Billboard advertising (Jan 1911)

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2 X ti e Bil l b o a r d JANUARY 7, 1911. Dependable OPERA CHAIRS All our ciis- toiperBsayso WriM today. ROYALMETAL MFG. CO. ; -i«2i- Diirbora St. CHICAGO, ILL. specialty: Prompt Shipmmti Opera Chairs The Wlsoamln Lumber and VnnrCt. Pert Washington, Wis. Carnival*. Nickelodeons. Picture Shows. Streetmen and Canvassers. 8HABPENEBS. LADIES' PRIDE PABER8 t 4.90 BELF FEEDING BUBBEB FOUNTAIN PBNB 18.00 No. MB Fountain Pus 8.00 No. 480 Fountain Pen* 12.00 NO. «00-B Fountain IVua 18.00 No. 43 B Fonnuon Pens 17.00 No. 0-BC Fountain Pens...... No. O-BB. Foontaln Pens ..... We carry a largo line of eanrawre and atreetmen'e soodn at prices. Citalogns free. COE, YONGE & CO. Ninth and Lucas ST. LOUIS. MO MOVING PICTURE MACHINES WANTED, yoor old prices paid for von better di l. We take yoor on a new one. We hi piles. Get oar prices der..^ UNIQUE FILM no for a now one. Wo, In to apply all "viCE. . NEW LINE OF STOCK PAPER WE SIT ERN MELODRAMAS will fit most any border drama. THE DONALDSON LITHO. CO. NEWPORT. cgflggXfL KENTUCKY. GREATEST THEATRE CHAIR Sanitary Ssaos-uving, Life- saving, Monay-aavlng. To UaaThis Chair Is to Make Your Bualneaa Grow. Writs Today. GEO. W. BENNETT 744 W. Sth Sc. Clnotnnstl.'O. Chewing Gum For oremlnma and all I OP. Cincinnati. O. INDEX /•» • EDITORIAL EDITORIAL BULLETIN ... LIVES OF FAMOUS IhOWMEN THE AMUSEMENT WEEK IN AMERICA..., THE AMUSEMENT WEEK IN CHICAGO.... THE VAUDEVILLE WEEK IN CHICAGO... THE VAUDEVILLE WEEK IN NEW YORK. VAUDEVILLE AND MOVING PICTURES... THE AMUSEMENT WEEK IN NEW YORK. CIRCUS MEN'S ASSOCIATION BIG TOWN AMUSEMENT NEWS THE AMUSEMENT WEEK IN EUROPE BURLESQUE AND MUSIC THEATRES AND ATTRACTIONS. CIRCUS NEWS READERS* COLUMN ... T. 1V1. A. NEA-VS. - - ••* SKATING RINK NEWS FILM SYNOPSES ROUTES— l.y .Performers Dates Acts with Miscellaneous Companies Acts with Burlesque Companies— . Managers and Agents Burlesque 'Stock.and Repertoire. Dramatic and Musical Bands 'and Orchestras Minstrels ••.••.•...••••..»..-•.-.>•«« Skating Rink Attractions Miscellaneous Carnival Companies Additional Performers Dates DIRECTORY^ »•**•,* r'srrssrss •••••• MOTION PICTURE LIST LETTER LIST FILM RELEASES NEW CONVENTIONS WINTER QUARTERS AND NEW FAIRS »-•»••< Page. ■■ 3 •• 4 • • 5 . .6-7 .. 8 • • 9 • ...assess IO T I • aaoaasaa* A A 12 ....... 13 14-15 18 • a a a • * •••••••••• 20 • 24 > a ••••••• • • •■■.ess* . a a a a • 26 30 34 34 35 38 38 39 41 41 41 41 41 50 42 46 48 52 44 55 btttl nun Theatre Abeolntely Bon-Breakable Suitable for theatre and mortal picture shows. W, Irs Is !, :- hand* chair.. irry these chair ock and can ihla Immediately, flocoal for ont-of bps tins- door use. B. STEEL TUBE CO.. Oread Add. Pent FDBNI Baplde, Mich. Bos too Office. 