The billboard (Mar 1911)

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MARCH 11, 1911. i Irae B i i i t» o ai i> a 27 . ■. QAVUaST. ■ THB PBIVATEEB'S TBEAS- UBE (Dran»:'Kleaie Manb 18; lenstl). seo feet).—On tlw deatk Of I>MnM .a«nl]r, Bobert and UU Uaa,'bis wn .aod daoKbter, face Onandal -mln. when a mesaenget arrirea with a tetter, readlnar "I, Tbomaa Wood, ptlrateer, de- clare tbat .1 killed Daniel Hardy and aold bta •ilp. I am atrlckeh with remorse and hereby bequeatli to bla aon and daogbter tbe treasure buried by me In tbe Island of Looa. Bead tbe docament encloaed. wbleb will direct yon to tbe «pot. Thomaa Wood, tlio Bed PrlTateer." Rob- ert borrows money witb wbleb be equips a yacbt and atarts In aearcb of tbe tieaanie. Dor* log tbe Toyage, tbe captain, an adventarer, forma a plot to capture the riebea. Tbe plan is fraatrated tbioagb tbe interrentlon; of an honest sailor, wbo not only waiiia tbem of tbelr danser. but. alda -. tbem : In tbe tbrilUng' adTent* ares wbleb come about , becanae ;of tbe dlaboneat ■ offlcer. ROCKT GATES OF FBAMCE (Scenic; re- lease Mar-^b 18; lengtb. 110 feet).—scenic aim of anusoal pbotograpblc quality. It offers a few moments Tlslt to tbe blstoric Ontto of Lamoronz.. HIS FIRST SWEETBEABT (Comedy; re- leased Marcb II; lengtb, sao feet).—Visit your youtbfnl days by seeing tbia cleyer enactment of Cupid's Oral effects upon young bearta. Tbe clever swalu of our story la fortunately enabled to save bis sweetheart's home from tbe randal- lam of two bold robbers. A vein of excellent comedy runs tbroosb tbe snbieet. THB BBAOnrUl, GORGES OP TARN (Scen- ic; release March 11; length. 415 feet).—Tbls U a colored film showing a trip along this most famous tributary of tbe Garonne rlrer In South- western France, portraying about fbrty miles of wonderful dills and forest corered alopca. . VITAORAPH THE WILDCAT WEU. (Drama; re- leased March 7: lengtb, 900 feet).—Frank Hur- ley, wbo deals In de- funct oil properties. Is trying to win tbe affections of milan Farms- well. He baa a worthy and successful rlral In Jack Tarbell. Harley iDdnces Jack to par- chase ■ wildcat welL. Jaick and UUIaa hare an andeistaading: If be atrlkea on tbey win set married at oaee. : Jaekr strikes It rich, uniao and lack are mattled' oa the spot, and Barley Is foiled. .. BERTHA'S MISSION (Comedy: released March 3; length. SSS feet),--B«tba la a young lady with grand asptratlona for high social and moral reform. Bettba resolTca to dlacorer some fleld In which she csn help along the canse and elerate the worid. Her affianced husband ob- jects. Bertha's first attempt at reform Is a rank failure. Her second la worse. She la ar- rested end locked up. She senda for ber Intend- ed; be come* to her antstanee. She Is leleased at once and promises she will give up ber mis- sion. MAMMY'S GHOST, OB BETWEEN THE UNES or BATTLE (Drama; released March 4: lengtb. MS feet).—Mr. Berkly. a Soutbem gentleman, enllsta In the Confederate amy as an oflleer at the oatln«ak of the (^Til War. Be learea bla only aon borne with Old Mammy. ^bo baa been la tbe family for years. One night while tbe Confederate Hues are close to bb borne, be sneaks tbtongh and Tlslts his son. The rejoicing of father and aon are rudely broken In upon the arrival of 17nlon troop*, who demand a night's lodging and food. Old Mammy hides the (Mooel and bla son In tbe secret psnel tbst leads to tbe garret, and then serves the Calon soldiers with some tot strong pnnrh, which eTentnally; gets them all drank. In the meantime tbe taiber and son la tbe gar- let get bold of some ebalns. snd rattling these •nd groaning tbey lead tbe Cnlon soldiers to be- lieve that the boose Is bsnnted. In the confus- ion tbe Colonel, dlsgnlsed ai an old dartey, es- capes to tbe Oonfederate llaea. At tbe dose of the war be returaa to bla little son and Mammy, and as tber sit at tbe tahle-talklng of his es- rape, the (3ol«ael ptopoeea a toast^ Xammr'a Gttoat. BIOOBA^ CONSCIBKCB (Drama: re- leased March 8: lengtb, 905 feet).