The billboard (Jan 1911)

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4 The Billboard JANUARY 7, 1911. Heard in Advance Blchard Henry Little, mod old lets, till "Dick!" He's making the Chicago Tribune famous at a rapid fait. He called Annette Kcllermann'B swim-salt * "union rait." My, bow that atory did travel! Be (are Gentrj Bros. - a atory last anmmer that sounded that name to the uttermost corners of the L He's a marrel and a prince. He's something np his sleere now that'll all sit op and * Dick, In the i we both of us. Hare yon beard Irene Hawley sing Steam- boat Bill? Mo? Well, to use Ralph Stnart'a - In Get Rich Quick Wellington], "she SURE Jay Brady was np-to-the-ringbank with for Mayoress defuncts when I was In ently, and I didn't eren tare time the lot" myself. At sny rata. Jay, Nen", treasnrer Forepaugb-SeUs Show, and a regular fellow, dropped off In Chicago the other dty. looked around, polled a roll oot of hla pocket, and "Jost-as-essy" said: "Well I guess 111 Jump oyer to Los did. Santa Fe. all the way. Certainly glad again to say "howdy" to Wm. G. Tlsdale, manager Chocolate Soldier. Chicago Mr. Tlsdale Is a mighty clever chap When It comes right down to real brilliancy. One fellowship and a regular comradshlp hand me t or^Wir^ Reed Dunroy every time. "BUI" There's a pair or 'em at the Chicago Inter- Ocean editorial sanctum that are hard to equal In any line you put "em In. Too can't tie 'em let alone beat'em. I refer to R. B. Jones and "Bob" Clark. Thomas Boyle's fine old theatrical memory is amplng on the trail of Mclhtyre and Heath, or b»5» presa representative. Mr. Boyle has lived n Pittsburgh and gone to the theatre regularly for more than three score rears, and when anv ror more man three score yeara, and when any our hats, this veteran comes forth to upset our apple .carts with s surety of memory and an exactness of facts thst fairly takea one's breath sway. In this department last Sunday, Mr BSC* ,nd Hm,b "ere quoted ss saying that The first minstrel company of note was thst owned by Arlington. Cotton snd Kemble. They I?EUi. M r Ter ? "I"™ House. In Monroe Street, Chicago, In the winter of 1872." Whereupon Mr. Boyle comes back with the assumption that If this statement Is correct, the Carncroas and Dlxey's Minstrels were not or note, for they organlied a famous company ' , Ur- V"* 1 ' continues with some lnter- {jHt minstrel remlolacencea. The Csrnrross Minstrels appeared at the Old Concert Hall, which had once been the national Theatre, In and Mr. Boyle was present st the Inaugural per- formance. He says: "I recall, beside* young Csrnrross. they hsd one of the beat song and dance men In the profession at that time. Hla nsme was Arthur Hughes. They also presented ■ J°° n a man whose name I can not recall, who did the posing In Grecian ststuary In a mar- velous ly artistic style, not even eclipsed by the famous English prixe lighter. Jem Mace, whose poses I shall not forget as long ss I live. J"™ berore this." continue. Mr. Boyle. 1880. Sam Ssnford came to Pittsburg, si tag with bis minstrel troope In the old Ml w-ii s*«i: tronpe In the old Mssoolc Hall. Fifth avenue, opposite the present theatre on that thoroughfare. Ssnford this year bad gathered about him three promising youog black face singers and Impersonators, who af- terward became famous. They were Carncross. Dlxey and Hughey Dougherty. The last named and Unsworth. who was called the 'Black De- mosthenes," were the stars of the perform- ance." ATI of which proven that minstrelsy baa Don- orsble history beyond the memory of the best E2. m 11 JiE?" ,oe i'"* e «o-dsy—Charles M. Clyde Hunter, an attorney at Gary, I the door of the room when be wen aa be bad been wont to do In bl t oot. lust When he got back from Crown Point, twelve boars later, he found bis bride In tears In her prison. She had arisen for breakfast after ber bnsband left, and finding the door locked, had toVMr be Hnnt.v°w , r: r ..