The billboard (Mar 1911)

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28 Tlie O ill board MARCH 11, 1911. iUIa iB'^lme with tbe "paleface Illy." The ■est day Ifay gives Bed Deer her photogranh. / ad foOowliiff the custom of bis people, to give ptt tx gUt, Red Deer appears at May's home Wtar with fnrs and blankets and a proposal of ■uiTtage. When he offers the latter Bed Deer IS Ires a quick exit through the window with Hay's daddy and a shotgun as a close second. Kay turn become enamored, however and de* ddeSTto mn away. This she attempts to do, . kot: bX' a series of mlsadventnres, falls into . Ibft basds of a bunch of desperadoes, chief of wliam is the man Bed Deer interfered with in tbe evening of the story. Bed Deer also is captured. By a mse . both captives manage to weape. ■ Jnst how It Is done and the reward Bad Deer received Is most entertainingly told Im fbe aim. USBTXSa lOTB (Drama; released March 10; length, 740 feet).—^Folchetto, a tronbadoor attached to the castle of Oonnt Baymond of Toidonse, falls deeply in love with Nelda, tbe aiece of Count Baymond, who,- In torn, has her awn lUtle love affair with Chevalier Brldonne, Nelda, Iwwever, o&en her uncle, who desires ber mazrlage with tUehetto, whom he raises ll» fbe. tais. of Cbenller, and ber poor Uttle tomanee with the handsome CTherailer Bridbone la, for a time, shattered. War breaks out In Anstrla, where Comit Baymond has a great cas- tle, and his dependents on the estate send-a mes- aase to the Count, asking for help Baymond dcu^tef Folchetto for the task, which he per- _§oanB falthfoUyv returning victorious. On bis ntatn, however, he flnds that Us wife has found tbe attentions of Brldonne pleasant and t0 challenges him to a .dnel. In which he kills - Oie Ctievuier^ Xelda. erased over the death of the man she loved, flings, herself .from a cliff into the sea. I^lmetto became a: monk, , ud antU the day of his death was liannted I^ ' tba wlalan of his wife. BXBATXA ON THE BIVKU (Seenle: re- leased ifarch 10; length, 220 feet).—Tbb film .Aows a. most unusual ^scene^ animated, gay. iBtereBting and amusing. On tlie same reel with Undying Love. A LONELY LITTLE! 6IBL (Drama; release Karch 11; length. 1.000 feet).—Mr. and Mrs. Karsball. liaving lost their .only dind, find tome an empty place. One day Mrs. Marshall .ices the little yonngsters tat an orphan asylum aaarchlng by, and calling her husband, she plans to adopt one. They hurry, to the **Some,** and ■ad a beautiful Uttle girl, wbo appeals to their TCiy souls and they take her home. The part- ing scene t>etween tile little girl and ber Iitotber. Who Is also In: the asylum. Is very pathetic Some days later the foster parents of Uttle ICargaret notice that she doesn't seem weU and are greatiy worried. In her own room Mar- garet gets out her old rag dolly and lavislies her love on It, turning aside from her new and costly toys. IlnaUy, pining fm: her little playfellow of other days, she steals oat. of the ■onse and starts for the orphanage, but loses ber way. She it found asleep by a mounted olllcer, and returned to ber adopted parents and pot to lied. A big-hearted physician, who la called in, diagnoses ber case as one of loue- smneness, and the little brother Is brought. Now Margaret's recovery is rapid, and In tbe flnal scene we see -the liappy cluldren .and their happier new parents. Margaret Is the most wlnaome little gidie ever seen in motion plc- tarea. ■. - SALES ca IMP. ■mn FISHBE MAID (Drama; release March 16: length.-1.000 feet). —The love of the daugh- ter of 8 pooc fisherman tor & young man far I above her aocjal ata- tion, forms the plot of a highly Interesting love story vriilcb terminates Iiapplly with a marrlage. The story opens with Paula, the flshec maid- en, meeting her father as he returns from a fishing voyage, the shnple fisher folk welcoming the coming of the rela- tives. Ambrose ' Fenton. the sweetheart of Pania, arrives, and Is greeted affectionately by ate loving, trusting glrL Their IltUe affair ap- pears : to be mnnlng amootiay when Jealousy euten the Btoi7. - Ambrose asks the ^^i to be Us wife, and she consents. Happy in the exr nberanee of her loy, she tells her father. The oU fisherman Is doobtful of Ambrose and Ills mapieioiis are confirmed