Billboard advertising (Jan 1911)

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JANUARY 7, T»11. Til O 1 11 l>o THE GREAT NAME New Three-Act Play by Henry Kolker Given Premiere at Parsons' Theatre, Hartford, Connecticut—Play is an Adaptation from a German Success—Promises Well Hartford. Coos., Dee. SI (8pecUI to Tta* BUI- board.)—Tin- Great Kim». a pew three act pisy. with Henry Kolker «• tbe •tar, wu presented by ll-iiry W. Sarage at Persons Theatre, llsrt- ford. Coon., Monday night, and made an tnatao- bit. Tbe play u an adaptation by J. C. Barvey from a German piece written by Victor Lena and Leon Feld and deserve* to rank with Tbe lltiele Master. It telle tbe atory of a rick •n«l feuioue Debt opera compoaer who. baring written tbe music of In Inf la unable to reraii ' dlatrerted br tbe br cbeap orcbeetr pianos. Tbe Brat ecrne If act In Joeeph Hofer'a (the comioaer'a) borne and here be la ebown aa the blih ainior. nervous tempera mental, kind-hearted fellow tbat be la. fie storms In. breathing wrath ■gain*! tbe new flrat tIoIIb of the theatre or- chestra which he baa been rehearsing, only to team that tbla man whom ha Indeed aa laeora- eetret •■■ one of bla old friends and a man Joseph Hofer Ho Kopcrt Ludwlg Roland Weltman .. .. .. Hubert . Kellogg _ (Of Frederic, attendant patent waa one or nia cad manna who bad taken tbe highest honors atrvatory where they bad both ttodl ale sneer cbsnges to remaree and he apologise for bla actions. epok>glss Tbe second act occora la tbe borne of Robert Brandmerer. the honor graduate of tbe cooserrs- tory. who la red need to playing aa a member of aa orchestra for bla living. Re be I la era only ta daaakal mnalc and has written a woaderfnl symphony, bot betas poor and forgotten, he to enable to eecare a hearing; for It. Ilofer. rneh- US In to aiiolaaiar. learna of tbla and offers to ear* bla old frlrad'a eymphony rendered at s treat concert which Is shoot to tske place. In order to do tola, howerer. be la obi I red to hare It prndnced aa his own work, agreeing to glee Brandmerer the credit for It If It wins aaccess and to bear I be blame himself If It falls. The laat act ahowa tba moslclana room et tbe ball where the concert la taking place and here Joseph Ilofer listens and hears tbe rendition of bla friends great work and the applanse which follows It and receives hie own reward In tba lore of hie charming; secretary, Stephanie Delias. Tbe cartels falls npoo Ilofer disclaiming the aa- tborehlp of tbe aymphony and Brandmeyer re- ceiving the we lcom e which la doe him. The acting; of Mr. Kolker was snperb. He nude (be character of Joseph Hofer g eery real and likable personage: one that gri p ped the and- lenra from the drat and. held their closest etten- hont tbe entire play. It wonld be not Impossible, to conceive anyone ~ 1 waa excel- Sarah Bernhardt in Judas New York. Jan. 3 (Special to The Billboard.) —New York evidently enjoya playa OB lllbllral subjects. The third of this nature waa pro- dared a t the Globe Theatre. Thursday, De- cember 20. It was Jades, and tba Dlrlne Sa- rah Intervened tbe leading role. Sarah Bern- hardt'e work waa praised la the loodeel terms •a Ibe folium lug ncerpt will Inform: "Uer*e was ooce again aa enchaallag per- formaoee. 