—^Boward Raymond, with bll wile and Uttlc cbUd. are spending tbe season at tbelr bnnting lodge. Tbe bad coffee fnrnlabed tor their first break- faat occasions a slight quarrel l i e t we e n Howard and bla wife. . „ Realtalag be baa hurt bla wife's neltatt, he playfolly Vacates ber and In a ]oke pointa tbe nn exdalmlng, "Better »o» dlil". At . thio point the maid and cbUd enter and- la alaiaa- 1"** Uaa In ean- est In tbe tiweat. to tiM amniieiiieBt of Mr. and Mrs. Rsymond. uogbtngly he atarts off on bla hontlsff trip, and baa hardly gone -when the maid discovers tbst be bas forgotten bis game- b«. ■» tte wife baaten attic Um with U. ar- riving at hbi aide Jnst: he baa ahot bla flrat charge at a deer. Tbe wife, giving bim tbe bag, turns to go back, wben sbe la ahot and killed by a bollel from tbe gun of a bidden hunter, wbo baa mistaken ber for game. Her cry startles the husband, and together wltb two other hunters from anotber part of tbe woods, sll Of Whom rush to tbe spot from whence tbe ery canie. The msn who fired the shot lurks In the distance, borrlfled at tbe results of bla care- lessness; psnic seizes him and be rushes to bis lodge and hides. Tbe other two feel It a moral duty to stay and Investigate; tbey sus- pe«;t the hnsband. and finding one of hia son barrels still warm, accuse blm of murdering bis wife. Bsymond, however. Is adamant In bla dedaratlon of Innocence, and be Is sub- jected to the terrible ordeal of tbe Third I>e- Hree, for tbe facts In the case seem logically eoDclDSlTe. Ibr a long time be bold* ont, bnt at lengtb, tortured beyond eadnrance. be In desperation accuses himself of the deed be did not commit. Meanwhile, conscience la preying oa the real perpetrator and unable to resist Its urging locser, iroes to tbe authorities and con- fesses tbat be abot tbe bullet tbat kUled Mrs. Raymond, mistaking her for game through tbe bushes, and thus exonerating the poor husband, who finds consolation In his ctalld- A DECREE OF DESTINY (Drsma; released March 0; lengtb. 995 feet).—Kenneth Marsden, a yonag artist In poor health. Is sdvlsed to go Sooth. Acting npoa this advice be bids good- by to bis friends and la soon In New Orleans, where be ezpeets to Had aeeommodatlao wltb an <dd-tlme friend of bis mother. The old lady receives blm with open arms, but ber two cottTent-bred nieces, Mary and Edith, are hor- rified at tbe tbought of a man In the house. It Isn't long before Keanetb finds out tbat be Is In love- with both yooog ladles. Stlil he is Im- partial towards them. Some time later he la rangtat in a rain storm and drenched to the skin. The old lady promptly administers preventives, bnt be Is stricken down wltb pneumonia and for 8 time bis life la despaired of. Tbe two glrla are ever In tbe extreme of anxiety, and when the time of the crtala arrives. Mary'a dis- ?uietnde becomes so Intense tbat sbe kneels be- ore tbe shrine of the Blessed Virgin, In her room, snd prays for bis recorecy, rowing to consecrate herself to tbe Ctaurch it ber prayers are answered. While sbe prays there Is a turn for tbe better in Kenneth's condition. Tbe pic- tures go on to tell how tbe young man recovers completely and msrrles Edith, while Mary re- members ber vow and receives tbe Ten. PAIBB FBEBES. MAX EMBABBASSED ^^^B (Comedy; released March V:,^^t 6; lengtb, 000 feet).