when he sees his dangh- tara lover In Uie company of a woman of bis own aodal set. Tbe daugliter la horrledly sum- moned, and, looking through a gate, they see Ambrose kiss the gIrL' Fahia is borne away by her Indignant father, who swears to be avenged for tbe supposed wronging of his daughter. The young woman with Ambrose is lilB aister, who baa Journeyed far to see him, and lias not met his sweetheart as yet. Ambrose. wiiMtug Ilia sweethesrt. caUs at the btimble home of ber father. The fisherman denounces him for a tdfler and a betrayer of tiie af- fections of his idilld, and Ambrose is attacked liy the indignant friends of the girl. He finally gatbers from them tJiat Paula, thinldng htm olae, has gone to sea to end her life. He ex- plains to the fiither, wbo falls onconsclons. Am- brose, frantic with, grief, starts to find tlie girl If possible, and Is snccessful. He finds Paula lying at the water's edge, tlie body rising and falling with the waves. He takes her in his arms and swims for tlie mainland, arriving at- the home of the grief-stricken father exhausted. Panla is revived. The face of Ambrose Is the first one she sees when regaining consclonsnesa. He tens lier tlie supposed rival Is his sister, and she Is overjoyed. The finale Is a pretty icene with Ambrose and Panla on the geasbote. ThB flsher maid has been. transformed Into a stylish-garbed woman and is c<Hnely to look opon. Ambrose draws her to him and with her parasol writes on the sand, "My wife." THE SBCBET OF THE PAUfS (Drama; re- lease March 13;, length, 1,000 feet).—CecH Ab- bott Is the foreman of tbe Canby fmlt ranch, in Cuba, and also a favorite suitor for the hand of Bdna, the liandsome daughter of tbe ranchman. The mother of Don Alvarez, an Old-time friend of Canby, sends her son to Cuba to enjoy tbe hospitality of ber school-mate of years ago. Don Alvarez sees Edna, 8.nd Is smitten by ber charms. He also notes her love for tbe band- KHue foreman anil plots bis ruin. Cecil Is en- trusted with tbe man bag and rides away to the postoffice. CecO. meets Edna In a pretty spot whOe returning from the postofDce and they engage in a Uttle tete-s-tete. The ro- mantic scene Is broken In upon by the Spaniard, who steals forth stealtlilly and takes the mail pouch from (3ecll's horse. Tbe young couple, bappy In their great love, walk to the ranch honse. The rancher comes out for his mall, to Ami !r enne. Cecil Is accused of liavlng robbed the mall. poach and Is in disgrace. - Tbe girl sympathizes with blm. but the faith of Canby Is Bliaken. Don Alvarez, once in possesion of the pouch. Is at a loss as to tbe most effectual way to dispose of It. He finally decides to secret It in tbe topmost branches of a palm tree. He makes the perUons ascent, and fa- tigued and frightened reaches tbe top and hides the bag, exultant. Don Alvarez receives a letter from his mother, conveying the InteUlgence that she lias sent tiim money by a former mail, and the vlUaIn discovers that It is In tbe sack tliat he has In the tree. He is In favor with the ranchman, and has been entrusted with tbe carrying of the mall, Xjeaving hurriedly be climbs the look down and discover a clandestine meeting between Edna and CecU. Enraged, he shakes bis fist at the lovers. They move away, and in ills eagerness to regain pos- session of the pouch, he loses his bold and falls, carrying with him the bag. He Is found, brnlsed and dying at the foot of the tree by Ed- na and Oecn. Tbe yonng fellow carries bis rival to the ranch, and Canby Is summoned. Ed- na has picked up the maU bag and foUows, mys- tified. Her entrance with the bag arouses the Spaniard, and,' with his dying breath, be con- fesses his crime, absolving Cecil from aU blame. It la needless to remark that CecU is restored to the favor of Canby, and Edna Is taken In bis arms. Don Alvarez dies, and the inference Is that CecU Is promoted from ranch manager to son-In-Iaw. NESTOB. WAS IT WORTH WHU^ (Drama; re- lease March 15; length, — feet).