roily ioeatee; -J. J. rennessej i Theatre; Bid 3. RusOO, If Wm. taOQl Star * darter- bar bur bnrleaqne. Marlowe Theatre: Vincent Clare. CINCINNATI. OBIO. Music Hall, auditorium Cor special ercnla Grand Opera Hoase: J. H. Hsrlln. mgr.: hlah-dass. Lyric; J. a. VvaaoaasT. mgr.; hlah-daaa. walnut; X. W. Dustln. mgr.; popular price. Columbia: H. K. Shock ley, mgr.; htgh-claaa vsudeellle. Orphenm. Walnut Bins: I. it. Mania, mar.: hl«b claaa Taoderllla. . ■'.-> American; Harry Hart, mgr.; vaadafUla; Sua Ctrealt. ! . - ;* - empress: s ac. ogrs.; TsadarlDe. . New Rnhlaaoa; Taoderllle; Casino Ctrrolt. Aaditorlnm: W. J. OanBeld, mgr.; TaddeeUle: Bun Circuit. , . ^i.. . 1 truck's. Oeotara.Baock. mar.;, popularprice. Lyceum: Qeorge Heork, mgr.; stock. Olympic: Geo. r. A L. rarepaagh Flab. man-i sroea. • : .!« ... » -lv-. Standard; r. J. Clemena, mgr.: 6mleague People's: J. E. r-unnes* C01.UMRUS. O. Colonial Theatre; J. V. High st Theatre; 0. W. Harper, mgr.; pop nlar price. • Keith's Theatre: W. W. Proaaer. mgr.: »au- deerila. Coinmbua Theatre; Thompson. Bros.. mgre.r »aode»Ule. . ■ • . / Southern Theatre, Geo. Dnnmeyer. mgr.: Wan- class. Grand Theatre. Jack Lory, meal mgr.; raode- Tllle and pictures. Princess Theatre: Taodevllle and pictnres. DALLAS. TEXAS. The Majeatle; O. IV Gould, mgr.; high-class 'auderllla. Dallas Opera Bouse; Oeo. Anxy. mgr.; Oral mgr.: •; Grand Theatre; Ed. Milliard, mgr.; popular prion. Blbert * OetcheU, Majeatle Theatre TauderUle. DETH0IT, MICH. Detroit Opera " blah-c'- Oarrlck rr.; Tauje- hurlesune. Orphenm: Brown A Stlnaatt. angra.; 10-20-90 TaodeTirie. • • ' . .<< . DALLAS. TRX. (Oak Cliff). ram I ly Theatre. Mh A Lancaater are.: T. P. rinnlran. mgr.; 10, Joe. ramll* Theatre. 190 Lai dav^btT- 8 " * * 0e ' rr.: Bn; - nujrhea. mgr.: blghctsi Bonis. Wm. J. RJInek. mgr.: high class. family Theatre: J. Till*. Grand D. L. Hi New American. Cbaa. Berkell. mgr.. eaude- rllle. — n FSS^S'- Victor II. Shaffer, mgr.; DAYTON. O.- "aHajal Theatre; C. Bnrrnwn. mgr.; Elbert * OetcheU. Harry Parent, mgr.; W. t Lyceum Theatre; A. H. Warner, mgr.; popu- lar price. Temple Theatre; J. H. Moore, mgr.; tiu- derlUe. Majestic Theatre; W. B. Schram. mar.; ean- deTlIIe. Casino Theatre; M. Schoener, rule. Arcana Theatre: F- Drew, mg Lsrayette Theatre; Dr. Campbell DUBUQIIK. IA. Grand Thaatra; Wm. L. Bradley, mgr.; claaa. Bijou Theatre; Jake Bosenthal, mgr.; popular price. Princess Theatre; Wm. L. Bradley, mgr.; TandeTllle. N spa noes Theatre; C. D. Sntphen, mgr.; m. Royal Theatre; TlUe. DULCTH. MINN. Lyceum Theatre claaa. Orphenm, H. W. PI T. U Mali N. 3. a Theatre: F. Audltnrinm Theatre: O. _ hlnh^laaa. TAbor Grand Theatre; Peter SfeOoort, mgr.: htgh-claaa. Broadway Theatre: Peter MeOoort. mar.: hurb-clana. ^.a^rlca: rtUnn * Mastic Theatre: D.a.e, McCoy, mgr. I'RS MniNKS. I A. Foater-a Theatre: Ed. Milliard, mar.: ran tail' N. T. Theatre; Lea . Theatre: O. \.. Claaa and Ugh-eJaaa randerlUc. Family Theatre; Shea Brat,, mgra.; high class Happy Boor Theatre; G. H. mgr.; blfb class TauderUle. Moaart Alrdome: O. W. Mlddleton, mgr.; claaa raudeTllie. BRIE. PA. Males tic Theatre; J. L. OUaon. mgr.; claaa. Colonial Theatre; C. B. Cummins, mgr.: pop- ular price. Waldameer Theatre; B. H. Suerken. mgr.; popular price. Fear Mile Creek Park; H. Footer, mgr.; ran- doms*. P Ur £. H,M,; * - ^ GU "■ , Alpha Theatre; K. n. Suerken. mgr.; Star Theatre; J, -Grand Theatre; mgr.: ramie Alban Theatre; A. «. derUte. Bljoo Theatre; a M. NaUttag, _ rllle. _ Bappy Hoar Thaatra: D. H. TandeTllle. Orphenm - Theatre: P. J. Dion, mgr. Tllla. • ■ fALL ItIV KB. MASS. Academy or Mnalc: 0. S. Wiley, mgr.: high claaa. Saeoj^ Theatre: O. W. Wiley, asgr.; eaude Nickelodeon; W. L. Beg*low. mgr.; Tlllr. Premier Theatre: L. M. Boaa. mgr.: ajsiBEbj r_ ._ L . •_ * >..