— -^flk Max makea a great hit ^ '^^B ^^^^^^ with two sisters, bnt is ^^^^^^^^B undecided as to wbleb one ^■^^^■f be likes the beat, and ^^^^^^^^^B wlien be - attempts to as- ^■^V^ V certain what tbe feelings -■ B^r^ ^ are of the two yonng la- gs .JB.. aaas bis embairassment la 'Mf^BC so great tiiat be givea up aV* In .despair. Finally he prepares a little rerse and drops two copies where tbe girls can find tbon. little thinking tliat tbey would sbow tbem to each otber. Tbls tbey do. however, and decide to be avenged. Tbey write him to meet tbem at the mountain top and hide In a big barrel nntn tbey arrive- . Max obeys and when tbey do finally come tbey quickly clamp the barrel top In place, and tnnilng tbe barrel on its side, give It a shore and -away It goes, landing finally In a swift stream. Here it floats rapidly along, over rapids and fans, and at last out to sea. and here Max breaks tbe top off and looks abont him. In tlie barrel he finds * carrier pigeon placed there by tlie girls before tbey put the top on; so scrilibllng a note he fastens It on tbe bird, wbleb flies away to Its home. Here tbe giris read the letter, wbleb thanks tbem for their courtesy, and says tbat lie's glad to be rid of both of tbem. On the same reel wltb After the Boztng Boot. AFTER XHB BOXIKC BOOT (Comedy: re- leased Much S; 'length. 375 Aet)^—A clever comedy, : ahoarlag' two enthnalasta, : wbo end tbelr argnmeat on a Tatt,:la the riw. RED DEER'S DEVOTION (Drama: released March 8; length. 1,000 feet).—^Ibe station agent at CViyote Jonetlon has a charming daughter. May. who has ber own troubles' keeping the cowboys and loafers in ti»elr place. Once, when accosted by a big fellow, sbe Is saved from his company by Bed Deer, an Indian living nearby. He takes the gM home, and la dieir abort walk Brush EleGtric Lighting Set Fior Gas, GssoUne or Kerosene; lO H. P.; weight 1,SS0 lbs. List tSOO, subject to discount. WBIXS TO-SAT VOK CAIAIAeBS, Save the diffooieebekireeD 3 cents a K. W.—what it costs with a Brush Outfit— and the 8 to 15 cents wluch you aie now paying the Electik Light Company. Also save one-half of the lamp cuiraitlqriiauigdOVoIt mstead of 120. Use Direct Cutrent, which is far aupaior to Alternating Coixaat. THE CHAS. A. STRELINGER CO., Box B-3. DETROIT. MICH.. U. S. A. SATISFACTION! TIat is irtat the pirekaser of a norag pietire aac^ bas a right to eipect aii what he nght tt dinairi To give SATISFACmON. a moving ptetnre ma- chine MtrsT Brojeet ateady, bright and flieksxieaa pie- Bos sadly and qaiafly, and Stand the giiad of' loag aeielea wlthsat lis- There la ONE—and OKUT one machine that la goaranteed to gWe this sort of satlafaction— Power's No. 6 "Xha Aofaet VstieB Pietan lIa^UBa.» Any dealer ean snp^y yon with on^—If be wants to. If he rectHnmends another machine, -write to us. Catalog O tells all about our goods. NICHOLAS POWER COMPANY •117 IWMsau Street. ... NEW YORK. For thirteen years the laadinc makers cf moving iHctara machines. REEL TICKETS TRIMOUNT PRESS' %'i 4LBASV ST. BOSTON. M.AS for saapla and thrse plans tbat win dU year heaae te caveeKy. UNITKO STATn rACTORiCS CO.. Manu-^aatuMr*. 40 Deai 5c EACH. $5.00 PEI HUNOIEO rbomSt., CMlMS** A.L.La REA.OY, IVIR. ETlC HIBIX O R ! IF YOU WANT KEAL GOOD SEKVICE. CLEAN FILM All. THE TIME, film tbat wUI INCSEASE yoar bualness. C5«t In ToucK VVitlm Us At Once — ffflttth Floort Morton Biilldlni|« 3SB Dearborn Street, Chicago. Phone. Harrison S6d9. THE HOUSE OF QUALITY POWERS PICTURE PLAYSl TUESDAY-ALL EXCHANGES FURNISH T H EIVI-S ATU RDAY