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34 T e B i 111> o a r <1 MARCH 11. 1911. 104 E. ROUTES (Continued from page 31.) Klein Trior 4739 OWenbere aTC, St. I/oals. Kllndt Bros. (Mijeatic) Dallas, Tex. KUnefelters. The: Box 462, Hawarflen. la. Kneedlers, The: 2159 E. Letterlj S^'SJ'^r.^./, Knight Bros. & Sawtelle: 4M0 Sheridan Boad, KowLr?* Prank & Mar: 240 S. Chestnut St., MarySTllle> O. , . Kohl Cus & Marlon: Oil Fourth St., MlUfautee. Kolb 4 MlUer: Dayton. Ky. Kolllns, Stuart. & His Banj.. <:. Is: Broad- way. N. Y. C. . , Kopiies, Ihe: 117 W. 23rd St.. N- \. C Kotaro, Frank: 903 Race St.. i'biia. Kramers. The: Analomlnit, "Pa. . Kramer-Brano Trio: Care. Paul, Taua^i; 14tJi St., If. Y. C. Kramo & Normen: 203 GostUu »t.. Uaminond, K^!m.'n-3[ansfleia Trior New Mni»>ta,-Coim.' Kelghley, Great (O. H.>AiiaKB<m|^ Did. „ . Ml: (Crystal) Sidney. IS-M; (Keitli's) So. Kremka'Bros. (Majestic) Mnwankee; (Orphemn) KnighC*"Harlan 'e., & Co. (Majestic) Cedar Saplds, la; (Orpbeum) Kansas City, Mo., Kukns?'Three White (Majestic) Chicago; (Ka- Jcstic) MUwaukee^ 13-18. „ . m>j«^ Knrtis'-Bussee'a Dogs (Majeatle) Des M<*n«s, la.; (MaJesUc) Slonx Falls. 8. D., 13-18. ■ Kaufman Bros. (Majesttc) CUeaso; (OolnmbU) St. Lioals. 13-18. _ w »«w Kouera Bros., Four (Orjflienm) Spokane; ior- pheum) SeatUe, 13-18. • • . KSnny. 'W. J. (Star) Ogiawa, Out., Can.; .(Unique) Watertown, ^. X.. IS^m. „„. kcney * Wentworth (Dyda) {Mcago.^ 9-U: : (Grand) Chicago, 13-15; (Circle) Chicag<^ Keolej^^'«r=*oli& {Bowdoln Square) Boston 6- : Kendall.'Sose m: (Highland) Salem, O. : Kamo's A Night In an English Music HaH (Bm- f oress) - Chlogo: (Empress) , Mawankee .U-18. ! K&amith Sisters (Poll's) 'WUkes-Barrei ;Pa, ' laCrandall: 402 Momton St., New Albanr, Ind. laBeUe, Harry: White Kate, Chicago. , UiCentra & La Bne: 24eLSnd are.. la Ftord. (Jha-H.: Brockhaus Edwards Players, Texarkkna, Tex. ■ _ I.aM. CecU i Avery: lOlT laguna St.. San Fran- I.a'ilolo'& Lorain: Palace Hotel, Chicago.' I;«Delles, Four: Decatur, Ind. £aMarche. Frankle: 462 W. 20tt St.. ^cago. LaMaze. Bennett & l^aMaie: SSB8 Pitkin «we., Brooklyn. _ ^ lamblottes. The: Mt. Vemra. 0. „ _ IjiMera. Panl: ST Monroe »t.. Albany. M. x. Lamnnte. Franks a»8_X. p.r.iaiI rt.,_Pb^ LaMont's Cockatoos: 13."3 Broadway. N» T. O. LaAlnnre Bros.: »* ■ Cedar iLake ave., Mlmieap- iJiietster. Mr. & Mrs. Tom: New CasUe^Dda. Langilon & Morris: 142T McHenry st^. Baltimore. Lansings, The: 210 N. Broadway, Baltimore. _ I^mer. aabert: 128 4tb ave. West, Cedar L^^nu. Two: Hotel La Beno, Peoria, IlL LaBocca. Bosy P.: Box «2, Wastoura, HL LaBose Bros.: ee» 8H» aje., N. X. C. LaRne & Hdmes: 21 UlUe st. Newark. N. I. LaSalle & LInd: 135 Foots ave.. Jamestown, ». ■X. . : LasUie: lOH Eater St.. Pliil<V. LaTbska, Lillian: 809 TJraullne St., New Or- leans. , LaToska. PhlL: 135 W. 2and »t.. Lo» AugelS?