224 Ooa street. WIGS A. E. Dutch. Irish. Coon. Jew, (Oc HV.nla. 30c. «bUm Mnseera av. Mention ti Ave., FOB EVERY PURPOSE l.OOO STYLES The A. H. Andrews Co. ESTABLISHED 1888 WBITE FOB CAT. No. 1 174-17* Wabash Avanus, CHICAGO. ILL. I In all leading oltles. THEATRE SEATING 85% We have furnished 86% of the theatres seated in the past 10 years— and m>« can prooe it. THE MANAGER KNOWS tt for comfort, oxoellenoe of sMsS and dorabU- ■ nphnlstared ohaics to the more inexpensive EJ" Write tor catalog "S" "« that our ehslrs are built I ity. from tha luxurloua i venoer type. t4mencym Searing Gamp 21S Wabash A..., CHICAGO. BOSTON. 19 Wast 18th St.. NEW YORK. PHILADELPHIA. PITTBBU RQH . La Me, HIRSCH SAMPLE SHOE CO. FOB STAGE ANO STREET WEAR. Originators of SAMPLE AMD SHORT-VAMP match an solars at popular prices. Mall orders promptly filled. FOR lOtW ILLUSTRATED OATAIOOOB, 404-406 SIXTH AVE., BET. 24th and 28th STS.. - N. Y. CITY CARS AND SLEEPERS For Show People Southern Iron Equipment Ci, ATLANTA, G A. B. B. & B. SPECIAL THEATRICAL TRUNK 8.YEAB 16- In.. •9 In., to In. . tS-la.. It-la.. M-ta.. sa-la.. 40-m.. LOOK AT TMK MICH 'ii'SJ Bossd trltk osf Nat* lioo Cold-BoUasI Siaal Bind- »•» ls«. Three-ply B. B. A B. u oo trunk wood, hand-riveted i! S tlpptna; tray. SEND FOB «•» FREE CATALOGUE. am tt R, B. B. 4. B. TRUNK COMPANY. Sxa am id at. 447 Wood St. IBS Wasters I St., R. S. F.otory: J2-4S lea bells St.. R. S. ri tts au ma PA. p When in the following cities save TIME and EXPRESS CHARGES by getting "The Same Trunk,'' "Same Gua-iantee" from the dealers below: '1 ■ 'V .Otmbrl Brothers ■hall Field A Co. N. T. i Leather Ooast OS. New York I'll learn. 111.. Akron. Qhto. mmm'a* \\l A1 tOOQB, Peso eeeseaes. . Altl Anderson. lad Itodana Bras. Ancnsts, Oa Aasnata Traak OS. Iialtimore. Sfd a J. Dnnn Co. <S stores) Biwinn, If ass W. W. WtoaMa Bnryrns. 0. E. B. Bus imrraio. N. Y. Bntte. Mont, rinrlnnttt. 0.... Cl.rrlaad. O Cntnnihne. O Crawfordaellle, I riiinlHTlai-l. lid. Dayton. O...... lllch... . Frank O. I'bllltp. ......Montana Tronk Factory ....Tat liable; A Care* Oo. ...Uklt A Trnnk Co. >................... W a 11 ack , ...............lxwt. H lac hoe *...'...........*R. II. ajisarsf D. fjennhanl's bob ' A ~ .Tha .Peter Clot bins Oa. I'aul MfSfl ...Hamilton Leather Onmla Oo. Chaa. Mar-r A Oa, Loth A llrne Oo. Fnalorla, Ohio Orand Itaplda. Mich. Hamilton. Ont... Inrilananulia. Ind. IsFayellr. Ind..... I.. Ind Rlliert IVrfttst I.I ma. O , The Hoot, r Hmi«h Oa . SIMdletowa. o Bitter Barer*. A Buster Qk Mnlille, Aia..................Mohtie Trnnk Oa. Nrwark. Oiilo.......................... 1^1. Do* I t'hlta.lelnhla. Pa... Wat. entry , i',l. Me J. U A Oa, . l - -rt,month. Ohio Jnka neel I'mrldi-nee, It. I nrrry A Oo 1 Rlrhinnnd. Ind MIM.r lUriiea. Oo Havlriaw. Mlrh Ueberman Trunk Oo 1 RiTlngnrld. Ohio....'. Wsi. Mrt'nlloch Rrracnae. N. T. BFracner Trnnk Worts Tlntn. Ohio F,tr*er ciothins Oo. Tlnton, Ind Shortle IVparlmrnt "tore Tia-tlo. O.... Wllinlnatnn A Oo Tr*'nloa, N. ;...................0. A. Mlaalsr Waalilnston. O. 0.... Becker's I^sther Oonss 0a. Wh-llns. W. Va Et. A Helfsrt u iik.-. It.rrc. Pa Barter II. Kemswrsr Zanasrllle. Oh to The Warn.* Btora | The Theatrical Profession will ay ate the saving of time ami < proas rhnrges by this arrangement. | Watch this list growl