Billboard advertising (Jan 1911)

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■ K 10 The Billboard JANUARY f, .1811.. The Vaudeville Week in New York . Y. ALL-STAR BILL Extra Assortment and Conglomeration of Novelty Acts of Merit Render Competition for Places on All-star Bill Very Keen for the Last Week of Year YORK ALL-STAR HILL. WEEK OP DECEMBER -26, 1910. Slater*. "Those French Girls," Acrobats and Sinner*. •V Colonial, roll Stage. B—Harlaqolnadp. In Black and White, Eng- lish Holiday Pantomime. American Music Hall. In One. O—Pewitt, "The Man of Many Face*." American Music Hall. In Two. D—JOHN B. HYMEB. * CO., In Tom Walker on Mar*. Fifth Avenue. Open In Ont HON. Levy. Cartoonist (With Apparatus.) Fifth Avenue. Fall 8tsge. i*—Zlgenuer Quartette, European American Music Hall. In G—Edwin Stereos, assisted by ■hall In A Night Ont. Fifth Avenue. City Four, In Mar Mow York. Dec 81 (Bpeclsl to Tbe Billboard.) —The last week of 1910 waa plethoric with VeodevUls novelty In New York, and In consa- enenee. tbs competition for position on the All-star bOl has-been extra keen. After de- liberation, the place of honor la assigned to John B. Hymer and Company In Tom Walker on Mars. Charlotte Parry and Gertrude Hoff- msnn the alternate*, being barred by IS on the All-star bill a _ ago." Tom Walker on Mars la good fon. worked ont on novel lines, and Its sumptuous ataglng and clever cast combining pulchritude and brains, entitle It to especial recognition. Edwin Btsvena and Tina Marshall are natur- al candidates for second position, both by res- son of their versatility of acv-ompltabmcnt. aa well as the refined and derating tone of their City form, entpnaimnjr aseicu. Fonr offering popular songs In classy cover the muslcsl restores of the bill. Novelty Is contributed by tb* acta of Pewitt - hla coloaaal animated head, and the nar • of Ksrno's Comedians, both of which Fifth Avenue Theatre Bill . York. Dee. 81 (Special to The Bill hoard).—A bill that bristled with norelty occu- pied the boards st Keith and^ Proctor^Fifth tVrT^ss^an^t^rw "to* vaudeville, entitled Tom Walker on Mars, and It proved a popu- lar vehicle for John B. Hymer and a capable company of fir teen. The lyrics and the libret- to ware written by Mr. Hymer himself, snd the Incidental music wss composed by Jules FrI- quet. The story his to do with the same old- time darkey that Mr. Hymer Impersonated last - Devil and Tom Walker. The act , showing the exterior of a busted i Cbney Island, with Tom Walker, the old Southern darkey, and his fellow-freak. Ookua Unk. a Zulu, who hare been Joined as Siamese twins by a surgical operation. They are to be dispossessed and are woefully hun- gry as well- In this extremity the Devil ap- pear* and bargains with them to aell him their aonla after death In exchange for unlimited wealth. Aa a further condition, he Is to take them to Mara, with sin on that " are far from the beaten track of vaudeville offerings. Bert Levy, cartoonist, also deserves con-men- dstion for an original and diverting turn, and opens tbe second half of the bill because bis "dumb set" Buffers less from Interruption than would tnose that follow it. The same reasons actuate our choice of tbe Amoros Sisters to open the bill, and Kara, the Juggler, as tbe closing offering. PERTI NENT P ATTER Gossip of the Vaudeville Week in Gotham—Bits of News and Items of Interest to Members of the Profession Near and Far—Miscellaneous Notes New York. Dec. 31 (Special to The Bill- board.)—Lonlsc Mulball and her talented bone won tbe big blue ribbon prises at a recent meet held at Dursod's fsahlonable riding acad- emy. Johnny Gabriel ssys be will not stop with that but will win feature big New York vaudeville time, tbe act, wblch, Joined with Gabriel's abUlty, will reach there, yon bet. ADELAIDE GENEE. condition. Tb* drop la raised, and a grotto of stars on Mars Is revested. Seven star nymphs disport themselves amid pic tur e s que scenes. The Queen sc Mar* appears, snd Is warned by the Moon Maid that the Devil Intends to Invsde tbe hap- py planet. Scarcely has she spoken ere tbe Peril, attired In a dress stilt, appears' with Tom Walker and hla Zulu twin, snd gets boay with nil