- Ijivu^. France & Faliner: SIT N. Claik at... Chicago. . _ "-i i LaVeen, Cboss & Co.: 71 Sea st.^ Bockland, Me. LaYlne * Inman: White Bats. N. Y. C. LawwDCP & Wright: 1558 Broadway, N. T. C. LeCTair i Sampson: 112 5tb aye.. Chicago. iSlilre. lio M.: 549 E. MStll St.. N. X. C. ' LeGrange & (Jordon: 2823 Washington aye., St. Ijonls. Lenerts. Two: 6630 Union ave.. Chicago. Lennon. Bert: 539 W. Washington St.. Chicago. Leo. Jolly: 1829 Vineyard St.. PhUa. _ LeBoy * Diamond: White Bats. N. Y. C. Leroy & Nelson: 1324 So. 10th St.. Sheboygan, Wis. Leslie. Begins: 361 Tremont St., Boston. Leslie & Knade: 924 N. 35tli St.. Chicago.^ LeVeme & Johnson: 4803 N. Seeley ave^. Cbl- L^nol Dolph & Susie: 14 Prospect St.. W. Haven, Coaa. - _ Lincolns. Fonr: 2139 Hnm at, Chicago. LinOberg. Artbnr: 3T4 Central ave., NorwK*. Lindsay. Ccdrlc: 306 CoUege ave.. Austin, Minn. Lines. Harry: 420 6th at.. South. MinneapoUs. Ungerman. Sam & Lncy: T05 K. Sth at;, PhSa. Uoyd & FalU: 588 Lyell ave.. Gates, Boch- ester, N. Y. \ ^ . _ v, Lockabay. D. Box 146, Greenwood, S. O. Lockwoods. Musical: 133 Camion st;, FOIWI- keepsle. N. 1. _ ». Lote * Love: 2914 W. 2nd. St, Coney -Island. N. T. ■ ■ Lombards. The: Csre Paul Tauslg. 104 E. 14th St.. S. T. C. Long. Clyde: ITUT Walnut St., Gliicago. Z^oomis. Clara: 6319 Evans ave.. Cbicago. Lowe, F. J.: 2T20 ISth ave. South. Minneapolis. Lonle-Leaby Co.: 203 4th St.. San Francisco. Lnblns, Four Dancing: 1728 N. 2lRt St.. Phila. Lncas. Hazel Hpston (MaJestJcj St. Paul. Luce k Luce: 926 N. Broad St., Phlla. Lncler. Fted'& Bess: Onset Bay. Mass. LaEstrcIlita &. E. Garcia (Bijou) Bay City. Midi. IiOvenl>erg*s, Neapolitans. Marion Llttlelleld. jngr. (Orphcom) New Orleans. LaTarlne. France & Richie (Arcade) Toledo, O.; (Majestic) Cleveland. 13-18. LePevre & St. John (JbJestlO Tacoma. (Grand 1 Portland, Ore.. 13-18. LaMar, Miss Wayne (Orphenm) Savannah, Ga. Loralne, Oscar (Temple) Hochester, N. T.; (Proc Dior's) Newark. N. J., 13-18. Lucler. Lucy. & Chas. Ellsworth (Majestic) Columbus, 6a. - Longworths. The (Bijon) Battle Creek. Mich.; (Bijoal Bay City, 13-18. Lacev. Will (OJlonlal) Slonx City; la. Levgbtons. The Globe (WaAIngton) Spokane; (Majestic) Seattle, 13-18. , ., Lane & O'Donnell (Mary Anderson) LonlsvUle: (Orphenm) EvansvIUe. Ind.. 13-18. Lahl. CeeU at Co.: Cambridge Hotel. 600 Dear- bom ave.. CHiicago. Lennaril. Eddie (Marvland) Baltimore; (CTiase'S' Wash., D. C. 13-18. Leslle'.o Comedians (Grand) Snlltvan. Ind.. 9-11 - Uvlngatons; Three CKeltli's) PbHa. } Lanigan, Joe (Majestic) Denver. Larimer, Herb. (Majestic) Cedar Baplds, la. T,«Belle Troupe (Fdmlly) Cincinnati. Xovetts, Five (Family) Cincinnati. Linden & Dorman (Orphenm) Cincinnati. Long & Cotton (Empress) Cincinnati. Mitchell & Browning (Luna) Byesvllle, O., 6.8. Morse, Harry M., & Co. (Orpheum) Lima, O. . Macks. Two.