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The billboard (Mar 1911)

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6 T It e B f 11 b o a p d r MARCH 11,;; A^ifiukemerit Week in Amenda ELIMINATING PROFANITY Stage CiiisMn New Yoii^ Play Must Express their Feelini^ in Such Powerful Expletives as'^ang It/* "Oh, Tush** V IteV yoik,: Hareb 2 (Sjieclal torHw BiU- ■ WW ).—One nniidnd thonund penons w«e ■apiuented at tlw poblle bearbig. Febnuxy 2T. before tbe Committee on I^ws and I,esisIat]oD of tbe Board of Aldennan on Alderman Jamea J. Unllieani'g ordinance to anwreis profantt; m the atagea of Xew Tork tbeaties. Tbe ob duance prorldea for tbe revocation of tbe II- cesie of anr tbeatre - which permits pnfanltr. Piaetlalljr lU, of ,.tbe speakers were In fa- w of tbe pmpoaed ordinance., hot It was. pre- dated that tbe-committee woold vote against Its. adoptloD. eoDtendlOff tbat tbe Police Comrals- •mer aizeadj baa tbe power It seeks to confer •a blm. One of tbe apeakeis declared that shoDid the ordinance be passed Shakespeare woold have to be censored, "In Shakespeare's plays," be declarrd. "iho . word 'damn' la nsed ISO times, and 'hen* 354 times." Arthur S. Colbnmei president of tbe Antl- Frotanlty I«agne; aald be represented 47.000 amnbeis In. Ifew YoA State: '^In one pliv re- LOEW BUI LDS THEATB& Mw Totk, UsTcb 3 (Special to Tbe Billboard). —Taking advantage of tbe enonnons street traf Cc developed by the completion of tbe Hndson raoes and tbe Pennsylvania tnnnels, Matcns Uiew; the vandeville magnate, baa begnn the ss aetlon of a new popolar-prlce vandevUle and . pletiire tbeatre at tbe northwest comer of Sixth mame and Thirtletb street. Manhattan. The .siaUea that fonnerly oecnpled the site have bssn rased, and despite the cold weather, tbe excavation of the plot Is now nnder way. A twenty-five foot entrance will occnpy the comer of tbe two thorongbfares. conneotlnjc with a soa- ^Si_^23l*°''2?°'.. ""^f *^ *«ek to r^""!?*. ^S***- estate Ann ot r. W. Hotehfclsa nesotlated the groond lease. VERY MUCH ALIVE. Bw^E. Harding writes Tbe Billboard that Botwltbstandlng tbe report of his death prlnto In a paper devoted to vaoderllle artists, be Is ncT .miidi alive.: Be Is at present preparhiir -a-new aet.. . cently .pMdaced In this city," Mr. Colburuc said, "profuilty was employed on 19 different occa- sions." Among the other ' organizations represented at the bearing were the Knights of Colnmbns, Long Island Chapter; the German Catholic Fed- eration of the Di6ct>se of Brooklyn; the' Men's Class of < Grace Presbyterian Cbnrch, of Brook- lyn, and the St. Vincent-de Faol Society of Holy Trinity Cbnreb. Bradklyn. NEW A MUSEME NT CO. •^ormed in St. Louis by Dan S. Fishell, Will Enter Producing Field—Acquisition of Chester Park, Cincinnati, Leads to Bt lief that a Circuit will be Formed. St. Louis, March 0. (Special to Tbe Bill- board).—Annonncements .of the launching of several new theatrical enterprises have brooght the attention Of Western mansKets particularly to the fact that Dan S. Flsbell has sn:ldenl.v won a place of prominence In the theatrical world. Flshell's plans which are now partly known In detail and widely discussed as to mmors of '.bis coming moves, have apparently Actress Stabbed In New York . New Tbrk. Uarcb 2.—Wblle walking In Pell .'■met on tbe momias of E^bmary 2T. ISaj maMey. tbe actress, living at tbe Hotel Mor- ; awndf e, was stabbed by one of three men who Ihraw ber Into a hallway. _ Tlwwonnd was not severe snd after she bad ft dressed by an ambulance snrgeon. she went to ber hotel. On arriving In the city Sonday. Miss Bockley kad ber girl friend went to Chinatown to get some <*op sney. They were going toward tbe Bowery when the men grabbed Miss Buckley. The screams of the glrU attracted palleemaD Beyer, who helped Miss BnCUey to tbe xUnbetb street station. ■ ASSUMPTION OF U NDUE CREDIT. Tbe w or thy editor - of tbe Film Sidex baa taken unto bimselt and bis medlnm tbe credit of being tbe first to advocate tbe elevation of ' tte motion picture art by unlversallv increas- mg the price of admission to the theatres to ten cents. The canse Is a good one and we sre glad to see The Index lend Its voice to Its