The billboard (Mar 1911)

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MARCH 11, 1911. Xtie Billboard 33 ROLLER SKATING NEWS Hamilton l\'ins Five> Day Endurance Contest at Kansas City—Detroit Rink Preparing for World's Championship Races HAMILTON WINS CONTEST. Ktnua City, Mo., Uirch 1 (Special to The Billhnaril).—^Tbe Bre-day akatloK Fiiiliiraiiei* rme^ eonff^rp of balf-boor a nlsbt bvid at tlie aippodrome. wa» won by Ramllton. Ibe con- tnt becao Feb. 22 and ended On tbe nisbt ut ffeb. 27. trp nntll Friday nlKlit tbera were als men tied tor firar place. Joe Forest, MMki! «s!ieriu:iii. tewla Brailbory, Coriey Bonse. Hamilton and flt^art. At tbe crack of tbe Knn on Friday nislit. BamlltiiD afarted for a tap, and after rliri« mlnntea of akatInK, be bad anrceedrd In r-ilnit hla (all lap and at flftpen mloatea tu jco lie atarted after bin aecon] lap witb Sbcmian hnn^-v InK on. It looked for a wblle aa If Shennan and Hamilton wonld both be suce««ful Id Ealn- Ins another lap. bnt Sherman was nnaiile to atlck to tbe taat pace that Ramllton waa aet- dag and be bad to dtop back to tbe bancb. Hamilton contlnoed oo and tcalned bis second lap of tbe niKbt. After the sprinting bad died down It was fonnd that Stewart bad loat three laps, making four men tied for second place wttb Hamilton two lap* tn tbe ffood. Ob Satnrday nlicbt. tbe Onlab nlsbt. HamlK-m acain atarted from tbe cnn with Sherman main lianittnc on. In thia manner tbey nicceede<l In calnlnff balf a tap on tbe field bnt as un th*. preTlooa erenlng Sherman bad to drop bark with tbe bonrb. ' With Bherman dropplnn back Hamilton tore looae and bad noon Kalnrd his lap asaktns bim three laps to tbe coad and at on<- alBnr« to fco RbemiM atarted • aprlot Irot war qnlckly paastd by HamlltoD. who llnlsbed r few feet In ^e lead. Bradbnir flntstaed third. with Cronfie a leood fonrtli. Htmllton't total distance coreim dnrlns thi torn bonrs and a half was ttairty-llTe mlln an< fonr laps, whlcb la a Kood dlatanee on n alz- (aan lap track. PREPARING FOR BIG EVENT. Detivlt, March 4 (Special to Tbe BlUboard).— BlK preparations are belnc made (or tbe World'a CbamplOBKblp Baces. to be brlil at the Wayne Oarden't Kink, Detroit, week of March Til. One of the early arrlrala who Is working oat dally tB 'Frank Bacon, of McKeesport, Pa., who won the flrat dontest laat year at tbe Wayne Wak. Mr. Bacon was defeated a short time ago at Pitts, by Bay King, bnt be (Mr. Bacon) dalmed be was not In tbe best of coodltlon. and tor that reason Is training hard tor tbe coming meet. Manager Pete Sben. of the Waime Oar- desa, la also negotiating with Mr. . King, who Haa become <»e of the star skatcn of the conn- try tbe paat aeaaon. Other fast men. wbo Mr. Sbea wonld like to bear from are: WUIle Blackbum, of Kew Tork: Bollle Blrablmer. of OoXnmbns. O.. and Fred "Drmll, of Cblcago.. Any other T»rt men wbo •It dtiaiMti ot the State champlonsbliia. and •iah to be a contestant. sbooM write Manager Aea at «iiee^: na the ,entry Uat will cl oa e In March. TO DECIDE CHAMPIONSHIP. Mllwankee, Vn*.. March 3 (Special to Tbe eUlboardt What will no donht l>e tlie most Interesting and excltlnic team mllor race held at the Blrerrlew Kink. Mllwankre, will Me place oa Thnraday evening. March 0, The race wlU lot iBie ii tlM WMH fN Skitm liria Wilt* for OUalocM aad Pilaae. 