(Foil's)'New Haven, Cmtn. MarUn ft Austin (O. H.) Ut. Orab.v.0.. 9-11; Cincinnati 13-18. .j.Vv:- McNntts. Tlie Nutty (Orphenm) Llma.' 0.; (New Sun) Springfield 13-18. Merritt. Frank (Keith's) PhUa. McrDonald & Huntington (Majestic) Denver. McNIsh & MsNlsh (Ckilnmbia) Cincinnati. McDowell. John & Alice (Family) Cincinnati. MartinettI & Grace (Orphenm) Cincinnati. Mort & Fox (Empress) Cincinnati. Mann & Franks (Empress) Cincinnati. Morrlsinl's Animals (Hiidson) Union HOI, N. Mc<5oimeU Sisters: I24T W.' Madison St.. Chi- cago. McDonald. Eddie & John: 210 South are., WU. kinsburg. Pa. McDonald. "O. L.: S18 Superior St.. Toledo, O. McDonald & Genereaux: 222S Maxwell avi'., Spokane, Wash. McDowell. Geo. S.: 2451 N. 3ril St.. Phila. Macdooald Sisters: 32 Bacbe St.. San Francisco. McGee & Hays: White Rats. Cbicago. Mclntyre & Groves: 403 E. ISth at., Dayenport, la. UcKees. Three: 'Actors' Society. 133 W. 45th St., N. T. O. Macks. Two: 345 N. .ngih St.. Phlla. MaUia & Bart: 221 W. 42nd St., N. X. C. Malln Sc Malin: 173 North ave.. Flainfleld. N. J. Mangean Troupe: 1S53 Broadway, N. T. C. Manning Trio: 70 (nancy St., Grand Rapids, Mich. Marshall's Quartette: 3806 S. Washington St., Marlon, Ind. Marsh, Chas.: 303 14th st..- Milwaukee. Marsh, Earl X.: 1030 4th St.. San Diego. Cal. Marston & Emlson: Carbondale, Pa. Martin, Dave & Percle: 4801 Calnmet are., Chi- cago. : ■ * - ' Mar Tina: The Blllbaard. Cincinnati. Martlne, Carl & Bndolph: 4.>T W. 37th St.. N. Y. C. Martlnettie & S.vlvcstcr: 6726 Leeds st., Phila, Martyn, Howard: 28 Second St., Mt. Clemens, Mich. ^ ^ Marvel Duo: Care D. Caspary, 638 E. 50tb St., Chicago. Mason. Chas. A.: 121 W. -i2Dd St.. N. T. C. Masons, Four: Fair Haven, N. J. Maxwell & Dudley: 106 W. 96tli St.. K. T. C. Jfaxwell. Joe: Room 12. Y. Theatre BIdg., N. T. C- ■ May. Ethel: Box 388. (Alcago. Mayo & Rowe: Care Bert Levey, 144 Powell st., San FVancIsco. arears. Sergeant: Wbite Bats, N. T. C. Melnotte-Lanole Trio: 48 Maryland ave., Cum- berland, Md. •. ^Irose Comedy Fonr: 3100 Groveland ave.. Chicago. Melville. Marvelous: Interlakpn, N. T. Mend & Mend: 742 So. Robey st., Chicago. Menth, Jno. B.: 2637 So. 41«t ave.. Chicago. Merritt. Frank: 112 5th ave., CHiicago. Merritt & Love: Fair Haven. N. J. Meyer. David (Lyceum) Edmonton. Alta., Can. Meyers, Bdle: 442 E. I36th st.i K. T. C. Mnier, Mr. & Mis. Frank B.: Shreveporb La. HiUer, meresa: 118 W. Grand ave.. Oklaiioma City. OUa. Millers, Three Juggling: 927 BiAce ave.; Scran- ton, Pa. Mitchell, .Lola (Topsy) 2200 Menard St., St. Louis. Moheriy-'A: Crelly; a430 Rhodes ave.." Chicago. Moiret & Clare: 111 E. 123tb St.. N. T. C. Moller. Harry: 34 Blymer St.. Delaware. O. Montgomery. Ray. & Healy Sisters: Heafy YUla. Mapleton. N. T. UbntieU. Chas.: 104 E. I4th St.. N. I. C. Miiores. Five Flying: 800 P st.. Mnncle. Ind. Moore. Floyd: Care I_ Sentt. 