The billboard (Jan 1911)

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JANUARY 28, Wt The Billboard 46 Xolk.-r. Henry. In the Great Name, Henry W. Savage, mgr.: Chicago, 111. Jan. 1, Ind.-f. Klug of the Cattle Bin* (KUer's), Kd. Hale. mgr.: Kerwln. Kan.. 80; Larnora 31; Logan Kcb. 1; Down* 2; Belolt 8; Republic 4. Katie A I'hrlan .Musical Comedy Co., E. - V. I'belau. mgr.: Mlilltletown, Conn., 23-28; Me- rlden Krb. M. Katie Did. J"" 51 • <s»lti-«. Feb. 4. Kls»lug Olrl: Lyman Twins, la .. Bros., men.: Mobile Ala.. 28; Penaacola. Fla., 27; Klorala. All., ad; Dotbam SO; Eutaula 31; Albany. Oa.. Feb. 1; America* S; Balnbrldge 4. Feb. 1. IJIy. Tbe. .1 23 24; — Feb. 4. Ixiat Id Society'* Whirl (Southern). L. M. Bay- er, mar.: Victoria. T.a_. Sri: El Campo 26: Wharton 27; Eagle Lake 28: Humble *>: Livingston 31: Lufkltt Fell 1: Jicksonvllle 2: Long view 3. Larimer. Wright. In the fthrpb.-rd Kins. Wn». A. Brsdr. m«T.: Erie. P*.. 23-25: Elyrla, O.. X 2*: T.Jedo 30-reb. 4. - was. tnlted l-lay Co.. Inc.. Minn.. 25: r'ergu. Fall* 9ft Opera Co.: Phi la., Dec. 13. Indef. . Wm. A. Brady, mar.: Bradford. Pa., IS; Jamestown. N. V.. 26; Erie. Pa.. 27-28. Madame Troubadour. The s.iubrrt*. mgra.: Buf- falo. N. Y.. 23-23. My Cinderella Girl (No. II, Delamater A NorrU, mtra.: Chicago. 111.. 23-28. Mlaa Nobody from 8tarland. Mort H. Singer. mgr.: Laaalrag, Mien.. M; Bay City. 28-21). Maeitro'a Mlilerplece. Arthur Hammersteln. mgr.: Boston Mass.. 23-Feb. 4. Montana Limited. Kllmt * Oaxsolo. mgra.: Milwaukee. Wla.. 23-28. Mannerlnt. Mary. In A Man's World. Tbe Shuberta. mgra.: Seattle. Wash.. Feb. S-4. Manhatten Opera Co.. Robt. Kane, mgr.: Chat- tanooga. Tenn.. 23-28; Knoxrllle 30-Feb. 4. Naughty Marietta. Oarer llammerateln. mgr.: N. Y. C, Not. 7, Indef. NVwlywiila and Their Baby (ISaaternl. LetBer Brat ton Co., props.: Plttaburg. Pa., 23-28; Yonngatown. 0., 30-Feb. 1; Dayton 2-4. Newlyweda and Their Baby (Western). Le flier - Beatton Co.. props.: Joplln. Mo.. 25: Plttaburg. Kan.. 26; Independence 27: Bartleavllle, Okla., 28: Enid 29-30: El Reno 31: Elk City Feb. 1; Hohart 2: Quanah. Tel.. 3; Wichita Fall* 4. NUrgvr. Ttw. with Florence. Robrrt*. Wm. A. bpelon. S. f».. 27: Watertowu. 8. U.. 28. and the Minis*. W. M. Hale, mgr.: Blr- In The .spring Maid. Wer- rra.: X. V. C Dec. 26. In- ber A Luesrber. mgra.: def. Madame Sherry. Fraae*-. Leda-ra-r Jb Woods, mgra.: X. V. C Aug. 30, Indef. Marriage a la Carte. Llehler A Co.. nigra X. Y C. Jan 2. Indef. Miller. Henry. In The Hit.