The billboard (Mar 1911)

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2 T tt e Billboard MARCH 4, 4911. Qepeiriable OPERA CHAIRS All oar cus- tomecssayso MF8.G0. —18M-. Oav^ Si; ejRUB. ILL. SPECIALTY I Pnapt SUpanb Opera Chairs Th« Wisontli aii VnttrCt. -Port-- jWashlngten, $15 to M5 51? Made with any of. .0ur. maehinas. -THE- RMHr'PlATE IKx2%> 75c per '-lOO. Bed Star Plates at BOc per 100. Biittm:EiateB at 70c per 100. Uonnts 20e per 100, - Bnttcni Vnmes 75c per gloss. De- veloper 15c per set. Developer free wltb every 500 plates or buttons. FREE SAMPLES of <}lates. frames, postals, etc. Send for free book- let and 1911 price list. TTEW XOBK rzano^ TYPE CO., Deptv 54* lifeH Delancey Street, New Totk, U. S. :a. , "» ■ •■ ■ ' " NEW LINE OF STOCK PAPER -roR- W E ST E R N ■ELODRAMAS wfll fit most any border drama. TilE DONALDSON LITHp. GO. MBWPOBT, KENTTTCKY. CARS AND SLEEPERS For Show People 'ScutliBni Iron Equlppnt Go. Atlanta: ga. TK WSILB'S GREKTESr TBHTRECIUIK Sanitary, Spaca ■avlng, Llfa- '•avina, Menayaavlna* To UaaThIa Chalr^totoMaka Your Bualnass Grow. WritaTeday. fiEO. W; BENNETT. 744W.GUi St^. einalnnatl. O. SPBtRMIIT GflEWlie 6UM t9c per lK>x. Each box contains: $1.00 worth. Tonr profit 81 cents. : HEUIBT GTJai SHOP. CiuclnBatl. !■ lanrariBC adi, mcDtlon TBM BILUBOABD. ^' - . Page SOME FROHMAN-piTr^S^^^yiiS^i;:^^. :^ 4 THE THEATRICAL WEEK m AMERICA V. ................ . 5 THE AMUSEMENT WEEK IN AMERICA . ; . 6 THE VAXTDEViLLE WEEK IN AMERICA^...... .. . . ..... 7 THE AMUSEMENT WEEK IN CHICAGO. ... .5.. . . Si .. . . .. .: ...... 8 THE VAUDEVTLLE WEEK IN GHICAGOi . l .C. . . ........... 9 THE AMUSEMENT WEEK IN NEW YORK. 10 THE VAUDEVILLE WEEK IN NEW YORK........ ^ ...... 11 THE WORLD OF POPULAR MUSIC.................-:......... 12 BURLESQUE AND FOREIGN NEWS .-... 13 MOTION PICTURE NEWS. ... . i . ...................... 14 MOTION PICTURE REVIEWS............. . ... .1. . . 15 VAUDEVILLE NOTES OF THE ROAD. .-. . . . ..... . .. 17 - BIG TOWN AMUSEMENTS ..18-19 CIRCUS NEWS . .. . . . . 20 THEATRES AND ATTRACTIONS......................'......... 22 OUTDOOR NEWS 24 FILM SYNOPSES . i..... -. .... 26 '''.'ROUTES— Performers* Dates ; 30 Burlesque 36 Stock and- Repertoire . . 36 . . Dramatic and, Musical 37 Bands and Orchestras 62 Skating'Riiik'Attractions . . .T. . 62 Circuses fV. 62 Minstrels .. ....... ^ . 62 . Carnival Companies''. . ..... .............. - 62 ■ MIscaianeoua''^.-i i> i..; .. . . 62 : Nejw-'.York. Attractions ; 62 \ 'Winter Quarters;^ . . 62 READER'S' COLUMN ........ . ... 32 SKATING RINK NEWS ............... 1................ ... .. 33 PARK LIST 42 PAIR LIST . .......... ... 44 NEW .CONVENTIONS ....'.'.... ... 4S FILM SELEtASE ' lkMSBS .... 49 LETTER LIST .^iV.V.; 52 DIRECTORY . ..". . 