1 be poetic peeaage In which she described the far* and the figure of Christ, and the holiness and humanity of Ills teachings, had a beamy and persnselrrarea conceived In the radiant and musical beaoty or aa inspira- tion almost lyric. Tba face look on a greater eniirenment. the eyes were bathed In light. The eolce Intoned Itself with a glowing richness. -1 Tbe am nor. Jnho deKey, baa ecblrred a sne- eess, which win long be remembered In dra- matic rlrrlea. la dramatic force sad power, iadaa lonma on aa a nueterwork pattersed ef- the faabloo of Maeterlinck, whose dleclpie deKay ee-sas to be. The author baa not pre- •erred historical accuracy la the derelopoeat of the production, hot mast be given foil cred- it for the honesty of hie purposeand the height of hta emhlllon. ea well ae ft eigoroo. diction with which h velars apeak. Alfred Tristan Brand .. Stephanie Delias . Mrs. Hofer .... Clara Brand .. .. Isolde Brand .. . Mrs. Aspluwall .. Gretta, eervaut at t at .. .. Henry Kolker .. .. Runs Whytal .. Harry Meotayer puhllaber .. .. 8am Edwards W.J. Oman Rudolph Dnerlng* e. a. Hobenwart 8. Groaakopf the Orchestra) at Orchestra Ball .. .. Holt Haasey Hana Flgdor . .. .. Francesqaa Lardon Robert Tansey Gertrude Dallae Hudson Collier Frances Gaunt . -. .. .. Rath Chattertaa Elan Larimer Hofer'a .. Qwendelea Brooks 'a .. Dorothy Waiters Ttoeo. Hofer'a. PARAG RAPHIC NOTES Imperial Theatre. Chicago, Sets the Pace for all Theatres Housing Stock Companies—Other Items About People, Places and Things of Interest to the Profession By CHAS. A. WHITE. Chicago. 111.. Dec. 29 (Special to tba BUI board).—Tbe Imperial Theatre, the doom of which were opened Chrlstmaa day. Is without queatlon tbe moat spacious, moat beautiful and heat equipped structure ever erected In the Windy City for the purpose of housing a per- manent theatrical company. The building occupies a lot IIS by 190 feet. Tbe auditorium and stage covers 93 by 128 feet, while the capacity la about 1,490. The stage proper, which la aald to be the In town, la 38 by 08 feet with a tor of 40 by 22 feet The main entrance, on Madison etreet, la uniHbed. In marble and mosaic and beaallfled br a peculiar light effect which ehluea through art glees. From the entrance one wanders Into a Isrge foyer baring a mosaic door and trimmings of marble and mahogany, thence Into tba audi- torium, so arranged and decorated that the patron la at ones enveloped Into tba arms of art. The building Is absolutely fireproof and so constructed that the officiate of tba city build- ing department have instituted It as a model for future theatre construction. • J THE GAMBLERS. 9 ^MnuwtPsji r ; 5 ■ wmm IS.:* Act III. Tbe actors are: Geo. Backus. William B. Mack. DeWltt 0. Cecil Klngstoae. and George Nash. LAMY BREAKS RECORD. Raranac Lake. K. v.. nee. 81.—Rdmond Uoir to-dar broke the worlds abating record for the 220-yard dash, clipping two and two- Ofthe seconds from the mark of 10 « 5 aec- onds hang up by Leroy See In 1000. Lanir »ent tbe dlalanre la IT 3-9 seeonde. The time waa made at Hie rootlac Risk between the halves of the Pnatlac Valley field Hockey game. The track la saves lane to tbe mile. §£ «? u-«k d ^%m£sr^ kin o-pr ay! befiT* 1 'IS* » I «Pec»l to The run »§fc JPtH.kBOwa Irish com- edian and Julia (jray. i.t, ( tar win, Lincoln Carter la Her Only sin. were married hare i. Corhln Shield, who hea been acting for WSIBS aa general secretary to W. Gcen- nor Nasi, controlling owner of the Loath Theat- eull «££??' .*HK h .Win •» of the Brat- I S!.