*? d n"'"" 5 ., 3S5 flk. It. doefn"? it™ ,,en,T UtttaM Staff of the Mexican Herald, Mexico City: Paul Hudson, president and general manager; "•-rick K. Guernsey, editor; Cooper Jsck- —i manager; L. C. Slmonds. associate John P. GUnes, now manager Psrk Theatre. Indianapolis, _ Ind.. baa bad twenty years' ei- hlgh-claas EDITORIAL BULLETIN Review of Motion Pictures. The review of new films, which we announced to begin with this issue, has been postponed till the issue of Jan. 14, on account of the change of personnel in our New York office. These reviews will positively be instituted with the issue of Jan. 14, and they will be more reliable, more comprehensive and complete than any that have appeared in other papers. They will be honest reviews, arranged solely for the information and guidance of the exhibitor and exchange operator. 7 Popularity Voting Contest. In starting a voting contest for the most popular films, The Billboard will probably be charged with employing the plan some- what earlier instituted by another amusement paper, which devotes some space to the business and profession of motion pictures. So be it, then, but voting contests of all kinds have been used by news- papers, magazines and journals from time immemorial, and in its never-failing zeal to conserve the interests of motion pictures. The Billboard would have taken the popularity voting contest in its turn anyhow. The rules and methods of this contest are an- nounced on another page of this issue. : • ■• Most Popular Motion Picture Actress. Going a step further in. its popularity contest, The Billboard is at the same time arranging for a contest by which the identity of the most popular motion picture actress will be established. Photographs of the individuals who shall be foremost in this race will be published with each report. •I-/" .. The Motion Picture Special. A special Motion Picture Number of The Billboard, devoted to all phases of the motion picture art and industry and its allied branches, will .bear date of Jan. 28, 191X. The number will have a beautiful and appropriate cover, in The Billboard's colors, black and. gold, and its contents will be especially selected and arranged for the interest, information and benefit of those engaged in the production, propagation and exhibition of motion pictures. WATCH FOR THE MOTION PICTURE SPECIAL. "I bare beard that there have been ent rumors thst tbe Psrk wss to be Into s burlesque bouse," said Mr. GUnes. "but the statement Is not true. J oat because X used to be a burlesque manager Is no reason to Imagine that the Park will be made s bur- lesque bouse. Ton might ss well ssy thst It will give circuses. "Tbe Park will continue Its policy of giving high class plays, which have been presented ss »1.50 attractions, st popnlsr prices. The book- ings Include sbows which have never been seen before st less tbsn SI. "I Intend to devote my entire attention to the boose, and look after tbe comfort of all who visit .ue Psrk, to see that tbe plays which appear are given tbe bes- ot curtain, painting, Mr. ♦ Jim "Mutch" Dsryer caata bla smiling coun- tenance around the Windsor-Clifton Hotel, Chi- cago, now and then. Speaking of real chaps, this Dwyer lad Is one. snd tbst's wbst they Mil say. Sorry I had to leave Jim wben I did, as* Mr. sn agent* snd And Molly me. Wont not! Is s tbo Morris forgot to 3 American Frank Stafford bss an Engllab setter In bla act, A Hunter's Game, that Is s besutlful and Intelligent animal. Aa handsome a picture aa ' want to look at la tbe "stand" of Aabley ny. pot It «.,?." .. D, L rolt r * c * a . t . l 7 ' Tl ""d Miss Mlcbsel Elliot's dames. "Ifer Drat dance waa excel, lent." said a cbsp after the exhibition, "but •be »r»led the other two by putting During Annette Kellermann's recent engage- ment st the Msjesile, Chlcsgo. Countess o"g* yon Hatxfeldt srsa appearing st tbe llsymsr- ket In Tbe Newlyweds and Tbetr Baby, tbe Chicago shops were selling "Mra.Newlywed" hata and Annette Kellermann coata. What would tbey have sold If Mary Oarden hid been doing