9m9t TwawaMla HnlMl IngiiaaMai WMks be a three-mile pursuit amateur team race for the Inter-clty team championship. Aleliser and lieanmoot Will renri'sent tbe Sans Sniirl Kink. Cblcago, and "Speedy" Elctastedt and Mike Knnda the Klverrlew BInk. Milwaukee. Two races hare already been skated, each team winning, one and tb!a race will settle tbe dispute aa to whom Is tbe faatest, tbe Cblcago or the Milwaukee flyera. "Speedy* Eichstedt won the city amateur championship a few weeks ago and Is skatlnic In great form. Konda llnlsbed semnd In this rare. CIclmtedt and Knnda are witnnat ques- tion two of tbe faatest amateur speed akatent In the country. Pnll report of tbe outcome of tbe race will ap- pear In next week's iRsne of Tbe Billboard). CLEVELAN D RIN K CLOSED. CloTdand. O., March 1.—Salem Blnk was ot- llehilly cloaed for tbe aeason Satnnlay. Feb. 21. after one of tbe poorest winters tot skating In tbe nine years' blstoiy of tbe rink. Records kept by Charlie Salen show SH daya of skating this winter against M dsys last winter. RINK NOTES. The Armory Boiler Rink, Warren. Pa., under the management of Mr. G. A. Williams. Is one nf tbe dnest equipped rinks In PennsylTsnIa and tbe chief attrsetioo In Warren. Mr. Williams has equipped hla rluk with WInslow fibre roller skates and Is certalnir pleasing the people. Friday night. Feb. 24. Mr. Williams let hi' rink to the builders Sundar dasa. who were raising money for a cbnrcb benefit. GEO. W. KIRNER. One of America's gtestest figure skaters. The Edgpwater Blnk. Chicago. IlL. has been mnnlne special parties each week and races erery Saturday night. Mauager F. A. Benson rriwrts that tbe rink will he open for tbe balance of the season and that bnsloess has been exceptionally sood. When The Rosary (Company Xo. 1 closed the elfiht weeks engagement at tbe Globe Theatre, Boston, MIsa Grace B. Beading, a Cblcago glrL vent en loate aa the leading lady in place ot Miss Jessie Arnold. Tbe ehaiaeter demands a dual Impersonation, and after a rapid notification In Boston, Miss Reading played the character before a party of newspapermen, and Rowland and Clllford allowed her to open in tbe role at Worcester. The newspapers apoke highly of the cbangr, which with the appearance of Mlaa Grace ChlWers In tbe character of Father Kelly'a niece, Kathleen, the character formerly taken by Miss Beading, adds brilliancy to tbe eaat. n-blch broke the record for a nut ot a popolar pricetl attraction In Boaton. Rowland and Clllford will route-the No. I company of The Rosary tbnmgb Maine. Canada and Massacbnaetts In tbe next two montba. With the six companies of The Rosary, this firm has touched every section of the conntry. save the coast, which will not «ee The Rosary nntll next season, Edwin W. Rowland. Jr., u nojyjanagln^JJ^JBnjarj^i^U; The Best Rink Skate «• believe it. TInmaMto tt etkert know it. Order a eample pair and be Mmrtnoeri. Write for free cata- logue. We earry a complete line of rink euppliee. We eupply parte for other makee of ekatei. CHICAGO ROLLER SKATE COMPANY, 1123 WMklltMl CHICACO, ILL WURUIZER 55th Tear. ZRZ n« VOXUTSEB rAOTOBT—rXOM A PHOTOOBAVB Automatic Musical Instruments for every purpose The world's largest and only complete Une. 50 different styles, including PlaBOrcheatra. Pianino. Flate Piano. (AstomatieOrebatra) eS*aote Player Plsno Handalin Qaartal Skating HInk Bands. 