63 Wall st.. N. Y. C. Morris, Leon: 63 W. 7th st„ Mt. Vernon, N. T. Mortons, Fonr: 266 sth st.. Detroit. Moss &r Plrye: 588 7th ave.; N. V. c. Most Twins:'334 Payette St.. Bridseton. N. J. Murray & Hamilton: 503 W. Adam.'s at.. Mnn- cle. Ind. Myers &•, Tront: Indiana Vandevtlli* Mgrs. Terre Haute, Ind. Mylle & Orth: Muscoda. Wis. Morgan. Bruce. Co. (Empress) Winnipeg, Can. MHtose, Dancing: Cleveland. Moroge & Loader (Bijoa) Baclne, Wis. Mozart. Fred 4b Eva (Majestic) MaHISim. Wis.: (Or^enm) Bockford. lU.. 1.3-18. Miett's, Susie, Dog Circus (Avenue) Owen Sonhd. Out,, Can. MeP"i.i)rt. Ethvie (R'<iiu) Virg|n|:i.. Minn. Mcr>.rvers. The rMaJestic) Pittsfield. ' 9,11: (Bowdoln Sq.) Boston. 13-18. Marseilles (nammersteln's) X. Y. C: (Uanbat. tan) X. Y. C. 13-18. Martin. Dave & Miss Percle (Majestic) Little Bock, Ark.: (Majestic) Oalls-o. Tex.. 13-18. Merrill & Otto (Orphenm) Oakland. CaL: (Or- pbemn) San Francisco. 13-18. Hllier & Tempest (Majestic) Kalamazoo, Mtcb.: (Bijou) Battle Creek, 13-18. Marshall. Edward C. (Family) (Hlnton. la. (Famny) Bock Island. HI.. 13-18. Uarshall Bros. (Hippodrome) Hnntlngton, W. Ta. Magee, Mr. & Mrs. Jack (O. O.) Angoste,. ISe. Moore, Tom, & Stasia (Orphenm) DanvUle. tlL: (Princess) St. Lonls. Mo.. 13-18. Morris, Felice. Sc Co. (Majestic) UUwankee; (Grand) Indlanaiwlls. I.S-IS. Murray, Chas. A., & Co. (Grand) Por^and. Ore.; (Empress) San Francisco. 13-18, Koore, H. 3. (Lyric) SprlngSeld, III. Mniman, Bird (Orphenm) San Francisco; (Or- phenm) Oakland. 13-18. Morette Sisters (Malestic) Ann .Vrb<n-. Mich. Moneta Five (Foll.v) Oklahnmn City. OUa.! (Princess) Wichita. Kan.. 13-18. Mooree, Mabel Valenteene (Majestic) .\Dn Arbor, Mich.: (BIJInn) Flint.- 13-18. Moore. Geo. A^s'ln. & Cordelia (Orphenm) Oma ha. Neb;. (Ortilienmi Kansos City, Mo., 13-18. Mnllen & C"relli fOrrihenm^ Seattle. Milton. Frank, i DeT.ong Sisters (Poll's) Scran- ton. Ps." 'Poirsl Woree-ster. Moss.. W-18. Mack 4 Walker (Greenpolnt) Brooklyn. 13-1& Millar Bros.* Diomm«i (Hippodrome) Lexington, Ky.: (O. H.) Frankfort, 13-18. Mueller & Mueller (Unique) Mlnneaiwlls; (Em- press) Dnlnth. 13-18. Mack. Ollle, & Co. (Pantages) Sacramento. Cal., 13-18. Moran & Moran (Male.itic) Bntte, Mont.: (Wash- ington) Spokane, Wash..' 13-18. Mordannt & Foster ((Hieney) Bnmford Falls, Xe.i (Palace) Boston, JUss., ]3'15; (Tten) Mew Bedford. 16-18. ' wl'm-n.Trio (Han«'»i Ut-nSnre. Germnnv. 1-31. Na.