The billboard (Mar 1911)

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MARCH 4. 1911. T ti e Q111 b o a r d 63 JMANAGERS! ^'You' will want to do some ef- fective advertising.' Use our sys- tem of inexpensive. AERIAL APVERTISING. and be happy. TU« cut iiIio'n-8 on« of our CIRCIILAK DIS- miBXmKO ■Irsblpn In action. (Coinpleto otit- at, S2.00.) Join the pneswion of nrogrewlTenna bi In Une with "OUK SIGNS OP THE ' WM«-awake and np-to-date advertteers ahonld oot omlook tbis opportunity. Particulars of Mr mMBT AERIAL ADVERTISING STUNTS and dOOtatloiul' on Bubber ABTERTISINO BAL- LOONS l( 7001* for tbe aoktng. (Cge toot let- taciiMd}. SMd ua»r ._ THE BRA2CEL NOVELTY ca AKRUL ADTEBTISING B0SIXBSS BOOMERS 1700 Ella StrMt, - Clnclnriatl. Ohio POSTAL STUOIOiMEN! Write us for free sample^photo and particulars of bur mirroj: • device for photographing in five different positions with a' single ■ exposure. A novel idea for a ■ post-card, and the best money- making stunt in the history of Post-card Photograi^y. J. M. IAU6HT0I AMUSEMEMT CfilST. GO; Hotel Mayor Bldg. - Pooria, Ilia. FILM S ACRIFIGE 25 reels, sreat barRalns. at $8, $10, %15. ' Send for bargain sbvet. We rent 12 reels at flO week- ly. M, P..Outflta botigbt and Kdd. We need 100 rcpli Ind. S. H. Blma. THE MOVING I'lC- TUBB SUPPLY CO., Canton, OMo. - FIUIB FOB BENT—0 reels. $0; 12 reels. fU; all in one shipment. P. Machines and other show goods bouirht and sold. M. P. Hunplles constantly on band. Address TBE CBNTBAI. THADIKO CO.. Watertown. Wis. The Lyceum Comedy Go. WANTS wants quick. Actors In all lines; those doubling braHS and specialties given preference. season, under canvas; Also < Agent.. State aU Drat letter. Address A)U 8..BVAN8, Hant City, Florida. , - WsntMli Uvs Suaiimr PraiMtlllons Utta KHKEn TKtTK. sr. laillS PBft«BCT COOUKG 8TSTEM. The Princess location In the new the- atre district at Grand and OllTe, 15 minutes from anywhere, is the liest In St. liOols. Ah absolutely modem Slayhouse seating l.TOO. Opened last eptember. Playing Morris tande- TiUe with wonderfnl success. .Will consider musical shows, dramatic stock, bigh-olass picture novelty or any live proposition. Will rent or rtay percentage. Management of Dan B. Flshell, five years manager of tbe Oarrick, St. Lools. WAMTED rOB KOKTH BEACH Any riding device or good live attraction on mat or percentage. Address THEO. BLAU, Morth Beach. L. I.. New York. BAND ORGAN rmt sale, wltb driHns: paper-idayed. Cost (800. wy used 9 weeksMIke new; very cheap. Snlt- Sis^JSL Jncrryrfo-ioond, rink, show, or psrk. aOBEBT OODCH. 116 Wster St .. ElyrU, Ohio. JOB BAIS—0 large Carousel or Merry-Oo-Roand Borses, SS each; 2 Deer. (8 each; 8 small Hones «B each. Very One condition, 2 Chariots, 10 M^; 1 new Cable Steadier. tS: new complete WANTED—MEDICINE SHOWS Indian Bdiiblts^'CoiieeaslonlstB, and things for Snmmer Farkl, Good Idaee, -locatioii and etty. THE ABCADB, Andrew St.; lyim. Mass. STDE SHOW ICEK—Ne^*- Cnriaslties and Hon- Btrosltles for platform and S-In-one shows, with paintings. The best money getten on eartb. New list with pbotos, free. WiM. NELSON, Ko. Cambridge, Mass. I1O.0O FEB SAT :- Legitimate sobstltutc slot machine: seUs like wlldflre. $1.00 sample free, Secarc territory now. SIDNEY GAME CO., Sidney, N. Y. Good Blackface Comedian who dances aitd Is a good worker in afterpieces: also Sketch Team and Agent; Week-stand show; ten months' season. Snre money.' Two-car show. Open here March 15. WILLIAAf TODD, MlUen, Georgia. TBAP DBnaCEB WAHTED—Must be ready to join on receipt of wire. Salary eight to ten dollars per week according to your ability. Ix>ng engagement and sure money every week. Add. BAND MASTBB, M. L. Clark & Son's Show, Alexandria, La, —WANTED— For COLE & RICE CIRCUS Contracting Agent, ,Gar Manager, and flrst-dass BlUpostns. All mus t be sober and reliable. Address L. 0. GILLETTE, Ann Arbor. iUtSi., Oen. Agent, P. 3.