-. m ir.; blgh •. : 10. 20 Cnmlnas Theatre: a H. Webster deetTh*. . FORT WAYNE. IND. tie Theatre; M. a; c. T. Brian, .asgr.; high. i* »-i i • , _ • —• i • Theatre; V. J. Boyss. angT.; *av> a tro; Jake O'UooMl 1. m«T.: .MICH, ^jjji^^ * - Majeatic Thestre; Orwta stair, mgr.; popular r.; ti ti high- Olympic Theatre; Daniel Lynch. Till*. Lyceum Theatre; derin*. - 8ur»rt>a Theatre; HARRISBI7RO. PA. Ms|^e^ea"rre'l'T. H. Melrick, mgr.; ILARTFORD. CONN. Pareoaa' Theatre, H. C. Parsons mar.: Pros- pect street, cor. Central Row: hlgh-clata Poll's Theatre, S. Z. Poll, owner. 933 Main atreet: high-class TandeTllle. Hartford Theatre. S. E. Poll, mgr.; raude- Tllie. pictures, etc. Scenic Theatre, H. tOJ*. pictures, etc. P. mgr.: a. J. C Young, mgr.; raude- etc. • B |ufpire Theatre: a. m. Tandertlle. Oarety Theatre; I HOT,YOKE. MASS. Buintre Thestre: - hlgh-rlaa*. Sbeedy's Thestre Tandertlle. RnrtrTTON. TRX. Mateatle: Chaa. J Prince"Thestre. Dar* Wels. mgr.: hlgb-«l»e» Cost Theatre. Maurice Wolf, mgr.; \ande rXSL., stock. INDIANAPOLIS. IND. Oayety Theatre; B. D. Crosse, mgr.; popular price, - ' ■• JERSEY CITY. N. 3. Majestic Theatre; Frank B. Hendenon. mgr.; bleb claaa. ■ . _ ._ : ~ Academy of Mnalc: Frank B. Haaderson. KeTth r '& "pwfor"': Keith A Proctor, mgra.: TandeTllle. Boo Ton Theatre: Tboa. W. Dlaklna. mgr.: barlesnne. ... .. tOHNSTOWN. PA. ... Cambria Theatre: H..W. Sherer. mgr.; high . Majestic Theatre; M. 3. Boyle. 1 TIE WISE MEN I*.. Controlled and.Managed ay THE COLUMBIA AMUSEMENT CO. CLARK'S RUNAWAY GIRLS GO. Presented by THE P. 3. CLARK rCO.dne.) P. 3. CLARK, -FEATURING : JACK RE ID, The Fiuiny Natural and Original Comedian inTwo HUarious Farces, WITH AN ALL-STAR CAST. ELLA REID GILBERT, The Stately Burlesquer. FRANK L. WAKEFIELD, The Famous Dope Comedian. ESTELLE ROSE, Character Songs and Impersonations. WINIFRED GREENE, The Artistic Soubrette: ALittleGiri, but a Big Act. And FRANK (BUD) WILLIAMSON, A Real Cowboy. JOHNNY O'CONNOR, The Comical Dude. PERT CROIX, The Bowery Tough Girl. ALICE WILSON, The Dainty Soubrette. And ROBERT M JACKSON, Eccentric and Versatile Comedian. With the greatest and b*>«t play in burUsqu*. as an EXTRA FEATURE REID, WAKE F IELD &, CO. "THE TIE THAT bInDS" A Story of the Undarworld. Instruotlv . With a beautiful and gorgeously gowned chorus of twenty I electrical effecta. Costume, by M. 8IMOWITCH. 38th St. and 6th Are.. New York. Musical Director. WALTER ROEHRBORN. ART ADAIR Former Principal Clown, Acrobat, Gymnast and all-around general Circus Performer, identified with all the large circuses of the country, in now mertinfr with great success in hia Vaudeville offering, an eccentric musical act, "Hank Sponge, the Swede Musiker." A Merry Christmas and Happy New-Year to all Friend*,- new and okL VAUDEVILLE Your Stage) Setting Means much to you. You might aay It la yeuF'advartlaamant. GEORGELAUTERER , ■ wants; the kind that help you Theatrical Art Draperies, Chair and Table Covers made to order, to add splendor to your act. Parade Banners for Minstrel She— Circufes, etc. (THE ATRICAL COSTUMER) 164-166 E. stadliaa St., .'. ILLUSTRATED CATALOG ON APPLICATION «TTH ANNUAL TOUR HEBER BROS/ GREATER SHOW SHOWS COMBINED -3 CIRCUS : MINSTRELS : VAUDEVILLE Wanted-Good Performers and Musicians. Ave., I THE BILLBOARD'S THE ADDRESSES OP ALL THE