60 (m worn EVESY POKPOSE 1.000 STYLES The A. H. Afldrews Co. ESTABUSHEO 188B WUTB rOB CAT. Ha. I 1T4-1T« Wataah Awanna, CHICAaO, ILL. Branches in alt leading oitias.' THE AUTOMATIC THEATRE CHAIR It Is a Mend to the pnbUc - '. It adTntlaes your theatre and makes yonr businesa grow.'' It folds aatomatlcally and can be reTtflTlng, statirawT or self rlfhtliiB. - It ta the only sanitary chair. .^i - ' ■ It Is a space-ssTer. life-saver and mon^-ssTer. It Is shipped bnnt np ready for nse. , If yon bare not seen our latest models. Investigate. Prices low qosUty Utb "Write to^lay for Circular C. ; , -, XBE HAKDESTY itsa. CO.. - Canal J>OTar, Ohio, V. B. A L.a IVf. HIRSCH SAMPLE SH^E GO. FOR STAOE AND STREET WEAR. " .Originators'of • ~-' SMJVIPUC AND 9HORT-;^AMR _ j^^^ Healary to mifteiiiall^'eelara ats^^puiar priaaa. Mall.ormr)! prompt|y>tlHafl. BtSV'tOK TftW:JLUnrnuTB) OATALOOUK. . SIXTH AVE^ BET. 24th and.2GtK STS.^ - "^N. Y. :CITV|3 ^S^miFlT ON A SpUNCrBASIS Get a machine tbat can SO the work—and do It "now—and tomorrow— and for ajgood long time to come. I«t the Idea abont th e ori ginal machine go. BE KOPEMT— TO-TO- BAXE—OET ICACUUIB WIBB by Installing the modem, macblae—TEE KOXIOOBAPH. This Is a day of progress. Time kee ps on coming and go ing and old fashioned machines most be replaced with TEE XOIIOa&ATR, THE XOBT PTTB ABIg , S MPU . ACOESSIBIiE Motion Picture Mach ine on the market, and XHS IUU3BIHE XS&X FBOJEOTS THE BESI^PIOXVBX. MANUFAOTCBED AMD JOBBED BY Eibrprisi Opfa'nl MuufaeioriaK Ga.. 170 W. Rudolph Strail, Cbieigo. e AGENTS IN ALL FBINCIPAL dTIES ra VOB HOTDlIi BBHDIX MnmOH TBI BHUBOABD WBUT WBIS»a AOTUXIUni. Theatre Cbain Ailaolntaly ' ' Hon-Breakabl* SnltaUe (or aaaL theatre and.' iuoTlni plctiira ..ahowa, Wr cany time cluJn l> stou' and.can fUk immediately. SceoM B^^^^^^^H^H^^^ hand - chaira. . tlm- ^^^^^^^^^^^^H seating (or oat.o( I^^^^^^^^^^^B door nse. Ad d. De pt. ^^^^^^^^^H B,8TBEI. rmsNi ^■^^^■^^^^B TI7BB CO., l OraaO I^^^^^^^^^B Raplda, Hleli: Boe j^^^^^H^HHir ton Offlee. 2M Ooa ^^^^^ ■ sreaa Stsset, Bsi' Mass. New York OIBee, lEO Vlftt ATenM B.B.&B. SPECIAL THEATRICAL. TRUNK M.iB.. te.iB.. 18-ta.. ao-iB.. n-is.. M-lB.. n-ia.. as-ia.. a.YEA» OPAEAWTM LOOK AT THK MHCBI Boimd with oov Naw Cold.RolIed Staal Btad* Intf. Thiee-ply B. B. &B. trunk wood, hand-fivatod tipping tiay. SENI> FOB FREE CA3rAliOGDE.;; no.M 11.00 U.00 lt.00 14.00 u.oa 16.00 17.00 18.00 19.00 15.00 deposit reqalred oo 0. O. D. B. B. & B. TRUNK COMPANY, 62S Smlthflald St., _ 447 Wood St. . 109 Fadaral St.i.N. Factory: 32-40 laabaila St., N. S. PITTSBURO, PA. When in the following cities save TIMB and EXPRESS CH^GES by gettiw "The Same Trunk," "Same Guarantee from the dealers below:: New York, N. X .'.Olmbel Biuta— Chicago, m.