propaganda. Introducing gin to the ' their queen in the form of a kiss. to shine in bis characterlatlc craps with tbe maids snd the Dlccfoy, separating tbe former from their jew- els, and trimming the latter, wbo Is tbe only male on Mars, for bla clothes as well. By the command of the Queen, the "Twins" are ctat Into the den of the deadly Wampus, which bites the connecting ligament snd sepsrstss Tom and the Zulu, to their mutual anttafac tlon. When tbe Devil seeks to complete tbe conquest of the Martlana by accusing tbe Innocent Moon Maiden of sin. Tom balks, snd. provided with a magic ahooterlno by the Qneen. shoot* tbe Devil back to earth, and remains a High officer st the Martian court, with the Zulu la jester. There Is an shnndsnco of innocent fnn. prerty music and elaborate costume*, worn by a chorus of attractive girls. The electric effects In the grotto on Mars "are extremely beautiful. Assisting Mr. Hymer are Darld Walters. Elsie Kent. Tom Bamaay. Myron Pitts. Billy Persno. George Dsvis. I-eon a Lelsb. nd Misses Lily Elaon, * She leaven the legitimate for nve weeka to appesr over tbe Percy Williams' Circuit In bcr specialty, ~" by ber principals. She will open at the Colonial Theatre, New York, January 16. American Music Hall BUI New York, Dec. 31 (Special to The Bill- board.)—To round out the old year fittingly. William Morris. Inc.. last week offered another huge bill, aa diversified ss It was diverting. Appropriate to the Ynjetlde waa the old atjle Christmas pantomime A Harlequinade In Black and White, performed by Ksrno's English com- edlsna. The entire action took place behind • wblte screen In one. against which tbe nature* appear silhouette. The- merry Clown tbe lean and all pi erred Pantaloon, tbe sprightly nsrleqnln. the charming Columbine—all were there, and a multitude of other droll charac- ters as well. Weird and smoalng effects were obtained try- varying the distance of tbe per- formers from the projecting light This style of entertainment baa not recently been seen on the American atage. and It added a ele- ment of humor and norelty to tbe bill. A star feature waa Consul, the educated orangnntsng. which deported Itself In an almost boman manner. Attired In a conven- tional black snlt. with shoes, gloves and all of the requisites of a well-dressed man. the ' tmI ate tb the ChUd Performer's Act Prohibited Akron, 0.. Dec 3 (Speclsl to The Billboard!.— County Prosecutor rtookwell. on Monday, stopped tbe singing sml darning set of Master Thus. Carnanan, Jr.. at the Colonial. Master Thomas is only seven years old. lie sppesrod at tbe Colonial Monday afternoon In a sketch. The Lesdlox Mso. The set closed with a sing- ing and dancing specialty. Rockwell was at the theatre, and told Msosger Johnson that - tbe hoy eonld not do tbe singing and dsnelng .part of hla set In Akron. He read a law against that kind of a performance on tbe part of children. The sketch wss closed abruptly at each fol- lowing performance. A new theatre will be built tbe old Lyceum In King B-mare. B.. Can., by the Bt. John ' of Manhattan. N. Y. Tbs Diamond King Company, managed try J. Hurt Johnson opened at Kewaskum, wis., Jan. L Tbe roster of the company Inrindee: J. Burt Johnson.. owner and manager: Mrs. 1. Bnrt Johnson, treasurer: C. E. Tarn '11, Fiord Covell. Ben Yankow,' Clarence Scbelbs, alias Van ■ Foul*, Miss Josephine I'atton, alls. alolU* Mra. Ottokar Bartlk resumed her engsgs ment wltb the Bboda Bnysl shows January 2. at Bocbeater, N. Y. The wire of tbe well- known ballet master has te-en away from ber troujaa of Ilusslsn Dancers for a month, being closely confined In tbe meantime as tbe re- sult of sn operation. One of tbe members of ber company. Mary Mai. r. was marrl-d while In Buffalo, to J. M. ' playing Hayes, physician of the Buffalo Bill-Pawnee Bill WUd West. Tb* newly-wed, however, remains with the troupe. Mile. Mlna Mlnar launched forth In ber new rtomlme Monday. January 2, at Paterson, J, Tbe clever dancer* new vehicle la termed Tbe Victim* of Love. Bert Perkins, who baa been managing tb* throng on tbs Incandescent Lane. I. Miller and Son, tbe theatrical shoemakers, of 23rd street, have been working full capacity executing orders