8S-note Player Plaaa Mandolin Sextet AntomatielillitaryBanda. Violin Piano. Antomatic Harp. Eto. Wurlitzer was the piooeer in the electric muncal iiutrument field and i> to- day the world's lare^ manufacturer. BrwicheB in moat large cities. Write, for big 84-page cattdog, picturing die entire Wuriitzer liiM. C We supply thm V. S. Goaemment tfHh Husicat InmtrtMmmntm. THE RUDOLPH WURLITZER CO. cnrcmrATi (ut to lai s. 4tb): VKwroaK (u a rr w. ltd. bet. B-mr. * Mfe Aee.)t CBgcae o ttw > IW WnhMfc)s mauSneunOA ( ISW Ch eetntrt); ■£ : «nK^)r,aj|m«n> (iot.>te»>.«t im..*. &)raoiina - iOBSOV. SMSKAm aisrw Mgphsen Ban^ Osu agaatn. t Ttm Henley Roller Skates Lstest Model. Ball-Bearing Rink Skates. ITsed In msjority of all Sinks. Nickel plated Steel. Jlall Rearing Club Skates, with Fibre, Steel OoniU' nation Alnmlnnm or Boxwood BoUers. Henley Racing Skates by apeed skatera eeerywhere, and are alao dealrahle for InillTidnal use, where the flnest and moat complete skate In tbe market Is desired. POLO GOODS and OUTFITS send for Skate Catalogne. FBEB. OOclal Polo Guide lOe. MP UCMI rV BIchmond. • nCllLllI* Indiana. Made to Snifaee Rink ft Danee Fleiin Over 1,000 In am. Made In i ror Boiler Btnto, Amnsement Companti!*, Due* Halls, Contrsetors and Bnllders eTeCTWBers. Machine easily rented to Contractors and Bnlld- ers at a net proOt of not lesa tlian glO to g3S a day. It Is rery easily operated aa when tba handle la rslsed It Is Inclined to more forwarS or ita own accord. Bollt on tbe only coereeC principle. Qnaranteed to be tbe BEST mscbla* With which to ptodnce an enn, ■mooth Mirfaee on any kind of wood SOor, old or new. bard or aort. WIU anrface from 0.000 to T.00O aq. ft., once over In 8 bonrs. Two to fonr tlmen otct will make It smootb and lerel. Send for oar FHEE TRIAL I'ROl-OSITION. IC L. SOHLDX- TER. IGS-IOS H. Canal Strset. Cbieaco. 111. VaSS York Office, 1001 Flat Iron Building. Professional Roller Skaters' Ass'n. Orgaaisaa to gl»» graater promlnsM to bona-Ote rn<»aslanat gkat e r at hoae Jg» ban a anlabed aet t» &cr Haatfata aeeUac bblblttoit Skatart-and to pramola .laOar akatias la geBeral. All the Stars of the Skating World H. A. SIMMONS Srutaet IMag Skating—AstoDlsbIng Stilt Skating- FANCY SKATING BOMJMQOT perl Addrcas. T3 Broad Stmt, N. T. C^ty. It ot the ait ot PaUaage—Snparlor Artlatle Trick aad m Skatlng-^faryalona Skatlag oa toy wagona. _T»e rformsr. Managers will kindly writs saily tar basi ty. FOB 8A1«-1,0(» Union Hardware and BOO BOIUE» SKATES W» 5*Pr22i.Kf" SSHT Wli^w nteea. Oaarantrcd tn perfect condl- Iowa, abte wheela. jperfjct ,con^«a«•v^,*e•^• JKT'cbSr^MCTSroUTAs'RINK. 168* , Write JD^Jr. ^S*?*^ Wertem Beetrle Co.. 1 West Street, New York. tion. Cbean.- MGTBOFOIJTAX Broadway. New York City.