— Since be liad en- tered the law firm of Bobert Eldrldge as junior derk, Ned Foster's ambition . ^ , Iiad lieen to become jStSC^HOv3^C>i/ a partner of tbe bid ^^•^s^vi^ gentieman. Partly throngh bis own ef- forts and partly ,j • . -.1 through Helen Eld- ridge's InSuence, Ned bad progressed step by step; and now that the young man bad won tte girl's consent to an early marriage, he felt that his dream to be taken Into the firm would soon be realized. His countiT sweetheart, Lucy Abbott, .was forgotten, and wltiiln a few weeks Helen might liave become ills bride, tiad not his brother John read the announcement of their enggaement and hastened to the city In the hope of recalling Ned to bis senses. But the young man atoblKanly declared that he had gone too far to wltbdraw; so in anger and des- peration John hastened to' the Eldrldge home, and told Helen the facts. Helen and Jolm im- mediately laid plans. to find out wMch of the two Ned loved best. Helen declared tliat If-Ae loved the other, she would gjadly give him back his promise. This Is aU that John asked, and be Immediately sent I-ucy a letter,. teUing her to take the first train. The n^ct'day, when his brother caUed on JOis : Eldrldge^ It was Lucy wbo greeted him,:: aAd-: from-her-place be- liind the screen, Helen-was' not long hi' ascer- taining the tme state of Ned's teSlhgs. Al- though more dUBcuIt than abe hellered, Ned was given liaek bis ring and awakened to tbe wrong he bad so nearly done both. SOLAX. • THE HINDU PBISCE (Drama; release Hazdt 17; length — ft.)—Sfc. Aug. . Jones writes his wife, whUe traveling, abroad for his health, that be is bringing home with , him as a guest Prince Selka, a HIndn hypnotist. 13ie Prince becomes infatu- ated with Mrs. Jones. , , , but , being aware of the great love and devotion that she holds for her husband, he realizes that whatever love be may have for her Is hopeless. At a hypnotic seams given by the Prince be puts Mrs. Jones onder the InSneDce of bypno- tlmni ^Upon finding tiiat she is an easy and sus- ceptibre subject lie lays a-hazardous plan to poison her husband wltb a poison which causeF the victim to become an Imbecile, but of a curable state. After tbe husband liecomes insane tbe I*rlnce advises Mrs. Jones that be be placed In an asy- lum. He then compels ber to apply for a di- vorce on the grounds of Insanity and marry lilm. On the day set for tbe wedding of the HIndn Prince and Mrs. Jonea, a. final examination o' Mr. Jones,, who has been eonraleacent for some weeks pastr Is made, and be-in ptonoanced cured. . C|iaa the departure of tbe doctors. Mr. Jones finds a newspaper left by tbe doctors, and sees tbe annonncement of the wedding of tbe Hindu Prince and his wife. He makes his escape from the aanltorlnm and arrives at bis home just In time to stop the ceremony and denounce the affair as a nefarious plot and scheme on the iiart of tbe Prince Seika. Upon entering -the room where the wedding Is taking place. Mr. Jones dlseovera that hl< wifo (s in a strange mood or condition, and reaUzlng that the Prince has her under the bypnotlc loflaence. be commands tbe Prince to release. ber from tbe terrible spell. The Prince refuses. A struggle ensnes. Mr. Jones Chokes the Prince into snbmlssion and compells him to bring Mrs. Jonea ont of it. The bnUa Is ciJIed ami Prince Selka and all bis followers are forcibly 'expelled from tbe- bouse witb Instmctions to leave tbe cl^ within twenty-four boors, and aU ends happily. A MIDNIGHT VISITOR (Comedy; released March 15; length — fert).—John Brown and his wife, 5Irs. Brown, are asleep In bed. Mrs. Brown, awakening suddenly with s start, hears a noise In tbe next room. Sbe finslly suc- ceeds In getting Brown out of bed, bowever, and directs blm to ascertain tbe cause of the rumpus. The next scene sliowa tbe dining room, with Wabbles, the pup. In the midst of broken .dishes, enjoying the remainder of tbe late dinner, knock- ing tbe dishes from the table and wrecking the place generally. We see Brown enter the room adjoining In bis pajamas. As he enters be hears a terrific crash In tbe next room. Thoroughly frightened he makes a break for tbe door, but on the way out he spies a bottle of gomi old rye. and to steady - blmwlf In bis fearfni undertaking, - be takes s good nip at the bottle. - He again starts for the dining room, and again be bears a terrible crash (Wabbles Is finishing the dishes), and to get np the necestair spunk to meet such an army of crooks, he again takes a good dose of the Dutch rourage. This pre- NESTOR FILMS JOIN O UR MAILING LiSTI TREAT YOUR PATRONS ByTrMting Y«urs*lff to'th* Blag*** Men«y-Gath*t«r and th« GroatMt Fote-Mllltaryl>rama Evar Produoad. "IN THE COMMISSIONED RANKS" Raleaaad Wednosday, Maroh 8,1911. Langth, 976 Faat. ^ "WAS IT WORTH WHILE?