<b A Blnebart: Sfl Carlton ave.. Brooklyn. Nealands, The: 130 Ontario St., Victoria, B. C, Can. Nelson, Bob L.: 1324 So. 10th St.. Sheboygan. Wis. Nelson, Oswald & Borger: 130 E. 12Sth St., N. Y. C. Nemo, Carl: 721 N. 2nd St., <}ulncy. III. Newman, Barry: 112 Fifth ave., Chicago. Nibbe & Bordouex: 8003 Normal ave., Chicago. Niblo & RUey: 15S Third ave., Brooklyn. Nichols & Croix: White Rats, N. Y. C. Nichols & Smith: 912 Addison ave., Chicago. Nome, Robert; 112 Sth ave.. Chicago. Norton, C. Porter: 6342 Klmbark ave., Chicago. Norton, Great: 044 Newton St.. Chicago. Nosses, Musical: New Brighton, Pa. NewbotC & Phelps (Novelty) Topeka, Kan.; (Folly) Oklahoma City, Okla, 13-18. Nugent, J. C, (Shea's) Toronto; (Grand) Syra- cuse, N. Y.. 13-18. Kayas, Les ((toptaeom) Des Moines, la. Naynons, Bosa, Birds (Majestic) Denver. Niblo'a, Victor, Talking Birds (Poll's) Scranton, Pa.; (Keith's) Boston. 13-18. Normans, Juggling (Miles) Minneapolis; (Ma- JesUc) LaCroese, Wis., 13.18. Noble, Billy. & Jeanne Brooks (Galvez) Galves- ton, Tex.; (Majestic) Mobile, Ala,, 13.18. Nevlns & Erwood (Orpheum) Slonx (My, la.; (Majestic) Milwaukee, Wis,. 13-18. Ni-well & Gibson (Painilyl Cincinnati. Xad.fe. .Aille. (Majesttc) Cedar Rapids. la. Xelio. Mr. & Mrs. (Empress) Cinclniiati. Onctta (Orphenm) Cincinnati. 0*day, Ida (Orphenm) Omaha, Neb. Otto^&Cortel (Idle Hour) Grand Baplds, Xlcb., Olympic Trio (Pantages) Taooma. Wash.; (Pan- tages) Portland, Ore.. 13-18. Olcott, Charlie (Keia's) Phila.; (Andltivlum) Lynn, Mass.. 13-18. O'Connor Sisters (Poll's) Wllkes-Barre, Pa.. 13-18. Oliver, (narence (Majestic) Dallas, Tex.; (Ua- Jcstlc) Houston, 13-18, Oatley. Slim C- C: 121 West ave., BnlTalo. O'Brien & Darragh; 173 D. Valencia St., San Francisco. O'Connell. Mr. & Mrs. J. M.: 478 So. Main St., Waterbury, Conn. ODoies, Two: Havana, III, Olivers. Four Sensational: 3243 Grenshaw St., Chicago. Omar, Human Top: 230 W. 30th St.. X. Y. C. Omene, Princess: Care N. J, Asplnwall. Falls City, Neb. Omega: 314 W. 4.?rd at., N. Y. C. O'NeiU. Hay B.: The BUlboard, Clnclnantl. Otbasanay'.<s. Irma. Cockatoos: Care B. Obcr- mayer, 1431 Broadway. S. Y. C. Osbom. Teddy: 711 Courtland ave.. Kokomo, Ind. Owen, Dorotliy Mae: 3047 90th St.. Chicago. Palmer & I.ewis: White Bats, N. Y. C. Parks & Mayfleid: 126S E. 25th-St.. Los Ange- les. Parland-Newhall Co.: 431 Bnssell ave., Coving- ton, Ky. Parmalee. I.ee; 720 Baker St., Flint. Mich. Parvls, Jr., Geo. W.: 2334 N. Franklin St., Phlla. Patrick & Francisco: Box 3.3-", Barron, Wis. Patt & Patt: 100 Sixth st-.. Grand Baplds, Mich. Pauline. J. B.: OansvIUe, N. Y. Paun & Walton:-726 5th ave.. Pittsburg, Pa. Pearce & Aylward:~26S Michigan ave.. Chicago. Pearse & Mason: 1203 Majestic: Theatre Bldg., Chlrago. Pearson, Jack.: N. Jluskegon, Ml(^. Peek & Ferguson: 1212 N. 2$th st., Birmingham. Ala. Pelham & Imlg: Platea, Pa. Perry. Frank K: 747 Buchanan St.. Minneapolis. Philemon 4 Harrison: 411 W. 3rd st. Char- lotte. N. c. Phllion, Acbnie: 61 E. Montcalm St., Detiolt, Mich. Phillips. Harry F.: Hotel Washlogton. Salem. Mass. PbUllps, Glen W.: Mew Rlcbmohd, Wis. PhUllps & KeweU: 218 So. HoweH St. Owouo. Mich. FIcctdo MIdgeta, Fonr: Box 23. Pboealcla, M. T. Pikes,-Musical: 103 W. Oley st , Readiati Fi> Poirlera. The: White Bats, Chicago. Potter 4 Harris: 1715 Leiand ave., Chicago. Powell. Eddie: White Rats, N. Y. C. Price. B. C. (Academy) Chicago. Price 4 Bell: 182 Floyd St.. Oalbis. Ttr. Price, Harry M.: 934 Longweod ave.. N. T. O. Porter 4 Craves (Majestic) KdamaWM*. Hlek,: (BiJon) Battle Creek. 