sopport. We wish onlv to say here that to onr bane of Jan. 28, a seml-speclal devoted prepon- aenmtly to tbe motion picture business. Tbe Bnibaard. in an article published on nase tbir teen eonstltated Itself the idoneer advocate of the condition nnder dlscnaslon. Tbe Bill- board's support of the motion picture as a worthy form of; amnsemeat dates -bat^ to 190t -and we have been conslatenQy- and energetical- tr boostlM the game ever since. We are neaUne with ennal tmthfnlness wben we say out we have foreseen and advocated through ear eolnmns every step of progresaton. In'motion picture making since the Industry -was In its swaddling clotbes of Infancy. NEW HOUSE AT UTICA. Ctlca, 2f. T., Marcb 4 (Special to Hie Bill- board).—-The Bzchange Theatre which will be .Tbeatie. Niagara FaUs bas completed ananga- ownts. for a. site ill mica, where he wHl bnUd a: theatre for vaudeville and motion' pictures. Capacity of 1.S0O. Mr. Lnmlwrg expects to be able to open la . September. MORE VAUDEVILLE IN PORT- LANa Portland, Ore., Blarch 1 (Special to The Bill- board).—^Nert fan the Keith's Tbeatre In Port- land, will be given over to vandeville, accord- ing to a statement made last week by Besldent Manager James E. Moore.: Tbia seaSon tbe stock policy was tried.' Bopolar prices will prevail next season, the scale running from 10 to 30 AL. H. WILSON. As Meta Ton Ahnnein, In bis- latest comedy, .A German Prince. Wells Acquires Another Theater SaTannab, 6a.. March 3 (Special to Tbe Bill- board).—Tbe Wdls Amnsement Companr bas just acquired the OiTiheum Theatre, Savannah, Ga.. and now controUs two tbeatres in that cit7. Both bonses—the BUod and the Orpbenm —are under tbe manaKement of Charles W- Bex. Ifr. Bex was the jcencral manairer of tha MiUer BroHiecs* 101 Ranch WBd West darine the Jamestown Exposition and subkeqnently or- ganized and directed the bijr spectacnlar amase' nipnt en*Hrr»ri»»e of the Seattle Exnosltlon, Dixie- land. He bas been condnctiuK the Bljoa Thea- tre, SaTannab, for WUmer. Vincent and Wells sinOQ lafit summer. Want Panama Fair Board A CORRECTION. Petersburg, ni., March 2, 1811. To The Billboard: In last week's Issue was an article about the clowns, signed by Visitor. Mention was made Of Englisb Johnny Murray. It should have been James Mnrray (an Irishman by birth),'noted for bis clowning and fine tumbling. Please find space In your valuable paper Cor this correction and oblige. Bespectfnlly, LINDA JBAI. JOI.IAN. Widow of James Mnrmy, Waebington, D. C, March 1 (Snccial to The Billboard).—A commission to look out for tbo interests of the Federal Government In connec- tion with tbe Panama Exposition to be held In San Francisco will be antborlxed In a bill soon to l>e Introduced by Senator Flint of California. The creation of tbls committee la urged by the President. He wants precautions taken In the frsming'of plans for the exposition that will prevent all postslhility of trouble with Japan or any other nation. THOS P. KELLEY'S COLORED 40. Tbe biggest and most pretentious colored min- strel show ever organized, will open their season at Chicago. April 15. Two seventy-foot cars are used to tran<iport tbls larizo colored minstrel organization, whicli Includes over seventy people. First-class time only wl.l be played durlDE the regular sensoa,' and. for tbo bat months the company carry their own handsome pavlvl Ion theatre, seating 2 UUU, and pronounced: the finest ever constructed. -A troupe of mllk-wblte Arab- Ian steeds are carried for the parade.: V.Alto- getber It will be the awellest -thing; ever seqn In colored minsbrdsy. . Mr. Kelley in twimty- five years liss pever bad a failure. ; ^ ' B. M. Cake will manage Car No. 1 of tbe Toung Buffalo Wild West tbe coming season, been Ions !■> tbe making and carefully com pleted. ,-" l-ast week came annonuccmettt of the form- ing of tbe Dan S. Flsbell Amusement Co.. a pro dnelng corporation subsldlaiy to tbe' Flsbell Bros.' Amusements Co. Almost at once then- followed tbe news tbat the new company bail taken over the general management of tbf Delmar Opera Company, at Delmar Garden ben- and bad leased the rights to produce muslcat comedies at Chester Park, Cincinnati. Blgbi here mmor conples on the belief tbat these tw» cities are but links in a duUo of summer muv leal Bbowa to be coatmlled by PIsbeU. Next came the announcement that the new -theatrical company wonid enter tlie prodncUoit field In May at tbe Princess Theatre, wher.