^", r ? k V, r» , « u - hss been annotated IsJl ^m"! ,hr *«demy of Mnalc. Lynchburg. »hd WUI (asom, bJ4 ■anj (W ( dotlr, nut New Theatre Circuit Formed Wetnatchee. Waeh.. Dec 31 (Special to The Itnihnard.1—A circuit of thee tree covering towns lo Washington. Idaho. Montana and Oregon, baa been organist-it. ami wltl bear the name or the Wlmo Tbeatrleat circuit. One hundred and twenty-als theatres are now Included In the circuit, which exienda from Rallspell. Mont., to the Callfnrnla-Orrgon line on the sooth em- bracing nil the towns from Son to I.OOO popit- latlon. .\o cities are la the circuit. The cir- cuit announces that It will hare about elghtr oae-alght* towns, and will he able to handle reia-rtolre snows for Indefinite periods. The Ota re re of the company are Raymond Bell, president, ami Lynn Chapman, secretary and manager. Tbla place will be tbe headquarters of lbs circuit. • WEEPON WITH SINGER. rtltaburg. Pa.. Jan. 2 (Speelnl to The Ttlll- hoardi.—Arthur Reaenberger, who waa ahead ••f Jerk Singer's Serenndera. le now back with the show, having been replaced hy Kmmrit Vteedon. who will now attend to the advance duties or the new Singer attrectlon. Wee** was a Plttshorg local hlllcr. etwl was at on.- time connected with n«rrr William*' Acad- emy of Music hers aa advertising agent. OLD ACTORS DEAD. St. Uajja, Mo. Dec. SO (Spectat to The Blll- »»««e.l»—Harry lm«. well-known stock actor. I; deed In a hospital here. Bla home wa* In Kitn-M itr Long luSered from t ittneral Some Late Liebler Engagements New York. Dec. 31 (Special to The mil board)—n. Reeves smith, most recently leading man (or Ethel Kerry more, has been engaged by Liebler and Company, to pley Colnnel Smith In Green Stm-hlnew. tbe comedy In which Margaret Anglln Is to signal Ik- her association with tba managerial Arm. others engaged for Mlsa An- glln'a anppnrt In Green Stockings, and also for Tbe Rlarksllriers. another comedy which Mlsa Anglln will produce, are Rnth Ilolt nonrlranlt. Charles Garry, Mend Granger. Lewla Howard. Leonard Howe. Crosby Little. Frederick l'nwell. Rath nose. Iron F. Simpson and George Wood- ward. LIchler and Company hare also completed tbe cast or Jndlth Zaralne. the new C. M. S McLel- lan drams. In which Tens Aehwell ta to etar. esslsted hy Chnrlr* Waldmn. The cast In- LANCASTER THEA TRE, OPENS. r^ncswjvr. 0. Dec. SI (Special to The Blll- hosnll.—Tbe Chestnut 8t. Theatre will open January 4. with Tbe Woir. This hones ban been clnred sine* last aesww when It waa nought by xtvon and - nehlll ia AT PARKER HEADQUARTERS. Leavenworth. Kan., Dec. 30.—TTenry Mlckel, ./mstruct on superintendent at the Parker toe- torr. will retnrn from the Eaat annul Jen. 1 Ned Stoughton. manager or the No. 1 show enent a rew days her* last week. Brpalr work will begin on tbe carnival Prvwrte Jan. I. About three months will be rv^'eed to not everything In r~.i .hare. v. JI,J! O0<1 "-. c tV r "''"1! t ««"•' f< * K r,r ~ rro cai ' *t Ha B bg" reeterdaj K U?' mnd , r"renjc Oassollo are the mans gars. The Initial onrerlng was The Lion and tba Mouse, to be followed by The Bine Moose, The Squaw Man. A Utile Brother of tbe Bleb. Tbe Man From Home. The Fourth Estate and other high-royalty plays. Tba present company Is mads up of tbe fat lowing players: Gertrude Garrison. Carol la* Rankin. Gertrude P helps. Margaret NevtUa, Edna Von Luke. Louise Gleam. Gwendolyn de Cora Burkman. L. D. Ellsworth. •*«ti wna jiuvauaaR. 