Billboard advertising (Jan 1911)

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JANUARY 7. INk The Billboard 9 ALL -STAR B ILL Imaginary Bill Framed Up from the List of Acts Presented in Chicago During the Past Week with Arrangement Suggested—The Bill at the Majestic BILL FOB CHICAGO. WEEI OF DEC 28. A—Barrow* Luculer Co.. Comedy Sketch. Majestic. No. fl. Foil Stase. B—Resale Brown Bicker, Monologue. Majestic, No. 7. Is One. C—Frank Butledge & Co.. Comedy Sketch. Julian. No. 3. Foil State. D—Beule Wynne. Singing Comedienne. Majestic, Mo. ». f n One. E—Santncel Trio, Instmmentallata. Monroe. No. 3. Full stage. F—Exposition Four, Qnartette. Star and Garter. In One. G —Burr Mcintosh tt Co.. Dramatic Majestic, No. 10. roll Sr H—AL J0L30N, BLACK FACE O Majestic, Mo. U. In One. I—Mlddleton * Sptllmey- American, No. 9. In " IAN. MAJEST IC TH EATRE. Chleago. Dec. SO (Special to The Yens and Able, contortionists, op which bill can be stated was one acta. The opening act was good. Toohy and Tonhy. eatartalnen The Balzara, direct from the drome, also west well. Gladys Clark and Henry Bergman, Is • Base- ball Flirtation, were excellent. Barrowa Lancaster Co., Tactics, reTised_by Margaret Mayo, author of Baby 1" Clrll War sketch is excellent and of merit. Act went well. Bessie Brown Bicker in child Terse mono- logue, U certainly deserrlng of s position on the All-star Bin. Marvelous Dick, the writing dog, considered the wonder of the 20th century, is excellent. Bessie Wynne, Chicago'! fevorlto prima donna In beautiful songs, was one of tho bits on this all star program. Burr Mcintosh 4 Co., in The Ranchman. We win remember Mr. Mcintosh as the leading man In The Gentleman of Mississippi. The dra- matic sketch in which he Is playing to one that White Rats •Give Ball Dec. 30 (Special to The Billboard.) — I Rata Actors' Union will give a fancy ball at the Coliseum Annex, Chicago. . 12. The doors will opes at T o'clock Is the evening and will remain open on til three In the morning. They hare been glees a permit by Mayor Bnsse to sell liquor after one o clock. Last season tbry had the finest ball that was ever given. The performer* In attendance wore tbelr costumes and stage make-up direct from the stage to the ball. In fact, 80 per cent Is attendance bad their make-up on. □easel's Orchestra, formerly at the American Music Ball, will furnish the music. Prof. Hen- sel hss been the bandmaster for the White Bats erer since the White Rata Association was ee- isWished In Chicago. The tickets are telling for BOc a person- There will be prises glren for the two moat elaborate women costumes and several other prises for gentlemen. They expect s larger crowd thlt time than lsst year; In fact, every White Bat In Chicago win be teen at the ball and alto thoaaandt of othein who hare already bought tlcketa for the great event. MATTOON THEATRE OPENED. Mattoon. in.. Dec. 81 (Special to The Bill- board.)—The New Grand Theatre has been opened under the management of Nathan Stein, former proprietor of the Lyric and BIJou Thea- tres here. Vaudeville Is the policy, acta being hooked through the Sullivan and Conaldlne of' Beet. Five seta are used. The ' "eating capacity of 830. and Its scalar of ad mission Is 1 0c, ISc. and 20c. BIRTH IN DRESSING-ROOM. notion. Mate.. Dee. 28 (Special to The Bill- board).—Miss Kittle Bingham, one of Boston's ftvorlie comediennes, of the team of Plea no and ningham, now playing at toe Hob Theatre, bad a little si*-pound girl born to her just be- fore the matinee. Monday afternoon. In her dressing room. Her husband. Fred Pltano, did hit bett to work single during the afternoon "nil evening. > QENEE I N VA UDEVILLE., 31 (Special to The Billboard), another entertainer of die- son of Mile. Adeline Genes, ng- In. Bachelor Belles. Mile. -».--.. .. uual . lu a t the Colonial 'mt fheavei" <*" *• 0. WIN shows him off to grest advantage. He la an actor of merit and the whole cast la excellent. Mr. Al Jolson. although not s headllner, wss without doubt the bit of the bill. He stopped the show at the opening performance and was a riot from start to nnlah. Al has a writing dog alto which took well with the audience. The Courtiers, vsudevllle'a moat splendid mus- ical offering. Is certainly deserving of the title. This act to one of the best musical acts on the vaudeville stage storm. Costumes and scenery are Tbe bill was Immense. VAUDE VILLE P ATTER Notes About People and Bits of Gossip About Conditions and Circumstances Gleaned from the Weekly Calendar in the Windy City—News, Views and Comment Mr. William Ely called at tbe Chicago office of The Billboard, and atated that Mrs. Eva Fay'a time on the Out 8nn Circuit waa can- celed. She therefore closed and left Mr. Ely without a position. Anybody wishing a good press agent or correspondent, please, write Mr. Ely, care the Chicago office. James Sumner baa won honor and distinc- tion through his donation of 2,000 copies to the garment workers of Chicago. A polish boy by tbe name of Joe Loweakl. who gave au Imitation of Count de Beaufort, on Clark street, alnglng Little Maid of Old Chicago. CARL MeCULLOUGH. He la being featured on tbe Wm. atari! circuit. His weeks ago at tbe American played several The Bill at the Monroe Chicago. Dec. SO (Special to Tbe Billboard.)