- Flsbell Is now playing Morris vandevUle. Tb>- first "made In St. U)nla" offering will be ■ comedy by Herbert HaU WInalow. Just Like a Man, In which John C. Bice and Sally Cohen are to atar. Following this premiere, rehear- sals will be called for the ptodnctlon at Laas" Land, a musical comedy tha- aatlion «t wblrli have not lieen revealed. .. ^ » . . Tbat FIsbeU bas bought a heavy Interest In two musical comedies that bave se tar won un- questioned success is generally known. It liai» leaked ont from real estate clrdes that Flsbell has secnred an^ option on a particularly desir- able down-tovm tbeatre. Ute and that be bar quietly gained a Snllivan-CobsldiDe vaadevlllf franchise; The conjeetmro is tbat lie will In vade the down-town . district .witb popniar priced vaudeville. r ' . ^ ' - Tbat FIsbeU alresdy bas quite an interest In the vaudeville ptodnctlon line Is made known by the fact of bis ownership of five featonr acts now playing , ' ^ Interest to Flshell's annonneed new ven- tures and the knowledge of bis Interests that have Dot lieen announced bas spresd consider- ably beyond St. Louis. . PARKER AND DiALY SAIL. New Tork. March 4 (Special to The BIU- boaid).—Louis N. Parker, tbe Eugllsb plaj- wrlgbt. author of Pomander Walk, tbe Enslisb version of Cbantccler. Disraeli snd several other current pla.v8. sailed for England on tb>- Lusltania yesterday. As a fellow passeugei was to be fonnd Arnold Daly, on bis way f confer with Bernard Shaw about a new play in which he expects to appear. Marion Denied Another Trial WUkes-Barre. Pa..: March 8 (Special to Th' Billboard).—George L. MatlOD. actor and tbeit rloal manager, who murdered bis common-law wife in August, 190B, was denied a new trial March 4 and sentenced to expiate his crlmi- by death.' Marlon's ease has created mncb com meat, and a number of theatrical and profes^ slonal people have been aiding tbajMBdemne.! man In his effort to sec ure a new trial. CINCINNATI LOD GE SOCIAL. The Cincinnati T. M. A. Lodge gave their fonrUi anniversary stag _ social ajft'o" Soclsllst Hall. Thursday. February 23. Mu«<- was fumlsbed by the T. M. A. Band andH. E- Herbert acted aa tnsstmaster. The commit- tee consisted of (3barles W- Schweltser. Fran* English, A. P. Tighe, Ed Hollliwamo and Chiries B. Hamer. Stieakers of the wnlW were president. W. G. Keenan. Andle p. HItte- Bcbeimer. first vice-president ot ...nowglfi. Lodge 33. Prank B. Jones.^ «fiR" Ix)dge No. 64: Deputy Grand Pre*"™* "'j??*?! Jos. W. Nixon, Charles L. Dunm. CIndnnatI lodge No. .iW. and First Grand . Vlce-Prwldenf Chaa. W. Schweltser. Many performers playlnB at local tbea tres were present. » D EATH S. COYLE.—.Msry ■ Ooyle, the mother of B. K. Coyle. well-known museum and side show m«D- ager, died in Sfc Lnnls on Feb. 24. ..»..aA the mother of Bugene. John and '*?jT.4^^rT|H._(3,rt Banette, a member of the Bave Xidiln Oompany. "died at bis' bnme In Zanesvllle. O.. March 4, of typhoid fever. Mr. Psmefte was a very wellikanwn dog dancer. CBBHAN.—James Crebsn died on Feb.. 6_at tbe Augnstana HospIUl. Cblcairo. ^Wj. dejtl- was dne to Injuries received In a fall from tor fast mall train of the llllnnis 0"*'"' "5.*?^ night of Sept. 8. IMO. Mr.» Cr»*an was-lu advance of the Callahan Djamatlc.Coiopaw wr two yeara. He Is monrned by his mother and many friends In the profession. ^, . ,^ WILLARD.—Charles WHlard^dled at tbe Palmer Bonse, Chicago, last wk. after a short Illness. Mr. Wlllsnl. an old time actor, was bom In Boston. March 10, 1861. He made pnfesBlonal debnt In 1878. and has been on the stage even since. Ho ; created the part of tbe m^vor In the Chicago company, playing <3et- Elcb-Qnlck Wallluftford, at .tb« qiymplc_Theatte. BOAN.-Jennlo KS'St <'v^AhEflS' died recently at 785 ,W. Congress ^st.. Cblcsgo. «rd was buried at Klmwood Cemetery last Fri- day,; sge: (Ml years. '■; '■■ : -.'^T:-.:.-^ .' ■ The Bingllng BrottaSTs stsrt bllIln».,Cblcaii" March .10 for the engagement at the (Misenm,