1* If. Clisworm, STSat- erlck Julian. Hugh Gibson. George Berry. Wll Pete Hsjm U V"' d^ T Nlchoi"'' > * tt ''' t£S ' "Yon know Lon Will lams. No? Well, that's e Iran gel Why. he'a tbe man who made Chicago n-cognise 'dog opera' laat summer. I'll Introduce yon. ■Mr. Will lams! May I present my friend. Mr. DraballT Mr. DlnbaU Is la tba employ of Suc- cessful Brothers." Ah! Mr. Dloball. (extending hand). I'm often beard or yon, aab; to fact. I hav» h of 700 often, sab! WUI yon join me In a try julepl 1 beg your pardon, aab. 1 - that I am no looser a Gentry man. ban remarked: Will you partake with Br Young Buffalo whlaat It's a One concoction, my deah Mr. Dloball; a miniature cube of Chief Shivers, s whoop of Bed Top and a shot of Lively Water. Great drink for both the general and the press agent. What's that! Merer In- dulge t I'm an'prleed. sab, greatly au—prised 111" "Mr. Dloball ta mora interested In your hat, Mr. WUllame." "Quite right, sah, quite right I This bat (re- moving a fussy looking sky niece), this hat la an OUDITY1 Coat a friend six and one-naif ace notes. Some ot the boys have Intimated that It Isn't tbe proper pate-plece tor a to wear, but I tut ratted sab. and novelty ta what likes. Looks very nobby, ay? (placing bat aa head and posing to front or cigar stand mirror.) Where that? It n-semblou a MDFFlttl Jaensrl Bike up atalrs to my room and fetch my platoL" ♦ I never realised the mightiness of board until a certain manager of a Chicago theatre voiced ' my '-penciled Manhattan Co. Celebrate Xmas Birmingham, Ala.. Dec SO (Special to TIM Billboard).—Chrlstmaa was celebrated by the members ot tbe Manhattan Opera Company to a moat enjoyable manner at tbe Ban Carlos Ho- tel la Pensarula Fla. Tbe management of Iks- Sen Carlos threw often tba large dining noes, which had been besatlfntly decorated for the occasion, and members or the Manhattans wet* tbe guests or their manager. Robert H. Kane, to ea rlexant course dinner. The festivities were held following tba Satur- day night performance, and lasted nntll the wee ants' hours of the morning. Presents -were exchanged br an members In the company, and Mr. Kens was presented with n beantlfnl dia- mond rlug. tbe girt from hta company la appre- ciation or bin loyalty to them. Among tiioae attending the celebration wees Robert n. Kane, manager ami proprietor of The Manhattans: Charles If. Orwlg. business mana- ger: Ml-ees Nells Brown. Medge Caldwell. Claire Whitney. Leila Thorn. Ethel Httslrtcka. Henrietta Dreyrr. Florence Ken nee. Mr. and Mrs. Cha-i— Fulton. Mr. and Jim. Clifford Meech. Mr. and Mrs. George Natnaaoa. Mr. end Mrs. Walter Roberta and Messrs. Dairy Nelson, Charles Morton, Raymond Crane and XMA3 WITH LA PORTE COMPANY. New Caattr. Ind.. Dec. 31 (Special to The Billboard.)—There have been Christmas tree* and Christmas parties given by companies on tba road, bat probably never before like that riven by tbe Mao la Porte Stock Company it the Tlntpl. Union CtlY. ind.. on Sunday evening. December 2X A tree that wonld bold - In Dnlnn City. of tbe preea so three resents could not be found In Dnlnn City. vra.^T.T« rrc,.^h,re w, w:: c orrfour f rd presents given to the members of the handled presents company. LeBoy Tndnr. of Uttncle. besides the phrerTA. waa the only Invited guest and at the close of the Dutch lunch, which Manager McEnree srvved the company, be Invited earn or the cote pa ey In hta enlte over the Majestic Theatre. Mnncle, ' j evening. January I. Je,se GlMer- toe MrRnree. ami Pars n. lit Invited the company to attend a hlrihdey nnrry they will give In Anderson. Ind.. Jen. ». which NOBLE RESIGNS. Chicago, III.. Dec. 31 (Special to The Bill- board.)—Horace V. Noble, stage director and leading man of tbe Weber Stock Company, at the Weber Theatre, (lilt-ago. for tbe last alx- haft vnlttntartlr resigned In order »..B*rr«n» hrvaknlown. «»l Jg**** wTtl "rei't "ror T, at