*. Klaw ft Erlanger. mgra.: X. Y. C Jan. ». Indef. Moore. Vlrlaar. In tbe llappleat Xlgbt of Hla Lit*. Fraaee ft Lrderer. mars.: Chicago. III.. Jan. 8. Indef. JUllory. Clirioo. D. II. Cook, mgr.: Utile Fain. X. Y.. 23-28. Melvltlr, Roar. In SI. Ilopklna. J. R- Stirling, mgr.: Knnivlllr-. Tenn., 23-28; Louisville, Ky.. 23 Feb. 4. Mldmcht Sona. Ixw Field*, mgr.: Denver. Colo., im. McFadden'a r'lala. Barton A Wlawell, tngrs.: Cincinnati. ().. 22-28. Madame 8herry IB>. Wood*. Prase* ft Lederer. l: Terre Haute. Ind., 23; propa.: Terre Haute. Ind.. 23; I 26: Blootnlngton 27; Peoria 28 Dea Molnea, la.. Feb. 1 .r n Ne'b Id Sherry (C). Wooda. Fraaee ft Lederer, : Memphis. Tenn., 23-2.*.. Minister'* Sweetheart, Dare Altman, mgr.: Xaah- Tllle. Tenn.. 23-28: Memphla. 29 Feb. 4. Montgomery ft Slooe. In the Old Town. Chaa. Dillingham, mgr.: Pblla.. 16-Feh. 4 Mack. Ollle. In Flnolgan'a Ball. Sam Blair, mgr.: Haaford. Cat.. 3d: Fresno 27: Ska Jose 28: San Francisco 29^Feb. 4. Man of the Hour (Eastern). Cos*. M. Holly, mar.: C.eveland. O.. 23-28: Wheel log. W. V>.. 29-Feb. 1: Youngatoara. O.. 2-4- Maeaulry. Wm.. In Ctasamate*. Jas. Felt*, mgr.: Houma. La.. 25: Baton Bonge 30. Madame X I Eastern). Henry W. Savage, mgr.: Boston. Maw., 1-28; Provldrora-. R. I.. 30- Feb. 4. Madame X (Western). Henry W. Savage, mgr.: Hntrhloson. Kan.. 23: Wichita 28: Guthrie. Okla.. 27; Oklahoma City 28-29: Tolas SO; Muskogee 31; Dallas. Tex.. Feb. 1-4. Madame X (Southern). Henry W. Savage, mgr.: Otrnmwa. la.. 23: Oskalooea 20: Des Molnea 27-28; lows City SO: Cedsr Rapid* 31: Clinton Feb. 1; Dnbnqoe 2; Waterloo 3; Marshall- town 4. Merry Widow (Eaatern). Henry W. 8*vax*. mgr.: Ft. Worth. Tex.. 23-26; Dallas 27-28; alnskng.-... Okla.. 30: McAlester 31: Oklahoma City Feb. 1-2: Cuthrte 3: Wichita. Kan.. 4. Merry Wlikia <We«terni. Henry W. garage, mgr: Huntsvllle. Ala.. 23: Memphla. Tenn.. 20 28: Clarksdale. Mlaa.. 30: Yaam City 31: Jackson Feb. 1: Vlckahnrs: 2: Natches 3: Mon- . roe. La.. 4. My Cinderella Olrl (Xo. 2). Delamater A Xorrla. mgra.: rbiim. O.. 2T.: Marlon 26: Flndlay 27: Urea 2K: xt. Marys. SO; Kentun 31: Timn Feb. 1. Missouri C.lrl (Eastern). F. W. Richardson, mgr.: Xew Sharon, la.. 23: Qrlnnell 28: Ma- rengo 27: W. Liberty 28; Vinton 30: LaPortc City 31: Waterloo Feb. 1: Cedar Falla 2: Warerly 3: Clarkarllte 4. Missouri <:| r | ,Mrre 11. Norton's). Jos. Rllb. meT.: Shawnee. Ohio. 23: Sew Straltsvllle M: GfcHisIrr 27: Murray 28: I ngan 30; Athens s!^r£rfne?d 4**' ' : V, '" n,T S: «••«»»«<•■' Mai ",.n the Box. Montr Thompson, mgr.: Brownnllle. Pa.. 23: Moraantnwn. W. Va.. 28: ..""ton 27: Clarksburg 28. Man on tli- Ito,. E. E. Trousdale, mgr.: Three RU r r *^ M,CB " 35: "*■». 'nO- *»= LoE»n« f 0 " 27: Frankfort 28: Peru SO: nnntlnglon Feb. 1: Wahaah 2: Rluffton 8: Marion 4. i,T ,. Fr,, "°d front Illxle: Boston. Ms**.. 