The billboard (Mar 1911)

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MARCH 11, 1011. cahle^^ liberty bell gum vender PAYS 5 GENT PACKAGE FRUIT GUM FOR EVERY NICKEL h . . L^gitfmate Vending and Tradft Machine in One. Only.Counter Style Machine of This Type Manufactured. GETS THE MONEY EASILY AND QUICKLY AND NO LABOR This wonderful combination machine is allowed everywhere and anywhere. Built for the purpose of introducing this famous FRUIT GUM and inoreasing the sale of mer- chandise. Just the machine for Drug Stores, C^ar Shops, News Stands, Groceries, Restaurants, Cafes. Chih Rooms and Bars. 200 PER CENT and over on YOUR MONEY and we give EXCLUSIVE! TERRITORY. Write quickly for agency and territory and ' special pric^. Address CAILLE'S EASY WAY, DETROIT, MICH. A Sold Mill fir tti Sraiar (ir Yoi. Mr. Concasslowl HERE IS YOUR CHAHCC TO HAKE MOHCVI ALL KINDS OF CONCESSIONCRS WANTED Ocean Park, long Branch, N. J. The New Amusement Park, right on the seashore, in front of the New IifilMon Dollar Pier, in the heart of the city. Very accessible from all parts of New York, Philadelphia, tmd from cohtiguoua toritoiy. Service by the Pennsylvania RaOivad, the Central Rail- road of,New Jers^. street can and boats. EveijrthiQg itt we line of attra^ Wheels, any new liduig device. Cane Racks, Kjoife Boarda, Japui«e' Booth8, etc., etc. Write at once or apply in person to m acEui ciiisriicneN MOUNTFORD FERROTYPE PLATES AND BUTTONS are tbe only ones tfaat are coated absolutely even; that's why they make better ptctnres.tban others. MOUNTFORD CAMERAS are ADMITTED by all to be tbe best and they are known all over the world today as tbe standard cameras. MOUNTFORD manafsctnres everything that he sells, and guarantees everything to be as represented or MONBx BEOTNDBD. PUUm lKx2M. 75e per 100 X0tn(XB....-J0c per 100 and up BUTTON FI.AXES....7Se per 100 FBAMBL 65c per gross and up SEVELO^XB SOe per package Developer free with every order of 500 plates or buttons, lioum:- FOSO MFO. WOBKS. 96.91.100 Xaiden Xan«, Hew YoA City. At Parks. Fairs aid taasaasBtRassr{s, ffar]whHrs The Gieatest Fun Ifaker and Koasy Ifakar ta Our Laughing Mirror Show. Bait piopoiitiOD ner oSand the Amuiement Kanager. Large return* oo • amall investment. Eanlly managed. Any one can be sue- cessrut. Running expenses hardly anything. Al- ways read; for business. No trouble to get the people In. The roars of laughter from pleased Batrcna draw tbe crowds better tban any ballyhoo, ur improved mirrors are made of a highly polished nickel composition metal. ^Tbey can not rust and win not tarnish. Same appMiance as the glasa mir- rors and answer same purpose at far less cost. Be- ing light In weight, theyare the only really portude mlrro&ayer made. We bave made the laughing mirror a^ specialty, and can fnr- oish Ideas that are sure to get ^ the money. Write loilay for full parttcnlars. 7, K. MAVOHTON AinfsEHENI CONBTRtrCTIOSr C0HPa5X„ Hotel Kayer Building, PEORIA. TT.T.TKOIS, Saja's Columbus Military Band 45 ITALIAN SOLOISTS Ready to dose all engagements for next season. 297 Sumner St., EAST BOSTON, MASS. TOB MUTUAI^ BBNBFIT MENTION TBB BIIiLBOABD WHBN WRITING ADVBRTISRna. Write me at once to see if we can place some of OUR open Fidk time; also regarding Fall Ffurs and Expositions, (tae of the Bqggeat FaU Expositions has already engaged US, with 100 men. W. a. FAUES. DllWtOT. AMERICAN BAND OP PROVIDENCE, R. I. 40if iKtlMAiisiitaMiei wi IhtrfHM Wihtf —INCLUOINQ— a. a. uuuBCDS, Oenet Bdotab BOWEN R. GHORGHr firiatist GoriiBtlst ID tli8 Worli. CLAUDE SPARY. I FRED PADLEY. Foteinosta^iiiisfanHtfialaMt. | Foiemoat FIat« aodmoeolo ALSO SORRENTINO and BANDA ROSSA 45 of the World's Bert Italian Mufliohuia. Famous in both HemiaplMm Greatest drawiog attraction for Parks «nd FaiiB - SOME EARLY PARK TIME OPEN EAST OF DENVER, COLO. Sirisnano and His Banda Roma ^ Most Popular of Italian Band»—30 to 40—^Every park last season extended the engetgement. : * Man«g«m«nt of HOWARD PEW, 121 Wtwt 42nd St.. MEW YORK. All tbese banda affiliated with the Ameri«aB Fedemtirui of MmjeUna. I GEO. a-BVRISIE, Fonnerfy Genoal Manager Will secure likings for good comiiig East. If you want a |^od agent, wire or write j.pnmed^tely, ■sending open tim^e.%tB6okii^r ix^^ I'bie 923, 1402 Broadway, Hew York^ SNAKE ENCHANTRESS WANTED FOR GENTRY BROS. ANNEX, also good freak for pit ^ovr. Tattooed P«»: pie, Indians, Ladies of good appearance, etc. Joe Kreamer write. A. WINDECKER, Mgr. Gentry Bros. Sid* Shows. 308 South Oak Park Aw*., OAK PARK. ILUNOIS. FOR MCTUAT, BKNKFIT MENTION THK BIU.BOARD WHEN WRmKO, ADTBBXISBBB.