— The Long Trio opened the bill. Act went big. Lamond A Co., were also The Santuccl Trio, Inst cellent. Lovey Joe was rendered which took well. Thomas and Ward, those colored entertainers. In songs and dancra were good. Williams A Co.. comedy sketch, waa brainless. In the act at all. CARTER BUYS ORPHEUM. .. O., Jan. 2.—Omar O. Murray, of _. lad., who has owned and conducted Orpbeum vaudeville houae In this city since September opening when he and Qua Sun split their theatrical holdings, hsa disposed of hla lease to hie' former manager, Harry 8. Car- ter, after a week of darkness from December 18 to 2s, reopened under his own management. It la rumored tbat Mr. Carter baa designs upon the Newark hmia • which Mr. Murray baa been conducting and that be. too. eontamplatea ! aomlng Into a vaudeville circuit ownership. Harry La Peart, tho famous ci num. and Bailey Show, la laying an act for vaudeville. . Julian Theatre Last Week nee. 30 (Special to y, singing open- . Dauncey, ed the bill, and was rather good. Frank Rntledge and Company, to a comedy sketch, entitled. My Wife. Tola sketch Is ex- ceedingly tunny. The act took well. Carl McCulloagh. alnglng Some of These Days and Winter. . made a decided bit with the audience, and ■ could have remained a second week and scored a big hit. The Seven Plorena Troupe, who were at the American.Music Bail last week, closed tbe bill. Tbe act went much Tjetter last week at the Julian than at CHICAGO BURLESQUE. Tbe Girls from Hsppylsnd are at the Alham- hra, and Tbe Cosy Corner Girls are at tbe Empire. The Trocadero Burlesquere are holding the boards at the Star and Garter, while Tbe Tiger Llllea are attracting attention at the Fal- 17. " scotti. with bis big voice, will be seen at tbe ■ Slat Street Theatre next- week. He Is singing Little Maid of Old Chicago, and Is making s decided bit with it. • sold 200 copies In twenty minutes, and re- ceived a contribution of f 15.00. Nearly body In Chicago la alnglng Little Maid of Old Chicago through Mr. 8umner's various dona- Carl McCuUouRb played the Julian Theatre laat week, alnglng two new songs. Winter, and When Ton Are In Wrong with tbe Right Girl. Mr. McCnllongh la doing well, and without a doubt "lU^be one of the coming start The following burlesque shows are using the Will Rossi ter songs: Kentucky Belles hire Some of These Days and Let Those Sleigh Bella Be Our Wedding Chimes. Glrla report s sen- sational hit In Some of These Days. The Par- isian Widows are to king encores with My Ever Loving Southern Gal. staged by "Check nected with the 1 The Two Clippers are alnglng Some of These Days. Believe Me and That Indian Bag. Warde De Wolfe, with The Girl in the Taxi. Is using Some of These Days wtth excellent results. George Murphy. In The Newlyweds. to also one of the many reporting success with Some of These Days. Irene Hawley now hss an entire repertoire of will Bosalter songs. She to singing Some of These Days, My Ever Loving Southern Gal, and the Coxy Bag. Sophie Tucker and Carl MeCulIougb. both on the same bill at the American Music Hall, week of Dec. 10. both used Some of These Days, and It wss hard to choose between the two as to which was the bigger hit wtth the song. Miss Tucker's engagement to for ' weeks, and abe will continue to use tbe tbe second week, as it has proven the " thing abe has ever sung. Emll Sobers Is also alnglng Some of These Days, and likewise reports It a bit. The Three Keenes will plsy In Chicago for several weeks to come. Their set wss well received at the Plans, week of 10th. Week of 26th they plsy a return engagement at tbe Kedale. where tbe-r will Introduce for the first time to any audience. Won't Too Try to Love Me, a worthy successor to Meet Me To-night In Dreamland, and written by the sine writer. Rntb Slater Whltaon. The Count Packs Hamlin pub- sders^ssn FattstgH " Mr nssj little ™ Chicago. Dec. 30 (Special to The Count De Beaufort, whose world-wide pi Hetty bas made the many newspaper readers eager to see him waa the means of filling '" many seats of tho Hamlin Theatre, the li fiart of laat week. The policy of this h s two shows s night snd each show waa scene of foil houses. At the Brat show a little speech he made was the result of tome little disturbance In the audience by a blacksmith who took exceptions to some of tbe remarks sel forth by tbe count In bis Mt of monologue. However, with but little effort It waa quelled, and tbe Count continued aa serenely as ever. Mr. Howard, tbe manager of the Hamlin, stepped up another rung In the ladder of success when ■ :be Count for his theatre. Mr. How- ard la a man of action whose Initiative ability and^orijlnallty are funding for bta a foHowIng NOTES OF THE ROAD. Frank and True Bice are now playing the Bntterfleld time, booked by tbe W. v. M. A. Plunkett and Rltter hare separated. Nat Rltter la now working with Walt Bovey. John snd Alice McDowell will lay off for the holidays at tbelr home In Detroit. Mich. The Mysterious time the latter part of 1 The Zat Zama are managing tbe Theatre st Abingdon, 111. Levins and Nelosco opened on the Interstate time. Jan. 28. for four weeks. The Great Colvtns, hypnotic scientists, are do- ing big business In the North. Russell and Church open at Liverpool, Eng.. for a tour, on June 26, next. Mack and Chick have joined tbe Dowling Stock Company. Mlaa Wayne La Mar Circuit January 30. LaMoure 1 January 26. Jesse Allen la boms. Tenn. Musical Walker Mlnstrela. Ingram