- A Film with a Question Mark, but absolutsly unquastlonabla, will Released Wednesday. March IS, 1911. NESTOR FILMS AT ALL LEADING EXCHANfiES. G£t THEHl' Sold Only By DAVID HDRSLEY, 147 FOMilli lie., liew York City. | OI8TNIBUTEO THROUaH THC SALES COMPANY. FILMS FOR RENT All kinds and all rates. But don't expect to get gold dollars for thirty cents. We carry in stock and make immediate shipment of Power^ 516 Standard Alotiograph and Edison Machines of all kinds and for all make of machines in stock. We sell Silver Savers for use on Alternating Current. MBERTY niJI KENTiNG CO.. loa FonrtiiAv«»., PHtahintf. Pa. Slides As a Source af RisviBiiiie We are placing Slides of National Adveitisers in bouses thiou^out the coun- try and would like to add your house to our list. Write andadcfor our ^er. Indap«nd*hib Advwrtislng Co., inc., 141-147 W«st4Sth St.. N«w Veric LOCAL REPHESENTATIVES WANTED MOTION PICTURE MACHINES, $35 op Send for Sopplement S3 eontatnlng muv bar- gains In motloii picttne maeblBin, stereoptteona, ■enasorira. etc. HABBACH & CO.. 800 EUbert Street, Fbiladelphla, Pa. MOVING PICTURE MAGHINK STEBEOPTICONS, SLIDES, ACCESSOBiBL Qiat. M. Stdbbnu, iPft 1028 Main street, KANSAS CITY, MO. Itfc. Um of BdlMm Ooodi ~ btaUUbMlUM from Maine to Califomim. Tbe little macblne tbat eleaiia yonr old fllms and makea tbem Jook like new. No more tnmraed. np projecting machines. Not a particle of oil or dirt gets Into yoor macblne If yon use THE HOBTIMEB FILM CtiEAKEB. Send for tbe free booklet cootalnlog tbe (opplement; jait la- sued. FIdeUtr Bids.. Portlani, Vain*. VAMxKU—Partner to handle new biTentlon for moving ^tnre and general pbotograpby prqpo- a ltlon. w rite forpartlcolara to E3ED HOOH- STKTTBB, 2726 w. DiTlslon St.. Chicago, III. ORTHO FlUWf COltfPANY FRED HOCHSTETTER, Prea. 2726 W. Division St., 'Chloaao, III. RaTe Tonr films redeveloped and renovated by tbe Hocfastetter Proceu. Kndorsed and recom- mended by leading exchanges. Also soften non- Isflammable film and proloog tbe life of tbe film. We are now prepared to install plants In yoar premises. Write for partlenlars. Work done at oar plant.-at .60c.per red......... ^ <g ^J^^ EACH IS OFFERED for $1OU MTIOI PICTURE PLOTS Why don't yoa write tbemT We teach yon by mall la tea easy lessooa and help sell yoar plots. No experience necessary. Many operators sncceedlDg. Demand -iocreaslng. Book free. ABB'D X. P; 8CB00L8, ifs : Clark Street, Chicago. . FIGHT PICTURES get tbe money and play to capacity at every performance. Write now for onr low rental terms on onr World's Chsmulonsblp Fight Pic- tnres. FISTIANA FILM EXCBANOB, 1338 Bo. Troy St., Cblcago, ni. BABQAierB nr mvB AiTD soira SLisEa—loc reels flim, elegant condition. 9T per reel and np; SO sets song slldea, perfect condition, fLTB poi set, with mnilc. Send poital for lists, Ckiod Dim serrlee fOTDlibed at ioweit prices In tlx Sonth. SnppUei. Bargains in new and second- band M. P. macbines and gas making ontflta. : P.C BOX 806, New Orleaiu, La, FILMS TO TRADE. S3 PER REEL Unit be Id ranable eondltlon. ECONOUT riLH CO.. 4tfa Ave., near Ferry 8t„ Flttsbnrg. Ft. la anawarlac ada. aiaaMa IBS BIIXBOABS COMPENSARC nafs tbe devles tbat safes Itorlng Ple- tnie m.D tvn-thlrds ea their alacttle light blUs. and yet glTes betttr IKhL Old yon aae ear ad last mekf WeU don't look It up—Just write tor ear Boo kUi 15 018 FORT WAYNE aECTneWOIKS Oepaitauat 0> rOKT WAYNE. INDIANA, m mnumoiMLnLM TMKis. INC. m 4Mi Awe.. N«w Varii eHy ' LARttnT DCALKIIS IN THE WORLD IN* SECOND-HAND FILMS IMPORTERS AND EXPORTERS- WE BUY I WE BELLI WE EXCHANaEI 8ftTa money by doing btulneia with oa. J. M. EN80R & CO. ril.M BROKKRS 1106 Ashland BIk., ChloagSi III. I - li We make parts for all maetalnei. Write and get onr catalogue and prices, M annfa ctnrsr o» moving picture macbines,. L, BBTZ, Soil gad Street, New York City. ' ' ' 93 "SILVERLHSHT ttnmiBM MOTION nCTME CIITJUN Eitrurdiitn Fiatim kni iS^^iS^SlS: llsB.<neUn(, lattly, Btmitb. lend foralfanlar. urn J. Mua nmi n, otii. i, h w^Mk nhn*.