Salome during the same time a: Ibe Auditorium? "glome veils? (Stop It., The famous bathing beach at Atlantic City csa offer no mors fascinating sight than Nadje, tb* dainty, petite equilibrist, who souses direct from Parte. She la one of tb* most beautiful and graceful woman athletes seen U this coun- try, and lust as clevar aa ah* Is handsome. Mis* Nsdje's bathing costume is a charming creation and well adapted to bar artistic ~ forma nee. which wins enthusiastic a big audlencea dally. If Dick Ltttl* see Nadje'a "union suit." well, tb* Kellermann story would fad* away. Tbey do tell me that he Is sickly st and that, of course, la what make* him lab. I refer to young King, treasurer I Theatre. Cleveland. If that'* the case, agent* I kno- A man named Apple married a girl au Pickle In a town In Ohio recently. (Twan yon a ay ltt Mildred Hall carried a page Interview with Margaret Illlngton In the Chicago Record Her aid not long ago. Here'a a paragraph: "Wben tbey arrived at the party all tbe little children were waiting 'round the Chlrst- mas tree, and when Santa opened hi* bag out popped little Margaret IUIngtoal And wben Santa Claua took off bla mask— there wss Blchard Henry LltU*l" Gen* Morgan's Rem* d* la cago Tribune, la aa classy a any on* would want to read. . In this prediction: One mora year tor Gems Morgan to Chicago, then you'll addrws his mail care of one of tbe largest and bast pa- in New York City. Ami right, Sam L*d- Dslay Chaplin (Mrs. James Wall) la now playing the part of Polly, Girl, the play that at ■eaaon was called " log It good, too. (Mr*. James wall) is now of ^PoUy, ^Jn Artoona 'idventorea of' Folly. ° Play* What a clever little gin la Ethel Orandln. tost thinking over tbe "good timber" out of tbe Baltimore Herald, and thla _ Hat aa far aa I can remember: Eugene B. (Percy) Heath (named "Percy" by tb* editor, Dwlght Burroughs). Wells Hawks, The- odora M. (Ted) Leary. Wm. J. Guard. Henri ouore as. linn uesrj. it m. <a. uuaiu, zzwiui snd Atwell, tbe Chlcsgo press photo have put serosa som* hot ones lately. ' ♦ B. tang la owner and manager of tbe ouirport, Ml**.. Opera House, and a mighty Una chap, bnt I never can forgive him for putting this on* over: "H* (hot him fatally In tbe aaloon." la tbe way a Chicago paper pnta It. Now w* know Sayeth our friend. Charlea M. Plttebmrg <Pa.) Oaaette Times: It Is only fulfilling s belated duty to say tbat tbe real atar of Tbe Thro* Twins, that wa* at tb* Nixon. Is our old friend. Joseph Allen, who plays Gen. ~ Anything more nnctloos In grotesque Izatlon would be bard to Hod. "A message from Loo la Methanol*, that de- bonair* Americanised Englishman, herald* tbe approach of Margaret Anglln In s new com- edy, called Green Stockings. Miss Anglln will show us for the nrat time la several years wbst grace* sbe may r During tbe season of 1900-10 Paris seems to have bad a very good time, having spent on amusements alone tbe sum of 51.420,000 franc*, or S20.000.000 Mexican. Peruana It will Interest readers to know which were tbe most popular (giving only such plsees whose receipts were anov* tb* million mark): Franca. Opera 8.1*9.000 Opera Comlqu* 2,694,000 Tnratre-Francale 2.21X5.000 Chatclet 2,188.000 Follea-B*rg«r* 1.011. 000 Olympta 1,632.000 yoriete* , , 1,420,000 SSI Bernhardt 1,408.000 Galte-Lyrlqo* 1.182.000 At>ollo • •••• 1.178.000 uymnase r 1,188.000 Renslaaance 1 078.000 Port* Saint-Martin 1,019,000 The much-vaunted Moulin Rouge la so behind (twenty-second In rani), with 740.081 franca, not being able to rival cos, Ls Nouveau-Clrqne (eighteenth In .. whose receipts amounted to 818,374 franca Cinematographs are also very popnlsr. cejiite^were 1,883,000 franc*. Tb* p fra'nra, mewbat h only a clr- ruiaioarspnn are siso very popular. us- • wore 1,883,000 francs. Tb* poorest of Theatre de Oren.ll*. received 170.000 S. or 08.000 Mexican. With ninety place* of amusement, on* can atay In Paris three mouths and yet see a dlf ' P*'-* 1 *' " m "" CB " l,t ***** »lsbt. Truly a gay TOM MOBTB.