13-18. Primrose Four (Majestic) Pateraon. N. J.; (Grand) gjTacnse. X. Y.. 13-18. Phillips & Newell (MIIm) Detroit; (Miles) Min- neapolis, 13-18, Perry. Paul (Crystal) Mllwankee. Powers Bros. (Colonial) Nashua. X. H.; (O. H.) Amesbnry. Mass.. 13-18. Prosit Trio (Bmpress) San Francisco, OaL, 1S-I8. Polly Pickles, Pets (Colonial) IndlanapoUs; IVr- ric) Terre Haute, 13-18. Pattee's. Col. J. A.. Old Soldier Fiddlers (Qraod) Indianapolis: (Columbia) Cincinnati. 13-18. Perry. Gene A. (Circle) Chicago. Parval, J. Sydney OO^MtSe) Eldon. Iowa. 1S-I8. Patrice 4 Co. (Unlqne) Minneapolis; (Bmpnaii) Dulntb. 18-18. Pope 4 Duo (Alhambra) N. Y. C; (Sth Ave.) N. Y. C. 13-18, Pearsons. .Musical (Omheum) Clarlnda. la.; ((Tiescent) Kearney. Xeb.. 13-18. Pell B. B. (Variety) Allegheny, Pa.. 0-11; (Grand) Donoia, 13-lS; (Star) Uonessen, ■ lO-lS. Phenomena (Empress) Chicago; -(Empieaa) Mil- waukee. 13-18.' Pearlson ic Hill (Pantages) Denver. Petram's Circus (Majestic) Cedar Baplds, la Qneen Mab 4 Wels: Brill's Hotel. Sontb 10th at. Phila. Qulncy, Tbos.: Jacksonville. Fla. Qulgley Bros. (Orphenm) Sioux <31ty, la.. 18-X8. Bajan, John: 601 Chonteau ave., St. Louis. Bamons, Two: 448 Inca St., Denver. Randall, Billy: 1000 B, Sth St., Dayton, O. Ray. Eugenie: !;e02 Prairie ave., Chicago. Bay 4 Williams: 314 W. ."iBth St., N, Y. C. Baymond. Evelyn: 48 W, Brie St., Chicago. Reading Sisters: 411 W. 30th St., N. Y. C. Reed. Wm. D.: Gallatin Pike 4 Grand ave., Nashville. Tenn. Reeds, Three: Gen. Del., St, Paul. Reed ft .Marlow: 793 .Main St., Dallas, Tex. Beeves. Roe: 1553 Broadway, N. Y. C. Belily 4 Lewis: 64 W. 118th St.. N. Y. C. Renshaw. Bert: White Rats, N. Y. C. Hcse, Len: 1021 Cherry at., Pblla. Rex Comedy Circus: 314 W. 43rd St., N. Y. 0. Bex Trio: 261 E. .2nd St.. Peru. Ind. Reynolds 4 Doneimn (Orphenm) Budapest, Hun gary. March 1-31; (Varletcs) Greslau. Oer.. Anrll i..m. Rbeno 4 Ar.nra;. 1332 Wabasb aTe.i Chicago, Rho»d»' Ms'lonettes; 33 W. Stb St., CHiester, Pa. Blaldo. Clyde: Oswego. Kan. Riee 4 Prevost: 20 Cobiirn ave,, ColIlnHvllle Mass. More DiOerting than BiV Hundred; morm absorbing than Bridgt yet terns comptei than Skat. : ! 1 : ; •* The game of "Sixteen Hundred** may beat b* described as an elaboration of Five Hnndtad. which In turn Is a combination of Buebr* taH Bridge. But Sixteen Hundred is more, mndk more, than a mere hodge.podge. It Uterallr abounds In snarea and pitfalls for the unwary, and consequently provokes no end of mirtb anA hilarity. It appeals strongly to the skillful player alao, for its possiblltties In the wif of subtle itrtU> gles and elevet eaapa are well nigh countless. BBIOE, TBS OEMTB, CHURCH PTG, CO. 41S CIm St., • • • CinMlnnaM. e. MAGIC Tricks & Supplies fend 4 cents stamps for lllnatrated eatalagw' and lateat lists. READ 4 COVERT. 