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MARCH 18, 1911. Xtie BillbpaFd 1 ATtRACTlONS OFFERED BY COL. O. E. SKIFF The NATIONAL HISTORICAL PAGEANTS Historical of any. Contracted for andfroduced in part of the United States, Canada, ortiie Republic of Mexico Productions Adaptedto tiie Purposes of Societies, Universitiies,^ Various Civic Organizations, Fairs, And Ml Speciall Occasions BOOKS BY THOMAS WOOD STEVENS. Tbe Historical I'agraut lit uow cloarly rfcoiSiiUvd as uue at tlie most vlviil and beaatlfol fjtrms of educatkm in bUtory, and considered to be the most artistic plan of criebrallon yet deTfcinr. FROM 500 TO 2,500 PEOPLE PARTICIPATE. We prepare a pagraut niMiu any subject, event or eiiock In history, anclrul or modern, that may be desireil. suited and adapted to your locality or for your specific purpose. Write, stating your ideas or nisbes. and iiermtt us tu furulsh you an outlined scenario and estimate. COL. O. E. SKIFF. IIS BearboiB Street, CHICAQO, ITiTx ^ AMERICAN LADIES GRAND CONCERT ^ BAND if tiORA ANTOINmTE BBITER WOIUUD'S GBBATK8T hkOY CORNET ViaTDOSO. will conduct thU NOVEL FBATUBB . *° ladle a. In cluding vocal and Instrumental soloists. All YOUNG—BRIQIIT— BAMPSOMB and ATTRACTIVE, being the pick of tbe best lady musicians. BeantlfnUy uniformed on and off tUe stage. Elaborate special printing turalslied. . Good time tor parka and l*lta. WrlU today. » ,. ELUS DROOKS MIUTARY and CONCERT * BAND * EZiLIS. BROOKS Tbe- Celebrated Bandmaster, will personally conduct tbia FAMOIIS BAND of 40 pieces, wttb eminent soloists—vocal and Instiumental. Tl^i la the exposition and big time band- big fairs—big parka—big special- oceasiona. -. Tbe band that alirays pleases any and all audiences, having tbe greatest musical library 'of any band in America. Fine line of special printing furalsbed. > \ . - . UANAOBBS OF EXPOSITIONS, FAIB8 PABKS AMD ALL SPECIAL .OCCASIONS, write me aad pcnnlt me to offer you these hlgh-dasa attvacUons i«an aatonlaUngly low tenis. COIp. O. E. SKIFF, -:- 115 Dearborn Street, CHICAOO, ILI ■i 4-