212R: Phlla.. !<«.. 30-Feb. 4. mr '.'I'r ISr CbM "*- Wm - A Wridy. Me Irr e,,.. M '"o'^r."-^ 2 ! ^ v. C. Xos. 14. •«m. 1.1 MrTov ' Pe-ale. In The Echo mrr^: Worccter. ilS. Xailmova. Mme. Alia. In = berU. mars.: Mempola. T«nn„ Mgger. The. with Guy Bates Post, Wm. A. Brs dy. mgr.: Toledo, O., 23-23. Nigger. Tbe (Southern), Wm. A. Brady, mgr.: St. Augustine Fla.. 25; Jacksonville, 26 27. Over Night. Wm. A. Brady, mgr.: N. Y. C. Jas. 2. Indef. Ole Olson, J. H. Hewitt, mgr.: Bakertfleld, Cat., 26; Santa Panla 27: Ventura 28; Oxnard 29. O'Hara. Flake. AL McLean, mgr.: Chicago. 111.. 22- 28; Peoria 29-Feb. 1; Davenport. la., 2: Dahoque 3. On the Frontier. Thoa. Alton, mgr.: Cowrie, la., 23: Gllmore City 26. old Homestead, Frank Tnompeon, mgr.: Minne- apolis. Minn., 22-28. '*'d°*C ^23°28r*'" AnKWltts Plton. mgr.: our" World. Frank MeKee. mirr.: Atlantlr Cf X. J., 25. l-.tnander Walk, Llel.ler ft Co.. mgr..: X. Y. C. Dec. 20. indef. Powell ft Cohan Musical Comedy Co.: Marlon. Ind.. Not. 21. Indef. o Prince of Hla Race, Oscar Graham, mgr.: Stam- ford. Tex.. 26. Prince of Pllsen, Henry W. Siragr. mgr.: Ann Arbor. Mich., 25; Detroit 26-28; Toledo. 0.. 30: Columbus 31: Indianapolis. Ind.. Feb. 1-4. Peck's Bad Bay. Benner ft Cutter, mgra.: Rich round, Ind., 2f>; Bluffton 27: Huntington 28. I'oyuter, Benlsb. In the Little Girl That He Forgot. Burt ft Xlcolal, mgra.: Richmond, Va.. 23- 28: Baltimore. MJ.. 30-Feb. 4. Polly of tbe Circus (Frederic Thompson's). Chaa. Bulkley, mgr.: El Paso. Tex., 23-25; San Antonio 2tf-28: Victoria 30: Bay City 31. Paid In Full (Central) United Play Co.. Inc.. mgr*.: Brookflrld. Mo.. 25; Klrksrllle 26: Ma eon 27: Moberly 28. I-aId In Full (Southern). Tnlted Play Co.. Inc.. Paid In Full. Wagenhala ft Kemper, mgrs - iv* Moines. la.. 22-23: Omaha. Neb.. 28- 28. Powers. Jas. . T.. In Havana. The Shuberta. mm.: Los Angeles. Csl.. 23-28. Polly of tbe Circus A. 8. 8tern ft Co. mgra-: St. Panl. Minn.. 22-28: Mlnneapolla 29-Feb. I"owell ft Cohan Comedy Co. (Central): Robin- son. 111.. 23"8: LawrenceTtlle 30-Feb. 4. Queen of tbe Highway, Morrison A -nigra.: Columbus. O.. 23-25; D Cincinnati 29-Feb. 4. Queen of tbe Moulin Rouge. Vancouver. R. C. Can.. Waah.. 27; Everett 28. Rebecca of 8unnybrook Farm, Joe. X. Y. C. Oct, 3. Indef. Round Dp, Jos. Brook*, mgr.: Columbus. 0.. 23-23; Dayton 26-28; Indianapolis, Ind.. 30- Feb. 4. Royal Blare (Western), Geo. H. Bubl Council Grove, Phsrson 27; Hul Dorado 31. Kolnon, May, In tbe Rejuvenation of Aunt Mary, L. S. Sire, mgr.: Toledo, O.. 24-25: Grand Rapid*. Mich.. 26; Kalamazoo 27: Jackson 38: Benton Harbor 29; Cosheu. Ind.. 30: So. Bend . 