^.'i .Mataliall IMd A Oa. Akron, Ohio....;....... .....J. B. Hu e ata r Altoona. Pa. Altoona Iieatter Oooda Oa. Anderson, Ind... ....HodiOl Bn^ AugDsta. Ga................Aotasta miBk'Oi. Baltimore. Md........0. J. Dmi CO.' (3 Btoraa) Boston. Mass. W. W. WtuiJr Bncyrns, Ohio ........B. B. Bfea Boffalo, N. T.... Btank G. Phllllia Bntte, Mont Montana Tnmk ftctsir Cincinnati, Oblo Tbe MaHey a Oamw Oe, Cleveland, Ohio UUy.* Boawtt Ttok Ok CtolomboB, Ohio ...^IWallaA's Trnnk BtMS CrawfordsvHIe, Ind..............Laais Bitekoff Cumberland, Md... .....B..^R:' Bhesiar Dayton, Ohio D. Iconliaia'a'BW Detroit, MIcb.. Shadboldt A OkMO Ft. Wayne. Ind., Ft. Wayne Tnmk A I«atbW Otb Fbstoria, Ohio .......Tbe Peter dotblag Oa. Frankfort, Ind............J. W. Ooolter's Boa* Grand Baplds, lUeh.... ...Paol BUM* Hamilton, Ont Hamilton I<eatlier Goods Osk Hantinglon,, Ind ...F. Dlek'a Son a Ot. Indianapolis, Ind...........Oliaa. Uayer A OS. LaFayette; Ind... IioA tt HeaeO*. Lebanon, Ind.... ...:.......BU>wt PatUaa Uma, Ohio...;. ..Tbe Hoofcr BooSh OS. Iiogansport, Ind........8cbn)eder A Portir Op, Mlddletown, C...Bitter Hanuas A Banr O*. MObUe, Ala .......Molias TtSk Ok, Newark.. Ohlo.'.;...................-...Bd. Osa Phnaddphia, Pa...................Wm. Onriy Port Hnrdn, Mlcb..'..Orttenlnnger Banisss Oi. PorUand. Me ........J. L. Braekett A_Ot. Portsmouth, Ohio Jolia Bear Providence, B. I ..Berty AOik Richmond, Ind ...HUlar Baneaa Oi. Saginaw, Mleli...........Uebemiaa Vtimk Oa. BaTannah. Oa..........Sarasnah ^nmak Metecr Sjgiriogfleld, Ohb>...............'Vna. I(eu_~— Syracnse, N. Y..Byraeoae nonk Won* TlOn, Ohio ...........Zlrger Clothing Oi. Tipton. Ind........... .Sbortle Department Btw Toledo, Ohio .WUmlnctmi * O*- Trenton, N. J......... O. A MlHMr Washington, D. C.Becker'a Ijeather Goods OO. Wheeling, W. Vs.. Kta a Selfaet Wllfces-Barre. Pa..... Harvey H. Kemmarer ZanesvUle, Ohio ....Tl» Warner Stoia The Theatrical Profession will appreai- ate the saving of time and exceanva aS' press chftives^y this arrangement., ,', .', Watch this list growl . '■'■ ^-'r WAITED-Pietura Miehinas af All Makaa, QalakI Same for sale at all times. FOB BAIA—IM nice mahogany colored folding chairs, 60c saeki Mod. B. gas machine, t2B; good Film Ic per ft.t Sdison nniversal macblne, (40; SceaeiT asaS Oar talna. several seta. FOR BENT—Paths F. Fv $20 per week. Bdison gas generator, used bai once, (35. Six reels Film, No. 1. per weak. Will bny all kinds of show and amoacmeal gooda. DIXIE FILM EXOHANaB. MS: W. .M Street,. Oweniboro, :K]^^"-'.- Ventriloquist Planres, Marlonettea, Black Alt. Lunette, Tents, Orxans, Merry-Go-Ronnd, OcMS Waves, Statue to Life, etc. Enclose stamp fW lUts. W. H. J. BBAW, Victoria, Mo.. ''■'' '' IB saswariag sds, aaitlMi BIUdMAB>