fur tbe following new iwodoc- tksns: The lislkan l'rlueeaa. Fields' Wluter He view, with which Lew Fields will open his new Winter Garden In February; Vanity Fair, for tbe New Theatre Stock Company: Lew Field*' Tb" Uenpecka, and Lederer'a Jumping Jupiter. William J. Gane, proprietor of tbe Manhat- tan Theatre, Broadway and Slat street, baa In atalled one of the new ticket-vending ma- chines manufactured by II Majland, of BrOOk- lyn. The capacity of tb* machine la 3.000 tick- is an honr, and eacb ticket la delivered to the purchaser wlthnut the band Of tbs seller COmIng In COUt*et Wltb It. A registering meter controlled by tbe manager. Is an effectual cbrck upon reselling or other tampering. Tbe ma- chine at the Manhattan Theatre baa stood op under every teat Imposed by tbe busiest motion picture theatre in America. Madeline Marshall, late of The Deacon and tbe Lady, has signed s contract with Ons Ed- wsrds. whereby she will appear In vaudeville under bla management for live years. In a sketch written for her by Mr. Edwards. It it a "rube" act and four people win appear in Mlas Msrsbsll's support. The sketch will be placed on tbe Orpnenm Circuit after a tryout. Valeska Suratt, after trying ont ber new act In Atlantic City, haa again Invaded the metrop- olis, opening at Hammersteln'e Victoria for a week's run. Her offering Is called Her Booffe Variety and aha la asaistet The Colonial Theatre Bill New York, Dec. 31 (Special to Tbe Bill- no* rd I Surpassing all of ber former trl- utnpln. Gertrude Hoffmann held « atellar poal tloo on Uat week'* bill at tbs Colonial wltb ber sumptuons revue. This Is announced as the farewell appearance of Mlas Hoffmann, snd she certainly hss msde ber valedictory on* long to be remembered In vaudeville. As pre- tentious In ataglng. and wltb aa Urge s csst ss the sversge Broadway mnelcal show, tbe re- vue affords a full boor's brilliant entertain- ment. M!i< Hoffmann works bard. She la to every picture, and ber work comprises Im- pressions of tbe cbsrscterlatlc offerings of Eddie Poy. Ethel Barrymore, George M. Cohan. Eve Tangnay, Ruth St. Denis, In ber East Indian daneea: Anna Held. Harry Watson. Jr.. Harry Lauder Valeaka Suratt. Alice Lloyd. Eddl* Leonard and Aonette Kellennann. K disuinf Interpretation of Mendelssohn's Spring Song, revealed Miss Hoffmann as a creative terpsteho- resn genlna. Twelve handsome girl* and a troupe of genuine Cingalese ssslst In tbe act. under Mlas Hoffmann's personal supervision. Worthy of atellar place on any bill Is The Comstock Mystery. In which Charlotte Parry, the protean actress, appeared, assisted by ft Parry si Detective Barnes, and F. Brink as Policeman Callahan Miss Parry depicts sue cesslvely seven distinctly contrasting roles, namely, Mrs. Jones, the landlady; Jill*, Pic- cola. a Frenchwoman; Mag, a street girl: Dor othv. a child: Mlna, a Swedish servant: Msry Itelher. the deceived girl, wbo killed her lover, and Pete rietber. her hunchback brother, wba would die for ber. The sketch pnlaate* with the pathos of metropolitan life, and a atorr of Intense heart Interest la revealed In the telling The Two Amoros Slaters, sprightly Frencb girls, contributed an set combining singing and dsnelng. wltb supple aerobatics. They deftly throw aerial aomerssnlts and flip-daps, .acceanpa- nylng tbrlr stnnta with hnttwrong remarks lb delightful French accent. Their moat amanlnf fest la tbe triple dislocation or tbe shoulder*, suspended from ■ trapes* a Terr atniqos trick. The Big City Four, a quartette of - young men with rich voice* and likable personality, made a good Impression with solos snd onsets hies. Including Winter. The Rosary, which the} delivered with tbe sonorous timbre of i -pips > organ: and Under the Yum Yum Tree. Held, the basso of the four, rendered Rocked In tb* Cradle of the Deep, with fine effect.' T. Roy Barnes and Bessie' Crawford ' scored their usual success with their funny card el poanre skit. The Fsklr snd tbe Lsdy, with sorm few«rSr?r rained a riot of laughter with political amal' talk snd parodies 1a dialect. • . Morrtasey Brothers and Bisters, entertaining singers and dancers, and Yankee and Dlilr ajjalr of educated ratlines, added ts tb* rtv**T». •