31; Madison. Wli., Feb. It Milwaukee 2-4. RnwU. Lillian. In In Search of a Sinner. Joa. Brooks, mgr.: St. Louia. Mo., 22-28: Memphis. :to Feb. 1; Birmingham. Ala.. 2: Mobile Rosary, Tbe (Rowlaud A CUfford'a Southerni. Wm. H. Lemle. mgr.: Xew Orleans. La.. 22-28. Roaary, The (Rowland ft Clifford's Xo. 2): Leb- anon. Pi., 25; Hirrliburg 20-28; Richmond, Va.. 30-Feb. 4. Rosary. The. Gaakell ft MacVItty. mgra.: Goth- enburg. Neb., 25: X. Plstte 26; Alliance 37: Cbydron 28; Rapid City. S. D., 30; Lead 31; Belle Fourche Fab. 1; Deadwood 2; Pierre Roaal'lnd at Bed Gate, Gaakell-MacVltty-Carpen ter Co.. mgra.: Denver. Colo., 22-28; Vktor 29: Colorado Springs 80: Pueblo 31. Ring. Blanche, In the Yankee Girl. Lew Field.. mgr.: Rochester, N. Y„ 23-25; Auburn 26; Ithaca 27; Wllkes-Barre, Pa.. T' 30; Flttaton 31. Robertson. Forbes, In tbe Passing Floor Back. Toe Shuberta, mgra.: Chicago, Ml.. 23-Feb. 4. Rosary. Tbe (Eaatern), Rowland ft rllfriTd. mgrs.: Boston, Msss. Indef. Royal Stare (Eaatern). J. M. Jacobs, tug-.- Summit. X. J., 25: FlabkUl. X. Y-. 2d Walden 27: Kingston 28. Rosary, The (Rowland ft CUfford'a) M. S. Goldalne. mgr.: Upper Bandasky, O.. 2.1: BellefonUlne 26: Springfield 27-28: Mary. ville 30; Plqua 81; Wapskonetm Feb. 1: Del pboa 2; Ottawa 8: Flndlay 4. ie a. ZeMa. In the Xest Egg. L. C. Wlswell. mgr.: Chicago, m.. Jan. 16. Indef. Sentimentally Sally. Chaa. Dillingham, mgr.: Chicago. 111., Dee. 25, Indef. Skinner. Otis, In Sire. Chaa. frobman. mgr.: X. Y. C Jan. 24. indef. Sweeteat Girl In Paris, Harry Aakln, gen. mgr.: Chicago. III.. Aog. 29 Jan. 21. Smart Set (No. 1). Barton ft Wlswell. mgrs.: St. Louis, Mo., 22-28: Ksusaa City 29-Feb. 4. Smart Set (Southern), Barton A Wlawell, mgra.: Americos, Ga.. 25: Columbus 26: Opellka. Ala.. 27; Serma 28: Birmingham 30: Ann!.ton 31. Spendthrift. Tbe (Eastern). Frederic Thompson. mgr.: Providence. R. I.. 23-28. Spendthrift. The (Frederic Thompson's Western I E. B. Jack, mgr.: Norfolk. Va.. 23-28: Rich mond 27-28; Lynchburg 30: BlneBeld. W. Vs.. 31; Roanoke. Va.. Feb. 1: Staunton 2: ~ ton, W. Va., 3-4. Shadowed by Three, L. C. Zelleno, mgr.: Am- herst. Nei... 23; MUler 26: Callaway 27: Kear- ney 28: Grand Island 29; Holdrege 30; El- wood 3L Starr. Frances, In the Eaaleat Way, David Belaaco, mgr.: Birmingham, Ala., 25; Atlanta. Ga.. 28-28; Columbia. S. C 30: Salisbury, at! 