119 East 4Sd Street. Ohicaan. lU. WANTED-IMEDICINE MEN Streeteen and Asenta to sell Voltate Xlcettie Insoles and Blectrle Belts. Big monay. 15e for sample pair Insoles or belt and gat eoa. pleta price llat of a line of gooda that a ell a X pay you handaome proflta, THE BLBimlC APPUANOB CO., Inc. 1891. Burlington. Kea Yomr duty to try my SLUNK calt ketda fat jccliestnl work. Yon get that snappy ton* aM durability combined. "Sbo-wa** slionid use my Superior Extra Grade made tor wear and bai« naage. Send for list. JOSEPH BOOBB8. Jr Farmlngdsle, N. J. . '-- TAHOOING REMOVED 50e. Ttiia Includes needles, fortnola and Instroctlosa. I carry a full line of electric tattooing ma- tiUnes, colors, designs, stencils, etc I seu good goods for the lowest prices. Send for free pries list. E. E. BBOWN. P. O. Box 192. Mendota. SHOW IXXXBBHXA9B—Two Oolora, with yea pboto, «S.M for SOD. Special dsdna for evsy act or bnslnaa. Mention yoon, uid lend S e*«l •tamp for aamples. Our complete eataloc far tt cents stamps. More designa and better tkas aver. TBB OLAY OKNTBB BNGBAVIMO OO. Clay Outer, Kan., Rtoto Bngnvera and Prlatw You Can Bm m HANDCUFr KING OB XAOIOXAir. EaaOy launed by anyone. Vviy small coat. Send 2c ataniD fbr lUnstratcd eau- log.,^3rojaoiC ft JOBOJ*.. WANTED—ATTRACnONS Mew Pastime Theatre, Fartaga. Pa. Seats 800. nice atage. Opens Harcb I, 1911. On mala lis* P. R. R., between Altoona and Jobnstown, P*> Good show town. Write for open time, 1911.19. C. O. BAIBD. Mgr., Portage, Fa. - FREE-^AttiC CATALOGUE—FREE SseapM, Ifind Beading, Magte, New Acta aat, Oreatlona. and aeeond-hand bargalaa. Addrsaih W. ALBBIBT TBIPP. 6 FVoater St.. New ford; Mass. AgentSL Legitimate snbstltnte for Slot Ua. chines; patented; aells on alght for 91. Pc-- tiealars. OISBA CO., Anderson, Ind, . 8. 4 M,. Circuit Company Honaes, ChlUlcotbe, Clarr<>lIton, Harahall, Lexington, Richmond, have open time Feb., March, April, for flnt-elasa rep., stock, music, novelty companies. Write for Unw. 7. H; 8TDABT, Kapper Hotel, Kansss (Aty, Ho. VAU DEVI LLE SKETCH ES Urge catalog free. AddrsM A. B. BIIM^ Pnb 403 Grand Avenne, UOwankee. Wlaeonstn ORGANS Bonght, sold, exchanged and repaired. TOHH MXrzZIO 4 SON. 178 Park How, Hew York. PATFitfT^ SECURED OR FEE RETURN- ■ " ■ I a BD. Free report as to patent- ability. Tllnntrsted Guide Rook and List of In- ventlnuK wanted sent FIIKR. VICTOR J, EVANS 4 CO./WaaMngtain. a. ft WHEN IN NEW YORK. / VISIT e. SCHULZ'S nrSTAURANT Table de Hole Pinner »«c. • w ■n Wem S4tb St.. between Tib Ave. and. B'waji,