—rred H. Beaton. Please write. WANTED—AIRDOME OR THEATRE In Southern Indiana or Southern Illinois, not less Sian B.OOO popnlatlon. Sipot cash tor ttx- tuies. If cheap. Pajr tor.opening IntormaUao. Lock Box 480, CovlBttoa. Ind. Photosraphed from life or made from your p^oto- graphs. Foster Photos, Letter- heada,' Blotters, Embossed. . Runoy Show Print. Clneln- natl,Olilo." lO SHOWS—lo Open Richmond, Ind., Saturday, April 22—Ohio and Michigan to follow. Ws op«ate onr own ridlngdeviccs and manufacture our own paper. Bill like a drcns. carry y'ricts. Dig bsnd, WANTED—Two more moral Shows; good oitenlng for Glass Blowers' Show; A few good prtvUegea still open. KDNEY-AIKEN SHOWS, Runey Building, CInclnnstl. BAUSCHER CARNIVAL CO. VtaU Sb^s and Concessions, good Agent, Musicians, - Vaudeville Team, good Free Attraction, •Kr-»I?_ .""'.."•■'' *° tnake openings and handle electric theatre, Man to handle Ferris wheel. SJ? .s2?"£5S£i,'*"*.? aoth Century Merry-Qo-Bonnd. SIg. Bassay, J. I. Mlknlsky, Ferris Wheel SSSiJS^Mr!?? JTl'" Want everything and everybody to Join at Shaw. MLss.. for our spring opguas. Maicli e-li. Iceland,; :Mlii»., grti. Si-March «. Address A. C. BAP8CHBB. Ws m In Rudy ttfinirtat fsr (ha Ssaton e( 1911 THE A. t. HUTTOI & GO. ROiMiAN' hippodrome: SSS.i"' T?''5?'"R Bsces. _Chsrlot Baces, Flat Races, Riderless Borse -Races. Horses vs. Hounds si* nigh jumps, Halt iulle Bunnlng Races alpilngt all comers, etc. Trivellng iS„iSJlL.S!™ m**!" J'»'«co c«rs. A string of the best blooded racing horses ever seen In a Sffifii2,?^m«»ff™f. 'JS.?'"' jRl'-mlle trscks. Write or wire. CLABBNCE B. BBMBY. Buney tonSiheil W&^^ttlfod^ HIppodtsme and Baco Track, Nokth Vernon; laO. Bank references ; WANT E D Repertoire and One-night Stand Companies witli B. & 0. Prettiest thcstre In the city. Seats one thousand. Ilavo next week open. Also want Ladles UKInstra. Permanent. State salary. Wire N. A. WOODWARD. Manager Pastime Theatre, WlehUa, Kaasas. AMERICAN BAND -OW- PROVrDENCE, R. I. W. B. FALES, - Slnctor. 40 of Bist Misimis ii Jhitrict aai BMvaM SMsb —iNbLUOIMO-' " , !, B. ckoxob; BOWER R. CHURCH, Bfiiatest CdnliitM^ the WmN^ CLAUDE SPARY. I FRED PAaLEY, Foremost Trombone SdotBt. | Foiemost Flute and Pieodlo. ALWAYS THE BEST VOCAL TALENT, eooked 11 weakSibutsome good park timo stillopoit ALSO SORRENTINO and BANDA ROSSA Gnatest dmiriDg sttneUon for Floka SIrignano and His Banda Roina ' Host IV>puIw of Italiaii Bands—30 to^ Manag*m«nt of HOWARD PEW, 121 Wat 42nd ,Slh, WEW YOWW. Saja's Columbus Military Band 45 ITALIAN SOLOKTS"ri^Sti"*" Ready to cioae ali engagements for next Beasiuu - : 297 Sumner St., EAST BOSTON, MASS. WANTED FOR WEEK MARCH 6th. WILMINGTON, N. C. Big Aviation Meet & Carnival . Thi^ More Sluiws ai^ Acldress, - - • - W. A. SASSAMAN, Colnmbia* S. C. WANTED SIX LAUGHING MIRRORS Made of glass. Must be in first-class shape. Wire price and particulara. State size. Must be delivered at once. Don't ask more than they are worth. Address F. MONTGOMERY, Grand Theatre, Jacksonyfflet Fla. B. H. NYE, AGENT or MANAGER, AT tlBERTY Thoroughly e^qpeiienced in theatrical, tented and carnival attractions. Will manage on percentage basis. Write or wire - - - BECKER HOTEL. PIQUA, OHIO ACROBATS, NOTICE! Wanted—A FIrst-cIass Comedy Acrobat To work in flying ring act. Must do head spins and comedy bumps from the imgfi. STATE ALL in first letter. Address FLYING RINGS, care of The BiUboard, 4*8 Elm St.^ Cincinnati, Ohio. ; ; -. . - ■ Wanted—Farce Comedy Actors nODBI.INa BRASS, MUSICIANS for B. & O.. Dutch and Irish Comedians. Character and 3n. Man, Soubrette wltb strong specialties, A-1 Boss Canyasman and Worklngtnen. One year's won. to right people. State lowest. 1 pay all. Open late In April. WIU, LK&8B 80-tt eomlk cat with baggage end, and tent outat, or go mrtnerahlp. Furnish estabHshedmoney-gettlnc sncnr and capital, ready to open. Add. t3UKT TBAMCIS. OwenSboro. Ky.. March 4; HendersoK •! Uation 8; HopklnsTille, 0; Padncab„ 11.