'Elmo. Clsaer ft Stair, mgrs.: Mlnneapolla, Minn.. 22-28; Dea Molnea, la., 29-Feb. 1. St. Elmo (United Play Co.'a): Parsona. Kan.. 26: Chanute 27: Ft. Scott 28: Plttaburg 29; Carthage. Mo.. 30; Webb City 31. Soul Kiss (eastern), Mlttentbai Broa., mgra.: Lowell, Mass.. 25; Nashua. N. H.. 26: Salem, Mass.. 27: HaverhUl 28; Taunton 30: Plymouth 3t; Fall River Feb. 1: Attleboro 2; Putnam. Conn.. 3; Worcester, Maaa., 4. Silver Threads. Joe Lane, mgr.: Seattle, Waah., 22 28. (Continued on page 48.) FEATHER FLOWERS There's Only One -DeWrtt Sisters aatlafactory DeWITT SISTERS Originators and Makers only of FINE FEATHER FLOWERS 14T W. 48th Btrsst, CHICAGO JUST O DING A UNG A TOY. ronalatlng of ■ round silver bell, t lurhow In dtanieler. attached by cord to a UVi Inch wooden paddle mounted with turned Wnadm pnrkct to catch tbe bell. Price *<UH> |mt ttroe*. Sample* mslled for 12 ct MM. J. G. HILLER Loui«viiiv>, :-: BOOK OR BUY Conyne's Aeroplane PARK. THEATRE, FAIR. CARHTVAL. STOCK 00. 1UHAQEB8, ABO ILL BIO ADVERTIS- ERS SHOULD TAKE NOTICE. You can get an aeroplane of your own and reap all of tbe pub- licity of harlng the flrat to fly over your city. Yon will hare the exclusive, as only one will be m a city tor one y a TOP-JaOTCHER. are making good In several large cities. It yon want a lire one. get on tbe Job. Write for photo and Information. Use your business letterhead, aa no Information will be sent la reply to postsl carta. It la a big business proposition. (I HAVE NO AGENTS.) SILAS J. " Asanas, CHICAGO. AGENTS An opportunity to main -SALESMEN-MANAGERS- SlTrttSl •Jan* want batter poa 11 Ion a - ■ t op right gsfjTge f t ffsj Information on the. Crsataat Household Invention •vsr krrowrt—A SELP SVRIHCJUQ MOP. mako oasy monay—at homo or travallnc *^ A. E. Mama, Mkka, Savv - "Ca.trd at 20 boanea. laad. lsViVet." E. Mena.w'U. unt "Sold 131 In I daya." E. Randal. Minn, "Canva s es* 11 fam'llaa. too* II orders." lohn P. McLeod s«4d Q)«Wse SMrjase la teas than aa hour. PoW*t siaad autporiBOOSj asllsltSStf. That's the way It govt. You cant la 11. You are bound to win. Yoaj can sail 100 m ops a week, working only ball tun*. Two turns ot crank srrlneaout svsrydro* of ssatae. Simple.practical, rcu- ahta, durable, never wears ouL Kvsry homs tares. No talking asreasaary. Show h. take th* ordtf. ,C« sasiard now. don't wan. »¥* wall hwtp yew. We ssasrt Sa g aa t a. gaal**isi*i s t alasia g ar a la every conaty to m eedera, araootnt. Supple, cOBtrol sub-agvara. 150 paroant pec-fit- No Investment required. Sample ties wah firat order. New catalog". Inrtrucnosa, bwuib im I T h is at a, all Pro*. U. «. MOS COSSSASIY not sgaln «t_ LA-lpniC, OHIO X. 1VI. HARTON C01VIF»A1VY 1118 Farmers Bank Bldg., PITTSBURG, PA. Builders and operators of Roller Coasters, Scenic Railways, Merry- go-Rounds or Carousels and other Park Amusement Devices. Write us for BIG BARGAINS in Carousels used only a time. Park Concessions Wanted.